Convert sql server script syntax to oracle script syntax - sql

I have an application that is supposed to support two types of databases SQL SERVER and ORACLE. So we've been working forever on SQL Server and now we are making this support.
My idea was to create a tool to generate the scripts of creating the database using CMO then convert those scripts to PL/SQL Oracle scripts and run them on Oracle.
My questions are:
Is this syntax conversion possible in code?
I need a guideline to make this kind of syntax conversion.
Do you have a better suggestion to maintain two types of databases (i mean when making a change of one of them, we dont have to make it to the other. we need a tool to make that change.)?

If you write using standard sql it should be mostly portable. Eg use fetch instead of top, SET #a=.. instead of Select #a=.. Use Merge for updates instead of join updates, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP instead of getdate() etc.


Migrate data from SQL Server to PostgreSQL

I have a stored procedure function as well as table in the SQL Server enterprise 2014. I also have data in the table. Now I need same table and data in PostgreSql(pgAdmin4).
Can anyone suggest to me the idea to migrate data to POSTGRESQL or any idea on creating the SQL script so that I can use psql to run the script?
Depending on how much data you have, you could script out the table and data. Then you could tweak the script as needed for PostgreSQL:
Right click on the SQL database > Tasks > Generate Scripts
On the "Choose Objects" screen, select your specific table then select "Next>"
On the "Set Scripting Options" screen, select "Advanced"
Find the option called "Types of data to script", then select "Schema and data" and select "OK"
Set the filename and continue through the dialog until the file is generated
Tweak the sql script for any specific PostgreSQL syntax
If there is a larger amount of data, you might look into some type of data transfer tool like SSIS.
Exporting the table structure and data as Josh Jay describes will likely require some fixes where the syntax doesn't match, but it should be doable if not tedious. Luckily there are existing conversion tools available to help.
You could also try using a foreign data wrapper to map the tables in SQL Server to a running instance of PostgreSQL. Then it's just a matter of copying tables. Depends on your needs and where each database server is located relative to one another.
The stored procedures will be far more difficult to handle unfortunately. While Oracle's pl/sql language is substantially similar to PostgreSQL's pl/pgsql, MS SQL Server/Sybase's TransactSQL dialect on the other hand is different enough to require rewrites. If the TransactSQL functions also access .Net objects, the migration task may end up far more difficult as you reimplement dependencies or find logical equivalents.

Get extract of Sybase data as INSERT statements, with order considering table dependencies

I want to create a SQL script to populate a DEV database using INSERT statements. (Preferably using INSERT statements, rather than binary form, so that I can safely check-in the script to version control).
I can easily extract the INSERT statements using various tools. But I haven't found a way to extract the INSERT statements in an order so that when run, FK constraints will not be violated.
I've used SQL Server tools which accomplish this. e.g. RedGate. But cannot seem to find a Sybase compatible method.
I am using Sybase ASE
Any advice would be appreciated.
Here at Redgate we don't often get Sybase requests and there are few vendors who produce tools for this market. You could try DBBest, who specialize in breadth of RDBMS support.

Moving from Oracle SQL to ANSI SQL pros and cons

I work in a project where the UI has direct access to the database through SQL code. The company has a framework where we create UI pages in xml and after that it is parsed and creates FLEX pages. If we want some data from the DB (Oracle) we add a sql query in the xml (instead of databinding with a datacontext object like we could do with WPF). If we want to add some logic, there is no code behind, we call store procedures. After we have the data we need the parser does the job.
The new requirements are to use the framework and create a new product that will be compatible with SQL Server and the thoughts are to start transforming the (Oracle)SQL queries to ANSI SQL.
Can somebody tell me the benefits and mainly the problems that we are going to face doing that?
Do you think there is a better way?
Note: The framework is really big and there are a lot of products built on that so managers are not keen to just throw it away(I tried but.. :))
Each dialect of SQL is different. You could use ANSI SQL but a) not all of ANSI SQL is implemented by most DBMS and b) most DBMS's have implementation-specific optimisations which will perform better for some cases.
So I'd say, don't go for ANSI SQL. It won't always work and sometimes it will work slower than taking advantage of a vendor's non-standard implementations.
Specifically, Oracle requires a StoredProcedure to return a REF_CURSOR from a stored procedure to fill a DataSet. SQL Server doesnt; the SP returns what the sp SELECTed. You're going to have to change your SP's to get rid of the returned REF_CURSOR.
Date handling is quite different: Oracle needs a to_date to turn a string into a date in where clauses etc; SQL Server just takes the string and converts it for you. And so on and so on. (I'm not at all sure what the ANSI Standard is, or even if it covers this!) To avoid changing your SQL you could add create SQL Server function called to_date, but this is now going to slow up your SQL.
If you have much PL/SQL in stored procedures, you have a big job converting it to T-SQL. They are quite different.
Good luck!

What is a dynamic SQL query, and when would I want to use one?

What is a dynamic SQL query, and when would I want to use one? I'm using SQL Server 2005.
Here's a few articles:
Introduction to Dynamic SQL
Dynamic SQL Beginner's Guide
From Introduction to Dynamic SQL:
Dynamic SQL is a term used to mean SQL code that is generated programatically (in part or fully) by your program before it is executed. As a result it is a very flexible and powerful tool. You can use dynamic SQL to accomplish tasks such as adding where clauses to a search based on what fields are filled out on a form or to create tables with varying names.
Dynamic SQL is SQL generated by the calling program. This can be through an ORM tool, or ad-hoc by concatenating strings. Non-dynamic SQL would be something like a stored procedure, where the SQL to be executed is predefined. Not all DBA's will let you run dynamic SQL against their database due to security concerns.
A dynamic SQL query is one that is built as the program is running as opposed to a query that is already (hard-) coded at compile time.
The program in question might be running either on the client or application server (debatable if you'd still call it 'dynamic') or within the database server.

Microsoft T-SQL to Oracle SQL translation

I've worked with T-SQL for years but I've just moved to an organisation that is going to require writing some Oracle stuff, probably just simple CRUD operations at least until I find my feet. I'm not going to be migrating databases from one to the other simply interacting with existing Oracle databases from an Application Development perspective. Is there are tool or utility available to easily translate T-SQL into Oracle SQL, a keyword mapper is the sort of thing I'm looking for.
P.S. I'm too lazy to RTFM, besides it's not going to be a big part of my role so I just want something to get me up to speed a little faster.
The language difference listed so far are trivial compared to the logical differences. Anyone can lookup NVL. What's hard to lookup is
In SQL server you manipulate your schema, anywhere, anytime, with little or no fuss.
In Oracle, we don't like DDL in stored procedures so you have jump through hoops. You need to use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to perform a DDL function.
Temp Tables
IN SQL Server when the logic becomes a bit tough, the common thing is to shortcut the sql and have it resolved to a temp table and then the next step is done using that temp table.
MSSS makes it very easy to do this.
In Oracle we don't like that. By forcing an intermediate result you completely prevent the Optimizer from finding a shortcut for you. BUT If you must stop halfway and persist the intermediate results Oracle wants you to make the temp table in advance, not on the fly.
In MSSS you worry about locking, you have nolock hints to apply to DML, you have lock escalation to reduce the count of locks.
In Oracle we don't worry about these in that way.
Read Commited
Until recently MSSS didn't fully handle Read Committed isolation so you worried about dirty reads.
Oracle has been that way for decades.
MSSS has no concept of Bitmap indexes, IOT, Table Clusters, Single Table hash clusters, non unique indexes enforcing unique constraints....
I get the impression most answers focus on migrating an entire database or just point to some differences between T-SQL and PL/SQL. I recently had the same problem. The Oracle database exists, but I need to convert a whole load of T-SQL scripts to PL/SQL.
I installed Oracle SQL Developer and ran the Translation Scratch Editor (Tools > Migration > Scratch Editor).
Then, just enter your T-SQL, choose the correct translation in the dropdown-list (it should default to 'T-SQL to PL/SQL'), and convert it.
I have to things to mention.
1) When I worked on Oracle 8, you could not do "Select #Result", you had to instead use the dummy table as follows "Select #Result from dual". Not sure if that ridiculousness still exists.
2) In the Oracle world they seem to love cursors and you better read up on them, they use them all the time AFAICS.
Good luck and enjoy,
it is not that different to MS SQL. Thankfully, I do not have to work with it anymore and I am back in the warm comfort of MS tools.
If you replace your ISNULL and NVL nonsense with COALESCE, it'll work in T-SQL and PL/SQL!
It's not trivial to map them back and forth, so I doubt there's a tool that does it automatically. But this link might help you out:
The most important differences for plain T-SQL are:
NVL replaces ISNULL
CONVERT is not supported
Identity columns must be replaced with sequences <-- not technically T- or PL/ but just SQL
Note. I assume you do not use the deprecated SQL Server *= syntax for joins
#jodonell: The table you link to is a bit outdated, oracle has become somewhat more standards compliant after 9i supporting things like CASE and ANSI outer joins
I have done a few SQL server to oracle migrations. There is no way to migrate without rewriting the backend code. Too many differences between the 2 databases and more importantly differences between the 2 mind sets of the programmers. Many managers think that the 2 are interchangeable, I have had managers ask me to copy the stored procedures from SQL server and compile them in oracle, not a clue! Toad is by far the best tool on the market for supporting an oracle application. SQL developer is ok but was disappointing compared to toad. I hope that oracle will catch their product up to toad one day but it is not there yet. Have a good day :) chances are if you are migrating to oracle it is for a reason and in order to meet that requirement you will need to rewrite the back end code or you will have many issues.
In Oracle SQL Developer, there is a tool called Translation Scratch Editor. You can find it from Tools > Migration.
The Oracle SQL Developer is a free download from Oracle and it is an easy install.
If you're doing a one-off conversion, rather than trying to support two versions, you must look at Oracle Migration Workbench. This tool works with Oracle's SQLDeveloper (which you really should have if you are working with Oracle). This does a conversion of the schema, data, and some of the T-SQL to PL/SQL. Knowing both well, I found it did about an 80% job. Good enough to make it worth while to convert the bulk of procedures, and hand convert the remainder "tougher" unknown parts.
Not cheap ($995) but this tool works great:
A few people have mentioned here converting back and forward. I do not know of a tool to convert from MSSQL to Oracle, but I used the free MS tool to convert a Oracle db to MSSQL and it worked for me and converted a large db with no problems I can call. It is similar to the Access to MSSQL tool that MS also provide for free. Enjoy
jOOQ has a publicly available, free translator, which can be accessed from the website here:
It supports DML, DDL, and a few procedural syntax elements. If you want to run the translation locally via command line, a license can be purchased and the command line works as follows:
$ java -cp jooq-3.11.9.jar org.jooq.ParserCLI -t ORACLE -s "SELECT substring('abcde', 2, 3)"
select substr('abcde', 2, 3) from dual;
(Disclaimer, I work for the vendor)