How do source maps work over multiple, consecutive build steps? - browserify

I've tried googling, and there's some good info about how A-to-B source maps work, but I can't find any explanation of the logistics of A-to-B-to-C source maps.
For example, with Browserify it's possible to have input files of different types (like main.js,, module-2.es6), and use transforms (coffeeify, 6to5ify) to modify data on the way in. The final bundle.js contains a huge inline data URI in a source map comment. And it works – if some line in bundle.js throws an error, then devtools shows me the original source file and line number, even if it's in a CoffeeScript module.
Can anyone help me understand the logistics of this... Do all the sourcemaps get 'collapsed' into a single source map at the end? Or does the browser devtools have to traverse a tree of source maps until it finds a file that doesn't have a source map comment? Or does it work some other way?
(Maybe this stuff is already well documented and I'm just googling the wrong terms?)

Yes, they're collapsed, as multilevel source maps are not standartized yet. It goes like this:
var gen = SourceMapGenerator.fromSourceMap(new SourceMapConsumer(jsToMinMap));
gen.applySourceMap(new SourceMapConsumer(coffeeToJsMap));
var map = gen.toJSON();
Some more info in the previous topic on Stack Overflow.


Simple question about File class in kotlin

I'm trying to read from a file in kotlin using the File class. It's just a simple txt file with a list of names with each name occupying an independent row. This is my project structure:
and here's my function for pulling out a name depending on the day of the year:
private fun getNameOfTheDay(): String {
val cal = Calendar.getInstance()
val day = cal[Calendar.DATE]
return File("data${File.separator}names.txt")
.elementAt(day - 1)
I keep on getting a FileNotFound exception so I would assume that my file path is somehow wrong... What am I doing wrong here? Sorry for the dumb question, I'm still learning. By the way the function shown above is called from the MainActivity. Thanks in Advance!
Filenames can be absolute or relative. Absolute filenames start from the top level (e.g. the root directory on Unix-like filesystems, which Macs have; or a drive letter on Windows), and so specify the filename unambiguously. Relative filenames don't, and so give a file in (or in relation to) the current working directory.
In this case, data/names.txt is a relative filename. It assumes that the current directory has a subdirectory called data, and refers to a file in that.
However, the file is actually in the directory app/src/main/java/com/example/mynameis/data/ within your project — so this would only work if the current directory was /<pathToYourProject>/app/src/main/java/com/example/mynameis/, which is highly unlikely! So that probably explains the failure.
I don't know about Android projects, but in normal JVM projects the standard practice is to put data files in a src/main/resources/ directory. Gradle (or Maven) knows to copy them into the classpath when building the project. You would then load it from the classpath, e.g. with:
See e.g. this question for more details and variations.
The advantage of loading from the classpath instead of a file path is that you don't need to know exactly where the file is; it could be loose on the filesystem, or bundled into a jar or other archive (even compressed), with ways to select between different versions depending on the run profile — all completely transparent to your code.
As I said, I don't know Android, and can't find any direct answers on StackOverflow. (This question seems to suggest using a android.resource:// URI, but I don't know if that would apply here.) Maybe these external sites can give you some hints.
You should try "data\names.txt". Oftentimes slashes don't work for file paths.

Upload image diff using CTest and CDash

For running automated tests in a C++ application, I would like the application to dump an image and compare it against a baseline image. I saw several examples of this on various CDash dashboards, e.g. this one (link might not be valid for long).
My google-fu has failed me on this one, what is the correct way to get this functionality?
The easiest way to attach ordinary files to test results is by listing those files in either the ATTACHED_FILES or ATTACHED_FILES_ON_FAIL test properties. This is not the mechanism being used here though.
According to this mailing list post, you can output special contents like that shown below to the test's stdout and it results in the named files being uploaded. The sample CDash results page you linked to follows a similar pattern as the example from the mailing list, which I've reproduced here for reference (I've made one small correction to change DifferenceImage to DifferenceImage2):
<DartMeasurement name="BaselineImage" type="text/string">Standard</DartMeasurement>
<DartMeasurementFile name="TestImage" type="image/png">C:/Users/.../Testing/Temporary/BoxWidget.png</DartMeasurementFile>
<DartMeasurementFile name="DifferenceImage2" type="image/png">C:/Users/.../Testing/Temporary/BoxWidget.diff.png</DartMeasurementFile>
<DartMeasurementFile name="ValidImage" type="image/png">C:/Users/.../VTKData/Baseline/Widgets/BoxWidget.png</DartMeasurementFile>
I've checked through the CTest source code and it scans the test output looking for <DartMeasurement> and <DartMeasurementFile> tags here and here. These are uploaded as discrete measurement items to CDash, which also looks for these particular names and presents them specially as in the example CDash links in the question.

Dart - dart2js and further size-optimization

I already using the minify argument when building with dart2js.
I looked at the output and I see that the import 'dart:html causes problems in terms of the output file size (2kb .dart file becomes 182kb .js file). For example it imports SVG package though in my code I never touch any <svg> DOM Elements.
I understand that the compiler doesn't know if I'm going to use svg DOM Elements or not. And I understand that the using of var is one of the reasons of that behavior.
But if I will not use any var keywords, the compiler still doesn't have enough 'power' to strip all unused packages and functions.
Is there any directive I can use to forbid the import of certain packages. I mean built-in packages right now. I'm using IntelliJ IDEA and it doesn't allow me to change anything in the Dart default setup.
UPD: Tried to use
import 'dart:html' show querySelector, Element
to import only that method and class, but file size is still 182kb.
The only solution I see for now is to make a few stripped versions of the default 'dart:html' package. The one without WebGL, SVG and some other features.
Because maybe Dart compiler works good, but there is just some methods and classes that I don't use, but the code uses. Like.. the initial package methods checking if some elements are SVG or something like that.
There is a tool for analyzing the output of a dart2js build, especially for references and dependencies. Just tested and gave a better overview in my case.
hosted :
Build with option --dump-info
Even when you don't import anything you will get some minimal output size. Dart provides a lot of features like classes with inheritance and mixins (and a lot more) and dart2js output contains code that implements these features.
This is like adding a JS library like jQuery.
Therefore main() {} will already result in an output size of several dozen kb. Adding another line of code probably will only add a few additional bytes.
pub build by default does tree-shaking and minifications, therefore no additional options are required.

Get extention point contribution as text

Is there a way to get the raw XML text which another plugin has contributed to an extension point?
The normal way to access data that is contributed to an extension point is to use IConfigurationElement objects:
IConfigurationElement[] configElems = Platform.getExtensionRegistry()
But I already have JAXB parser for the kind of data that is contributed to this extension point. I'd like to use that one instead of Eclipse's classes.
EDIT 1: An alternative would be to use some kind of Eclipse-configuratoin-to-JAXB bridge library. But I don't find any.
EDIT 2: It's probably possible to find the plugin.xml of the contributing plug-in and read that manually... Probably not a good idea.
EDIT 3: I think I will do this: Instead of contributing the data directly clients get to give a file name. I then read that file using my old parser.
No, I don't see anything that would give you the XML.
getConfigurationElementsFor gives you information extracted from many different plugin.xml files so it is not clear what XML could be returned anyway.
org.eclipse.core.internal.registry.ExtensionRegistry is the extension registry implementation, but a lot of the information that uses comes from org.eclipse.core.internal.registry.RegistryObjectManager.

Dynamically adding routes in compojure

Hi guys : I have a "hierarchichal" styled site in compojure with a defroutes declaration like so :
(defroutes main-routes
(GET "/" [] (resp/redirect "/public/index.html")
(GET "/blog" [] (resp/redirect "/public/blogs/index.html")
(GET "/tools" [] (resp/redirect "/public/tools/index.html"))
I would like, however, for these pages to be more dynamic - that is, I would like the index.html page to be generated by scanning the contents of the /blog directory, and likewise, for the /tools route.
That is, in the end, I would like the routes to look like so :
(defroutes main-routes
(GET "/" [] (resp/redirect "/public/index.html")
(GET "/blog" [] (generate-index "/public/blog"))
(GET "/tools" [] (generate-index "/public/tools")))
Is there a simple roadmap for building dynamic paths through my site via compojure ?
More concretely ---- are there any suggestions on how to build a (generate-index) function which scans the inputted path and returns links to all files ? I assume that compojure might already have such a feature, given the recent rise of so many blogging platforms which are based on this type of idiom.
Doing most of what you said is fairly simple.
There are two things that you are going to want to look at in particular, as well as some general reading which will help you understand what's going on.
First, you are going to want to take a look at some form of HTML Templating tool. While it is possible to just build the necessary strings, things will be simpler if you use one. I've seen two different main styles for them, and which to chose depends on your tastes.
Hiccup is focused on taking Clojure data structures and transforming them into HTML
Enlive is focused on taking HTML template files and transforming them into the correct end form
For actually getting the list of files, consider using file-seq. Transform the file name into the appropriate post name and file, and then use that as data to generate the links to the pages.
The other thing you're going to want to learn more about is Compojure route templates and a little more on Ring Responses.
Compojure's route templates make it easy to pass in route parameters which you can then generate responses from. Following this is a simple example which serves a simple static html file using the html page name as the parameter.
(GET "/blog/:post" [post] (ring/file-response (str "/public/blogs/" post ".html")))
Finally, consider reading through the rest of the Compojure and Ring wikis. The Ring wiki gives some very good information on the core "how things work". The Compojure wiki provides some good examples on how to best make use of Compojure, which just focuses on providing an easy way - but far from the only way - to handle the routes and make the page generation for Ring easy.
Depending on where you want the site to go, I'd also consider taking a look at Noir, which is a framework that does a nice job at pulling together all the pieces and solving some common problems in the process.