summarize mutlitple values sent to graphite at the same time - sum

I'm trying to display the sum of several values ​​sent to Graphite (carbon-cache) for the same timestamp.
Sent values are like :
test.nb 10 1421751600
test.nb 11 1421751600
test.nb 12 1421751600
test.nb 13 1421751600
and I would Graphite to display value "46" for timestamp 1421751600.
Only the last value "13" is displayed on Graphite.
Here are configuration files :
pattern = ^test\.*
xFilesFactor = 0.1
aggregationMethod = sum
pattern = ^test\.
retentions = 10s:30d
Is there a way to do this with Graphite/Carbon ?

storage-aggregation.conf file defines how to aggregate data to lower precision retentions and since you only have one retention precision defined: 10s for 30 days, this is not needed.
In order to this with Graphite daemons, you will have to use that is run in front of to buffer metrics over time. Check [aggregator] section in config file. By default, carbon-aggregator listens on port 2023 (default) so you will have to send data points to this port and not carbon-cache port (2004 by default).
Also, you will have to specify the aggregation rule in aggregation-rules.conf that will allow you to add several metrics together as the come in. You can find detailed explanation here.


Spark structured streaming groupBy not working in append mode (works in update)

I'm trying to get a streaming aggregation/groupBy working in append output mode, to be able to use the resulting stream in a stream-to-stream join. I'm working on (Py)Spark 2.3.2, and I'm consuming from Kafka topics.
My pseudo-code is something like below, running in a Zeppelin notebook
orderStream = spark.readStream().format("kafka").option("startingOffsets", "earliest").....
orderGroupDF = (orderStream
.withWatermark("LAST_MOD", "20 seconds")
.groupBy("ID", window("LAST_MOD", "10 seconds", "5 seconds"))
collect_list(struct("attra", "attrb2",...)).alias("orders"),
debug = (orderGroupDF.writeStream
After that, I would expected that data appears on the debug query and I can select from it (after the late arrival window of 20 seconds has expired. But no data every appears on the debug query (I waited several minutes)
When I changed output mode to update the query works immediately.
Any hint what I'm doing wrong?
EDIT: after some more experimentation, I can add the following (but I still don't understand it).
When starting the Spark application, there is quite a lot of old data (with event timestamps << current time) on the topic from which I consume. After starting, it seems to read all these messages (MicroBatchExecution in the log reports "numRowsTotal = 6224" for example), but nothing is produced on the output, and the eventTime watermark in the log from MicroBatchExecution stays at epoch (1970-01-01).
After producing a fresh message onto the input topic with eventTimestamp very close to current time, the query immediately outputs all the "queued" records at once, and bumps the eventTime watermark in the query.
What I can also see that there seems to be an issue with the timezone. My Spark programs runs in CET (UTC+2 currently). The timestamps in the incoming Kafka messages are in UTC, e.g "LAST__MOD": "2019-05-14 12:39:39.955595000". I have set spark_sess.conf.set("spark.sql.session.timeZone", "UTC"). Still, the microbatch report after that "new" message has been produced onto the input topic says
"eventTime" : {
"avg" : "2019-05-14T10:39:39.955Z",
"max" : "2019-05-14T10:39:39.955Z",
"min" : "2019-05-14T10:39:39.955Z",
"watermark" : "2019-05-14T10:35:25.255Z"
So the eventTime somehow links of with the time in the input message, but it is 2 hours off. The UTC difference has been subtraced twice. Additionally, I fail to see how the watermark calculation works. Given that I set it to 20 seconds, I would have expected it to be 20 seconds older than the max eventtime. But apparently it is 4 mins 14 secs older. I fail to see the logic behind this.
I'm very confused...
It seems that this was related to the Spark version 2.3.2 that I used, and maybe more concretely to SPARK-24156. I have upgraded to Spark 2.4.3 and here I get the results of the groupBy immediately (well, of course after the watermark lateThreshold has expired, but "in the expected timeframe".

Substract a value x from a Prometheus metric for a Grafana "single stat" with "Delta" activated?

Maybe the problem should be solved in another way.
I am using a Grafana SingleStat pane with "Delta" activated and the dashboard shows me "today so far".
Prometheus metric: sum(request_duration_count{...})
I have a metric counting requests. Between 03:00 and 06:00 an automated test triggers my service and the metric is incremented by value x. (I set a Grafana annotation at the starting point.)
I want to get a single stat request count without the test requests.
Advanced Problem:
Nagios checks every y minutes and also increments the counter.
How can I remove these "test-counts"?
Any ideas?

AUTOSAR configuaration - DCM module

I am stuck at a point where I am configuring the DCM module and the current parameter I am trying to configure DcmTimStrP2AdjustServer,
The requirement is P2CAN_SERVER_MAX = 25ms; P2STARCAN_SERVER_MAX = 5000ms;
Is DcmDspSessionP2ServerMax the same as P2CAN_SERVER_MAX? and if it is the same
What is the need for DcmTimStrP2AdjustServer and how do I find the best value for DcmTimStrP2AdjustServer.(The values all should be a multiple of DcmTaskTime which I find to be logical).
DcmTaskTime = 5ms;
I am following Autosar 4.0.3, using ETAS tool for configuring the parameters.
To fulfill your requirement, you need to configure respectively
DcmDspSessionP2ServerMax & DcmDspSessionP2StarServerMax for each session control in the DcmDspSessionRows at Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspSession/.
DcmDspSessionP2ServerMax 25
DcmDspSessionP2StarServerMax 5000
There is no DcmTimStrP2AdjustServer, but I guess you're referring to DcmTimStrP2ServerAdjust instead. DcmTimStrP2ServerAdjust & DcmTimStrP2StarServerAdjust should be configured to a multiple of your DcmTaskTime (5ms in your case, so i.e. 5ms, 10ms, 15, ms, ... is applicable) and are used to safeguard that the response is available on the bus before triggering the P2 or P2* timeouts. In your case you may want to set these values to the same values as in the DcmDspSessionRows if there is no other specification given, because the chosen timeout values there are already multiples of your DcmTaskTime:
DcmTimStrP2ServerAdjust 25
DcmTimStrP2StarServerAdjust 5000
The adjust value is an internal value, in order to adjust the delay between the Dcm Transmit Request and the message being actually on the Bus.
The definition of P2ServerMax and P2*ServerMax and their corresponding Adjust values is the same:
This parameter is used to guarantee that the diagnostic response is available on the bus before reaching P2 by adjusting the current DcmDspSessionP2ServerMax. This parameter mainly represents the software architecture dependent communication delay between the time the transmission is initiated by DCM and the time when the message is actually transmitted to the bus

Which element in webrtc API stat refer to incoming bit rate

I am trying to find any element refer to IncomingBitrate in webrtc dump file .
Where I can find the incoming bitrate in webrtc-internals?
Also, How I can calculate incoming bitrate from webrtc stats?
In webrtc-internals check the active connection -- it's printed in bold. Usually it is Conn-Audio-1-0. There are two fields bytesSent and bytesReceived which will allow you to calculate the bitrate. Also check the constraints + stats demo for an actual example:
In getStats, iterate the reports until you find one of kind googCandidatePair with .stat('googActiveConnection') === 'true'. That is giving you the same information as webrtc-internals. If you want per-track/stream values, reports of type ssrc have bytesSent or bytesReceived, depending on whether they are sent or received.
Then calculate the bitrate by dividing the bytes sent/received by the time difference between the getStats calls.

GWT-RPC, Apache, Tomcat server data size checking

Following up on this GWT-RPC question (and answer #1) re. field size checking, I would like to know the right way to check pre-deserialization for max data size sent to server, something like if request data size > X then abort the request. Valuing simplicity and based on answer on aforementioned question/answer, I am inclined to believe checking for max overall request size would suffice, finer grained checks (i.e., field level checks) could be deferred to post-deserialization, but I am open to any best-practice suggestion.
Tech stack of interest: GWT-RPC client-server communication with Apache-Tomcat front-end web-server.
I suppose a first step would be to globally limit the size of any request (LimitRequestBody in httpd.conf or/and others?).
Are there finer-grained checks like something that can be set per RPC request? If so where, how? How much security value do finer grain checks bring over one global setting?
To frame the question more specifically with an example, let's suppose we have the two following RPC request signatures on the same servlet:
public void rpc1(A a, B b) throws MyException;
public void rpc2(C c, D d) throws MyException;
Suppose I approximately know the following max sizes:
a: 10 kB
b: 40 kB
c: 1 M B
d: 1 kB
Then I expect the following max sizes:
rpc1: 50 kB
rpc2: 1 MB
In the context of this example, my questions are:
Where/how to configure the max size of any request -- i.e., 1 MB in my above example? I believe it is LimitRequestBody in httpd.conf but not 100% sure whether it is the only parameter for this purpose.
If possible, where/how to configure max size per servlet -- i.e., max size of any rpc in my servlet is 1 MB?
If possible, where/how to configure/check max size per rpc request -- i.e., max rpc1 size is 50 kB and max rpc2 size is 1 MB?
If possible, where/how to configure/check max size per rpc request argument -- i.e., a is 10 kB, b is 40 kB, c is 1 MB, and d is 1 kB. I suspect it makes practical sense to do post-deserialization, doesn't it?
For practical purposes based of cost/benefit, what level of pre-deserialization checking is generally recommended -- 1. global, 2. servlet, 3. rpc, 4. object-argument? Stated differently, what is roughly the cost-complexity on one hand and the added value on the other hand of each of the above pre-deserialization level checks?
Thanks much in advance.
Based on what I have learned since I asked the question, my own answer and strategy until someone can show me better is:
First line of defense and check is Apache's LimitRequestBody set in httpd.conf. It is the overall max for all rpc calls across all servlets.
Second line of defense is servlet pre-deserialization by overriding GWT AbstractRemoteServiceServlet.readContent. For instance, one could do it as shown further below I suppose. This was the heart of what I was fishing for in this question.
Then one can further check each rpc call argument post-deserialization. One could conveniently use the JSR 303 validation both on the server and client side -- see references StackOverflow and gwt r.e. client side.
Example on how to override AbstractRemoteServiceServlet.readContent:
protected String readContent(HttpServletRequest request) throws ServletException, IOException
final int contentLength = request.getContentLength();
// _maxRequestSize should be large enough to be applicable to all rpc calls within this servlet.
if (contentLength > _maxRequestSize)
throw new IOException("Request too large");
final String requestPayload = super.readContent(request);
return requestPayload;
See this question in case the max request size if > 2GB.
From a security perspective, this strategy seems quite reasonable to me to control the size of data users send to server.