VB6 Change Numeric Field To Alphanumeric - vba

There is a numeric field in a legacy application that I am trying to change to alphanumeric with a field length of about 15. The field is for data entry of account information. In the code, its referenced at numerous places:
.BANK_accno = Format(Me.txtBANK, "####-##-##-##-##")
!BANK_accno = Format(Me.txtBANK, "####-##-##-##-##")
The Format is: ####-##-##-##-## and the Mask is ####-##-##-##-##. What I am wondering is what Format (and code) changes should I make to get the field to become alphanumeric? I tried using ##########, however that has not worked.

As BobRodes commented, you can use # to mask characters not limited to numbers. There are other options (ignore spaces, force left-to-right filling, upper/lower case).
Have a look at Format function documentation at MSDN for details. This link is for VBA but Format strings should be compatible.
Please note that you still need to validate Input, Format function is not strict about input.


Is format ####0.000000 different to 0.000000?

I am working on some legacy code at the moment and have come across the following:
FooString = String.Format("{0:####0.000000}", FooDouble)
My question is, is the format string here, ####0.000000 any different from simply 0.000000?
I'm trying to generalize the return type of the function that sets FooDouble and so checking to make sure I don't break existing functionality hence trying to work out what the # add to it here.
I've run a couple tests in a toy program and couldn't see how the result was any different but maybe there's something I'm missing?
The "#" custom format specifier serves as a digit-placeholder symbol.
If the value that is being formatted has a digit in the position where
the "#" symbol appears in the format string, that digit is copied to
the result string. Otherwise, nothing is stored in that position in
the result string.
Note that this specifier never displays a zero that
is not a significant digit, even if zero is the only digit in the
string. It will display zero only if it is a significant digit in the
number that is being displayed.
Because you use one 0 before decimal separator 0.0 - both formats should return same result.

Filtering rows in Pentaho

I have a dataset with columns containing numbers. However, some of the rows in that column have missing data. Instead of numbers, a dash (-) is placed in the cell.
What I want to happen is to separate those rows with a dash and output them to a separate excel file. Those without the dash, should output to a csv file.
I tried the "filter rows" but it gives me an error:
Unexpected conversion error while converting value [constant String] to a Number
constant String : couldn't convert String to number
constant String : couldn't convert String to number : non-numeric character found at position 1 for value [-]
My condition is if
Column1 CONTAINS - (String)
You cant try to convert to number in the select step,and handler the error, if can not convert to number that mean that is (-)
You can convert missing value indicators (like a dash or any other string) to null in Text-File-Input - see field option "Null if". That way you still can use the metadata detection feature and will not trip over a dash arriving in a Number field.
With CSV-File-Input you should stick to the String datatype until a Null-If step has cleansed the values, so you can change the datatype to Number in a Select-Values step.
If you must preserve the dash character, don't use metadata detection (as it suggests datatype Number) or use more rows to sample (so a field with a dash is encountered) or just revert the datatype to String again before saving and running the transformation.
My solution lies on the first 'Replace in String'. I replaced the dash into something numeric and can easily be distinguished from the rest of the numbers (I used 9999) and carried on with the rest of my process.
In filter rows, I had no problems anymore with the data type because both my variables and condition contained numbers, therefore, it no longer had to convert anything.
After filter rows, I added the 'Null-if' to remove the random 9999 that I used
just to have something to replace the dash.
After that, the separation was made just as I hope it would.
Thanks to #marabu for the Null-if idea.

OpenOffice Calc numeric formatting language

I am trying to display always-signed integers ('-1', '+4', etc: I'll even accept '+0') in OpenOffice Calc. I've had trouble finding exact information on the numeric formatting language used.
doesn't display '+', and using "+#0" always displays '+' (it displays '-+3' for -3 in fact.)
Is there a format code for this, or do I have to write a function to handle the cases?
Here is a short but cryptic solution:
This is actually a three-part format code. It adds either a plus sign \+# for positive numbers, a minus sign \-# for negative numbers, or just a plain 0 for zeroes.
The syntax is described here: https://help.libreoffice.org/5.2/Common/Number_Format_Codes#Positive_and_Negative_Numbers
Another approach is to apply custom formatting, which is generally a good idea where numbers are involved, to make calculations with them easier:

AngularJs: How to Format Data in an Input?

I need to format an input field visually in order to help the user know what they should type as a phone number. For example, I want to accept a phone number as being a 3 digit area code, 3 digit prefix and 4 digit suffix: (207) 555-1212. I want to:
provide the helper formatting to the input field -- those parentheses and the hyphen
I don't want the 'helper' characters to be included in the actual data I store in my model.
As the user types, I want the parentheses to magically appear, then have the hyphen also appear at the right point.
What's the best way to do it?
Note: This is not for displaying of a number -- I could use a filter for that. This is for formatting data within an input field.
Thanks for your help!
If you are looking for a simple solution, you could give AngularUI a try, http://angular-ui.github.com/
This is the example from the "Mask" section of that page:
<input ng-model="maskDemo" ui-mask="'99-99-9999'">
The "9"'s are numbers, and other stuff is just a mask / placeholders. It should only submit the actual values. You would edit the mask to include parentheses and anything else you may need.

How to format numeric field using dutch format in extjs?

i want to format number entered by user in dutch format. ie. use decimal Separator as , and thousand seperator as .
blur: function () {
Ext.util.Format.number(this.value, '000,000.00')
I want to format my numeric field on blur, the above code works fine, but
my requirement is to get a format like this- '000000.000,00'.
How to do this in extjs?
Quick and dirty, just set the thousandSeparator and decimalSeparator. It should work:
//Set these once, right after Ext.onReady
Ext.util.Format.thousandSeparator = '.';
Ext.util.Format.decimalSeparator = ',';
//Then this should work:
Ext.util.Format.number(12345.67, '0,000.00'); //output 12.345,67
Or even better, use the localization, so formats can be changed according to language requirement.
Side note:
The documentation wrote:
To allow specification of the formatting string using UK/US grouping characters (,) and decimal (.) for international numbers, add /i to the end. For example: 0.000,00/i
And from the comments in the source code
// The "/i" suffix allows caller to use a locale-specific formatting string.
// Clean the format string by removing all but numerals and the decimal separator.
// Then split the format string into pre and post decimal segments according to *what* the
// decimal separator is. If they are specifying "/i", they are using the local convention in the format string.
To me, it seems that it means a developer can use a specific format string "0.000,00" to format a given number, and not to mean a developer can use this specific format string to format a number into the format they want. They will still need to change the default separator setting.
Demo link: http://jsfiddle.net/chaoszcat/nbWwN/
I have this working for user entered values in a numberfield now.
As lionel pointed out, this is needed:
// set this once after Ext.onReady
Ext.util.Format.thousandSeparator = '.';
Ext.util.Format.decimalSeparator = ',';
Then change your handler to this:
blur: function(field) {
field.setRawValue(Ext.util.Format.number(field.getValue(), '0.000,00/i'));
You should also include this config on your numberfield:
decimalSeperator: ','
It will allow users to type in their own decimal symbols.
Working Example
Here is a working fiddle of this, using a numberfield.
A word of warning
Ext.form.field.Number does not support formatting, the blur handler I gave above will work totally fine if the user edits the field and then does not go back into it to edit it again, if he refocuses the field it will validate and try to correct the thousands markers into decimals.
If you are using this field to post data back to the server it will send it back in the format that is displayed (with thousand seperators), I don't know if that was what you were going for.
If you simply want formatted numbers you should do what you're trying to do above but with a textfield. That way it won't reconfigure your thousands as decimals.
If you want all the functionality of a numberfield (spinners, min/max validation, step increments, etc) you will have to take a look at extending the numberfield class, here is a user extension that already exists and which is almost exactly what you needed, but it includes a currency symbol, it would fairly easy to take that out.