MDX Prior Quarter Day Range - sql

I've been tasked with a rather odd Time intelligence function by my finance group that I'm trying to puzzle out.
I've been asked with creating a measure within our SSAS Cube to allow for seeing previous quarter to date based on how far we are in the current quarter. But instead of seeing a standard idea of days elapsed currently versus days elapsed previously, they would like to see days remaining versus previous days remaining.
What I mean by that is, take 1/22/2015 for example. We have 48 days remaining in our current quarter, which I have by means of a calculated measure. I need to find the corresponding working day from the previous quarter where it is also at 48 days remaining.
At that point I could create a date range with some aggregate functions off of the first date in the previous quarter to the corresponding date found in the above and come up with what they are looking for.
The best idea I've had so far is to possibly do this in the database section itself, by creating a new column that is essentially the calculated number of days remaining but stored. But at that point I'm not sure how to take a calculated measure in SSAS and filter a previous quarter date member to use that property as it were.

Do you have an utility dimensions in your cube? We have one called TimeCalculations. In there we have things such as CurrentValue, MTDValue, PrevEquivMTD, Past7Days .... I think your new logic would fit in with such a dimension.
Here is an example of PrevEquivQTD against AdvWrks that I just had a play with. Guessing this doesn't really help your scenario but I had fun writing it:
SET [NonEmptyDates] AS
,[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]
SET [LastNonEmptyDate] AS
SET [CurrQ] AS
[Date].[Calendar].[Calendar Quarter]
MEMBER [Measures].[pos] AS
MEMBER [Measures].[PrevEquivalentQTD] AS
,[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]
{[Measures].[pos],[Measures].[PrevEquivalentQTD]} ON 0
,[LastNonEmptyDate] ON 1
[Date].[Calendar].[Date].&[20080611] ON 0
FROM [Adventure Works]

Your Date is 1/22/2015. You want the Same Date in Previous Quarter which would be 8/22/2015.
If this is what you want, you will have to use MDX function ParallelPeriod as shown in sample below. Please replace it with your own Dimensions and Cube.
[Date].[Calendar Date].[Calendar Quarter], -- Level Expression
1, -- Index
[Date].[Calendar Date].[Date].&[20150122] -- Member Expression
) On 0
From [Adventure Works]
If you want the same date in the following quarter, then replace index 1 with -1.


Calculated measure to find the datediff using timedimension

I need to find out the number of days in Month based on Time dimension. Time dimension is Month when Jan is selected it has to return 31 as value.
If you have Time dimension and Time hierarchy, this should work:
WITH MEMBER measures.NumOfDays AS
SELECT Measures.NumOfDays ON 0,
[Time].[Time].Month on 1
FROM [MyCube]
The below sample shows how to get the count.
Please note the below query only show the idea how to do this. Your cube will note have these attributes you you need to replace them
with member
measures.t as Count(([Date].[Month of Year].&[1],[Date].[Day of Month].[Day of Month].members))
select {measures.t}
on columns
from [Adventure Works]

MDX : Comparison to same period of previous year

Let's assume i have easy table with sales data like:
id shop
id product
Can you help me to write MDX query for calculated member to get current period sales ratio to same period of previous year?
For example, if month or quarter selected as one of dimensions.
Let's assume you've a [Time] dimension with [Year], [Month] and [Day] levels.
[Time].[Jan 2015]:[Time].[Dec 2015] on 0,
[Measures].[Sales] on 1
Returns the sales for all months of 2015. We can add a calculated measure to get ratio :
MEMBER [Sales Ratio] AS DivN(
( ParallelPeriod( [Time].[Year], 1, [Time].current ), [Sales] )
[Time].[Jan 2015]:[Time].[Dec 2015] on 0,
{[Sales],[Sales Ratio]} on 1
DivN is icCube specific and allows for dividing being 'empty' safe.
ParallelPeriod is a standard MDX function, that returns previous years month. You could also use Lag(-12), that is 'travelling' backwards in a level 12 times.
current (aka Currentmember) is also standard MDX and allows for retrieving the current value of a hierarchy/ dimension.
In icCube I'd add a function to navigate to the previous year so you can reuse it (and fix one if needed). Like :
FUNCTION timePrevYear(t_) AS ParallelPeriod( [Time].[Year], 1, t_ )
MEMBER [Sales Ratio] AS DivN(
( timePrevYear( [Time].current ), [Sales] )
[Time].[Jan 2015]:[Time].[Dec 2015] on 0,
{[Sales],[Sales Ratio]} on 1
It's going to be a bit too much but eventually you could add this kind of calculations in what we call in MDX Utility or Stats dimension, so you can even let the end-user select this in a dropdown from a reporting tools. More on this here.
In the models I create for my clients, I sometimes take another route as ic3 has suggested:
Especially when there will be lots of additional calculations on top of these (e.g. year-to-date, inception-to-date, month-to-date etc).
This is:
load the same facts data again, but set as the "load date" the "date" - 1 year (e.g. mySQL: DATE_ADD(,INTERVAL -1 YEAR).
drill through on history is possible
lots of formulas can be added "on top" of these, you always know that the basics are ok

To get sum of previous days in ssas

please I am trying to get the last 60 days before a month starts
I have a set that is returned from the query below
non empty
[Measures].[TRANSACTIONS Count] on 0,
non empty ([TRANSACTIONS].[Days].[Days], [TRANSACTIONS].[Transaction Month].[Transaction Month]) on 1 from [cube]
I can get the cumulative count of last 60 days before month 2 by hard-coding the day of transaction of start of next month like below
[Measures].[Cumm Account Count]
AGGREGATE( [TRANSACTIONS].[Days].CurrentMember:NULL ,[Measures].[TRANSACTIONS Count])
non empty [Measures].[Cumm Account Count] on 0,
non empty [TRANSACTIONS].[Days].&[3]:[TRANSACTIONS].[Days].&[3].lead(60) on 1 from [cube];
please how can i achieve the above result without having to use the day numbers, I tried to use the tail function (to get the months and start date)
non empty tail(
tail([TRANSACTIONS].[Transaction Month].[Transaction Month],1)
,So I am hoping if I can use this with a sort of range function for 60days, then to get the next month will simply be a case of getting the tail(xx,2) with the range of 60days but it wont work because the range function accepts members only , please any guidance or where to check
If I am clear with your question, you need the transaction count for last or next 60 days right?
You might need to replace the dimensions and measures with your own, but this can be done with the Adventure Works cube as follows:
MEMBER [Measures].[Last60Days] AS
[Date].[Date].CURRENTMEMBER.lag(60) : [Date].[Date].CURRENTMEMBER,
[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]
MEMBER [Measures].[Next60Days] AS
[Date].[Date].CURRENTMEMBER : [Date].[Date].CURRENTMEMBER.lead(60),
[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]
{[Measures].[Last60Days], [Measures].[Next60Days]} ON 0,
[Date].[Date].[Date] ON 1
FROM [Adventure Works]

Count maximum sequel of null values - mdx query

I want to create a member based on this problem
I have a Product A being sold
I want to find the largest range of consecutive days without sale
days 1,2,3 the product not sale, after that,it sold for 15 consecutive days, at 19th day it didnt sell for 2 days and after that it sold every day until the end of the month
so my maximum days without sale was 3
The following query delivers in the Microsoft sample cube Adventure Works what you want:
WITH Member Measures.[days without sales] AS
IIf( [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] > 0
, 0
,(Measures.[days without sales], [Date].[Calendar].CurrentMember.PrevMember) + 1
Member Measures.[Max days without sales] AS
Max( [Date].[Calendar].[Date].Members
,Measures.[days without sales]
SELECT { [Measures].[Max days without sales] }
FROM [Adventure Works]
WHERE [Product].[Product].&[486]
The measure days without sales is defined recursively, and returns how many days up to and including the current member of the [Date].[Calendar] hierarchy there was no sales. You may need to adapt the criteria for "without sale", bearing in mind that in MDX, numerical comparisons treat NULL as 0 - which is different from SQL.
This measure only works correctly if there is a member in this hierarchy for each day, i. e. there are no gaps in this hierarchy. And actually, the definition is more general than just working for days: If you use months for the [Date].[Calendar].CurrentMember, it would give you the number of months without sales, etc. It works with each level of the hierarchy.
The measure Max days without sales does not contain the product in its definition, it delivers the maximum days for whatever is in context (in this case the product in the WHERE clause).
Please note that - as actually there is a loop over all days in the [Date].[Calendar] hierarchy when calculating Measures.[Max days without sales], and within that the recursion again iterates along the previous days, and all this for each cell in the result set - this may be slow for large reports.

How to groupby and filter on the same dimension in MDX

I want to create a barchart with a bar for each month and some measure.
But i also want to filter on a range of day which might not completly overlap some of the month.
When that happen I would like the aggregate count for those month to only aggregat over the days that fall in my date range not get the aggregate for the whole month.
Is that possible with MDX and if it is how should the request look like?
Create a second time dimension, using a virtual dimension of the original dimension. Use one dimension in the WHERE and another in the SELECT.
This often happens anyway if some people want 'Business Time' of quarters and periods, and others prefer months. Or if you have a financial year which runs April-April.
You can use subselect. You can find more information on this page and this page:
When a member is specified in the axis clause then that member with
its ascendants and descendants are included in the sub cube space for
the subselect; all non mentioned sibling members, in the axis or
slicer clause, and their descendants are filtered from the subspace.
This way, the space of the outer select has been limited to the
existing members in the axis clause or slicer clause, with their
ascendants and descendants as mentioned before.
Here is an example:
SELECT { [Customer].[Customer Geography].[Country].&[Australia]
, [Customer].[Customer Geography].[Country].&[United States]
} ON 1
, {[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount], [Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount]} ON 0
FROM ( SELECT {[Customer].[Customer Geography].[Country].&[Australia]
, [Customer].[State-Province].&[WA]&[US]} ON 0
FROM [Adventure Works]
The result will contain one row for Autralia and another one for the United States. With the subselect, I restricted the value of United Stated to the Washington state.
One way I found to do it with Mondrian is as follow
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Units Shipped2] AS
exists([Store].[Store Country].currentmember.children,{[Store].[USA].[WA],[Store].[USA].[OR]})
},[Measures].[Units Shipped]
MEMBER [Measures].[Warehouse Sales2] AS
exists([Store].[Store Country].currentmember.children,{[Store].[USA].[WA],[Store].[USA].[OR]})
},[Measures].[Warehouse Sales]
{[Measures].[Units Shipped2],[Measures].[Warehouse Sales2]} ON 0,
NON EMPTY [Store].[Store Country].Members on 1
FROM [Warehouse]
I am not sure if the filtering will be done in SQL like below and give good performance or be run locally
select Country, sum(unit_shipped)
where state in ('WA','OR' )
group by Country