Understanding Oauth2 - api

I am creating a REST inspired API for a Learning Management System. It will expose data such as users, classes, grades, courses etc. I have defined all the resources I want to expose, given them each an endpoint URL, and defined the JSON resource structures that are returned.
I now want to understand how to secure the API using Oauth2 (I don't want to use Oauth1). Am I correct in the assumption that my API will play the part of both the Authorization Server & the Resource Server? Also, what grant type / flow should I be researching?
A lot of the tutorials seem to focus on using Oauth2 to login using facebook credentials etc - but I just want to use it to secure my API and allow my users access to my API (either through a client, or directly). The access permissions for the API should follow the individual users access permissions that are already handled within our system.
Sorry for the scatter-gun questions - I just don't understand oauth2 enough to know where to direct my research. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and any pointers to simple tutorials for the correct use case would be great too.
FYI - The system is built on a LAMP stack using Drupal 6 (old, I know).

Well your assumption is correct the authorization server and the resource server can be on the same server or in the same API.
So how the OAuth2 basically works you have some kind of client(Server, Browser) Authorization API will authorize with Access Token to use your resource API which is then sent in the the Authorization HTTP header on every resource request.
So what I success is that when the user logs in, you identify the user and generate the Access Token immediately to the client. Now you can put some data inside the Access Token e.g. userId, permissions etc. Now when the Access Token hits your resource endpoint you can identify the user and check the permissions. Also you can just make the Access Token dumb so it doesn't contain any data then when you validate it from Authorization API(on Access Token creation you have to store info about the user to Authorization DB), you can get the info you need on the response e.g. userId, permissions etc.
What grant type flow to use, this is basically up to question what kind of clients are using your Authorization API and how secure you want the Authorization to be. E.g. implicit grant is for browser based clients which can handle redirections and e.g. Client Credentials grant is for (server-to-server) communication.
Reference here

To start with, you can use existing providers like WSO2 API Manager for supporting your system. It is well documented and has many REST APIs for this.


How to get a list of users in Auth0?

I am writing a REST API and I want to authenticate users with Auth0. I also wanted the users to be able to get a list of all the users registered in the tenant (just basic information, maybe even just username) and I saw that there is Management API for this.
I'm a bit confused about how to grant read access to the Management API to all the users, but I thought about a couple of possibilities:
grant read access to each single user
expose endpoints in my API to proxy requests towards Management API, so that I can use client credentials grant
use a post login action that adds basic user information to my private database (I don't like this, I'm foreshadowing sync issues)
Which one should I use (or maybe a further one)? I'd also appreciate basic guidance on the solution that you suggest. Thanks!
You should not need to grant your users access to your management api. Instead you should use your client credentials to get an auth token to use for this. In fact, the Auth0 docs have recommendations about how to use the management api in your application.
If you wanted to add user authorization on the routes that use the management, you can simply verify tokens and user roles as you do on other routes of your API. But you (typically) shouldn't use the user tokens as your tokens to access the management api.

How does OAuth work API to API without interactive users?

I have a background task that runs periodically which needs to connect to a customer's Apigee OAuth2 protected API. From my understanding of OAuth2, a user must go to a sign in page on Apigee, and it will redirect to a return Url with a token. This is the way I have used previously on website projects. But in this scenario, there are no users, no website, and no return Url, it is just some code making a http request.
Is the above possible to do? Every google search I make is all about users logging in manually and getting a token to a return url.
I found some mention of 'Flows' and maybe there is some other 'Flow'? but its really hard to get a clear understanding of how it works because guides are focused on user interactive websites.
OAUTH 2.0 is an industry-standard for authorization. OAUTH 2.0 supports many authorization grant types, namely they are;
Authorization Code
Resource Owner Password Credentials
Client Credentials
[Note that you may come up with your own custom grants as well if you are building or extending your authorization server - however it is beyond the scope of this question]
In the example you have provided, you are using the Authorization code grant type where you redirect to APIGEE and getting an authorization code. The APIGE server acts as the "intermediary between the client and resource owner" in OAUTH 2.0 terms.
For your new requirement, you should consider using the client-credentials grant type where the client is provided a client key and a secret. The client has the responsibility of calling the authorization server (like APIGEE in your previous example or anything else) and getting a token and then using that token in the subsequent requests.
I recommend you to read the ietf standard for oauth 2.0 to get a better understanding - Refer https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749.
Make sure to read on "Roles" in this link well before diving onto the content of this document.
Good luck!

Oauth 2.0 and OpenId Connect for REST API authentication and authorization

After having read books and watched videos on OAuth, OIDC, PKCE, JWT, etc. I still have no idea on how to use all of these for my app (a secured REST API).
My use case is fairly simple. I want my users to be able to login with Google, Amazon, Okta or whatever and the only info I want from them is the email address they used to login, nothing else. After their first login, their email will be added to a database and in a separate process I will grant them some permissions (what resources they can access).
So let's imagine a standard authorization code flow and let's fast forward to the access token part. The redirect URI has been called, we are in my client (somewhere is my backend/API) where I retrieve an access token. At this point the user has been successfully authenticated.
But what now ?
I don't care about Google anymore (do I still need the access token ?), but I still want to check if the user can use my API for each request and is able to access the API resources depending on his permissions.
How do I keep the user authenticated (for like 2h only) and check his permissions ? A session Cookie, a Token or something else with an expiration time ?
Do I need my own authorization server to check if the user has access to the resource he is requesting ?
Considering my requirements, do I need PKCE if the API is accessed from an SPA or a mobile app ? Wouldn't the authorization code flow be enough - the SPA or mobile app retrieve an authorization code, then call the callback endpoint from the API ?
And the more important question is, do I ask the right questions or am I completely off track and it's not how it's supposed to work ?
In terms of your questions:
Your API needs an access token on every request
A stateless session is managed by sending the access token on every request
It is recommended to use your own Authorization Server that manages redirecting to social providers - this will simplify your UIs and APIs which only need to handle one type of token - also this means you are in control of the tokens your apps use
Yes - use PKCE for public clients - the Authorization Server and UI security libraries will handle this for you
Your use case is not simple at all on a technical level and requires a lot of understanding. A good starting point is to understand these aspects:
Role of UI and what a coded solution looks like
Role of Authorization Server and its configuration
Role of API and what a coded solution looks like
Open Id Connect messages used
These links of mine may be useful for browsing:
Initial code sample and tutorial
Message Workflow including PKCE
Given an access token, both the UI and API can potentially get the email via step 12 in the second link to lookup user info.

Can't modify user private data with Client Credential Flow by Spotify Web API

Is there any method to modify i.e. playlist by Web API by with console based application in Client Credential Flow ?
Propably not, but maybe I am wrong ? I want to modify only my user's data.
Here I created issue at API specification
One of the benefits with the Client Credentials oAuth 2.0 flow is that applications can make authenticated requests to a web service without a need to involve an end user. Since a user isn't involved, the requests that can be made from the application is limited. For example, using Spotify's API, you can still make requests to retrieve track metadata, playlist contents, and search for albums. Any endpoint that requires a scope can't be used since it requires user interaction.
So using Client Credentials simply doesn't make sense if you're interested in making requests on behalf of a user, or if you want to access private data since the user needs to give you permission first.
You need to use Implicit Grant or Authentication Code Flow for this. I advise that you read further about the supported oAuth 2.0 flows in the Authorization Guide. One of the benefits of using the Authorization Code flow is that you'll also retrieve a new refresh token, which you can use to retrieve access tokens indefinitely. It however requires you to write a web service that accepts an authorization code and exchanges it for the tokens. The Implicit Grant flow doesn't return a refresh token, so it's only possible to use for one hour until the access token has expired.

In a REST API, handling authentication for multiple users

One of requirements for implementing a REST Api is that the client has to send the required state information every time to the server to handle a specific request. Assume authentication is in place and I'm successfully authenticating users to use the rest api, which means with every request i'm verifying that user has rights to access the api.
What if I have multiple users and each user has a different access right. So each user can only call a different set of webservices. I'm wondering how this is normally handled by the server. I figure the only way to do this is to check the authentication of each user(via a password hash code,etc) with each request to verify that he has access rights to the requested service. If that is correct then what are the recommended ways of handling authentication of multiple users in such a scenario?
I'm using flask to develop my api, so any specific suggestions will be much appreciated :)
Thanks in advance.
Authenticate a user first by username and password. Return back a token or hashcode.
Prior to any action you take on the servers api, check the users permission by using the token.
You always want to check permissions on the rest api. They can all make the call to the api. Their permissions is what will determine if they can or can't do the request.