Unable to get related object in bookshelf.js - hapi.js

Does anyone know why I'm unable to access the related author for a given book?
console.log(book.related('author').toJSON()); prints an empty object.
var Book = Bookshelf.Model.extend({
tableName: 'books',
hasTimestamps: true,
author: function() {
return this.belongsTo(require('./author'));
var Author = Bookshelf.Model.extend({
tableName: 'authors',
hasTimestamps: true,
books: function(){
return this.hasMany(require('./book'), 'author_id');
In my GET /books/{id} route handler:
var p = new Book({id: req.params.id}).fetch({
withRelated: ['author']
return {
book: internals.renderbook(book)
If I try to print without .toJSON() it shows:
{ attributes: {},
_previousAttributes: {},
changed: {},
relations: {},
cid: 'c12',
{ type: 'belongsTo',
{ [Function]
super_: [Object],
NotFoundError: [Function: ErrorCtor],
collection: [Function],
forge: [Function],
where: [Function],
query: [Function],
fetchAll: [Function],
extend: [Function],
__super__: [Object] },
targetTableName: 'authors',
targetIdAttribute: 'id',
foreignKey: 'user_id',
parentId: 'b3b35d4c-17c3-46bd-90c2-a17fe907b9b8',
parentTableName: 'books',
parentIdAttribute: 'id',
parentFk: undefined } }

I am not able to test right now but the calls to require() in the definition of the models look weird to me ... I would have written
author: function() {
return this.belongsTo(Author);
books: function(){
return this.hasMany(Book, 'author_id');
PS. Since I can't test right away, I wanted to make this a comment but I don't have reputation enough ...


Join 3 Tables with Sequelize

I'm trying to convert below raw query to ORM but couldn't achieve anything.
raw query
select * from "Invoices" I
LEFT JOIN "Requests" R ON R."id" = I."requestId"
LEFT JOIN "Supps" S ON S."requestId" = R."id"
where S."confirm" = 'OK'
What I've tried:
Requests.belongsTo(Invoices, { foreignKey: "id" });
Supps.belongsTo(Requests, { foreignKey: "requestId" });
Supps.hasMany(Requests, { foreignKey: "requestId" });
Invoices.hasMany(Requests, { foreignKey: "requestId" });
include: [{ model: Requests, required: false }, { model: Supps, required: false }],
where: { Sequelize.col("Supps.confirm"): { "OK" } }
}).then(data => {
But this generates a very very long query with multiple sub queries and wrong data
For sure you will need to add also the sourceKey in th associations. (doc)
Supps.hasMany(Requests, { foreignKey: "requestId" ,sourceKey: '{ID}' });
Invoices.hasMany(Requests, { foreignKey: "requestId",sourceKey: '{ID}' });
Also you can add {raw:true} to get a one level json response .
include: [{ model: Requests, required: false }, { model: Supps, required: false }],
where: { Sequelize.col("Supps.confirm"): { "OK" } },
}).then(data => {

Sequelize Many to Many Relationship using Through does not insert additional attributes

I have a many to many relationship between: Step and Control Through ControlsConfig.
When creating a Control object and call addStep function and specify the additional attributes (which exist in the relation table), Sequelize creates the records in the relational table ControlsConfig but the additional attributes are NULLs.
PS: The tables are creating correctly in the database.
Table 1: Step
Table 2: Control
Relation table: ControlsConfig
var Step = sequelize.define('Step', {
title: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: false },
description: DataTypes.STRING,
type: { type: DataTypes.ENUM('task', 'approval'), allowNull: false, defaultValue: 'task' },
order: DataTypes.INTEGER
Step.associate = function(models) {
var Control = sequelize.define('Control', {
label: { type: DataTypes.STRING, allowNull: false },
order: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER },
type: { type: DataTypes.ENUM('text', 'yes/no') },
config: { type: DataTypes.TEXT },
controlUiId: { type: DataTypes.STRING }
Control.associate = function(models) {
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
var ControlsConfig = sequelize.define('ControlsConfig', {
visibility: { type: DataTypes.ENUM('hidden', 'readonly', 'editable', 'required') },
config: { type: DataTypes.TEXT }
ControlsConfig.associate = function(models) {
models.Control.belongsToMany(models.Step, { through: models.ControlsConfig });
models.Step.belongsToMany(models.Control, { through: models.ControlsConfig });
return ControlsConfig;
try {
var step1 = await Step.create({ /*bla bla*/ });
var control1 = await Control.create({ /*bla bla*/ });
var OK = await control1.addStep(step1, {through: { config: 'THIS FIELD ALWAYS APPEARS NULL' }});
} catch (error) { /* No errors*/ }
I am following the same strategy stated at the documentation
//If you want additional attributes in your join table, you can define a model for the join table in sequelize, before you define the association, and then tell sequelize that it should use that model for joining, instead of creating a new one:
const User = sequelize.define('user', {})
const Project = sequelize.define('project', {})
const UserProjects = sequelize.define('userProjects', {
status: DataTypes.STRING
User.belongsToMany(Project, { through: UserProjects })
Project.belongsToMany(User, { through: UserProjects })
//To add a new project to a user and set its status, you pass extra options.through to the setter, which contains the attributes for the join table
user.addProject(project, { through: { status: 'started' }})
You have to pass edit: true to the addProject and addStep method.
See this answer it has a similar issue
Sequelize belongsToMany additional attributes in join table

Keystone.js filtering on related fields within own model

I am working on filtering my subsection selection to display only subSections that are related to the current mainNavigationSection. Each of these subsections also has a mainNavigation section. For some reason the current implementation is not returning any results.
Here is my Page Model:
name: { type: String, required: true },
mainNavigationSection: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'NavItem', refPath: 'key', many: true, index: true },
subSection: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'SubSection', filters: { mainNavigationSection:':mainNavigationSection' }, many: true, index: true, note: 'lorem ipsum' },
state: { type: Types.Select, options: 'draft, published, archived', default: 'draft', index: true },
author: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'User', index: true }
Here is my subSectionModel:
name: { type: String, required: true, index: true },
mainNavigationSection: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'NavItem', many: true, required: true, initial: true},
showInFooterNav: { type: Boolean, default: false },
defaultPage: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'Page' },
description: { type: Types.Html, wysiwyg: true, height: 150, hint: 'optional description' }
From what it seems, you have the possibility of many mainNavigationSections on your model. You'd have to iterate over each of them on the current Page, and find the related SubSections. You'll need to use the async Node module to run all the queries and get the results from each.
var async = require('async');
var pID = req.params.pid; // Or however you are identifying the current page
keystone.list('Page').model.findOne({page: pID}).exec(function (err, page) {
if (page && !err) {
async.each(page.mainNavigationSection, function (curMainNavigationSection, cb) {
.find({mainNavigationSection: curMainNavigationSection._id.toString()})
.exec(function (err2, curSubSections) {
if (curSubSections.length !== 0 && !err2) {
// Do what you need to do with the navigation subSections here
// I recommend using a local variable, which will persist through
// every iteration of this loop and into the callback function in order
// to persist data
return cb(null)
else {
return cb(err || "An unexpected error occurred.");
}, function (err) {
if (!err) {
return next(); // Or do whatever
else {
// Handle error
else {
// There were no pages or you have an error loading them

sencha touch search form

I really hope someone can help me, It seems like this should be obvious but sencha documentation isn't very easy to read and incomplete. I am trying to build a search form but it doesnt seem to take the store or the url and I can't figure out how to add parameters like page? Can anyone help? This code just produces Failed to load resource: null.
var searchField = new Ext.form.Search({
url: 'someurl',
store: this.data_store,
listeners: {
focus: function(){ searchField.setValue(''); },
blur: function(){ if( searchField.getValue()=='' ){ searchField.setValue('Search'); } },
success: function(e){
this.dockedItems = [ searchField ];
Ext.form.FormPanel doesn't take a Ext.data.Store or Ext.data.Model directly but does deal with Instances of Ext.data.Model. Lets say you have the following model:
Ext.regModel('MyForm', {
fields: [{name: 'id', type: 'int'},'name','description']
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: 'url_to_load_and_save_form'
Now your form definition would look something like this:
Ext.form.MyForm = Ext.extend(Ext.form.FormPanel, {
record : null,
model: 'MyForm',
items: [{
xtype: 'hidden',
name: 'id'
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'name',
allowBlank: false
xtype: 'textarea',
name: 'description'
submit : function(){
var record = this.getRecord() || Ext.ModelMgr.create({}, this.model);
this.updateRecord(record , true);
scope: this,
success : function(record, opts){
this.fireEvent('saved', record);
callback: function(){
Of course you should add in some validations and a button to actually call the Ext.form.MyForm.submit method.

Sencha Touch: Ext.DataView not showing store data

I know the typical reason for a DataView to be blank is because the model or JSON is wrong. From what I can tell, mine is right... so I'm not sure why my DataView is blank.
rpc.controllers.AboutController = new Ext.Panel({
id: 'rpc-controllers-AboutController',
title: 'About',
iconCls: 'info',
layout: 'card',
scroll: 'vertical',
items: [rpc.views.About.index],
dockedItems: [{ xtype: 'toolbar',
title: 'RockPointe Church | Mobile'
listeners: {
activate: function () {
if (rpc.stores.AboutStore.getCount() === 0) {
rpc.views.About.index = new Ext.DataView({
id: 'rpc-views-about-index',
itemSelector: 'div.about-index',
tpl: '<tpl for="."><div class="about-index">{html}</div></tpl>',
store: rpc.stores.AboutStore,
fullscreen: true,
scroll: 'vertical'
rpc.stores.AboutStore = new Ext.data.Store({
id: 'rpc-stores-aboutstore',
model: 'rpc.models.AboutModel',
autoLoad: true,
proxy: {
type: 'scripttag',
url: WebService('About', 'Index'),
method: 'GET',
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'results'
afterRequest: function (request, success) {
if (success) {
} else {
rpc.stores.AboutStore.proxy.addListener('exception', function (proxy, response, operation) {
rpc.models.AboutModel = Ext.regModel('rpc.models.AboutModel', {
fields: ['html']
mycallback({"results":{"html":"... content removed for brevity ..."},"success":true});
Can anyone see what I might be doing wrong here?
There are no console/javascript errors. And the resources are showing that I am in fact pulling down the JSON from the WebService.
If I use console.log(rpc.stores.AboutStore.getCount()); inside my activate listener on the AboutController, the result is always 0, and I'm not entirely sure why
here's the staging app if you'd like to see the request
http://rpcm.infinitas.ws/ (note, this link will expire at some point)
Try returning your json value as an array instead of an object. I think Ext is expecting an array of records instead of just one.
For example
"{results : [{"html": "Your html"}]}"