What's the diff between router isActive and router.isNavigating in Durandal - durandal

http://durandaljs.com/documentation/Using-The-Router.html says
Note that each navigable route in the model has an isActive flag which
will be true when the associated route is active. The final thing to
notice is that we have bound a simple spinner animation to the
First, could someone please help me to clarify what's the diff between isActive and isNavigating?
Second, isActive refers to the code below
<ul class="nav" data-bind="foreach: router.navigationModel">
<li data-bind="css: { active: isActive }">
<a data-bind="attr: { href: hash }, html: title"></a>
I searched the official code hosted here but I failed to locate where active class is defined. Thanks for your help!

router.isNavigating is true if the router is currently transitioning from one route to another.
isActive will be true for a route if that route is currently begin displayed.
Say you have two routes in your navigation model:
var routes = [
{ route: '', moduleId: 'home', title: 'Home' },
{ route: 'subpage', moduleId: 'subpage', title: 'Sub Page' }
You start off viewing the home route, so home has isActive true.
router.isNavigating is false as you're not transitioning.
Then you click a link to take you to subpage
home isActive is now false, subpage isActive is true and isNavigating becomes true while durandal loads the view and viewmodel and performs the transition.
Once it's finished loading isNavigating becomes false. Home is not active, subpage still is.
You can't find the .active class because it's not in the durandal css. It's in bootstrap.css


Laravel Inertia Ziggy Link Routing Issue

I'm currently having a problem in my routing. Here's the scenario:
Inertia is working fine when there's no id query.
But after navigating to edit and I want to click any of the navigation links like clicking the Dashboard link, it throws a 404 code saying the page does not exist. Simply because instead of removing the /category/{id}, it adds dashboard at the end instead of removing the query.
Is there a way to fix this by not violating the inertia routing?
Here's the code:
Authenticated Layout
const navigation = [
{ name: 'Dashboard', href: 'dashboard', current: false },
{ name: 'Category', href: 'category', current: false },
<nav class="hidden lg:flex lg:space-x-8 lg:py-2" aria-label="Global">
<Link v-for="item in navigation" :key="item.name"
:href="item.href" :class="[item.current ? 'bg-gray-100
text-gray-900' : 'text-gray-900 hover:bg-gray-50
hover:text-gray-900', 'rounded-md py-2 px-3 inline-flex
items-center text-sm font-medium']" :aria-
current="item.current ? 'page' : undefined">{{ item.name
Have you tried using Ziggy? Ziggy Github repo
Then the routes you create using Laravel are made available using the same route function in Vue. It works well with inertia when creating laravel apps.
:href="route('frontend.categories.show', [categories, post.slug])"
If you check your console in the page inspector it should show you the ziggy routes pulled from the "web.php" in json format.
It automatically makes the standard Controller class functions available for your routes in javascript (so index, create, edit, show, destroy functions).
I would be happy to share my code I created from a tutorial utilising breeze like you are.
Solved it. Just needed to add "/" to the href navigation object.
const navigation = [
{ name: 'Dashboard', href: '/dashboard', current: false },
{ name: 'Category', href: '/category', current: false },

router-link-active class doesn’t work with different parameters values (Vue Router 4)

Hello everyone… I’m latin so my english is not very good looking.
I have this <router-link> component in my custom Navbar component.
<router-link :to="{ name: 'blog', params: { currentPage: 1 } }">Blog</router-link>
And this is my route definition:
path: "/blog/:currentPage",
name: "blog",
component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "blog" */ "#/views/Blog.vue"),
const props = { ...route.params }
props.currentPage = parseInt(props.currentPage, 10)
return props
I have pagination component inside my Blog view.
v-for="page in numberOfPages"
#click="$router.push({ name: 'blog', params: { currentPage: page } })"
:disabled="page == currentPage">
{{ page }}
I’m switching the page (ie the currentPage route parameter) from there but router-link-active class is only added to <router-link> with currentPage equal to 1 and none other, how can I keep active this <router-link> regardless the value of currentPage route parameter ? My pagination system must to be dynamic, I can't define a new child route for each page because don’t know how many pages will be.
This problem didn't exist in Vue Router 3 but I’m using Vue Router 4.0.3.
I tried to explaine my issue as well as I could.
Can anybody help me please…

What would be the best way to use vue routes?

I'm a bit new to Vue routes. I have a table in Home.vue and each row has a button in order to go to the details. I'll try to explain what I imagine. I want the redirection to open a new screen Overview with a sidebar that has 3 options: Overview, Commits and Files. My problem is to understand what should be the parent and what should the child. I'm sure that Commits and Files are children but should Overview be also a child or the parent of Commits and Files? The row that redirects to details:
<router-link :to="{ 'name': 'details', 'params': { 'tool': tool } }">{{id}}</router-link>
The routes that I currently have:
const DetailsChildren = [
path: 'commits/:tool',
name: 'commits',
component: commits
path: 'files/:tool',
name: 'files',
component: files
export default new Router({
routes: [
path: '/',
name: 'home',
component: Home
path: '/overview/:tool',
name: 'details',
component: details,
children: DetailsChildren
mode: 'history'
And DetailsChildren is as follows:
<div class="main">
<sidebar />
<router-view />
Currently DetailsChildren is Overview. But I think DetailsChildren should be the parent of Overview, Files and Commits and then I need to create another component Overview. But then I have two problems. First one is how I load Overview when I move from the table to DetailsChildren? The second one is that I want the route to be /overview/:tool. I'm a bit confused. What would be best way to handle the routes in this situation?
What you want to do is have three children under your details route, each with their own absolute path from /.
const DetailsChildren = [
path: '/overview/:tool',
name: 'overview',
component: overview
path: '/commits/:tool',
name: 'commits',
component: commits
path: '/files/:tool',
name: 'files',
component: files
This will create the following path mappings
Top-level component: details
Child component: overview
Top-level component: details
Child component: commits
Top-level component: details
Child component: files
See the guide on Nested Routes.
You may think you can use an empty path for the overview route but this would then require the URL to have a trailing slash (ie /overview/tool/) and I figured you don't want that.
It's also recommended to remove the name from your details route and instead, link to the default child route (ie overview). Eg
<router-link :to="{ name: 'overview', params: { tool } }">{{id}}</router-link>
Otherwise, the router gets confused about which to display, the parent (empty) or child.
Your sidebar links can simply use the child route names to create their links, eg
<router-link :to="{name: 'overview'}">Overview</router-link>
<router-link :to="{name: 'commits'}">Commits</router-link>
<router-link :to="{name: 'files'}">Files</router-link>

Aurelia: How to access data stored in a child-router's view-model

I am fairly new to Aurelia and I am trying to understand what’s the best way to access and display data in a subpage of a child-router. The data is stored in the activate method of the child-router’s view-model. My Problem is to display the data when I first enter or reload a subpage of the child-router. Unfortunately it's not working. As soon as I have displayed a subpage and go to another, it all works fine.
export class ChildRouter {
configureRouter(config, router) {
config.title = 'Child Router Title';
{ route: '', redirect: 'basics'},
{ route: ['basics', ''], name: 'basics', moduleId: './basics/basics', nav: true, title: 'Basics' },
{ route: 'data', name: 'data', moduleId: './data/data', nav: true, title: 'Data' }
this.router = router;
activate() {
this.var1 = "Var1. Only works when I reenter a subpage.";
this.var2 = "Var2. Only works when I reenter a subpage.";
<require from="../components/detail-navigation.html"></require>
<detail-navigation router.bind="router"></detail-navigation>
<div class="page-host">
<h2>Basics Title</h2>
<h2>Data Title</h2>
I hope you understand my problem.
Here is a link to a test projekt on git.
I am looking forward for any recommendations.
Personally, I would really recommend you not try to do this. This is introducing tight coupling between the ChildRouter page and any pages displayed as routes on it. If you need these pages to talk to each other, consider using the Dependency Injection provider to inject an instance of the same class in to each page and sharing information that way.

Durandal.js: change navigation options per area

I want to have different navigation per "area" of my durandal application. I've achieved this with ASP.NET MVC when using Areas by defining a Nav section in the layout page and having nested layout pages which implement the nav for each area. The view structure in durandal is as follows:
I'm using the ASP.NET MVC4 durandal template and I am guessing that I might need to change the following segement from shell.html
<ul class="nav" data-bind="foreach: router.visibleRoutes">
<li data-bind="css: { active: isActive }">
<a data-bind="attr: { href: hash }, html: name"></a>
I suppose that ideally I'd like to have separate html pages that could be loaded into this section depending on which area / page I am viewing.
You can accomplish this by adding a settings object to your route info, and specifying the area name there. With that in place, create a computed observable against the router's visibleRoutes collection that selects only the routes for the current area.
Not sure what your route configuration looks like, but an example of adding settings would be something like this:
var routes = [
{ url: 'one/page1', moduleId: 'viewmodels/one/page1', name: 'Page 1', visible: true, settings: {area: 'one'} },
{ url: 'two/page1', moduleId: 'viewmodels/two/page1', name: 'Page 1', visible: true, settings: {area: 'two'} }
In your view model where you are controlling the navigation html:
//filter the visible routes for the current area
viewModel.areaRoutes = ko.computed(function () {
var area = this.area;
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(router.visibleRoutes(), function (route) {
return route.settings.area === area;
}, viewModel);
Joseph Gabriel based solution works for me and playing with router.activeItem.settings.areSameItem I can set every route's group anywhere at my layout.
router.activeItem.settings.areSameItem = function (currentItem, newItem, activationData) {
return currentItem == newItem; //replace this with your own code