Status line in Eclipse Scout - statusbar

I would like to have status line in Eclipse scout application, that is always visible.
For example :
How to get to this line ?
In RAP this line is not visible. Is possible to get it in RAP ? Or is there another general solution ?

The only status bar managed by Scout is the one that you can find on tables (and Table Field). See this Forum entry: Table status bar.
Depending on the renderer you use, the platform might also provide one:
SWT: You have the Eclipse RCP Workbench and you get all the features.
Swing: I think we instantiate a JDesktop and with the default Look And Feel you see a status bar (like in your screenshot)
RAP: I think there is no status bar in this case.
I you need one for RAP; you need to do a custom implementation.


Showing Status-field as dropdown in Directus 7?

is there a way to make a Status-field display like an dropdown/select-box instead of radio-buttons? I have about 10 status' and I would like to display them as a dropdown instead.
I wasn't able to find anything about this in the documentation, did I miss something?
Thank you in advance!
Not the "core" status interface, but you can duplicate the code and create a custom one in a select instead. The new interface would go into the custom extensions directory in the API. Should be pretty straightforward.

QtCreator WYSIWYG quality

I am making my first steps with QtCreator and I see some issues. I designed a simple widget, see the image below. On this screenshot the bottom view is what I designed and the top view is the result of running the design. I say they are similar, but I expected more. It looks like the running version compresses the components. Is there something I should set in QtCreator?
I also attempted to check the functionality of my widget, using debugging, but I receive the Warning 'This does not seem to be a "Debug" build.' Shall I set something to produce a debug build?
In the meantime I found out that if I do not put the widgets in a layout box,then I receive as output what I expected. Why a layout has such side effect?
Also, in the meantime I added some signal/slot connections. Since I did, I am presented with error message ui_registerwidget.h:13: error: QtWidgets/QAction: No such file or directory. It is a file/code generated by the QtCreator.

About component "Note" : how should I use the "Raise" and "Lower" options

I'm using Pentaho DI ETL from a few weeks ago, and as in Talend DI ETL, there is the possibility to use a component "Note".
This is quite useful to distinguish the main features of a job, and bring more informations at the first overview when opening it.
When using a note on the canvas, right-clicking on the component opens a context menu. My problem is that I am unable to use the "Raise" and "Lower" options. May someone has an idea about how those options work ?
Screen of the context menu
Thanks in advance,
PDI Documentation link
The feature enables to raise a Note over an another Note. Here is an example :
Hence, it is not possible to cover other components with a Note.

activities perspective issue

I created a sample plugin which needs to hide the java perspective. For that I used activities. The problems what happends is,it is hiding from the perspectives,but it is there still in the (recent opened perspectives). How can I hide it from there also? Following is my code.
name="Hide Perspective">
Is this the right way what I have implemented? One more thing, This hiding of perspective I am calling when I click a Button on the toolbar. That the that buttons location is also getting changed. some kind of refresh on the toolbar.
I have attached the screenshot as well.
The activityPatternBinding is, where the is the ID of the plugin that contributed the perspective, not com.example.activities.hideperspective. Also, it does look like an equality pattern.
Also, activities will show something (like a perspective) if any activity that points to that perspective is enabled. So setting one activity to enabled=false might not get rid of the perspective.
And finally, activities won't shut a perspective that is already open. It just removes it from the "Open Perspective" dialog/shortcuts.

TODO tasks list in Flash Builder

Does Flash Builder support tasks list?
I'm testing Flash Builder for PHP, and I can see my // TODO in PHP code but not in AS or MXML.
I found this plugin:
but it's very old.
Do you know how can I see my TODO list in AS3 and MXML code with Flash Builder 4.5?
I've installed the plugin from and it works in Flash Builder 4.5 for PHP.
But it's very poor, it only detects the TODOs and FIXMEs if you open the file, it doesn't search all your src for TODOs and FIXMEs.
And also is case insensitive, that's a problem for me, because in spanish "todo" means "everything", so I can't use the word todo in my comments now.
I can't understand how Adobe doesn't include a plugin for this after so many years developing Flash Builder !! they are adding TODO comments when you generate a handler, method, etc !!! I don't know how that can be useful if you don't show it in the tasks!
Get the TODO/FIXME extension for Flash Builder at the following link, and give it a try.
Another link at:
How it works: the plugin parses every MXML/AS file when opened and searches comments (both MXML and AS comments) for TODO and FIXME tokens (this search is case insensitive, so it also finds todo). The same action takes place after a file has been saved. If a token is found, a new Task gets generated with its message set to the comment and displayed in the Task View (To open Task View choose Window-->Other Views...-->Basic-->Tasks in Flex Builder 2 standalone and Window-->Show View-->Other-->Basic-->Tasks when running Flex Builder 2 as a plugin in Eclipse). Note: to really delete a Task you have to delete the comment - deleting a Task from the Task View does not kill the comment, so after you save the file the Task will reappear.
For completeness on this question:
I do agree with you on the fact that it is truely amazing and inconceivable that such features do not exist in Flash Builder by default.
There is another alternative, though it's not free (It does have a 30 day trial though)
It is called SourceMate
The product has loads of other cool features, be sure to check the feature list.
I commented above on the accepted answer, but I'll relist here...
This post is now seriously outdated :(. I would like to offer a different answer... We'll say starting with Flash Builder 4.6.
It's from a great article (from the Adobe Cats) about how to add Task Markers (and Bookmarks) to your Flash Builder Project Files.
You can always search in the solution for "TODO":) And in the results window, press F5 the next time you want to see TODOs.
Best solution is to install the plugins mentioned previously via the software install menu under Help > Install Software.
WARNING - Don't get the SourceMate plugin if you have FB 4.7 - it isn't supported and doesn't look like it will be soon. Check this page for updates: