sylius/currency-bundle(errors when getting home page) - sylius

I installed all sylius/bundles in my app in preinstalled symfony and i also installed summary.html.twig when i try to go my homepage i get this error:
The service "sylius.currency_importer.open_exchange_rates" has a dependency on a non-existent parameter "sylius.currency_importer.open_exchange_rates". Did you mean this: "sylius.currency_importer.open_exchange_rates.class"?.
Please can evryone help me thanks a lot.

In your parameters.yml add sylius.currency_importer.open_exchange_rates parameter. Like in


Error installing bundle in Mura (Mura newbie)

Just to preface this, I'm a Mura newbie.
I am attempting to create a new site in Mura 6.2 by importing the 'MuraBootstrap3' bundle - .
Once I create the site and import the bundle, I immediately get the following error message:
It appears to be an issue with SQL executing the insert command, but I'm not entirely sure why. Am I missing something in the setup? What am I not doing correctly?
Edit: I should mention that The database has already been setup and my default installation is running just fine.
Guust was correct, however the bundle you're looking for is here:
The bundle you've downloaded is for Mura 7.
I believe the last version of the bundle for Mura 6.x is the following commit:
This is the file I believe you'll need:

Tymon JWTAuth class not found

I want to use laravel for building api.
I installed JWTAuth from installation guide on wiki page. When I want to use vendor:publish, I get this error:
After 3days searching on Google, I can not find a solution that working for me. How can I fix this?
For latest version. Please use following code in providers array in config file
For laravel
For Lumen : open app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php and add the following to the register() method.
Hope this will help someone.
Simply means you have not added JWTAuthServiceProvider to list of Laravel Service providers.
Go to config/app.php and add JWTAuthServiceProvider to providers list
Like so:
'providers' => [
Secondly since these error occurs only in console run:
composer update --no-scripts
composer update
add "tymon/jwt-auth": "^0.5.12" to composer.json and command
composer update
on app/config.php add this to providers
and on app/config.php add this on aliases
'JWTAuth' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Facades\JWTAuth::class,
'JWTFactory' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Facades\JWTFactory::class,
tested on laravel 5.5 and tymon/jwt-auth": "^0.5.12"

recently i installed liferay in eclipse but i had faced unresolve error

I installed liferay into eclipse and when I deploy project, it fires following error.
D:\liferay-plugind-sdk\build-common-plugin.xml:427: D:\bundles\tomcat-6.0.26\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\lib does not exist.
What could be the issue here and also provide solution?
Please check or file in plugin-sdk in which you provide server paths where plugins should be deployed.
In your case that path value is not pointing to correct server path and hence you are getting error message.
Provide app.server.dir property with actual tomcat path, then you will not get such error.

Class 'Google_Service' not found

I am working on the Google + API blogger code. I have downloaded this file
I have inserted my Google Developer codes in the right places I do believe.
I am getting this error
Fatal error: Class 'Google_Service' not found in /home3/aundie/public_html/ on line 33
Any help for a new developer in training would be most helpful. Thank you in advance
Try to include autoload.php file as the first require statement. I got the same error and this solved it for me.
require_once 'google-api-php-client/src/Google/autoload.php';
I hit the same problem as well. The solution is moving to php 5.3 or higher, as the Google API PHP client uses the newer class loading mechanism in php.
Just as the following at the beginning of the code, the same as advised by Lamiaa El-morsy
require_once 'src/Google/autoload.php';
On the GitHub page, they've explained the requirement.
So, you must install the required library first, by doing the following command if you're using composer.
$ composer require google/apiclient:^2.0

enchant_broker_init() performance issue

I have a web site which uses enchant enchant_broker_init().
I`m not sure why but enchant_broker_init() takes something like 19~ seconds to load the page.
Once I remove this function page loads right away.
anyone has an idea why this is? or how can I debug it?
Steps to install php enchant plugin.
Enchant will not work using WAMP. ( at least for it hasn't... ).
Afterwards add the following path
to your PHP directory.
should look like that.
Put the dictionary files there.