Is it possible to pass a selector or a method signature as a parameter in Objective-C? - objective-c

As my title states, I'm wondering if I can pass a method signature or an #selector as a parameter? I'm asking because I'm creating a framework and I want to be able to pass instances of a certain class within it a method name.

You can pass the selector itself of use the name of the method as a string:
- (void)myMethod:(SEL)selector
[aClass performSelector:selector];
NSString *myMethodName = NSStringFromSelector(#selector(myMethod));
NSLog(#"The name of the method is: %#", myMethodName);

Actually, you cannot not pass a selector to a method.
In Objective-C, every method gets two implicit arguments, passed as normal parameters: The instance pointer self and the target selector _cmd. They are present in each and every method. The _cmd parameter is of type SEL. It is used by the runtime to look up the method implementation (this is the core of objc's dynamism).
You can, of course, add additional parameter of SEL type.


Obj-C: Difference between calling a method (with no input) on an object vs calling a method with input

I am an absolute beginner in objective-c and just read an overview of the language on cocoadevcentral.
The first section briefly discusses syntax for calling methods and gives two examples; one for calling a method on an object and the second is a method with input being called on an object,
[object method];
[object methodWithInput: input];
Can anyone explain the difference to me, possibly with a simple example?
There is no huge difference between the two and all depends on what you are doing.
Method 1
[object method];
There are two parts to this method.
object this is either an instance of a class or is a class itself all depends on the type of method you are calling whether it be an instance method or a class method. Each are declared differently.
A Class method is declared like + (void)myClassMethod; and would be called like [NSString myClassMethod];
An Instance method would be declared like - (void)myInstanceMethod; and would be called like [myStr myInstanceMethod]; (Where myStr is an instace of NSString)
method The second part is the actual method that you are calling this all that this will do when you call something like [myStr myInstanceMethod]; it will call the implementation of that method so it would call
- (void)myInstanceMethod
NSLog(#"We called our instance method");
Method 2
[object methodWithInput: input];
The only difference here is that we are passing in an argument. So here we have three parts the same first two from method 1 and the argument
input All this is, is the value that you are passing into the method to be used within it.
This type of method would be declared something like - (void)myInstanceMethodWithArgument:(NSString *)str;. Here are just saying that we have an argument of type NSString so when we call this like [str myInstanceMethod:#"Some Random String I want to pass in"]; it will run the following implementation code
- (void)myInstanceMethod:(NSString *)str
NSLog(#"My str value is : %#", str);
Method 3
[object methodWithInput1:input1 andInput2:input2];
Just throwing this in because you my get a little confused later when dealing with multiple arguments. This is exactly the same as method 2 except it has two arguments and not one. This would be declared like - (void)myInstanceMethodWithInput1:(NSString *)str1 andInput2:(NSString *)str2;. Does exactly the same is method 2 except it has multiple arguments that's it nothing to be scared of.
I would recommend that you have a read of the Apple Coding Guidelines for Cocoa. Best of look with learning as it's probably not the easiest language to learn.
Try substituting 'input' for 'argument'..
[object someMethod:(CGFloat )floatArgument];
The type should be there in the brackets, with a dereference operator (*) eg (NSObject *)theArgument if that argument is a pointer.
So basically some methods supply one or more arguments, and some do not, just as with C
When you call method without input data it means that method will work with already existing class's properties.
- (void)someMethod {
self.var_1 = self.var_2 + self.var_3; //or any other implementation
You will call this method like this
[self someMethod];
When you call method with some input data it means that this data will be used in method's implementation
- (void)someMethodWithInputData:(NSInteger)inputData {
self.var_1 = self.var_2 * inputData;
You will call it like this
[self someMethodWithInputData:10];
It's just the difference between saying "I wait" and "I eat an omelette". In some cases you can say what you mean with just a verb. In some cases a sentence needs an object in order to communicate its meaning.
The same thing applies in programming. Sonetimes you're going to need to specify more than just the action. But not always.

orderBySortDescriptor not calling selector

The selector compareUserObject:toObject: is never called and the array is only sorted by comparing status with a simple equality check. The query is a Parse query. How do I get my custom comparator(compareUserObject:toObject:) to be called?
NSSortDescriptor *statusDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc]
[query orderBySortDescriptor:statusDescriptor];
Well that's because you 're passing 2 parameters to it. Look at this documentation:
"The method to use when comparing the properties of objects, for example caseInsensitiveCompare: or localizedCompare:. The selector must specify a method implemented by the value of the property identified by keyPath. The selector used for the comparison is passed a single parameter, the object to compare against self, and must return the appropriate NSComparisonResult constant. The selector must
have the same method signature as:"
- (NSComparisonResult)localizedCompare:(NSString *)aString

Is my understanding of 'self' correct?

I'll provide a simple method and then explain how I see it, if this is incorrect, please let me know and correct me. I feel like I understand 'self' but still doubt my self.
-(NSString *)giveBack {
NSString *string = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Hi there!"];
return string;
-(IBAction)displayIt {
NSString *object = [self giveBack];
[myView setText:object];
the "myView" is a UITextView object.
Now as for the 'self'..
I'm basically saying in my -displayIt method that I'm creating a NSString object called 'object' and storing within it a method that returns a string which says "Hi there".
And this method (named 'giveBack') is performed ON the name of my class (whatever I named the project). Is this correct?
No, you are not creating an object called object and then storing a method within it etc. You are creating a variable which can hold a reference to an object and storing within it a reference to an object obtained by calling a method.
[Note: The following assumes you are using automatic memory management (ARC or garbage collection), no mention will be made of reference counts. If you are using manual memoery there is more to consider...]
Adding line numbers to your sample:
1. -(NSString *)giveBack
2. NSString *string = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Hi there!"];
3. return string;
4. -(IBAction)displayIt
5. NSString *object = [self giveBack];
6. [myView setText:object];
Declares giveBack as an instance method of the class, to be invoked it must be called on a particular instance.
The RHS ([NSString stringWithFormat:#"Hi there!"]) calls a class method which creates an object of type NSString and returns a reference, of type NSString *, to that object. The LHS declares a variable (string) which can hold a reference to an NSString object. The assignment (=) stores the reference returned by the RHS into the variable declared by the LHS.
Return the value in string as the result of the method
Declare an instance method called displayIt
RHS: call an instance method (giveBack) on the object instance self - self is a reference to the current object instance when within an instance method (in this case displayIt). LHS: declare a variable, object of type NSString *. Assignment: store the reference to an NSString returned by the method call on the RHS into the variable declared on the LHS.
Call the instance method setText: on the object instance referenced by the variable myView passing it the reference to an NSString found in variable object.
I think, you are generally correct.
But in below mention:
And this method (named 'giveBack') is performed ON the name of my class (whatever I named the project)
I can't understand your meaning.
A class name is just a symbol (that is text for human readers).
Methods of an Objective-C class are indicated by - notation in the beginning of method declaration.
In other words, all method declarations start with - within #implementation CLASS_NAME ... #end block are instance method of CLASS_NAME class.
When we call another instance methods (within a instance method) we use self keyword. Because all Objective C method call must designate target object and, in this case, we are calling ourselves (current CLASS_NAME instance itself). So we use self keyword.
Sorry for my confusing words.. It's harder to explain I thought :-(
you're storing the string returned by 'giveBack', not the method itself. the method is part of the class. 'self' is the instance of the object that you're calling 'giveBack' (and 'displayIt' for that matter) on.

call method in different from #selector in Objective-C

How do we call a method which is in classB from #selector tag of classA.??
Can i do it in this way??
[tis_obj authenticate:self action:#selector([classB method]:)
accName:#"BOOK" User:#"User"];
Is there a possibility to call a method of different class form#selector tag?? or should the method be always in same class?
Thank You.
No you can't. To call a -[classB method:], the authenticate: parameter must have a classB instance, e.g.
classB* b = [[clasB alloc] init];
[tis_obj authenticate:b action:#selector(method:) …];
self.b = b;
[b release];
It looks like you want tis_obj to use the method selector on classB. I'm not sure what tis_obj is, but I see you're passing an argument self there. Perhaps what you're really looking for is:
[tis_obj authenticate:classB
This will presumably mean that tis_obj will at one point perform the equivalent of [classB method:someArg].
A selector is just a name. The selector in the method call [someObject foo:5] is just foo:. It doesn't specify a method or a receiver, just the name.
What you pass to #selector() doesn't have a class name. A selector definition is simply a method name, so this will work:
[tis_obj authenticate:self action:#selector(method:)
accName:#"BOOK" User:#"User"];
(if "method:" is defined on your class of course)

Passing class method as selector problem

I want to build a selector from a class method.
I'm doing it this way:
NavigationTreeActionHandler* handler=[NavigationTreeActionHandler self];
NavigationTreeNode* bombsNode=new NavigationTreeNode("Bombs","bigbomb.tif"
I need to pass to NavigationTreeNode the target and the selector to the target method.
I try to get the target using the self property of the class object (Don't know if htis is the correct way to do it). Then I get the selector for the class method I want to call on the class.
Everything compiles ok but it fails when I use:
[[handler class] instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:selector];
I get a nil and don't really know why... could anybody help please?
A few suggestions:
[NavigationTreeActionHandler self] will work fine to get the class object, but I would declare handler as type id instead of NavigationTreeActionHandler*, because it's not a reference to an instance that type
[handler class] is redundant; handler is already the class object.
instanceMethodSignatureForSelector: is only going to return nil if handler does not implement the selector. Verify your spelling etc., and try throwing in an NSLog to verify what you're receiving:
NSLog("handler = %# sel = %#", handler, NSStringFromSelector(selector));
But I'm unclear on what you're trying to do with instanceMethodSignatureForSelector: in the first place. If you're just trying to call the class method, wouldn't [handler performSelector:selector]; do what you want?
It's likely you're using code that assumes that calling the method class will get an object's class, and thus uses [[handler class] instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:selector] to get the method signature for the selector on the object handler. While that works for normal objects, that does not work for class objects, because of the different meaning of the class method on class objects, since the class method +class overrides the instance method -class, and +class simply returns the object it's called on, instead of the class it's an instance of (a meta-class).
The solution is that you don't even need to get the class at all, as there is a method you can call on an instance to get its method signature:
[handler methodSignatureForSelector:selector]
This is a much shorter and simpler way of doing what was intended, and also works for class objects too.