IBM Mobilefirst CLI - Server start issue - ibm-mobilefirst

I recently installed IBM MobileFirst CLI on my Mac, but I don't seem to be able to start the Server. See error below. I searched the internet and found that there is a bug in JDK which causes the JavaLaunchHelper error. I downloaded the beta version that supposedly fixes the issue from here - JDK Download Link
. But this doesn't help either. Any other help is appreciated.
Imayas-MBP:EmployeeDirectory imaya$ mfp start Initializing
MobileFirst Console. objc[18564]: Class JavaLaunchHelper is
implemented in both
One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. Starting
server worklight. Server worklight start failed. Check server logs
for details.
/Users/imaya/.ibm/mobilefirst/6.3.0/server/wlp/bin/server: line 744:
18563 Abort trap: 6 "${JAVA_CMD}" "$#" > "${JAVA_CMD_LOG}"
2>&1 Error: The MobileFirst server failed to start. The port may be in
use by another instance of a running server, or the server may not

The JavaLaunchHelper error is not the problem here; Anyone using Java 7 will experience it, but things will work regardless.
The problem here is the second error:
The MobileFirst server failed to start. The port may be in use by
another instance of a running server, or the server may not exist.
Verify you do not have an already running server, that was started either by the CLI or by MFP Studio in an Eclipse installation.
In the command line, run mfp stop
In Eclipse, well, quit it
Make sure the Java process is not running
Then, start over. Using the CLI, create a new project and application and try to start the server. For example:
cd /Users/idanadar/Desktop
mfp create testProject
cd testProject
mfp add hybrid testApp
mfp start
mfp build
mfp deploy
mfp console

On OSX, you can locate and kill a process holding open a port using the following:
Run (assumes port 10080):
$ lsof -i :10080
Then if a process is shown, run the following using the shown Process ID:
$ kill -9 {PID}


MobileFirst 8.0 GA - HTTP JS adapter deploy failed

When I try to deploy a simple JS HTTP adapter to Bluemix MFP8 I am getting the following error message:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal (default-cli) on project
TestAdapter: Unexpected response from
-> [Help 1]
Though I get the error message, the adapter is deployed and works fine. However, the error looks really bad and I cannot go do a customer POC.
I saw a post on this issue in Failed to deploy a sample Javascript HTTP adapter on MFP 8 (MobileFoundation Bluemix) for MFP8 beta and the answer was it is a known issue and resolved internally.
Even in MFP8 GA, this issue is not resolved. Any plans to fix this?
PS: When I deploy the same to the local MFP8 server, I do not see this message.
You need to do two things:
Update to the latest CLI build: npm update -g mfpdev-cli and make sure using mfpdev -v that your version is "8.0.0-2016070716"
Delete the .m2 folder, in Mac it is located at the root folder: "~/.m2"
Now you can create a new adapter, build and deploy it to either local servers or remote servers.

How to keep mule CE 5.3.0 running

I've created my mule application, and i deploy it on mule ce 5.3.0 my question now is how to keep my server running which means even if i close my CMD (the window where my mule is running) my application keep running.
See here:
Starting In the Background
Use the cd command to navigate to the $MULE_HOME/bin directory.
Run the startup script according to the options below.
Unix: ./mule start
Windows: mule.bat start
To further add on to what Ryan said, you can also install Mule as a service if you're running on Windows. From then you can also configure your Mule server to start up every time your machine boots up.
You can do so using the following command:
mule install

Weblogic Server, Timed out waiting for completion, while creating a new server

I have installed the Weblogic 12c (12.1.3) on my Windows 7 machine. After creating the Admin server and logging in, I am trying to create a new Managed Server. But when I press the create button, it takes a lot of time showing the loading symbol and finally gives the error Timed out waiting for completion: Activate State: STATE_DISTRIBUTED Target Servers States: AdminServer STATE_DISTRIBUTED.
Earlier I was working on weblogic 10.3.2 and it was working fine, but after this installation it gives me the error and I am unable to create a new Managed Server.
My JAVA_HOME is pointing to JDK 1.8 currently. Also there is this entry in the PATH variable which is something like 'C:\ProgramData\Oracle\java\javapath' which has 3 SYMLINKS to java.exe, javaw.exe and javaws.exe to my JRE 1.8 instead of the JDK 1.8. I uninstalled the JRE and just kept the JDK for the time being but still did not work.
Please advice.
Was able to find the solution for it. Pointed my JAVA_HOME back to JDK 1.7 and at the same time changed the port of NodeManager from the default 5556 to 5557 and was able to successfully create and link the Machine and the Managed Server.

IBM Worklight 6.2. Start eclipse test environment server from command line

If I'm not wrong with each new workspace a new "instance" of Liberty is configured in the folder "WorklightServerConfig" of the workspace.
Is it possible to start the worklight server from command line using those configuration files?
I have not been able to get the right "server start" command.
Thank you.
According to the documentation, you can use wl start to start the server and wl stop to stop it.
If you have installed Worklight Studio, you can also use the Liberty server command directly:
cd WL_STUDIO_INSTALL_DIR/plugins/*/liberty/wlp/bin
Set the environment variable WLP_USER_DIR to the value defined in the file ../etc/server.env (it may be commented out).
Run the server command with arguments start worklight.
On Unix: env WLP_USER_DIR=ECLIPSE_WORKSPACE/WorklightServerConfig ./server start worklight
On Windows: set WLP_USER_DIR=ECLIPSE_WORKSPACE/WorklightServerConfig
server start worklight

installing phonegap on windows7 error

I am a web developer and new to Phonegap..
I was trying to install phone gap on my windows 7 machine as per described here
but when i run the following command
cordova platform add android
i am getting the following error
[Error: An error occured during creation of android sub-project.
ERROR : executing command 'ant', make sure you have ant installed and added to y
our path.
does this mean that i should install apache ant on my machine ? if so can someone redirect me to right link.
I am also running wampserver on my machine for my other developments..
will installing 'ant' affect on my wamp ?
As described in PhoneGap Getting Started
Finally, you may need to include %ANT_HOME%\bin to your PATH as well. To check to see if this is required, run a command prompt and type ant. If the program can not be found add %ANT_HOME%\bin to the PATH. You may need to specify the full path instead of using the %ANT_HOME% environment variable.
If you need ant for Windows, you may want to download and install it from here
You need ant to add the android platform.
Ant is a java-based build tool.
You can get further informations and download it at
ant has nothing to do with the apache webserver and doesn't effect your wamp installation. It's another software product provided by the apache foundation.