M# icon disappeared when updating - m#

I clicked 'update' on the 'check for updates' page in M# and then the program turned off and the icon disappeared. How do I fix this?
The version I have was 4.5.776 and then I clicked update.


Why vuetify tabs slider disappear when copule with navigation-drawer?

I'm coding a layout with tabs but don't know why slider-color of a tab was disappeared.
Here is demo: https://codesandbox.io/embed/vuetify-tab-0fyyy
Here is my video test on Ubuntu FireFox version 57.0.1 64bit: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wmxsajsunwd9tur/vuetify_tabs.mp4?dl=0
Step as follow:
At tab1, the "events" tab was actived with blue line
Click tab2
Click "MENU" to open side-bar, then click background to close
Click tab1, then you will see the blue line disappeared
Many thanks for any advice!

Carousel in dialog disappears, Vue and Vuetify

I put the carousel in the dialog, which triggered by clicking the image. But, after a minute (no matter you keep clicking on and off), the pictures in carousel will disappear. No errors in the F12 console. Stuck with hours for no clues.
No errors in F12 console neither.
enter code herehttps://codepen.io/Joey-Deakin/pen/MLpGQQ

Close VB.net application and make icon disappear

Executing the exe file,
it will open the program and create a icon on the right-bottom windows status bar.
After processing some functions,
it will call Environment.Exit(Environment.ExitCode) and Application.Exit()
and close the application.
But the icon on the windows status bar still exist,
how to make the icon disappear?
when you kill your application you can set your icon to nothing. So that your application Icon will remove from system tray.
YourForm.Icon = Nothing

vb desktop icon different from application icon

I am trying to set the icon of my application. I set the icon once before by changing the property of the form and the property of the project. Now I am trying to change the icon to a different one. The icons of the form and the application have been successfully changed, but when I copy the application to the desktop, the desktop icon still remains the previous one. Can anyone please tell me how to change the desktop icon?
If you change the icon properly on the form it should get visible in the Taskbar immediately as soon as you start your application.
However even if you did change the project icon properly and therefore your executable has the correct (new) icon (check that in your \bin-folder) you can get the wrong (old) icon from the desktop because you system might retrieve it from the icon cache.
Please check the following link to understand that topic and to see how you can enforce windows to renew its icon cache.
Win 7--: http://www.winability.com/repair-windows-desktop-icon-cache/
Win 8++: http://www.winability.com/how-to-erase-icon-thumbnail-cache-windows-8/

simplemodal close function

I love the osx version of the simple modal. However, I would like to do some data editing in the opened modal box.
Now when the user clicked outside of the modal, it'll close. So if the user accidentally clicked the outside of the modal, their information will be lost.
How do I disable closing when click outside of the modal? thanks!
Go to Line 28 of the file "osx.js" that is included in Simple Modal OSX Style Dialog. Change overlayClose: true to overlayClose: false.