Change datetime custom format in sql server - sql

I have created a column of datetime type in SQL Server.
The output of this column is:
But I want to show only year, like this: 1994 (not long datetime)
How can I change this format type of datetime?
My table is tbl_borrowing, my column is VitiBotimit
Thank you

How about this:
SELECT YEAR(VitiBotimit)
FROM dbo.borrowing
DATETIME in SQL Server has no format - it's an 8-byte binary value - and therefore you cannot change the format.
You only get a format (of your choice) when you select the value from the table. If you only need the year - select it that way.


Find Maximum date SQL Server

I am using below query to find max date,getting output as "30-12-2017" , whereas the output should be "15-12-2018" .my sample data is attached, data type is nvarchar and SQL Server 2008.
select MAX(date1) from tblMonth
Your datatype for Date1 seems to be nvarchar. The MAX() on nvarchar's is a string compare. The string 30-12-2017 starts with 30, which has the biggest ASCII code in your example. If you enter 31-11-2017, this would be the result of MAX(date1).
Use a date datatype (i.e. datetime2 or date) instead and it will work as you expect.

T-SQL Dates using Convert() function?

I am bit confusing here?
declare #date1 datetime = '2016-01-21 14:10:47.183'
I want to convert '2016-01-21 14:10:47.183' To '21-01-2016'
when I tried: select convert(date,#date1,105)
I am getting: 2016-01-21
But with: select convert(varchar(10),#date1,105)
I am getting: 21-01-2016
Why I am not having same results with above code?
Why should I convert to varchar?
Thanks in advance
This is just presentation matter and should be done in application layer. If you cannot do it in application you could use FORMAT (SQL Server 2012+):
declare #date1 datetime = '2016-01-21 14:10:47.183'
SELECT FORMAT(#date1, 'dd-mm-yyyy');
Why I am not having same results with above code?
select convert(date,#date1,105)
-- vs
select convert(varchar(10),#date1,105)
-- DATETIME -> VARCHAR(10) using specific style
If you only to skip time part use SELECT CAST(#date1 AS DATE) and do not bother how it is presented. It is still DATE.
To sum up: in SQL query use DATE as date, in application display it with desired format.
The reason why is because once you put a value in a datetime column (or date or any of the other variations on date-time datatypes) in SQL Server. SQL Server ceases to think of that date as having any particular format. It translates it into numbers, and stores it that way internally.
So when you select a date from a date time column, SQL Server displays it in the default format that you have selected based on your environment/local settings.
If you want to display it in any other format, you have to first convert it to a string, because as far as SQL Server is concerned, dates don't have formats. They are just numbers. The 21st day of March is the 21st day of March, whether you write it as 3/21 or 21/3.
So when you try to convert a date to a date with a different format, SQL Server just ignores you because dates don't have formats. However, if you want to convert that date to a string, SQL Server will be happy to help you display that string in any format you like.
Hope this helps, but sounds like some further research into how SQL Server stores dates would help your understanding.

Converting Date format in Sql Server

I have a column in my table for storing dates and it is in 12-06-2013 15:32:45. I want to convert it to MM/DD/YYYY format. How can I do it?
Coulmn type is varchar
First you need to CONVERT VARCHAR() to datetime type and and then to CONVERT it to string in desired format:
SELECT CONVERT (varchar (10), CONVERT (date,'12-06-2013 15:32:45' ,103),101)
First 103 is used to interpret current date format, and second - 101 - target format.
If you change target date format from varchar to date then your output in MSMS will be in default display date format of you SQL Server, not the desired format. This is because SQL Server stores dates as integers and converts them before dispalying the value. Therefore if you need to store in certain format, then store in VARCHAR type.
Check out CAST and CONVERT functions on MDSN
or you can do it in your c# code like that :
First you have to take your date from your table and put it in string var "DT" exemple :
string strDT;
string date = strDT .ToString("MM/DD/YYYY");
DateTime DT = Convert.ToDateTime(date);
then you can use the DT time variable :)

What format is this date and how can I convert it to a regular datetime?

Amazon for sellers provides order reports. I'm trying to import one of these order reports into a Sql Server database:
Their date fields look like this:
I cannot figure out which data type to assign this date.
How do I convert this field to be a regular datetime? The solution could be SQL or SSIS or a combination.
Try this.....
SQL Server
CONVERT(DATETIME2, '2014-04-30T12:17:28-07:00')
RESULT: 2014-04-30 12:17:28.000 --<-- SQL SERVER DATETIME
Convert your input column to SSIS Data type DT_DBTIMESTAMP2
Add a derived column task and use the following expression
essentially you are doing the same thing but result will be the same.

Convert Data from yyyy-dd-mm to mm/dd/yyyy Issue

I have a column in my table with Dates in the format yyyy-mm-dd I want to convert all the dates in that column to the format mm/dd/yyyy
I am using the below query
UPDATE Test.dbo.Status
SET DateIn = CONVERT(DATE,DateIn ,101)
The DateIn column is defined as Date in my table (DateIn DATE NULL)
The query does no change to the data. am I doing some thing wrong here?
You can change the default format in which SQL Server displays a date, but you can't alter the way a DATE value is stored via CONVERT(). You can format a date however you want if you store it as a string, but you lose functionality when you do that and it's not advisable. If you are hell-bent on storing a formatted version, you might want to create a new VARCHAR() field so you can preserve your DATE version.
You're better off formatting the date at the application level.
The reason your query does nothing is that the actual DATE values are equivalent. Notice when you take any valid date format and CAST() it as DATE the resulting format is the same regardless of the input:
SELECT CAST('2004-05-10' AS DATE)
SELECT CAST('May 10, 2004' AS DATE)
All return: 2004-05-10 on my instance of SQL Server.