yacc stop doing shift&& reduce once cannot get any more symbol from yylex() - yacc

here is my code:
#include "y.tab.h"
#define DEBUG 0
void yyerror(char* s);
void debug(char* string) {
if (DEBUG) {
selector "selector"[0-9]+
positive "+"
negtive "-"
contains "."
before "->"
or "||"
and "&&"
delim [ /n/t]
ws {delim}*
{selector} { debug("Lex:SELECTOR\n"); yylval.string = yytext; return SELECTOR; }
{positive} { debug("Lex:POSITIVE\n"); return POSITIVE; }
{negtive} { debug("Lex:NEGTIVE\n"); return NEGTIVE; }
{contains} { debug("Lex:BELONGS\n"); return CONTAINS; }
{before} { debug("Lex:BEFORE\n"); return BEFORE; }
{or} { debug("Lex:OR\n"); return OR; }
{and} { debug("Lex:AND\n"); return AND; }
{ws} ;
. { debug("Lex Parser Error"); exit(1); }
#include <stdio.h>
#define YYDEBUG 0
int yyparse(void);
void yyerror(char* s);
%union {
char *string;
%token <string> SELECTOR
%token NEGTIVE
%left BEFORE
%token OR
%token AND
logical_expr : assertion { printf("[reduce] L->A\n"); }
| logical_expr AND assertion { printf("[reduce] L->L && A\n");}
| logical_expr OR assertion { printf("[reduce] L->L || A\n"); }
assertion : POSITIVE prefix_relation { printf("[reduce] A->+P\n"); }
| NEGTIVE prefix_relation { printf("[reduce] A->-P\n"); }
prefix_relation : prefix_relation BEFORE contain_relation { printf("[reduce] P->P->C\n"); }
| contain_relation { printf("[reduce] P->C\n");;}
contain_relation : contain_relation CONTAINS SELECTOR { printf("[reduce] C->C.S[%s]\n", $3); }
| SELECTOR { printf("[reduce] C->S[%s]\n", $1); }
int main()
return yyparse();
void yyerror(char* s)
int yywrap()
return 1;
my input string is: +selector1.selector2||-selector4->selector4
the parse tree of this input is expected to be:
my program generated by yacc gives output as below:
[reduce] C->S[selector1] // stack: +C
[reduce] C->C.S[selector2] // stack: +C
[reduce] P->C // stack: +P
[reduce] A->+P // stack: A
[reduce] L->A // stack: L
[reduce] C->S[selector3] // stack: L||-C
[reduce] P->C // stack: L||-P
[reduce] C->S[selector4] // stack: L||-P->C
it seems that the program stop doing shift&& reduce once cannot get any more symbol from yylex(), but i expect it to reduce the remained symbols in stack, thus L||-P->C, so that i can generate the whole parse tree in my code.
my expected output is:
[reduce] C->S[selector1] // stack: +C
[reduce] C->C.S[selector2] // stack: +C
[reduce] P->C // stack: +P
[reduce] A->+P // stack: A
[reduce] L->A // stack: L
[reduce] C->S[selector3] // stack: L||-C
[reduce] P->C // stack: L||-P
[reduce] C->S[selector4] // stack: L||-P->C
[reduce] P->P->C // stack: L||-P
[reduce] A->-P // stack: L||A
[reduce] L->L||A // stack: L

There are a number of issues with your scanner (flex) definition.
Your default flex rule just calls exit without any error message, (unless DEBUG is defined and non-zero) so any lexical error will cause the program to silently halt. It would be much better to call yyerror in that case, and produce a visible error message.
As EJP points out in a comment, your delim definition uses /n and /t instead of \n and \t, so it will match neither a newline nor a tab. A newline won't be matched by your default rule either, so it will fall through to the flex-generated default rule, which simply prints the unmatched character to stdout. (It is better to include %option nodefault, which will cause flex to produce an error message if some input matches none of your rules.)
Your selector rule sets yylval.string = yytext. You cannot do that because yytext points into the scanner's internal storage and the string it points to will be modified the next time yylex is called. If you want to pass the matched token from the scanner to the parser, you must make a copy of the token, and then you need to ensure that you free the storage allocated for it when you no longer require the string, in order to avoid leaking memory.
You need to be aware that parsers generated by bison or yacc generally need to read a lookahead token before performing reductions. Consequently, the last series of reductions you expect will not be performed until the scanner returns the END token, which it will only do when it reads an end-of-file. So if you are testing your parser interactively, you will not see the final reductions until you signal an end-of-file by typing ctrl D (on Unix).
As a final note, both flex and bison are capable of generating debugging output which indicates which rules are matched (flex) and the series of shifts, reduces and other parser actions (bison). It's simpler and more reliable to use these features rather than trying to implement your own debugging output.


corefine_and_compute_difference CGAL error: precondition violation

Problem description
I read the mesh from the file "blank.off" and load it into the a surface_mesh variable blank. One file named "hepoints49.txt" stores point clouds. I use function CGAL::advancing_front_surface_reconstruction() to convert this point cloud to surface_mesh sv, and then use function corefine_and_compute_difference(blank,sv,res) to perform the Boolean subtraction between blank and sv.But the program throws an exception and terminates. The following is displayed on the terminal:
Using context 4 . 3 GL
load sv...
Using context 4 . 3 GL
start difference...
CGAL error: precondition violation!
Expression : CGAL::is_valid_polygon_mesh(tm)
File : D:\dev\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\include\CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/orientation.h
Line : 190
Could you please help me solve this problem?
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
namespace PMP = CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing;
typedef std::array<std::size_t, 3> Facet;
typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel Kernel;
typedef Kernel::Point_3 Point_3;
typedef CGAL::Surface_mesh<Point_3> Mesh;
struct Construct {
Mesh& mesh;
template <typename PointIterator>
Construct(Mesh& mesh, PointIterator b, PointIterator e):mesh(mesh) {
for (; b != e; ++b) {
boost::graph_traits<Mesh>::vertex_descriptor v;
v = add_vertex(mesh);
mesh.point(v) = *b;
Construct& operator=(const Facet f) {
typedef boost::graph_traits<Mesh>::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
typedef boost::graph_traits<Mesh>::vertices_size_type size_type;
return *this;
Construct& operator*() { return *this; }
Construct& operator++() { return *this; }
Construct& operator++(int) { return *this; }
int main() {
//load blank
Mesh blank, sv,res;
std::ifstream fin("blank.off");
//load sv
string filename = "hepoints49.txt" ;
std::cout << "load sv..."<< std::endl;
std::vector<Point_3> points;
std::vector<Facet> facets;
std::back_inserter(points));//load points
Construct construct(sv, points.begin(), points.end());
CGAL::advancing_front_surface_reconstruction(points.begin(), points.end(), construct);//convert sv to surface_mesh
std::cout << "start difference..." << std::endl;
bool valid_difference = PMP::corefine_and_compute_difference(blank,sv,res);
if (valid_difference) {
std::cout << "difference was successfully computed. " << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << "difference could not be completed. Skip. " << endl << endl;
return 0;
Runtime environment
CGAL version: 5.3
IDE: VS2017
Solution Configuration: Debug x64
I tried to run this program in Release mode, of course there is no exception thrown. But the result I got turned out to be the opposite of what I want.
Files that appearing in the code are provided below:
Github link is provided because the file is relatively large.
The way the mesh is constructed from advancing front output does not filter out isolated vertices, which causes the exception to be raised. Adding a call to CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::remove_isolated_vertices(sv) will solve the problem.
Then you might encounter the issue that your meshes are not outward oriented (meaning then represent an infinite portion of space). Adding the following calls will solve the problem:
if (!CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::is_outward_oriented(blank))
if (!CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::is_outward_oriented(sv))
Doc refs here and there.

How do I get the Return Stmt of objective-c through clang-3.9?

I am a rookie in doing the static-analysis of objective-c through clang now.
I face a problem that when I find the ReturnStmt through RecursiveASTVisitor ,clang sometimes can not find the ReturnStmt.
The RecursiveASTVisitor code like this:
class MyASTVisitor : public RecursiveASTVisitor<MyASTVisitor> {
MyASTVisitor(Rewriter &R) : TheRewriter(R) {}
else if(isa<ReturnStmt>(s)){
//The Return Stmt find block
ReturnStmt *returnStat = cast<ReturnStmt>(s);
TheRewriter.InsertText(returnStat->getLocStart(),"//the return stmt\n",true,true);
return true;
And that's the result
The first result can find the return stmt
int main (int argc, const char* argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
//the func--->NSLog() begin called!
NSLog (#"Programming is fun!");
//the return stmt
return 0; }
But the second can not find it
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));
Let me explain how clang AST works with a small example. Assume this code exists in temp.cpp
int b()
return 0;
int main()
return b();
Now let's see what is the clang's AST representation of the above code is: (By the way, this is something you can do anytime you don't see your code doing what it should. Look at the raw AST to see what is wrong. To get the raw AST dump from clang we will run this.
clang -Xclang -ast-dump -fsyntax-only temp.cpp
This gives us this output:
|-FunctionDecl 0x5f952e0 <t.cpp:2:1, line:5:1> line:2:5 used b 'int (void)'
| `-CompoundStmt 0x5f95400 <line:3:1, line:5:1>
| `-ReturnStmt 0x5f953e8 <line:4:2, col:9>
| `-IntegerLiteral 0x5f953c8 <col:9> 'int' 0
`-FunctionDecl 0x5f95440 <line:7:1, line:10:1> line:7:5 main 'int (void)'
`-CompoundStmt 0x5f95620 <line:8:1, line:10:1>
`-ReturnStmt 0x5f95608 <line:9:2, col:11>
`-CallExpr 0x5f955e0 <col:9, col:11> 'int'
`-ImplicitCastExpr 0x5f955c8 <col:9> 'int (*)(void)' <FunctionToPointerDecay>
`-DeclRefExpr 0x5f95570 <col:9> 'int (void)' lvalue Function 0x5f952e0 'b' 'int (void)'
If you look at the first FunctionDecl for function b, it's a simple return statement which returns the integer value 0. But, now if you look at the FunctionDecl for main, you can see that returnStmt calls CallExpr which then gets the return from function b. This is exactly what is happening in your case. One return statement is getting detected and one is not.
What you can do in this case is call getRetValue() of ReturnStmt which will give you an Expr type and you need to resolve that for different possible return cases.

ASSERT_THROW: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be

I am beginner to gtest. I trying to use ASSERT_THROW will compilation fail. Could anyone help on this:
class my_exp {};
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
EXPECT_THROW(throw my_exp(), my_exp); // this will pass
// This will through below compilation error
ASSERT_THROW(throw my_exp(), my_exp);
return 0;
Compilation output:
In file included from /usr/include/gtest/gtest.h:57:0,
from gtest.cpp:1:
gtest.cpp: In function ‘int main(int, char**)’:
gtest.cpp:12:3: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
ASSERT_THROW(throw my_exp(), my_exp);
Short version
You write test in the wrong way, to write test you should put assertion inside test (macro TEST) or test fixtures (macro TEST_F).
Long version
1 . What's really happens?
To find out the real problem is not easy because the Google Testing Framework use macros which hide real code. To see code after macro substitution is required to perform preprocessing, something like this:
g++ -E main.cpp -o main.p
The result of preprocessing when using ASSERT_THROW will be looks like this (after formatting):
class my_exp {};
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
switch (0)
case 0:
if (::testing::internal::ConstCharPtr gtest_msg = "") {
bool gtest_caught_expected = false;
try {
if (::testing::internal::AlwaysTrue () ) {
throw my_exp ();
} catch (my_exp const &) {
gtest_caught_expected = true;
} catch (...) {
gtest_msg.value = "Expected: throw my_exp() throws an exception of type my_exp.\n Actual: it throws a different type.";
goto gtest_label_testthrow_7;
} if (!gtest_caught_expected) {
gtest_msg.value = "Expected: throw my_exp() throws an exception of type my_exp.\n Actual: it throws nothing.";
goto gtest_label_testthrow_7;
return ::testing::internal::AssertHelper (::testing::TestPartResult::kFatalFailure, "main.cpp", 7, gtest_msg.value) = ::testing::Message ();
return 0;
For EXPECT_THROW result will be the same except some difference:
::testing::internal::AssertHelper (::testing::TestPartResult::kNonFatalFailure, "main.cpp", 7, gtest_msg.value) = ::testing::Message ();
2 . OK, the reason of different behaviour is found, let's continue.
In the file src/gtest.cc can be found AssertHelper class declaration including assignment operator which return void:
void AssertHelper::operator=(const Message& message) const
So now reason of the compiler complain is clarified.
3 . But why this problem is caused is not clear. Try realise why for ASSERT_THROW and EXPECT_THROW different code was generated. The answer is the macro from file include/gtest/internal/gtest-internal.h
#define GTEST_FATAL_FAILURE_(message) \
return GTEST_MESSAGE_(message, ::testing::TestPartResult::kFatalFailure)
#define GTEST_NONFATAL_FAILURE_(message) \
GTEST_MESSAGE_(message, ::testing::TestPartResult::kNonFatalFailure)
which contain return for fatal case.
4 . But now is question why this assertions usually works well?
To answer of this question try investigate code snipped which written in correct way when assertion is placed inside test:
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
class my_exp {};
TEST (MyExp, ThrowMyExp)
ASSERT_THROW (throw my_exp (), my_exp);
To exclude pollution of the answer I just notice that in such case the return statement for ASSERT_THROW also exist, but it is placed inside method:
void MyExp_ThrowMyExp_Test::TestBody ()
which return void! But in your example assertions are placed inside main function which return int. Looks like this is source of problem!
Try prove this point with simple snippet:
void f1 () {};
void f2 () {return f1();};
//int f2 () {return f1();}; // error here!
int main (int argc, char * argv [])
return 0;
5 . So the final answer is: the ASSERT_THROW macro contain return statement for expression which evaluates to void and when such expression is placed into function which return non void value the gcc complain about error.
P.S. But anyway I have no idea why for one case return is used but for other case is not.
Update: I've asked this question on GitHub and got the following answer:
ASSERT_XXX is used as a poor man's exception to allow it to work in
environments where exceptions are disabled. It does a return; instead.
It is meant to be used from within the TEST() methods, which return
Update: I've just realised that this question described in the official documentation:
By placing it in a non-void function you'll get a confusing compile error > like "error: void value not ignored as it ought to be".

failed to parse number by yacc and lex

i have finished my lex file and start to learn about yacc
but i have some question about part of my code of lex:
#include "y.tab.h"
int num_lines = 1;
int comment_mode=0;
int stack =0;
digit ([0-9])
integer ({digit}+)
float_num ({digit}+\.{digit}+)
{integer} { //deal with integer
printf("#%d: NUM:",num_lines); ECHO;printf("\n");
yylval.Integer = atoi(yytext);
return INT;
{float_num} {// deal with float
printf("#%d: NUM:",num_lines);ECHO;printf("\n");
yylval.Float = atof(yytext);
return FLOAT;
\n { ++num_lines; }
. if(strcmp(yytext," "))ECHO;
int yywrap() {
return 1;
every time i got an integer or a float i return the token and save it into yylval
and here is my code in parser.y:
#include <stdio.h>
#define YYDEBUG 1
void yyerror (char const *s) {
fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s);
int Integer;
float Float;
%token <int>INT;
%token <float>FLOAT;
statement :
INT {printf("int yacc\n");}
| FLOAT {printf("float yacc\n");}
int main(int argc, char** argv)
return 0;
which compiled by
byacc –d parser.y
lex lex.l
gcc lex.yy.c y.tab.c –ll
since i just want to try something easy to get started, i want to see if i can parse
only int and float number first, i print them in both .l and .y file after i input an
integer or a float.int the begining i input fisrt random number, for example 123
, then my program print :
1: NUM: 123
in yylex() and
"int yacc\n"
in parser.y
but if i input the second else number, it shows syntax error and the program shutdown
i dont know where is the problem.
is there any solution?
Your grammar only accepts a single token, either an INT or a FLOAT. So it will only accept a single number, which is why it produces a syntax error when it reads the second number; it is expecting an end-of-file.
The solution is to change the grammar so that it accepts any number of "statements":
program: /* EMPTY */
| program statement
Two notes:
1) You don't need an (expensive) strcmp in your lexer. Just do this:
" " /* Do nothing */;
. { return yytext[0]; }
It's better to return the unknown character to the parser, which will produce a syntax error if the character doesn't correspond to any token type (as in your simple grammar) than to just echo the character to stdout, which will prove confusing. Some people would prefer to produce an error message in the lexer for invalid input, but while you are developing a grammar I think it is easier to just pass through the characters, because that lets you add operators to your parser without regenerating the lexer.
2) When you specify %types in bison, you use the tagname from the union, not the C type. Some (but not all) versions of bison let you get away with using the C type if it is a simple type, but you can't count on it; it's not posix standard and it may well break if you use an older or newer version of bison. (For example, it won't work with bison 3.0.) So you should write, for example:
int Integer;
float Float;
%token <Integer>INT;
%token <Float>FLOAT;

ignoring return value of ‘int scanf(const char*, ...)’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result]?

When I compiled the following program like:
g++ -O2 -s -static 2.cpp it gave me the warning ignoring return value of ‘int scanf(const char*, ...)’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result].
But when I remove -02 from copiling statement no warning is shown.
My 2.cpp program:
int main()
int a,b;
return 0;
What is the meaning of this warning and what is the meaning of -O2 ??
It means that you do not check the return value of scanf.
It might very well return 1 (only a is set) or 0 (neither a nor b is set).
The reason that it is not shown when compiled without optimization is that the analytics needed to see this is not done unless optimization is enabled. -O2 enables the optimizations - http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Optimize-Options.html.
Simply checking the return value will remove the warning and make the program behave in a predicable way if it does not receive two numbers:
if( scanf( "%d%d", &a, &b ) != 2 )
// do something, like..
fprintf( stderr, "Expected at least two numbers as input\n");
I took care of the warning by making an if statement that matches the number of arguments:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int i;
long l;
long long ll;
char ch;
float f;
double d;
//6 arguments expected
if(scanf("%d %ld %lld %c %f %lf", &i, &l, &ll, &ch, &f, &d) == 6)
printf("%d\n", i);
printf("%ld\n", l);
printf("%lld\n", ll);
printf("%c\n", ch);
printf("%f\n", f);
printf("%lf\n", d);
return 0;