dataframe multiply some columns with a series - pandas

I have a dataframe df1 where the index is a DatetimeIndex and there are 5 columns, col1, col2, col3, col4, col5.
I have another df2 which has an almost equal datetimeindex (some days of df1 may be missing from df1), and a single 'Value' column.
I would like to multiply df1 in-place by the Value from df2 when the dates are the same. But not for all columns col1...col5, only col1...col4
I can see it is possible to multiply col1*Value, then col2*Value and so on... and make up a new dataframe to replace df1.
Is there a more efficient way?

You an achieve this, by reindexing the second dataframe so they are the same shape, and then using the dataframe operator mul:
Create two data frames with datetime series. The second one using only business days to make sure we have gaps between the two. Set the dates as indices.
import pandas as pd
# first frame
rng1 = pd.date_range('1/1/2011', periods=90, freq='D')
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'value':range(1,91),'date':rng1})
df1.set_index('date', inplace =True)
# second frame with a business day date index
rng2 = pd.date_range('1/1/2011', periods=90, freq='B')
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'date':rng2})
df2['value_to_multiply'] = range(1-91)
df2.set_index('date', inplace =True)
reindex the second frame with the index from the first. Df1 will now have gaps for non-business days filled with the first previous valid observation.
# reindex the second dataframe to match the first
df2 =df2.reindex(index= df1.index, method = 'ffill')
Multiple df2 by df1['value_to_multiply_by']:
# multiple filling nans with 1 to avoid propagating nans
# nans can still exists if there are no valid previous observations such as at the beginning of a dataframe
df1.mul(df2['value_to_multiply_by'].fillna(1), axis=0)


DataFrame Groupby apply on second dataframe?

I have 2 dataframes df1, df2. Both have id as a column. I want to compute a new column, weighted_average, in df1 that is a function of the values in df2 with the same id.
First, I think I should do df1.groupby("id"). Is it possible to use GroupBy.apply(...) and have it use values from df2? In the examples I've seen, it usually just operates on df1 values.
If they have same id positions and length, you can do some like:
df2["new column name"] = df1["column name"].apply(...)

new_df = df1[df2['pin'].isin(df1['vpin'])] UserWarning: Boolean Series key will be reindexed to match DataFrame index

I'm getting the following warning while executing this line
new_df = df1[df2['pin'].isin(df1['vpin'])]
UserWarning: Boolean Series key will be reindexed to match DataFrame index.
The df1 and df2 has only one similar column and they do not have same number of rows.
I want to filter df1 based on the column in df2. If is in df1.vpin I want those rows.
There are multiple rows in df1 for same and I want to retrieve them all.
Column B
Cell 2
Cell 4
The command is working. I'm trying to overcome the warning.
It doesn't really make sense to use df2['pin'].isin(df1['vpin']) as a boolean mask to index df1 as this mean will have the indices of df2, thus the reindexing performed by pandas.
Use instead:
new_df = df1[df1['vpin'].isin(df2['pin'])]

How to apply function to each column and row of dataframe pandas

I have two dataframes.
df1 has an index list made of strings like (row1,row2,..,rown) and a column list made of strings like (col1,col2,..,colm) while df2 has k rows and 3 columns (char_1,char_2,value). char_1 contains strings like df1 indexes while char_2 contains strings like df1 columns. I only want to assign the df2 value to df1 in the right position. For example if the first row of df2 reads ['row3','col1','value2'] I want to assign value2 to df1 in the position ([2,0]) (third row and first column).
I tried to use two functions to slide rows and columns of df1:
def func1(val):
# first I convert the series to dataframe
val=val.set_index('index') # I set the index so that it's the right column
def func2(val2):
try: # maybe the combination doesn't exist
idx1=list(cou.index[df2[char_2]==(]) reads col name of df1
idx2=list(cou.index[df2[char_1]==val2.index.values[0]]) #val2.index.values[0] reads index name of df1
idx= list(reduce(set.intersection, map(set, [idx1,idx2])))
idx=int(idx[0]) # final index of df2 where I need to take value to assign to df1
if check==1: # if index exists
val2[0]=df2['value'][idx] # assign value to df1
return val2
val=val.apply(func2,axis=1) #apply the function for columns
val=val.squeeze() #convert again to series
return val
df1=df1.apply(func1,axis=1) #apply the function for rows
I made the conversion inside func1 because without this step I wasn't able to work with series keeping index and column names so I wasn't able to find the index idx in func2.
Well the problem is that it takes forever. df1 size is (3'600 X 20'000) and df2 is ( 500 X 3 ) so it's not too much. I really don't understand the problem.. I run the code for the first row and column to check the result and it's fine and it takes 1 second, but now for the entire process I've been waiting for hours and it's still not finished.
Is there a way to optimize it? As I wrote in the title I only need to run a function that keeps column and index names and works sliding the entire dataframe. Thanks in advance!

Remove rows from multiple dataframe that contain bad data

Say I have n dataframes, df1, df2...dfn.
Finding rows that contain "bad" values in a row in a given dataframe is done by e.g.,
index1 = df1[df1.isin([np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf])]
index2 = df2[df2.isin([np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf])]
Now, droping these bad rows in the bad dataframe is done with:
df1 = df1.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan).dropna()
df2 = df2.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan).dropna()
The problem is that any function that expects the two (n) dataframes columns to be of the same length may give an error if there is bad data in one df but not the other.
How do I drop not just the bad row from the offending dataframe, but the same row from a list of dataframes?
So in the two dataframe case, if in df1 date index 2009-10-09 contains a "bad" value, that same row in df2 will be dropped.
[Possible "ugly"? solution?]
I suspect that one way to do it is to merge the two (n) dataframes on date, then apply the cleanup function to drop "bad" values are automatic since the entire row gets dropped? But what happens if a date is missing from one dataframe and not the other? [and they still happen to be the same length?]
Doing your replace
df1 = df1.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan)
df2 = df2.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan)
Then, Here we using inner .
newdf=pd.concat([df1,df2],axis=1,keys=[1,2], join='inner').dropna()
And split it back to two dfs , here we using combine_first with dropna of original df
df1,df2=[s[1].loc[:,s[0]].combine_first(x.dropna()) for x,s in zip([df1,df2],newdf.groupby(level=0,axis=1))]

Does a DataFrame with a single row have all the attributes of a DataFrame?

I am slicing a DataFrame from a large DataFrame and daughter df have only one row. Does a daughter df with a single row has same attributes like parent df?
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
dates = pd.date_range('20130101',periods=6)
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6,2),index=dates,columns=['col1','col2'])
>> pandas.core.series.Series
>>'Series' object has no attribute 'columns'
Is there a way I can use all attributes of pd.DataFrame on a pd.series ?
Possibly what you are looking for is a dataframe with one row:
>>> pd.DataFrame(df1).T # T -> transpose
col1 col2
2013-01-02 -0.428913 1.265936
What happens when you do df.iloc[1] is that pandas converts that to a series, which is one-dimensional, and the columns become the index. You can still do df1['col1'], but you can't do df.columns because a series is basically a column, and hence the old columns are now the new index
As a result, you can returns the former columns like this:
>>> df1.index.tolist()
['col1', 'col2']
This used to confuse me quite a bit. I also expected df.iloc[1] to be a dataframe with one row, but it has always been the default behavior of pandas to automatically convert any one dimensional dataframe slice (whether row or column) to a series. It's pretty natural for a row, but less so for a column (since the columns become the index), but really is not a problem once you understand what is happening.