Custom build System.Security Monotouch - mono

I want to use System.Security.Cryptography.XML in an Ios and Android project.
Is it possible to build a custom System.Security from sources for using in monotouch and monodroid? Where is an example?

The types inside the System.Security.Cryptography.Xml namespace are part of System.Security.dll (not System.Xml.dll).
While not shipped with Xamarin.iOS (or Xamarin.Android) it should be possible (and not too hard) to use Mono source code and build this assembly against the mobile profile that ships with them.
However I'm not aware of anyone who did it and made that source (or binary) public.


Why does Msbuild NoTargets csproj requires TargetFramework?

I want to package some tools as a nuget and am using the Microsoft.Build.NoTargets project SDK format to achieve the same.
As mentioned in the docs, NoTargets is used when the project file does not compile any assembly. However, it needs a TargetFramework property to be set.
msbuild fails with NETSDK1013 if I don't specify some TargetFramework property.
Why does msbuild mandate that TargetFramework be specified for the NoTargets SDK csproj?
Currently this is required for it to load in VS: VS checks if the project contains TargetFramework or TargetFrameworks in the xml to load sdk-based projects in the "new" project system (the thing that powers the IDE integration of the project). Otherwise it would use the legacy system that would not understand the features the SDK uses and either not load or give you a bad experience.
The MSBuild errors could be fixed in the SDK by defaulting the property but that will still fail IDE integrations.
Also note that the SDK imports other SDKs that are meant for .NET projects (language-independent over F#/C#/VB) and so you should get features like NuGet restore or packing working without much friction when a TargetFramework is set (even if it could be defaulted to whatever the SDK is basdded on in the NoTargets itself as mentioned)

Platform-specific dependencies of portable class libraries

I have a piece of code that compiles for both the Silverlight and the .NET targets. It depends on Json.NET and SharpZipLib. My goal is to make a portable library that Silverlight and .NET projects can both link against.
Since there is no version of SharpZipLib targeting "portable-net40+sl50", I have a problem.
However, if I knew how, I would be willing to write the wrapper code myself.
So: How can I write a portable library that depends on Silverlight's SharpZipLib when being linked against from Silverlight and depends on .NET's SharpZipLib when being linked against from .NET?
Is that at all possible or is that something only Microsoft can do?
If your code uses a limited sub-set of the SharpZipLib API, you could create a "dummy" PCL library comprising this API subset, but without any functionality implemented.
What you then must do is to change the strong name (assembly name and signing) and version of the existing .NET and Silverlight SharpZipLib:s to be the same as your "dummy" PCL SharpZipLib and re-compile the platform specific libraries as well.
With this set of assemblies (PCL, .NET and Silverlight) you will now be able to consume the PCL library from other PCL libraries. In a platform specific application that makes use of PCL libraries that in turn consumes the SharpZipLib library, you should explicitly reference the platform specific SharpZipLib library that has the same strong name and version as the PCL analogue.
You should find more about this technique ("bait-and-switch") here and here. The PCL Storage project is also a good example of where this technique has been applied.

System.Security.Cryptography.Xml in portable class library?

I'm using a licensing tool (Rhino.Licensing) that uses signed XML files as licenses.
Since the System.Security.Cryptography.Xml namespace is not available on varios platforms (like MonoTouch and Mono for Android, etc) its not possible to validate a license and its signature.
Is there a way to read and validate signed XML files on the portable class library platform?
I currently need this feature on .NET, Mono, MonoTouch, Mono for Android, WinRT, Silverlight, MonoGame
AFAIK (there's too many profile in PCL 2.0) System.Security.dll is not part of any portable library profile.
.NET: part of the framework
Mono: part of the framework
MonoTouch : not part of the profile
Mono for Android : not part of the profile
WinRT : not sure
Silverlight : not part of the profile
MonoGame : not a profile - it will depend on which profile it is used
The good news is that you could build your own using Mono's source code. That should be pretty easy for MonoTouch and Mono for Android.
The only problem I can foresee is Silverlight since it did not (last time I checked) support RSA and Mono's BigInteger implementation requires unsafe code (which was also not allowed under most circumstances). OTOH, and with a bit more work, you could re-implement RSA using SL's System.Numerics.dll.

Unable to resolve assemblies that use Portable Class Libraries

I'm having a problem with assembly resolution on an end-user machine and I believe it's related to using Portable Class Libraries....
I have a .NET 4.0 application that was originally written in Visual Studio 2010. Recently we upgraded to Visual Studio 2012 and we've created a few projects that are Portable Class Libraries. I don't believe we need these features now, but we're also building a Windows 8 Store application that might benefit from these libraries.
When I compile my project, what exactly does the portable library feature do? I expect that it allows me to run it on different frameworks without modification or recompiling.
When I look at the library in reflector dotPeek it shows the Platform attribute as:
And the references seem 2.0-ish:
mscorlib, Version=
System, Version=
System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=
When I run the application on this end-user's machine, I see an error in the log file:
Could not load file or assembly, 'System.Core, Version='
Googling System.Core seems to refer to SilverLight -- which appears to be one of the targeted frameworks.
This machine does not have Visual Studio installed, but has .NET 4.0 (4.0.3 update)
Is there something I should be doing differently to compile, something I should investigate in my dependencies or something I should be looking to install on the end-user machine? What does the refer to?
For .NET 4, you need an update (KB2468871) for Portable Class Libraries to work. From the KB Article:
Feature 5
Changes to the support portable libraries. These changes include API
updates and binder modifications. This update enables the CLR to bind
successfully to portable libraries so that a single DLL can run on the
.NET Framework 4, on Silverlight, on Xbox, or on the Windows Phone.
This update adds public Silverlight APIs to the .NET Framework 4 in
the same location. The API signatures will remain consistent across
the platform. All modifications are 100 percent compatible and will
not break any existing code.
Also see the "Deploying A .NET Framework App" section of the MSDN Portable Class Library Documentation.
EDIT: Actually, if the machine has .NET 4.0.3 installed as you mention, that should be sufficient. Can you double-check to make sure that it is actually installed?

Metro app references and types in Windows 8

I developing C#\XAML metro-ui application. I need some .NET types that doesn't included in .NET for Metro style apps or Windows references (for instance HttpUtility that is located in System.Web). I can't find System.Web via Assembly List. In same time I can refer it via Browse. But as I understand correct isn't it good way and I should avoid this, is it?
Next thing I have found description of Assembly Class. In the bottom of page in Version Information section I can see that it is supported by Portable Class Library. In the sample I see next code
Assembly assem = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
But in my project Assembly doesn't have GetExecutingAssembly method. Is it documentation outdated? or I miss something?
I use Windows 8 Release Candidate and VS 2012
EDIT0: Instead of HttpUtility I should use WebUtility I know it. But I choose this type just for example.
EDIT1: I see public static System.Reflection.Assembly GetExecutingAssembly() via Object Browser but can't reach it.
Metro style apps can only call methods in the .NET Core Profile. You can see the Core Profile reference assemblies on Windows 8 RP machine at ...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETCore\v4.5
You can use ILDasm or ILSpy to view them. See A .NET developer's view of Windows 8 app development video from Build. He talks more about the Core Profile and why some classes, methods and interfaces were removed.