Esper - pattern detection - sequence

I have a question for the community regarding pattern detection with Esper.
Suppose you want to detect the following pattern among a collection of data : A B C
However, it is possible, that in the actual data, you might have: A,B,D,E,C. My goal is to design a rule that could still detect A B C by keeping A B in memory, and fire the alert as soon as it sees C.
Is it possible to do this? With the standard select * from pattern(a = event -> b= event -> c=event), It only outputs when the three are in sequence in the data, but not when there are other useless data between them

With the standard "select * from pattern [a=A -> b=B]" there can be any events between A and B. Your statement is therefore wrong. I think you are confused about how to remove useless data. Use a filter such as "a=event(...not useless...) -> b=event(...not useless...)". Within the parens place the filter expressions that distinguish between useless and not useless events, i.e. "a=event(amount>10)" or whatever.


ANTLR4 - replace op boundaries error|How to use TokenStreamRewriter to transform text from two listener events on overlapping tokens in original AST?

Hello ANTLR creators/users,
Some context - I am using PlSql ANTLR4 parser to do some lightweight transpiling of some queries from oracle sql to, let's say, spark sql. I have my listener class setup which extends the base listener.
Example of an issue -
Let's say the input is something like -
SELECT to_char(to_number(substr(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE,1,4))-3)||'0101') from xyz;
Now, I'd like to replace || with CONCAT and to_char with CAST as STRING, so that the final query looks like -
SELECT CONCAT(CAST(to_number(substr(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE,1,4))-3) as STRING),'0101') from xyz;
In my listener class, I am overriding two functions from base listener to do this - concatenation and string_function. In those, I am using a tokenStreamRewriter's replace to make the necessary transformation. Since tokenStreamRewriter is evaluated lazily, I am running to issue ->
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: replace op boundaries of
<2214>,3:63]:"CAST (to_number(substr(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE,1,4))-3 as STRING)">
overlap with previous <ReplaceOp#[#38,228:234='to_char',<2193>,3:15]..
Clearly, the issue is my two listener functions attempting to replace/transform text on overlapping boundaries.
Is there any work around for territory overlap kind of issues for ANTLR4? I'm sure folks run into such stuff all the time probably.
I'd appreciate any workarounds, even dirty ones at this point of time :)
I did realize that ANTLR4 does not allow us to modify original AST, otherwise this would have been a little bit easier to solve.
A look at how tokenstreamrewriter works leads to the following understanding:
first, a list of all modification operations are built
then, you invoke getText()
here, there is a reduction of modification operations. The idea for example is to merge multiple insert together in one reduction. Its role is also to avoid multiple replace on same data (but i will expand on this point later).
every token is then read, in the case there is a modification listed for the said token index, TokenStreamRewriter do the operation, otherwise it just pop the read token.
Let's have a look on how modification operations are implemented:
for insert, tokenstream rewriter basically just adds the string to be added at the current token index, and then do an index+1, effectively going to next token
for replace, tokenstream rewriter replace a range of tokens with the new string, and set the new index to the end of this range.
So, for tokenstreamrewriter, overlapping replaces are not possible, as when you replace you jump to the end of the range of tokens to be replaced. Especially, in the case you remove the checks of overlapping, then only the first replace will be operated, as afterwards, the token index is past the other replaces.
Basically, this has been done because there is no way to tell easily what tokens should be replaced while using overlapping replaces. You would need for that symbol recognition and matching.
So, what you are trying to do is the following (for each step, the part between '*' is what is modified):
*SELECT to_char(to_number(substr(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE,1,4))-3)||'0101')* from xyz;
CONCAT (*to_char(to_number(substr(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE,1,4))-3)*,'0101') from xyz;
SELECT CONCAT(CAST(to_number(substr(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE,1,4))-3) as STRING),'0101') from xyz;
to achieve your transformation, you could do so a replace of :
'to_char' -> 'CONCAT(CAST'
'||' -> ' as STRING),'
And, by using a bit of intelligence while parsing your tokens, like is there a '||' in my tokens to know if it's string, you would know what to replace.
The way I solve it in multiple projects based on ANTLR is this: I translated ANTLR parse-tree to an AST written using Kolasu, an open-source library we developed at Strumenta.
Kolasu has all sort of utilities to process and mutate ASTs. For all non-trivial projects I end up doing transformations on the AST.

How would you structure a spreadsheet app in elm?

I've been looking at elm and I really enjoy learning the language. I've been thinking about doing a spreadsheet application, but i can't wrap my head how it would be structured.
Let's say we have three cells; A, B and C.
If I enter 4 in cell A and =A in cell B how would i get cell B to always equal cell A? If i then enter =A+B in cell C, can that be evaluated to 8, and also be updated when A or B changes?
Not sure how to lever Signals for such dynamic behavior..
Regards Oskar
First you need to decide how to represent your spreadsheet grid. If you come from a C background, you may want to use a 2D array, but I've found that a dictionary actually works better in Elm. So you can define type alias Grid a = Dict (Int, Int) a.
As for the a, what each cell holds... this is an opportunity to define a domain-specific language. So something like
type Expr = Lit Float | Ref (Int, Int) | Op2 (Float -> Float -> Float) Expr Expr
This means an expression is either a literal float, a reference to another cell location, or an operator. An operator can be any function on two floats, and two other expressions which get recursively evaluated. Depending on what you're going for, you can instead define specific tags for each operation, like Plus Expr Expr | Times Expr Expr, or you can add extra opN tags for operations of different arity (like negate).
So then you might define type alias Spreadsheet = Grid Expr, and if you want to alias (Int, Int) to something, that might help too. I'm also assuming you only want floats in your spreadsheet.
Now you need functions to convert strings to expressions and back. The traditional names for these functions are parse and eval.
parse : String -> Maybe Expr -- Result can also work
eval : Spreadsheet -> Grid Float
evalOne : Expr -> Spreadsheet -> Maybe Float
Parse will be a little tricky; the String module is your friend. Eval will involve chasing references through the spreadsheet and filling in the results, recursively. At first you'll want to ignore the possibility of catching infinite loops. Also, this is just a sketch, if you find that different type signatures work better, use them.
As for the view, I'd start with read-only, so you can verify hard-coded spreadsheets are evaluated properly. Then you can worry about editing, with the idea being that you just rerun the parser and evaluator and get a new spreadsheet to render. It should work because a spreadsheet has no state other than the contents of each cell. (Minimizing the recomputed work is one of many different ways you can extend this.) If you're using elm-html, table elements ought to be fine.
Hope this sets you off in the right direction. This is an ambitious project and I'd love to see it when you're done (post it to the mailing list). Good luck!

Right way to forcibly convert Maybe a to a in Elm, failing clearly for Nothings

Okay, what I really wanted to do is, I have an Array and I want to choose a random element from it. The obvious thing to do is get an integer from a random number generator between 0 and the length minus 1, which I have working already, and then applying Array.get, but that returns a Maybe a. (It appears there's also a package function that does the same thing.) Coming from Haskell, I get the type significance that it's protecting me from the case where my index was out of range, but I have control over the index and don't expect that to happen, so I'd just like to assume I got a Just something and somewhat forcibly convert to a. In Haskell this would be fromJust or, if I was feeling verbose, fromMaybe (error "some message"). How should I do this in Elm?
I found a discussion on the mailing list that seems to be discussing this, but it's been a while and I don't see the function I want in the standard library where the discussion suggests it would be.
Here are some pretty unsatisfying potential solutions I found so far:
Just use withDefault. I do have a default value of a available, but I don't like this as it gives the completely wrong meaning to my code and will probably make debugging harder down the road.
Do some fiddling with ports to interface with Javascript and get an exception thrown there if it's Nothing. I haven't carefully investigated how this works yet, but apparently it's possible. But this just seems to mix up too many dependencies for what would otherwise be simple pure Elm.
(answering my own question)
I found two more-satisfying solutions:
Roll my own partially defined function, which was referenced elsewhere in the linked discussion. But the code kind of feels incomplete this way (I'd hope the compiler would warn me about incomplete pattern matches some day) and the error message is still unclear.
Pattern-match and use Debug.crash if it's a Nothing. This appears similar to Haskell's error and is the solution I'm leaning towards right now.
import Debug
fromJust : Maybe a -> a
fromJust x = case x of
Just y -> y
Nothing -> Debug.crash "error: fromJust Nothing"
(Still, the module name and description also make me hesitate because it doesn't seem like the "right" method intended for my purposes; I want to indicate true programmer error instead of mere debugging.)
The existence or use of a fromJust or equivalent function is actually code smell and tells you that the API has not been designed correctly. The problem is that you're attempting to make a decision on what to do before you have the information to do it. You can think of this in two cases:
If you know what you're supposed to do with Nothing, then the solution is simple: use withDefault. This will become obvious when you're looking at the right point in your code.
If you don't know what you're supposed to do in the case where you have Nothing, but you still want to make a change, then you need a different way of doing so. Instead of pulling the value out of the Maybe use to change the value while keeping the Maybe. As an example, let's say you're doing the following:
foo : Maybe Int -> Int
foo maybeVal =
innerVal = fromJust maybeVal
innerVal + 2
Instead, you'll want this:
foo : Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
foo maybeVal = (\innerVal -> innerVal + 2) maybeVal
Notice that the change you wanted is still done in this case, you've simply not handled the case where you have a Nothing. You can now pass this value up and down the call chain until you've hit a place where it's natural to use withDefault to get rid of the Maybe.
What's happened is that we've separated the concerns of "How do I change this value" and "What do I do when it doesn't exist?". We deal with the former using and the latter with Maybe.withDefault.
There are a small number of cases where you simply know that you have a Just value and need to eliminate it using fromJust as you described, but those cases should be few and far between. There's quite a few that actually have a simpler alternative.
Example: Attempting to filter a list and get the value out.
Let's say you have a list of Maybes that you want the values of. A common strategy might be:
foo : List (Maybe a) -> List a
foo hasAnything =
onlyHasJustValues = List.filter Maybe.isJust hasAnything
onlyHasRealValues = fromJust onlyHasJustValues
Turns out that even in this case, there are clean ways to avoid fromJust. Most languages with a collection that has a map and a filter have a method to filter using a Maybe built in. Haskell has Maybe.mapMaybe, Scala has flatMap, and Elm has List.filterMap. This transforms your code into:
foo : List (Maybe a) -> List a
foo hasAnything =
onlyHasRealValues = List.filterMap (\x -> x) hasAnything

Correct use of findall/3, especially the last result argument

I'm a beginner in Prolog and I am dealing with a problem that might seem stupid to you, but I really can't understand what I'm doing wrong! Ok, I have this file and inside that I have something like this:
I have already (inside that file made a coexist(X,Y) atom that checks if two fruits can be put together in a plate. It works fine! But now I can't create a suggest(X) that takes as a parameter a fruit and returns a list of fruits that can be put together in the same plate.
The thing is I was trying to make something like that
suggest(X) :- findall(Y,fruit(Y,_,_), List), coexist(X,Y).
What do you think? Every time I try to run this in swi prolog there is a warning 'singleton variable' and when I press
then it says false..
sorry for my english :/
Predicates in Prolog do not return anything. You have goals that are satisfied or not and you can interpret that as returning true or false.
Your predicate suggest(X) should contain another parameter that will be bound to the list of fruits that go together with X. An option would be: suggest(X, List) which describes the following relation: List represents all the fruits that go together with X. Then, you could ask:
?- suggest(apple, List).
List = [pear, cherry].
The goal findall(Y, ... , ...) uses the Y variable internally and Y is still unbound after the goal is satisfied. So, you should move coexist(X,Y) inside the second argument of findall/3 which is the goal that is satisfied in all possible ways. Th rule below works only if X is instantiated (suggest(+X, -List)).
suggest(X, List) :- findall(Y, (fruit(Y,_,_), coexist(X, Y)), List).
You can read this as follows: "List represents all fruits Y that coexist with X".
When you try to define a predicate in Prolog, first of all pretend that you have written that predicate already and start with imagining how you would use it. That is, what queries you would like to pose.
To me, it looks as if coexist/2 already describes what you want. BTW, may_coexist/2 might be a more descriptive name. Why do you want this in a separate list? And why using fruit/3 at all? But for the sake of the question let's assume that this makes sense. So essentially you would have now a relation fruit_compatible/2:
fruit_compatible(F, G) :-
fruit(F, _, _),
may_coexist(F, G),
fruit(G, _, _). % maybe you want to add this?
And now, let's assume you want this list too. So you would have a relation fruit_suggestions/2. How to use it?
?- fruit_suggestions(apple, L).
L = [cherry,pear].
or ... should it be rather L = [pear,cherry]? Or both?
?- fruit_suggestions(lemon, L).
L = [orange].
So every time I want a suggestion I have to think of a fruit. Always thinking: what fruit should it be? Fortunately there is a less demanding way in Prolog: Simply use a variable instead of the fruit! Now we should get all suggestions at once!
?- fruit_suggestions(F, L).
F = apple, L = [cherry, pear]
; F = lemon, L = [orange]
; F = cromulon, L = [embiggy, mushfruit].
So we need to implement it such that it will behave that way. findall/3 alone does not solve this. And implementing it manually is far from trivial. But there is setof/3 which handles variables in exactly that manner. Many of the tiny nitty-gritty design decisions have already been made, like that the list will be sorted ascendingly.
fruit_suggestions(F, L) :-
setof(G, fruit_compatible(F, G), L).
Edit: Due to the discussion below, here would be a solution that also permits empty lists. Note that this sounds trivial but it is not. To see this, consider the query:
?- fruit_suggestions(F, []).
What does it mean? What should F be? Also things that are no fruits at all? In that case we would have to produce solutions for everything. Like F = badger ; F = 42 ; .... Most probably this does not make much sense. What might be intended is those fruits that are incompatible with everything. To this end, we need to add a new rule:
fruit_suggestions(F, []) :-
\+ fruit_compatible(F, _).
fruit_suggestions(F, L) :-
setof(G, fruit_compatible(F, G), L).

SWI prolog make set of variables name with rbtrees or others means

I have got a term from which I want to get set of variables name.
Eg. input: my_m(aa,b,B,C,max(D,C),D)
output: [B,C,D] (no need to be ordered as order of appearance in input)
(That would call like set_variable_name(Input,Output).)
I can simply get [B,C,D,C,D] from the input, but don't know how to implement set (only one appearance in output). I've tried something like storing in rbtrees but that failed, because of
only_one([],T,T) :- !.
only_one([X|XS],B,C) :- rb_in(X,X,B), !, only_one(XS,B,C).
only_one([X|XS],B,C) :- rb_insert(B,X,X,U), only_one(XS,U,C).
it returns tree with only one node and unification like B=C, C=D.... I think I get it why - because of unification of X while questioning rb_in(..).
So, how to store only once that name of variable? Or is that fundamentally wrong idea because we are using logic programming? If you want to know why I need this, it's because we are asked to implement A* algorithm in Prolog and this is one part of making search space.
You can use sort/2, which also removes duplicates.