I can't seem to figure this one out and tried searching stackoverflow.
I have two lines where I want to convert the date. I didn't create these datatypes or tables and don't want to change the date types in case it messes something up.
I have one table where one of the columns is of type (datetime2(7), not null).
I have another table where the column is of type (datetime, null).
when I do a query they return a time (respectively) that looks like
2015-01-25 10:11:50.9050000
2015-01-19 10:24:42.323
The above is before I do any conversion or casting.
I'd like to convert the format of those to
dd/mm/yy hh:mi:ss:mmmAM
So I used the code below (respectively)
SELECT TagName, CONVERT(DateTime, EventStamp, 131) AS ConvertedTime
SELECT TagName, CONVERT(DateTime, DateTime, 131) AS ConvertedTime
But it doesn't seem to work. It drops the ss (seconds) part and the month/day/year portion does't come out according to style 131. Anyone know why? It looks like below
25/01/2015 10:11 AM
19/01/2015 10:24 AM
I tried a bunch of way and it doesn't seem to work. I'm running MS SQL server 2012 and just doing the query in SQL Server Manager Studio.

If you want to convert to an output format, you want to convert from a datetime to a string.
Try this:
SELECT TagName, CONVERT(varchar(255), EventStamp, 131) AS ConvertedTime

Your code tries to convert from datetime to datetime, which isn't what CONVERT is meant to do. If you wish to control the string representation of a date in your output, convert to nvarchar instead: CONVERT(NVARCHAR(25), DateField, 131). If you'd like to change the default string representation of a datetime field on a per-session basis, use the SET DATEFORMAT command.


SQL How to format M/DD/YYYY (1/31/1960) to DD/MM/YYYY (31/01/1969)

I have a column that has date and time mixed together i.e. 1/31/1960 12:00:00AM and I would like to convert them into two-column through SQL function:
(a) DD/MM/YYYY i.e 31/01/1969
(b) HH:MM i.e 12:00
Thanks in advance.
Take a look at the CONVERT() function, specifically the style for datetime. Additionally, we can CAST() the DATETIME as a TIME data type to extract the time.
Assuming your original column is a DATETIME data type, you can run
,CAST({DateField} AS TIME)
If it is string, you can cast it then convert
CONVERT(NVARCHAR(24),CAST('1960-01-31' AS DATETIME),103) AS ReportingDate
,CAST(CAST('1960-01-31' AS DATETIME) AS TIME) AS ReportingTime
If you're on a sufficiently recent version of SQL Server, the FORMAT() function is your friend.
SELECT FORMAT(#d, 'dd/MM/yyyy');
Note, that second argument is a .NET formatting string, so you should be able to use whatever is available from the Framework.

I want to convert a whole column into the date format of yyyymmdd, I do not want the current date

I want to convert a whole column into the date format of yyyymmdd, I do not want the current date, thus I cannot use getdate() command, there is already data in the column, I just need the right command to convert the whole column into yyyymmdd format.
The column I am using is FIELD_034 and the table is Sur_CompassAuto1_1_7_fetch.
I am using SQL Server.
Thank you
I fully agree with the paqogomez's response, but instead of date style of 111, better use 112.
The output for the statement
will result in yyyy/MM/dd. Where as,
will return yyyyMMdd, which is what he needed.
A common misconception is that a datetime has a format. If you are storing your dates as a datetime, then you can output it in any format.
It sounds as though you might be storing your values as a Varchar. You would be better off converting your varchar dates into a datetime, then you can do whatever you want with them
That said, if you HAVE FIELD_034 as a DateTime, then its as easy as
from Sur_CompassAuto1_1_7_fetch
If the field is a varchar its similar:
SELECT CONVERT(datetime, FIELD_034, 112)
from Sur_CompassAuto1_1_7_fetch
The difficulty of this one is if you have your values in different or nonstandard formats. Then it would require some clean up to make the query work.
Edit: as #AArnold says, its 112 instead of 111. Date formats are subtle.

datetime conversion issue in sql server

if i try to cast string date to datetime like
select cast('12/01/2010' as datetime) then
it works
but if i try to cast like
select cast('22/01/2010' as datetime) then it is giving error.
again if i try to cast string date to datetime like
select cast('2010/12/01' as datetime) then it works
but if i try to cast like
select cast('2010/25/01' as datetime) then it is giving error. my requirement is whatever way user input date that should be successfully converted to datetime. please tell me best solution
In your case the sql server assumes, that date format id mm/dd/yyyy - US format,
you want to use French format, so use convert
select CONVERT(DATETIME, '12/01/2010', 103)
instead you'll get an error because there in no such a month number - 22
The best solution when passing datetime as string - to use short(without timezone) ISO format:
yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.ffff
I recommend you to use fixed '20111231' format. You do not need to use cast, convert or similar command.

Formatting Dates In SqlServer To Use As Comparison

This should be easy
I have a date column on table A
WHERE DTE = '01/02/2010'
The problem is that this is deployed onto US servers and I have no control over the date as its an arg.
How can I tell SqlServer to treat this date as being in that format??
I gave tried this:
WHERE DTE = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), '01/01/2010' , 101) AS [DD/MM/YYYY]
Your last try was almost correct, but it should have been
Use a safe format. For dates (without a time component), the safe format is YYYYMMDD, e.g. today is '20100209'.
For datetimes, the safe format is YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:mm:SS, where 'T' is the literal T, so right now is '2010-02-09T11:10:30'.
(When I'm saying safe, I mean that SQL Server always, unambiguously, knows how to convert these strings into datetime values)
Check out this reference article: The ultimate guide to the datetime datatypes
EDIT: Specifically what Tibor says about SET DATEFORMAT & SET LANGUAGE, since you mention that you have no control over the input format.
Another option is a double conversion (check performance when used as criteria):
select strTempNo, dtmTempDateStart,
convert(varchar(10), Convert(datetime, dtmTempDateStart, 103), 126) As UTCDate
I use 103 here as the data is already in UTC format but this works as well (UTC ISO8601 is 126).
If your dates are known to be always in American format you have to use 101.
Alternatively use 112 (ISO "safe" format) and cut the first 8 characters out of the string.
Data sample: (Sorry, don't have an American date table available)
521002 2008-09-1500:00:00.000 2008-09-15
580195 2008-04-1500:00:00.000 2008-04-15
530058 2008-09-2200:00:00.000 2008-09-22
580194 2008-04-0200:00:00.000 2008-04-02
500897 2008-07-0100:00:00.000 2008-07-01
500966 2008-09-2300:00:00.000 2008-09-23

How do I strip the date off of a datetime string in SQL SSIS?

I'm working on a data warehouse project and would like to know how to (preferably in a Derived Column component in a Data flow) strip the date piece off of a SQL datetime record.
Once I have the datetime converted to just a time I am going to do a lookup on the time to find the related time record in a time dimension table.
Can someone give me a simple function to accomplish this inside a derived column transform?
Example: Transform a datetime such as "12/02/2008 11:32:21 AM" into simply "11:32:21 AM".
I would just do a cast to DT_DBTIME type (using Derived Column transform, or Convert type transform). DT_DBTIME contains just (hours, minutes, seconds) part of the date/time, so you'll get rid of the date part.
If you need to do this in a variable expression Michael's solution won't work, but you can use the following expression:
(DT_DBDATE) converts the current date and time to a date only. But the new datatype is not compatiple with SSIS's datetime. Therefore you'll have to use (DT_DATE) for converting to a compatible type.
Courtesy of this solution belongs to Russel Loski who has posted it in his blog:
Actually if you reverse the first 2 expressions like this: (DT_DBDATE)(DT_DATE)GETDATE()
instead of (DT_DATE)(DT_DBDATE)GETDATE(), then you will TRUNCATE the time off the date field.
If the DT_DATE expression is before the DT_DBDATE expression, you will still have the time portion in your output, but it will be reset to all zeroes.
Ran into this with writing a report for a scheduling app, needed the time that was stored as part of a datetime data type. I formated the datetime as 0 which gives you this mon dd yyyy hh:miAM (or PM), and just did a substring of that which returned the time only in an AM/PM format.
Example below.
, CONVERT(NVARCHAR(30), #S , 0) AS ApptDate
I personally use a series of functions for this. E.g.:
#Datetime datetime
RETURNS datetime
RETURN (#Datetime - CAST(ROUND(CAST(#Datetime AS float), 0, 1) AS datetime))
I'd love to claim all the credit but it should really go to this guy.