I want a case statetement that count more than 1 as 1 - sql

Please help solve the below query.
The column in question has Y and N and I want the N to show zero and the Y to show 1.
I want it to aggregate the no of times visited for each machine and if >= 1 to show 1. Client requirement is whether machine has been visited regardless of the number of times.
Select MachineNo,
sum(case when [Visited] = 'Y' then 1 else 0 end)[No of Visits]
FROM [MachineVisit]
Group by [Date_of_Visit],

Use Max instead of Sum
Max(case when [Visited] = 'Y' then 1 else 0 end)[Visits]

This is a little confusing, the way it is written, but I am assuming you want something like:
select sum(case when [visited] >1 then 1 else null end) visists
from visit_table
where visit_date = '2015-01-30'
This is assuming that you have a table that counts the visits for a single day for 1 IP address as single entry.
If you have a table that has an entry for every single page visit, then you would probably need to do:
select count(distinct ip_address)
from (
select ip_address
from visit_table
where visit_date = '2015-01-30'
group by ip_address
having count(1) >1
) x
Well then the simplist way should be:
select count(1)
from visit_table
where [visited]='Y'
and visit_date = '2015-01-30'
That should work...
Although I don't have the table in front of me - so if this doesn't work, please post the fully query.


Is there a way to collect the data and inspect in one pass using groupby function

Sample Data of table_1
Have this Query that returns
SUM(CASE WHEN activity IN ( 'a','b')
ELSE 0 END) AS num_activity_a_or_b
from table_1
group by customer
Want to extend this to return one more column if for a given code say X1 if the Activity is "a" and "c" then return num_of_a_and_c_activity.
A bit stuck how to collect and inpect the code and activities in one pass.
can we combine windowing function to achieve this.
Please advise and help
based on the updated results, maybe the below query is what you need
So what i assume is that you need both a and c as well x1 .
So I count distinct activities which are a and c and then do integer division by 2. if only a is present then count distinct =1 but 1/2 =0 in integer division.
It is only 1 when both a and c are present.
SUM(CASE WHEN activity IN ( 'a','b')
END) AS num_activity_a_or_b,
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN code IN ('x1') AND activity IN ( 'a','c')
THEN activity
END)/2 AS num_activity_a_and_c
from table_1
group by customer
Maybe your query can be
SUM(CASE WHEN activity IN ( 'a','b')
END) AS num_activity_a_or_b,
SUM(CASE WHEN code IN ('x1') AND activity IN ( 'a','c')
END) AS num_activity_a_or_c
from table_1
group by customer

sql group by satisfying multiple conditions within the group

I have a table like below:
I want to select the group which has RELB_CD =9093 and INFO_SRC_CD with 7784. Both conditions should be present in the group. In the table below my output should be the group with id=139993690.
You can use aggregation with having:
select id
from t
group by id
having sum(case when relb_cd = 9093 then 1 else 0 end) > 0 and
sum(case when info_src_cde = 7784 then 1 else 0 end) > 0
hey use this code hope this will help you.
you have to ignore the date column because that one is not allowing to group
select id,fisc_ind, sum(sls_amt),relb_cd,info_scop,info_src_cd from yourtable group by id,fisc_ind,relb_cd,info_scop,info_src_cd
Another working answer. If your data are large, you could compare both GL's and this working answer and see which runs faster for you. I honestly don't know which is faster. This was slightly faster with a very short set of data.
select id
from table1
where relb_cd = 9093
select id
from table1
where info_src_cd = 7784

How do I check if a certain value exists?

I have a historization table called CUR_VALID. This table looks something like this:
1 N
1 N
1 Y
2 N
2 Y
3 Y
For every ID there needs to be one Y. If there is no Y or multiple Y there is something wrong. The statment for checking if there are multiple Y I already got. Now I only need to check for every ID if there is one Y existing. Im just not sure how to do that. This is what I have so far. So how do I check if the Value 'Y' exists?
SELECT Count(1) [Number of N]
FROM db.dbo.table
Having MAX(CUR_VALID = 'N') > 1
Why are you fiddling with 'N' when you are interested in 'Y'?
Use conditional aggregation to get the count of the value your are interested in.
COUNT(*) AS number_of_all,
COUNT(CASE WHEN cur_valid = 'Y' THEN 1 END) AS number_of_y,
COUNT(CASE WHEN cur_valid = 'N' THEN 1 END) AS number_of_n,
FROM db.dbo.table
GROUP BY bill_id, bill_month, bill_src_id;
Add a HAVING clause in order to get only valid
HAVING COUNT(CASE WHEN cur_valid = 'Y' THEN 1 END) = 1
or invalid
HAVING COUNT(CASE WHEN cur_valid = 'Y' THEN 1 END) <> 1
The following query will give you the list of id for which your integrity condition is not met: For every ID there needs to be one Y. If there is no Y or multiple Y there is something wrong.
select T1.id from table T1 where (select count(*) from table T2 where T2.id=T1.id and T2.CUR_VALID='Y')!=1
This query returns both not having at least one 'Y' value and more than one 'Y' value ID's.
First, sum up the Y values and relate to each id, then select not 1 ones from that table.
select * from (
select ID, SUM(case when CUR_VALID = 'Y' then 1 else 0 end) as CNT
from table
group by ID
) b where b.CNT <> 1
As I understand, you want to get all the id for which your integrity check passes. And integrity check for you means, there is only one row with CUR_VALID value equal to Y in the CUR_VALID table.
This can be achieved by a group by clause:
select id from CUR_VALID
group by id
having count(CUR_VALID.CUR_VALID) = 1;

Sum distinct records in a table with duplicates in Teradata

I have a table that has some duplicates. I can count the distinct records to get the Total Volume. When I try to Sum when the CompTia Code is B92 and run distinct is still counts the dupes.
Here is the query:
count(distinct a.notif_id) as Total_Volume,
sum(distinct case when a.header_comptia_cd = 'B92' then 1 else 0 end) as B92_Sum
FROM artemis_biz_app.aca_service_event a
where a.Sales_Org_Cd = '8210'
and a.notif_creation_dt >= current_date - 180
group by 1
order by 1
Is There a way to only SUM the distinct records for B92?
I also tried inner joining the table on itself by selecting the distinct notification id and joining on that notification id, but still getting wrong sum counts.
Your B92_Sum currently returns either NULL, 1 or 2, this is definitely no sum.
To sum distinct values you need something like
sum(distinct case when a.header_comptia_cd = 'B92' then column_to_sum else 0 end)
If this column_to_sum is actually the notif_id you get a conditional count but not a sum.
Otherwise the distinct might remove too many vales and then you probably need a Derived Table where you remove duplicates before aggregation:
--no more distinct needed
count(a.notif_id) as Total_Volume,
sum(case when a.header_comptia_cd = 'B92' then column_to_sum else 0 end) as B92_Sum
select repair_week_period,
from artemis_biz_app.aca_service_event
where a.Sales_Org_Cd = '8210'
and a.notif_creation_dt >= current_date - 180
-- only onw row per notif_id
qualify row_number() over (partition by notif_id order by ???) = 1
) a
group by 1
order by 1
#dnoeth It seems the solution to my problem was not to SUM the data, but to count distinct it.
This is how I resolved my problem:
count(distinct case when a.header_comptia_cd = 'B92' then a.notif_id else NULL end) as B92_Sum

SQL Count with multiple conditions then join

Quick one,
I have a table, with the following structure
id lid taken
1 1 0
1 1 0
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 2 1
Pretty simply so far right?
I need to query the taken/available from the lid of 1, which should return
taken available
2 2
I know I can simply do two counts and join them, but is there a more proficient way of doing this rather than two separate queries?
I was looking at the following type of format, but I can not for the life of me get it executed in SQL...
COUNT(case taken=1) AS taken,
COUNT(case taken=0) AS available FROM table
Thank you SO much.
You can do this:
SELECT taken, COUNT(*) AS count
FROM table
WHERE lid = 1
GROUP BY taken
This will return two rows:
taken count
0 2
1 2
Each count corresponds to how many times that particular taken value was seen.
Your query is correct just needs juggling a bit:
SUM(case taken WHEN 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS taken,
SUM(case taken WHEN 1 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS available FROM table
Alternatively you could do:
SUM(taken) AS taken,
COUNT(id) - SUM(taken) AS available
FROM table
SUM(case WHEN taken=1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS taken,
SUM(case WHEN taken=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS available
FROM table
WHERE lid=1
Weird application of CTE's:
WITH lid AS (
, tak AS (
SELECT lid,taken , COUNT(*) AS cnt
FROM taken t0
GROUP BY lid,taken
SELECT l.lid
, COALESCE(a0.cnt, 0) AS available
, COALESCE(a1.cnt, 0) AS taken
FROM lid l
LEFT JOIN tak a0 ON a0.lid=l.lid AND a0.taken = 0
LEFT JOIN tak a1 ON a1.lid=l.lid AND a1.taken = 1
WHERE l.lid=1