Jackson one item parse - jackson

I'm trying to parse openweathermap.org api
public class WeatherModel {
private ListDays[] listDays;
public ListDays[] getListDays() {
return listDays;
and two classes here http://pastebin.com/vySPfRSS
public class Main {
public static final String WEATHER = "JSON from http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?q=London&mode=json&units=metric&cnt=7"
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
WeatherModel rootNode = mapper.readValue(WEATHER, WeatherModel.class);
How to get one (now it a list of 7 items ) item from WeatherModel?

Simply use the index to access object from an array.
ListDays[] listDays = rootNode.getListDays();
ListDays first = listDays[0];
ListDays second = listDays[1];
Arrays are sequences of objects and in the case above you describe an array of 7 ListDays. The first object uses index 0, the second object uses index 1 and so on. The [0] simply means that you retrieve the first object from the array. The length of the array can be determined by invoking listDays.length.
To loop through all of the elements you can use a for-loop.
for (ListDays l : listDays) {
// Here you have access to one ListDays-object. It is called l.


How to pass bean class to a test method in testng?

I have an Excel Util which reads all the data from excel sheet. The excel sheet has 10 columns like time, sourceType, tid, message, severity,
lastModify, entityName, operationType, replayId, recordIds.
My DataProvider has code something like this which returns all the 10 columns and their values.
public static Object[][] testData() {
String filePath = "/Users/TestUser/Workspace/FixProject/ExcelCheck/src/test/resources/excelreader.xlsx";
Object[][] arrayObject = excelFileUtils.getExcelData(filePath, "excelreader");
return arrayObject;
In My TestMethod, I have to pass all these 10 columns or else it wont allow me to run. Instead I want to create a Bean Class and pass something like this to my test method
#Test(dataProvider = "googleData", dataProviderClass = DataProviders.class)
public void testGoogleData(BeanClass object) {
How do we achieve this?
Using the dataProvider you have, your test method is going to run 10 times for each object in the array.
What you can do is to create an object, convert your dataProvider into that object and than use it your test method code.
Object myDataHelper = null;
public void testGoogleData(BeanClass object) {
myDataHelper = convertDataProviderToObject();
// use it here in a for/for each loop
public static Object[][] read_excel(String Sheet_Name) throws Exception
File obj = new File("./src/main/java/com/Demo/TestData/Test_Data.xlsx");
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(obj);
XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(fis);
XSSFSheet sheet = wb.getSheet(Sheet_Name);
int row_number = sheet.getLastRowNum();
int column_number = sheet.getRow(0).getLastCellNum();
Object data[][] = new Object[row_number][column_number];
for(int i=0; i<row_number; i++)
for(int j=0; j<column_number; j++)
data[i][j] = sheet.getRow(i + 1).getCell(j).toString();
return data;
public Object[][] getDataFromExcel() throws Exception
{ Object[][] data = Utility.read_excel("Admin_Credentials");//Sheet name
return data;
It is supported in QAF-TestNG extension. You can have one or more complex object argument in your test method while using inbuilt or custom data provider. For excel your code may look like below:
#QAFDataProvider(dataFile = "resources/data/googletestdata.xls")
public void testGoogleData(BeanClass object) {
For custom data provider it may look like below:
#Test(dataProvider = "googleData", dataProviderClass = DataProviders.class)
public void testGoogleData(BeanClass object) {
You need to make sure that,properties name in your bean class must match column names (in any order). When using custom data provider you need to return Iterator for List of Map<String, Object> or Object[][] having Map, refer few example if you required to create custom data provider.

C# How to define a variable as global within a (Step Defintion) class

below is an extract from a Step Definition class of my Specflow project.
In the first method public void WhenIExtractTheReferenceNumber() I can successfully extract the text from the application under test, and I have proved this using the Console.WriteLine();
I need to be able to use this text in other methods with in my class I.e. public void WhenIPrintNumber(); But I'm not sure how to do this!
I read about Get/Set but I could not get this working. So I'm thinking is it possible to make my var result global somehow, so that I can call it at anytime during the test?
namespace Application.Tests.StepDefinitions
public class AllSharedSteps
[When(#"I extract the reference number")]
public void WhenIExtractTheReferenceNumber()
Text textCaseReference = ActiveCase.CaseReferenceNumber;
Ranorex.Core.Element elem = textCaseReference;
var result = elem.GetAttributeValue("Text");
[When(#"I print number")]
public void WhenIPrintNumber()
Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
Here is the solution to my question. Now I can access my variable(s) from any methods within my class. I have also included code that I'm using to split my string and then use the first part of the string. In my case I need the numerical part of '12345 - some text':
namespace Application.Tests.StepDefinitions
public class AllSharedSteps
private string result;
public Array splitReference;
[When(#"I extract the case reference number")]
public void WhenIExtractTheCaseReferenceNumber()
Text textCaseReference = ActiveCase.CaseReferenceNumber;
Ranorex.Core.Element elem = textCaseReference;
result = elem.GetAttributeValue("Text").ToString();
splitReference = result.Split('-'); // example of string to be split '12345 - some text'
[When(#"I print number")]
public void WhenIPrintNumber()
Keyboard.Press(result); // prints full string
Keyboard.Press(splitReference.GetValue(0).ToString()); // prints first part of string i.e. in this case, a reference number
I hope this help somebody else :)

Mono.CSharp: how do I inject a value/entity *into* a script?

Just came across the latest build of Mono.CSharp and love the promise it offers.
Was able to get the following all worked out:
namespace XAct.Spikes.Duo
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
CompilerSettings compilerSettings = new CompilerSettings();
compilerSettings.LoadDefaultReferences = true;
Report report = new Report(new Mono.CSharp.ConsoleReportPrinter());
Mono.CSharp.Evaluator e;
e= new Evaluator(compilerSettings, report);
//IMPORTANT:This has to be put before you include references to any assemblies
//our you;ll get a stream of errors:
e.Run("using System;");
//IMPORTANT:You have to reference the assemblies your code references...
//...including this one:
e.Run("using XAct.Spikes.Duo;");
//Go crazy -- although that takes time:
//foreach (Assembly assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
// e.ReferenceAssembly(assembly);
//More appropriate in most cases:
//Exception due to no semicolon
//e.Run("var a = 1+3");
//Doesn't set anything:
//e.Run("a = 1+3;");
e.Run("var a = 1+3;");
e.Run("A x = new A{Name=\"Joe\"};");
var a = e.Evaluate("a;");
var x = e.Evaluate("x;");
//Not extremely useful:
string check = e.GetVars();
//Note that you have to type it:
Console.WriteLine(((A) x).Name);
e = new Evaluator(compilerSettings, report);
var b = e.Evaluate("a;");
public class A
public string Name { get; set; }
And that was fun...can create a variable in the script's scope, and export the value.
There's just one last thing to figure out... how can I get a value in (eg, a domain entity that I want to apply a Rule script on), without using a static (am thinking of using this in a web app)?
I've seen the use compiled delegates -- but that was for the previous version of Mono.CSharp, and it doesn't seem to work any longer.
Anybody have a suggestion on how to do this with the current version?
Thanks very much.
* Injecting a variable into the Mono.CSharp.Evaluator (runtime compiling a LINQ query from string)
* http://naveensrinivasan.com/tag/mono/
I know it's almost 9 years later, but I think I found a viable solution to inject local variables. It is using a static variable but can still be used by multiple evaluators without collision.
You can use a static Dictionary<string, object> which holds the reference to be injected. Let's say we are doing all this from within our class CsharpConsole:
public class CsharpConsole {
public static Dictionary<string, object> InjectionRepository {get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, object>();
The idea is to temporarily place the value in there with a GUID as key so there won't be any conflict between multiple evaluator instances. To inject do this:
public void InjectLocal(string name, object value, string type=null) {
var id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
InjectionRepository[id] = value;
type = type ?? value.GetType().FullName;
// note for generic or nested types value.GetType().FullName won't return a compilable type string, so you have to set the type parameter manually
var success = _evaluator.Run($"var {name} = ({type})MyNamespace.CsharpConsole.InjectionRepository[\"{id}\"];");
// clean it up to avoid memory leak
Also for accessing local variables there is a workaround using Reflection so you can have a nice [] accessor with get and set:
public object this[string variable]
FieldInfo fieldInfo = typeof(Evaluator).GetField("fields", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (fieldInfo != null)
var fields = fieldInfo.GetValue(_evaluator) as Dictionary<string, Tuple<FieldSpec, FieldInfo>>;
if (fields != null)
if (fields.TryGetValue(variable, out var tuple) && tuple != null)
var value = tuple.Item2.GetValue(_evaluator);
return value;
return null;
InjectLocal(variable, value);
Using this trick, you can even inject delegates and functions that your evaluated code can call from within the script. For instance, I inject a print function which my code can call to ouput something to the gui console window:
public delegate void PrintFunc(params object[] o);
public void puts(params object[] o)
// call the OnPrint event to redirect the output to gui console
if (OnPrint!=null)
OnPrint(string.Join("", o.Select(x => (x ?? "null").ToString() + "\n").ToArray()));
This puts function can now be easily injected like this:
InjectLocal("puts", (PrintFunc)puts, "CsInterpreter2.PrintFunc");
And just be called from within your scripts:
puts(new object[] { "hello", "world!" });
Note, there is also a native function print but it directly writes to STDOUT and redirecting individual output from multiple console windows is not possible.

how to parse non-string values in Opencsv HeaderColumnNameMappingStrategy

I'm using a HeaderColumnNameMappingStrategy to map a csv file with a header into a JavaBean. String values parse fine but any "true" or "false" value in csv doesn't map to JavaBean and I get the following exception from the PropertyDescriptor:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch
The code where it occurs is in CsvToBean, line 64:
protected T processLine(MappingStrategy<T> mapper, String[] line) throws
IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, InstantiationException, IntrospectionException {
T bean = mapper.createBean();
for(int col = 0; col < line.length; col++) {
String value = line[col];
PropertyDescriptor prop = mapper.findDescriptor(col);
if (null != prop) {
Object obj = convertValue(value, prop);
// this is where exception is thrown for a "true" value in csv
prop.getWriteMethod().invoke(bean, new Object[] {obj});
return bean;
protected PropertyEditor getPropertyEditor(PropertyDescriptor desc) throws
InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
Class<?> cls = desc.getPropertyEditorClass();
if (null != cls) return (PropertyEditor) cls.newInstance();
return getPropertyEditorValue(desc.getPropertyType());
I can confirm (via debugger) that the setter method id correctly retrieved at this point.
The problem occurs in desc.getPropertyEditorClass() since it returns null. I assumed primitive types and its wrappers are supported. Are they not?
I've run into this same issue. The cleanest way is probably to override getPropertyEditor like pritam did above and return a custom PropertyEditor for your particular object. The quick and dirty way would be to override convertValue in anonymous class form, like this:
CsvToBean<MyClass> csvToBean = new CsvToBean<MyClass>(){
protected Object convertValue(String value, PropertyDescriptor prop) throws InstantiationException,IllegalAccessException {
if (prop.getName().equals("myWhatever")) {
// return an custom object based on the incoming value
return new MyWhatever((String)value);
return super.convertValue(value, prop);
This is working fine for me with OpenCSV 2.3. Good luck!
I resolved this by extending CsvToBean and adding my own PropertyEditors. Turns out opencsv just supports primitive types and no wrappers.
Pritam's answer is great and this is a sample for dealing with datetime format.
PropertyEditorManager.registerEditor(java.util.Date.class, DateEditor.class);
You should write your own editor class like this:
public class DateEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport{
public static final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
public void setAsText(String text){

Nunit Assertion for an empty intersection between collection

I've looked all around, and can't quite figure this one out, and my multitude of trial and error attempts have all been useless.
I have a list of user names (we'll call 'original list') one object is returning
I have a list of user names (we'll call 'filtration list') another object is returning
I am testing a method that returns all of the items from the original list not in the filtration list.
Ideally what I want is something like
Assert.That(returnedList, Has.No.Members.In(filtrationList))
So far the only thing I can do is iterate over the filtrationList and do
Assert.That(returnedList, Has.None.EqualTo(filteredUser))
With nunit you can create any custom constraint.
If you want to verify two collections for intersection, you can create something like this:
public class Intersects : CollectionConstraint
private IEnumerable _collection2;
public Intersects(IEnumerable collection2)
: base(collection2)
_collection2 = collection2;
public static Intersects With(IEnumerable arg)
return new Intersects(arg);
protected override bool doMatch(IEnumerable collection)
foreach (object value in collection)
foreach (object value2 in _collection2)
if (value.Equals(value2))
return true;
return false;
public override void WriteDescriptionTo(MessageWriter writer)
//You can put here something more meaningful like items which should not be in verified collection.
writer.Write("intersecting collections");
usage is pretty simple:
string[] returnedList = new string[] { "Martin", "Kent", "Jack"};
List<string> filteredUsers = new List<string>();
Assert.That(returnedList, Intersects.With(filteredUsers));