Can rewrite this block in Objective C? - objective-c

I am reading the working with blocks, and see following code:
void (^(^complexBlock)(void (^)(void)))(void) = ^ (void (^aBlock)(void)) {
return ^{
The above complexBlock variable refers to a block that takes another block as an argument (aBlock) and returns yet another block.
My question is that can I rewrite it as:
void (^) (void) (^complexBlock)(void (^)(void)) = ^ (void (^aBlock)(void)) {
return ^{
This makes it easier to understand right? I understand rewriting the code to use a type definition makes this much more readable, but my question is if don't use that, can I rewrite it this way? Many thank.


Objective-C To Swift: void (^safeHandler)(UIBackgroundFetchResult)

I am porting some AppDelegate code for a plugin Objective-C to Swift.
My Objective-C is pretty good but I am stumped at understanding whats going on here. This is the code I am stuck on porting:
void (^safeHandler)(UIBackgroundFetchResult) = ^(UIBackgroundFetchResult result){
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
I understand that the the ^ is for code blocks, but looking at this as a whole I am lost as to what is going on and how to port this to Swift.
I don't understand how there are two bracketed portions here:
void (^safeHandler)(UIBackgroundFetchResult)
If you can advise what that syntax is and how to port to Swift I would greatly appreciate it!
It's a block, which is a closure in Swift. This block is named safeHandler and takes a UIBackgroundFetchResult parameter and returns void.
This is the equivalent type:
let safeHandler: (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> ()
And the whole thing would be
let safeHandler: (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> () = { result in
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
Note: block syntax is notoriously wonky. You can use this site to see the various block syntax forms:

Why can setting a Block variable inside an if statement cause a carsh?

I found an block example in the book "Effective Objective-C 2.0"
void (^block)();
if (/* some condition */) {
block = ^ {
NSLog(#"Block A");
} else {
block = ^ {
NSLog(#"Block B");
The code is dangerous, and here is the explanation in the book:
The two blocks that are defined within the if and else statements are allocated within stack memory. When it allocates stack memory for each block, the compiler is free to overwrite this memory at the end of the scope in which that memory was allocated. So each block is guaranteed to be valid only within its respective if-statement section. The code would compile without error but at runtime may or may not function correctly. If it didn’t decide to produce code that overwrote the chosen block, the code would run without error, but if it did, a crash would certainly occur.
I don't understand the meaning of "If it didn’t decide to produce code that overwrote the chosen block, the code would run without error, but if it did, a crash would certainly occur."
Can someone explain and give examples?
The issue is similar to that of a C array being created locally to a function and then used after the function returns:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
dispatch_block_t global_block;
int * global_arr;
void set_globals(void)
if( YES ){
global_block = ^{
NSLog(#"Summer is butter on your chin and corn mush between every tooth.");
int arr[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
global_arr = arr;
void write_on_the_stack(int i)
int arr[5] = {64, 128, 256, 512, 1024};
int v = arr[3];
dispatch_block_t b = ^{
int j = i + 10;
j += v;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
NSLog(#"%d", global_arr[0]); // Prints garbage
return 0;
The space on the stack that was used to store the values of the array may be re-used for any purpose. I use the separate function here because it most reliably demonstrates the problem. For your exact case, with the if block and the access in the same function, the compiler is still free to re-use the stack space. It may not, but you can't rely on that. You're breaking the scope rules of the language (derived from C).
As Jesse Rusak and CrimsonChris pointed out in comments, though, with a Block-type variable compiled under ARC, the Block is created on the stack like the array, but copied off the stack (to the heap) when it's stored in a strong pointer. All object pointers, including your global, are strong by default.
If you were not compiling with ARC, this would be unreliable. I can't come up with a failing example with my current compiler, but again, it's breaking the rules and the compiler is under no obligation to do what you want.
Essentially what this is saying is that if there's code running on a separate thread, and something gets assigned to the area of memory currently used by block but before the block() call, then bad things will happen.
void (^block)();
if (/* some condition *)) {
block = ^ {
NSLog(#"Block A");
} else {
block = ^ {
NSLog(#"Block B");
<--- another thread overwrites the **block** block
block(); <--- runtime error since **block** has been dereferenced.

Can you append code to an Objective-C block variable?

I want to dynamically add code to a block variable, or merge or concatenate a block with another block. Is this possible?
One way of doing it is creating a block that calls the block to be "expanded" before performing its own functions.
For example, consider the example below that adds logging functionality to an arbitrary block passed into it:
typedef void (^MyBlock)(int);
-(MyBlock) expand:(MyBlock)nested {
return ^(int x) {
NSLog("The value of x = %d", x);
The cumulative effect of calling the block produced by expand: is that of invoking the original block, followed by an operation from the expanded block. You can take it further, to create an appendBlock method:
-(MyBlock) appendBlock:(MyBlock)second toBlock:(MyBlock)first {
return ^(int x) {
Is this possible?
No, but you can create a collection of blocks and execute them sequentially.
Sure - just create a new block, which makes use of the original in whatever compositional way you'd like. If you've got block1 and block2, you might create:
someCodeBefore = ^myBlockType(block1) {
someCodeAfter = ^myBlockType(block1) {
composedBlocks = ^myBlockType(block1, block2) {
Just make sure you're copying the blocks correctly.

How to enforce parameters of anonymous blocks to be unused in Objective-C?

I've run into a situation while using a library called TransitionKit (helps you write state machines) where I am want to supply entry and exit actions in the form of a callback.
Sadly, the callbacks include two completely useless parameters. A typical block has to look like this:
^void (TKState *state, TKStateMachine *stateMachine) {
// I TOTALLY don't want parameters `state` or `stateMachine` used here
(this is an anonymous code block. Read up on blocks here if you're unclear)
As I've noted in the comment, I really don't want those parameters even mentioned in the body there. I've tried simply removing the parameter names like suggested in this question like so:
^void (TKState *, TKStateMachine *) {
// I foobar all I like here
but sadly the code won't compile then :(.
How can I enforce this non-usage of parameters in code?
This is what I could come up with. Quite a hack and relies on the GCC poison pragma, which is not standard but a GNU extension - although, given that you are probably compiling this with clang anyway, it should not be a problem.
#define _state state
#define _stateMachine stateMachine
#pragma GCC poison state stateMachine
Then this compiles:
^(TKState *_state, TKStateMachine *_stateMachine) {
But this doesn't:
^(TKState *_state, TKStateMachine *_stateMachine) {
do_something(state, stateMachine);
You could just have a function that took one kind of block, and returned another, like this:
#class TKState, TKStateMachine; // here so this will compile
typedef void (^LongStateBlock)(TKState *state, TKStateMachine *stateMachine);
static inline LongStateBlock Adapter(void(^block)()) {
void(^heapBlock)() = [block copy]; // forces block to be on heap rather than stack, a one-time expense
LongStateBlock longBlock = ^(TKState *s __unused, TKStateMachine *sm __unused) {
// this is the non-ARC, MRR version; I'll leave ARC for the interested observer
[heapBlock release];
return [[longBlock copy] autorelease];
And in practice:
// this represents a library method
- (void)takesLongStateBlock:(LongStateBlock)longBlock
// which hopefully wouldn't look exactly like this
if (longBlock) longBlock(nil, nil);
- (void)yourRandomMethod
[self takesLongStateBlock:^(TKState *state, TKStateMachine *stateMachine) {
NSLog(#"Gratuitous parameters, AAAAHHHH!");
[self takesLongStateBlock:Adapter(^{
NSLog(#"So, so clean.");
The whole thing is gisted, and should compile inside any class. It does what you expect when you call -yourRandomMethod.
AFAIK there is no way to do what you want when you are creating a block, you can only miss the parameter names when you are declaring a block variable(a reference to a block, to avoid misunderstandings)
So here you can miss the param names:
void (^myBlock)(SomeClass *);
But not when you create a block:
myBlock = ^(SomeClass *o)
I'd write
^void (TKState *unused_state, TKStateMachine *unused_stateMachine) {
// Anyone using unused_state or unused_stateMachine gets what they deserve.
Of course someone can use the parameters. But then whatever you do, they can change the code. If someone is intent on shooting themselves in the foot, there is no stopping them.

How use block as parameter [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Obj-C: __block variables
In block programin How use block as parameter
NSArray *(^blockreturnarray) (NSArray *);
blockreturnarray= ^(NSArray * a)
return a;
IN simple my Question I have one block create and also another block create So how In one block pass the parameter Block.
This can get hairy so I would use typedef's and it may look something like this
typedef void (^basicBlock)(void);
typedef void (^blockAcceptingBlock)(basicBlock);
basicBlock block = ^ {
NSLog(#"Called from block passed as param");
blockAcceptingBlock parentBlock = ^(basicBlock childBlock) {
Without the typedef's it gets a bit noisy in the definitions with all the round braces (keep in mind that these are simple blocks so the defs shown are still fairly readable)
void (^block)(void) = ^ {
NSLog(#"Called from block passed as param");
void (^parentBlock)(void (^childBlock)(void)) = ^(void (^childBlock)(void)) {
Both output
#=> 2012-04-27 11:39:12.798 Untitled[19725:707] Called from block passed as param