eBay API findItemsAdvanced call ignores categoryID - ebay-api

Any attempt to make an eBay API call to findItemsAdvanced is ignoring the categoryID parameter.
For example, I want to find all auctions matching "1943" in the "Video Games" category (ID #1249). eBay instead returns a bunch of auctions for coins instead.
This is the URL I am using:

Problem solved: I was using "categoryid" instead of "categoryId." (sigh)


eBay Browse API limiting the number of category_ids to 1, but documentation says you can add multiple category_ids

When performing a GET request to the eBay browse API I am getting the following error message:
<class 'list'>: [{'errorId': 12030, 'domain': 'API_BROWSE', 'category': 'REQUEST', 'message': 'The number of categories in the request has exceeded the limit. Please reduce the number of categories to 1 or less.', 'parameters': [{'name': 'allowedMaxCategories', 'value': '1'}]}]
Here is the URL of the request I am trying to make:
However, the documentation for the Browse API suggests that you can pass category_ids as a string array separated by commas.
The category ID is used to limit the results. This field can have one category ID or a comma separated list of IDs.
Here is a link to the documenation for the Browse API:
I have tested your code in eBay api explorer, i received warning response of your defined filters not category, after corrected filters i received success response with records.
Check this query
NOTE: the seller foo not found so return success with 0 record but without seller or a valid seller id return success with records

Given node for Storefront.Product with string id, how to get productId for Admin API

I'm using GraphQL shopify buy-sdk for Android, and getting node for Product, by string id like:
"id" -> "Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0LzEwMDcyMDgwOTc1"
this is node id
but to get, say, product metafields, i have to make request to Admin API
where {productId} is numeric id of Product, like:
I cannot use node id in REST API request, getting 400 "Bad Request".
So the question is - how to get numeric product id for node in GraphQL?
You can simply do a base64 decode to the string id. By decoding (base64) the string you gave in the example I found something like this.
You can trim the string to get the product id from the end and can use in the rest api of shopify admin api.

SoftLayer API: How to get list of questionId and answers values in itemCategoryQuestionAnswer object

SoftLayer API SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Subnet.itemCategoryQuestionAnswers
is a type of SoftLayer_Container_Product_Item_Category_Question_Answer,
How can I get a list of possible
questionId/ answer values based on categoryId and catogoryCode in SoftLayer_Container_Product_Item_Category_Question_Answer ?
You can retrieve the questions that are associated with an item category with the following method:
e.g. REST request
Method: Get
"312" refers to categoryID, replace it with the categoryId that you wish.
I hope this information can help you.

eBay API GetCategory using CategoryName

Does ebay provide Category using CategoryName? I can get the Category using categoryid, but I want to get it using CategoryName
Something similar to the following URL, when I call an ebay api with category name it should give me the response of category.
The reason this functionality isn't provided by eBay is: 1) it's not very specific, whereas a CategoryID is very specific; 2) there are many duplicate category names, like "Other", or time periods (1900-1949) that could refer to comic, coins, stamps, etc.

How to get transaction details on eBay API

To get Seller Transactions from eBay I use API function GetSellerTransactions
It returns me TransactionType array in TransactionArray property of the response (GetSellerTransactionsResponseType)
In that array I have transactions from eBay.
Is there a way to get one TransactionType object when I have eBay Transaction ID value (string like: 12345678900)?
Appreciate with any help!
Ok, seems it's impossible to do, you can get GetOrderTransactions
but you need to know OrderIDs, ItemIDs, or SKU values