QueryOver IList<string> property - nhibernate

I have a mapped class that has a ICollection property which is mapped as a Set (using by code mappings). Note that the collection contains strings and not another mapped entity. e.g.
public class Item
public virtual ICollection<string> Facts { get; set; }
public class ItemMapping
public ItemMapping()
Set(x => x.Facts, m =>
m.Key(k => k.Column("ItemId"));
}, col => col.Element(m =>
This works and CRUD operations on Items with Facts works fine.
However, I want to QueryOver<> the Facts in the database (e.g. retrieve the count or first 20 facts or retrieve some random facts) but given there is no entity how do I do this? I don't want to introduce a Fact entity because the only property it would have would be a string.

Well, my suggestion would be:
introduce entity. Even if it would have only one property. Later you can extend that (with Order, IsVisible). And if you will do that everywhere your framework will be built only from one-to-many and many-to-one relations among first citizens objects. That mean simple "framework generalization, reuse..."
But I see that you do not like it (please, at least try to re-think) - so there is the way:
NHibernate How do I query against an IList property?
Where I tried to show that (based on the documentation) we can use magical word ".elements": Alias and property references
So the query which will touch the string elements in your case
Item item = null;
string fact = null;
var demos = session.QueryOver<Item>(() => item)
.JoinAlias(i => i.Facts, () => fact)
// instead of this
// .Add(Restrictions.Eq("fact", "abc"))
// we can use the .elements keyword
.Where(Restrictions.Eq("fact.elements", "abc"))
So, this way, you can get Items which do have some facts equal to "abc"

non entities have to be queried by their entities and selected then. For example to get the first 20 facts:
string fact = null;
var first20facts = session.QueryOver<Item>()
.JoinAlias(i => i.Facts, () => fact)
.OrderBy(() => fact).Asc
.Select(() => fact)
Alternativly you could also map a readonly entity for Fact just to query it.


NHibernate 4 child collection saved, but not re-loaded

I've got an NHibernate 4 project with several collection relationships. I'm unit-testing the object model, exercising all the collections. Most work fine, but in one case, the child collection is cascade-saved properly, but on loading the parent entity and examining the collection property, the child collection is empty.
Here are the abbreviated classes. GatewayUser is the parent object, and it has a collection of Student. The collection has a private backing property, and AddStudent/RemoveStudent methods.
Further complications: I'm using the NHibernate.AspNet.Identity library for OAuth2 user management, and GatewayUser inherits from IdentityUser. That in turn inherits from the the library's internal base entity class, which is different from my project's own base class.
public class GatewayUser : IdentityUser
public GatewayUser()
public virtual string FirstName { get; set; }
// ...More value properties and OAuth stuff omitted
// students associated with this user
private IList<Student> _students = new List<Student>();
public virtual IList<Student> Students
get { return new ReadOnlyCollection<Student>(_students); }
public virtual GatewayUser AddStudent(Student s)
if (_students.Contains(s))
return this;
s.GatewayUser = this;
return this;
public virtual GatewayUser RemoveStudent(Student s)
if (_students.Contains(s))
return this;
Student is more ordinary; it inherits from my own BaseEntity class, has many value properties, and its own child collection of ProgramApplication items. Interestingly, this collection saves and loads fine; it's got the same structure (private backer, etc.) as the failing collection in GatewayUser.
The mapping is complicated, because the library internally maps its classes with NHiberante.Mapping.ByCode.Conformist classes (which I have no prior experience with).
I'm mapping my own classes with NHibernate automapping, because I have so many classes and properties to map. To get it all working, I copied the library's mapping helper class, and modified it a bit to add my base entity classes to it's list called baseEntityToIgnore. I also had to create a conformist mapping for GatewayUser, since it has a different base entity type, and my automapping wouldn't pick it up.
The unit test looks like this:
public void GatewayUserCascadesStudents()
var u = new GatewayUser() { FirstName = "Mama", LastName = "Bear", UserName = "somebody#example.com" };
var s1 = new Student() { FirstName = "First", LastName = "Student" };
var s2 = new Student() { FirstName = "Second", LastName = "Student" };
using (var s = NewSession())
using (var tx = s.BeginTransaction())
GatewayUser fetched = null;
int count = 0;
using (var s = NewSession())
fetched = s.Get<GatewayUser>(u.Id);
count = fetched.Students.Count;
Assert.AreEqual(2, count);
The generated SQL inserts into both AspNetUsers and GatewayUser (reflecting the inheritance relationship), and inserts two records into Student. All good. On fetching, the SELECT joins the two user tables, and I get a GatewayUser object, but accessing the Students collection does not trigger a SELECT on the Student table. But if I change the mapping to Lazy(CollectionLazy.NoLazy), the SQL to select eagerly load Students appears in the log, but the collection is not populated. If I switch the database from SQLite to Sql Server, I see the student records in the table. The generated SQL (when NoLazy is applied) will fetch them. So on the database end, things look fine.
I have to think my Frankenstein mapping situation is to blame. I'm mixing the library's conformist mapping with Fluent mapping, and there are two different base entity classes. However, the generated schema looks correct, and the save cascades correctly, so I don't know if that's the issue.
Found my own answer. My mapping of the parent class's list was like this:
public class GatewayUserMap : JoinedSubclassMapping
public GatewayUserMap()
Key(g => g.Column("Id"));
Property(c => c.FirstName, m => m.Length(50));
// ... more properties
List(gu => gu.Students, map =>
map.Key(c => c.Column("GatewayUser_Id"));
map.Cascade(Cascade.All | Cascade.DeleteOrphans);
map.Index(li => li.Column("ListIndex"));
map.Access(Accessor.Field | Accessor.NoSetter);
I have a private backing field for the collection. Removing Accessor.NoSetter from the collection mapping fixed it. In fact, it still worked without Accessor.Field -- I guess the mapper does a good job of looking around for one, and using it if found. Changing the name of the private backer from "_students" to "funnyName" prevented the mapper from finding it.

LINQ query take(count) from collection of child elements

How can I make LINQ query (I am using Entity Framework) that returns top n elements in a child collection?
Here are example classes
public class A {
public int ID
public ICollection<B> bData
public class B {
public int ID
public string Name
This is kind of query I was thinking;
db.A.Where(a => a.ID == query_id).Include(a => a.bData.Take(count)).ToList();
Normally this doesn't work, how could I accomplish this?
The Include method is intended for eager loading the related entity data. It's all or nothing and cannot be used for filtering, sorting, grouping etc.
So what are you asking for can be accomplished with projection (select). It would be simpler if you project to anonymous or custom type (a.k.a. DTO object), because EF does not allow projecting to entity type. But it's still doable by using anonymous type projection in LINQ to Entities query and doing second projection in LINQ to Objects to attach the filtered child collection to its parent entity like this:
var result = db.A
.Where(a => a.ID == query_id)
.Select(a => new { a, bData = a.bData.Take(count).ToList() })
.AsEnumerable() // Switch to LINQ to Object context
.Select(x =>
x.a.bData = x.bData;
return x.a;
Please note that in order the above to work, bData member should not be virtual or db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled should be false (i.e. lazy loading should be off, otherwise the bData collections will be fully reloaded when first accessed).

Save data from a form collection

I have been following http://framework.zend.com/manual/2.1/en/modules/zend.form.collections.html and it works great with validation and so on.
When the form is valid the guide just runs a var_dump on the entity and it looks something like this:
protected 'name' => string 'Chair' (length=5)
protected 'price' => string '25' (length=2)
protected 'categories' =>
array (size=2)
0 =>
protected 'name' => string 'Armchair' (length=8)
1 =>
protected 'name' => string 'Office' (length=6)
The categories can be more then 2 or just 1. How to save a normal form to a database table I understand and have no problem with. But here we have data for two different tables. I guess I could manually read the categories in my controller and fill them in to a model and save them row by row. But that doesn't feel like the best way of doing it.
How do I get the data from the entity to a model or my database? Can it be done without Doctrine?
You have two choices: getData() or bind().
bind() is the "automatic" way - you bind an entity to your form object which has a property on that entity which matches the name of your collection. Then, when the form's isValid() method is called, the binding mechanism will pass the values from the collection's elements to the matching property on the entity.
Alternatively, you can use getData() on the collection object and then do whatever you need to.
Once you have an entity, to save it, consider using ZfcBase as that does the hard work for you.
This is a simple example mapper:
namespace MyModule\Mapper;
use ZfcBase\Mapper\AbstractDbMapper;
use Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\ArraySerializable;
use MyModule\Entity\MyEntity;
class MyMapper extends AbstractDbMapper
protected $tableName = 'my_table';
public function __construct()
$this->setHydrator(new ArraySerializable());
$this->setEntityPrototype(new MyEntity());
public function save(MyEntity $entity)
if (!$entity->getId()) {
$result = $this->insert($entity);
} else {
$where = 'id = ' . (int)$entity->getId();
$this->update($entity, $where);
public function fetchAll($choiceGroupId)
$select = $this->getSelect($this->tableName);
return $this->select($select);
public function loadById($id)
$select = $this->getSelect($this->tableName)
->where(array('id' => (int)$id));
return $this->select($select)->current();
This mapper is using the ArraySerializable hydrator, so your entity object (MyEntity in the example) must implement the methods getArrayCopy() and populate(). getArrayCopy() returns an array of data to be saved and populate() is used to fill the entity from an array of data from database.

Ignore column using mapping by code in HNibernate

I'm using mapping by code in NHibernate.
I got a class with several properties. One of them is not related to any columns in DB but still has getter and setter.
I use ConventionModelMapper not ModelMapper. The first one assumes that all properties are mapped.
How i can tell to NHibernate to ignore it?
I find it easier to just create an attribute, attach that attribute to the property, and check for it in the mapper.IsPersistentProperty method. Something like this:
class IngnoreAttribute : Attribute
class Foo
public virtual string Bar { get; set; }
mapper.IsPersistentProperty((mi, declared) => mi.GetCustomAttribute<IgnoreAttribute>() == null);
This way, I don't have to keep a list of properties to be ignored at the mapping codes.
Why not map the properties you want and leave the ones not needed to be mapped
check this
You can manage the persistence of ConventionModelMapper as following:
mapper.BeforeMapProperty += (mi, propertyPath, map) =>
// Your code here using mi, propertyPath, and map to decide if you want to skip the property .. can check for property name and entity name if you want to ignore it
A better answer would be:
mapper.IsPersistentProperty((mi, declared) =>
if (mi.DeclaringType == typeof (YourType) && mi.Name == "PropertyNameToIgnore")
return false;
return true;
If you do not mention the property that should be ignored in your NHibernate mapping, NHibernate will ignore it.

NHibernate - three bidirectional relations between three classes gives N+1

I'm having bit complicated object model that forms a triangle. There is User entity that has collections of Items and Taxonomies. Item has a taxonomy, too. And for convenience, I wanted Item and Taxonomy to know its owner and Taxonomy to know its Item, if any. See diagram:
So this makes three bi-directional relations. My problem is when I map it in NHibernate like that and asking for user with given ID, I'm getting Select N+1 problem.
At first, User is loaded with eagerly fetched Items. Then Taxonomies are loaded with eagerly fetched Item connected to it. And this is as expected and as defined in mappings. But now there is N+1 queries to load Items related with Taxonomies.
This is redundant as all parts of object graph was already loaded. Thie problem disappears when I make my User-Item relation unidirectional from User side (there are only 2 queries, as expected), but I don't want to remove that backward relationship. Is it possible to have optimal fetching with all three relations bidirectional?
Here are my mapping parts:
public class UserOverride : IAutoMappingOverride<User>
public void Override(AutoMapping<User> mapping)
mapping.HasMany(x => x.Items).Inverse()
mapping.HasMany(x => x.Taxonomies).Inverse()
public class ItemOverride : IAutoMappingOverride<Item>
public void Override(AutoMapping<Item> mapping)
mapping.References(x => x.Taxonomy); // many-to-one
public class TaxonomyOverride : IAutoMappingOverride<Taxonomy>
public void Override(AutoMapping<Taxonomy> mapping)
mapping.HasOne(x => x.Item).PropertyRef(x => x.Taxonomy)
And I query my database the simplest possible way:
var user = session.Get<User>(1);
Because mappings will effect all queries, I like to live by the rule that mappings should only be changed to eagerly load if an entity is NEVER useful without an other entity. In your situation, if you ever just want Users, and could care less about the Item and the Taxonomy records, you will be doing extra database work for no benefit.
I would advise you perform the eager loading via the other route- in your query.
Session.QueryOver<User>().Where(u => u.Id == 1)
.join.QueryOver<Items>(u => u.Items)
.Join.QueryOver<Taxonomy>(i => i.Taxonomy)