Reading checkbox values with a loop (Microsoft Word VBA) - vba

I'm current trying to write a macro (VBA in Word) that will compile information from a collection of documents into a single document.
I order to do this I have a list of ~20 checkboxes that will determine which documents I want to include in the compilation. My issue is that when writing the macro, I can't figure out a way of checking the state of each checkbox on my list without re-writing the same block of code 20 times, only changing the name of the checkbox. eg CB1 to CB2, CB3 CB4 etc. each time.
This is the block of code in question. It does work if I rewrite it multiple times for the changing check box number but I would prefer it in a loop so the code is more compact and robust:
If ThisDocument.CB1.Value = True Then
End If
Ideally I would like to have the check box named something like CBn, where n is a variable that I can redefine at the end of each loop.

There's no option for directly referring to a control by its name - you can wrap that up in a function though:
Sub Tester()
Dim x As Long, cb As Object
For x = 1 To 3
'find the checkbox
Set cb = ControlByName("CB" & x, ThisDocument)
'check we got something back
If Not cb Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print "CB" & x & " is " & cb.Value
End If
Next x
End Sub
Function ControlByName(sName, doc As Document) As Object
Dim obj
For Each obj In doc.InlineShapes
If obj.OLEFormat.Object.Name = sName Then
Set ControlByName = obj.OLEFormat.Object
Exit Function
End If
Next obj
End Function


Sub to find text in a Word document by specified font and font size

Goal: Find headings in a document by their font and font size and put them into a spreadsheet.
All headings in my doc are formatted as Ariel, size 16. I want to do a find of the Word doc, select the matching range of text to the end of the line, then assign it to a variable so I can put it in a spreadsheet. I can do an advanced find and search for the font/size successfully, but can't get it to select the range of text or assign it to a variable.
Tried modifying the below from but couldn't figure out how to select and assign the found text to a variable. If I can get it assigned to the variable then I can take care of the rest to get it into a spreadsheet.
'A basic Word macro coded by Greg Maxey
Sub FindFont
Dim strHeading as string
Dim oChr As Range
For Each oChr In ActiveDocument.Range.Characters
If oChr.Font.Name = "Ariel" And oChr.Font.Size = "16" Then
strHeading = .selected
Exit Sub
End Sub
To get the current code working, you just need to amend strHeading = .selected to something like strHeading = strHeading & oChr & vbNewLine. You'll also need to add an End If statement after that line and probably amend "Ariel" to "Arial".
I think a better way to do this would be to use Word's Find method. Depending on how you are going to be inserting the data into the spreadsheet, you may also prefer to put each header that you find in a collection instead of a string, although you could easily delimit the string and then split it before transferring the data into the spreadsheet.
Just to give you some more ideas, I've put some sample code below.
Sub Demo()
Dim Find As Find
Dim Result As Collection
Set Find = ActiveDocument.Range.Find
With Find
.Font.Name = "Arial"
.Font.Size = 16
End With
Set Result = Execute(Find)
If Result.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "No match found"
Exit Sub
TransferToExcel Result
End If
End Sub
Function Execute(Find As Find) As Collection
Set Execute = New Collection
Do While Find.Execute
Execute.Add Find.Parent.Text
End Function
Sub TransferToExcel(Data As Collection)
Dim i As Long
With CreateObject("Excel.Application")
With .Workbooks.Add
With .Sheets(1)
For i = 1 To Data.Count
.Cells(i, 1) = Data(i)
End With
End With
.Visible = True
End With
End Sub

vba Looping through Shape Listbox (change type)

So I have this spreadsheet with several listboxes. In these listboxes I have some values/items that are actually filters. I want to get each item/filter of each listboxes to amend an SQL query in my code.
So I've been asked to looped through the listboxes and I managed to do it by looping the Shapes of the spreadsheet but eventually ... those listboxes are now viewed as Shapes in VBA and not listboxes anymore. I'm looking for a way to either turn my shape in listbox or maybe find a method from the Shapes type to loop each listbox's items. Here is the part of my code, so far I loop through each shapes/listboxes, if within my shapes'name there is the word "CFRA" then I want to loop within each item selected of my listbox so that my function return them.
Private Function getListFilters() As String
Dim Shp
For Each Shp In My_Sheet.Shapes
pos = InStrRev(Shp.Name, "CFRA", , vbTextCompare)
MsgBox (pos)
If pos <> 0 Then
MsgBox (TypeName(Shp))
End If
End Function
Thanks in advance for those who are willing to help me and have a great day :)
Since you do not explain what is to be extracted from the list box, try the next Function, please. It will deliver the list box object having "CFRA" string in its name. Of course, any string can be used:
Private Function getListObjX(strPartName As String, sh As Worksheet) As MSForms.ListBox
Dim oObj As OLEObject
For Each oObj In sh.OLEObjects
If oObj.Name Like "*" & strPartName & "*" Then
'Debug.Print oObj.Name, TypeName(oObj.Object): Stop
If TypeName(oObj.Object) = "ListBox" Then
Set getListObjX = oObj.Object: Exit Function
End If
End If
End Function
It can be called in the next way:
Sub testGetListObj()
Dim sh As Worksheet, lstB As MSForms.ListBox, lstBF As ListBox
Dim i As Long, arrSel As Variant, k As Long
Set sh = ActiveSheet
Set lstB = getListObjX("CFRA", sh)
If lstB Is Nothing Then MsgBox "No such an ActiveX list box...": Exit Sub
ReDim arrSel(lstB.ListCount - 1)
For i = 0 To lstB.ListCount - 1
If lstB.Selected(i) Then
'Debug.Print lstB.List(i)
arrSel(k) = lstB.List(i): k = k + 1
End If
Next i
ReDim Preserve arrSel(k - 1)
MsgBox Join(arrSel, "|")
End Sub
But, being an ActiveX list box type, you can simply use one of its events. Of course, if you do not need to take items from more then a list box...
I also prepared a function to return the object for a Form list box (before you clarify the issue). Maybe, somebody else will use it...
Dim oObj As ListBox
For Each oObj In sh.ListBoxes 'even not being shown by intellisense, this collection exists...
If oObj.Name Like "*" & strPartName & "*" Then
'Debug.Print oObj.Name
Set getListObjF = oObj: Exit Function
End If
End Function
It can be called similarly, but the lstB should be declared As ListBox.
Edited, to make the function working in one step:
Private Function getListFilters(strPartName) As String
Dim sh As Worksheet, lstB As MSForms.ListBox
Dim oObj As OLEObject, i As Long, arrSel As Variant, k As Long
Set sh = ActiveSheet ' use here your sheet
For Each oObj In sh.OLEObjects
If oObj.Name Like "*" & strPartName & "*" Then
If TypeName(oObj.Object) = "ListBox" Then
Set lstB = oObj.Object: Exit For
End If
End If
If lstB Is Nothing Then MsgBox "No such an ActiveX list box...": Exit Function
ReDim arrSel(lstB.ListCount - 1)
For i = 0 To lstB.ListCount - 1
If lstB.Selected(i) Then
arrSel(k) = lstB.List(i): k = k + 1
End If
Next i
ReDim Preserve arrSel(k - 1)
getListFilters = Join(arrSel, "|")
End Function
And the function will be simple called as:
Debug.Print getListFilters("CFRA")
You access ActiveX-Objects via the OLEObjects-Collection of a worksheet. The interesting control information are in the property Object of such an object:
Use VBA function TypeName to figure out what kind of OLE object you have
Number of items can be fetched with the Object.ListCount property.
To access the items of a listbox, loop over the Object.list property (index starts at 0, so loop must run from 0 to ListCount-1)
To check if an item is selected, use the matching .Object.Selected property.
The following code will loop will print all selected items of all listboxes of a worksheet:
Sub listBoxes()
Dim objx As OLEObject
For Each objx In ActiveSheet.OLEObjects
Debug.Print "Name = " & objx.Name & " Typ = " & TypeName(objx.Object)
If TypeName(objx.Object) = "ListBox" Then
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To objx.Object.ListCount - 1
If objx.Object.Selected(i) Then
Debug.Print objx.Name, objx.Object.list(i)
End If
Next i
End If
End Sub
Update: To show the coherence between Shapes, OleObjects and ActiceX controls on a sheet:
A Shape is a container for everything that is not part of a cell/range. Could be any kind of painted shape forms (rectangels, arrows, stars...), could be an image, a chart, an OLEObject, a form control and so on.
An OLEObject is a something that is not from Excel but is put into an Excel sheet, using a technique called OLE, Object Linking and Embedding.
An ActiveX is a control (editbox, listbox...). These controls where developed by Microsoft and where meant to run in different environments (eg a browser). They are accessible via dll and this dll is added into Excel and other office programs.
Every ActiveX-Control is added as an OLEObject into a sheet, but you can have also different OLEObjects (eg an embedded Word document) that are not an ActiceX objects.
When you want to access those things via VBA, you can use the Shapes-collection that lists all shapes of a sheet (including all OLEObjects), or you can use the OLEObjects-collection that lists all OLEObjects (including all ActiveX controls). However, there is no ActiveX collection, so if you want to fetch all ActiceX-Controls, you have to loop over either the two collections mentioned above.
If you want to access an OLEObject from the shape collection, you first need to check the type of the shape, it must have the type msoOLEControlObject (12) or msoEmbeddedOLEObject (7). A list of all shape types can be found here.
If the shape is either 7 or 12, you can access the OLEObject using Shape.OLEFormat.Object. The following to loops results in exactly the same (ws is just a worksheet variable)
Dim sh As Shape, oleObj As OLEObject
For Each sh In ws.Shapes
If sh.Type = msoOLEControlObject Or sh.Type = msoEmbeddedOLEObject Then
Set oleObj = sh.OLEFormat.Object
Debug.Print oleObj.Name, oleObj.OLEType
End If
For Each oleObj In ws.OLEObjects
Debug.Print oleObj.Name, oleObj.OLEType
Note that sh.Name and sh.OLEFormat.Object.Name are not necessarily the same.
Now the last step is to find the ActiveX-Controls of a specific type, this was already shown in the code of the original answer above - the ActiveX-control can be accessed via oleObj.object. Check the object type if the VBA function TypeName to filter out for example your listboxes.

Excel 2016 VBA - Compare 2 PivotTables fields for matching values

Hi please can someone help, Excel 2016 VBA PivotTable objects. I rarely develop in Excel VBA.
Overall goal:
Compare a single column [P_ID] value list from PivotTable2 against PivotTable1 if they exist or not to enable filtering on those valid values in PivotTable1.
I have some Excel 2016 VBA code which I have adapted from a previous answer from a different internet source.
Logic is: gather data from PivotTable2 from the ComparisonTable dataset (in PowerPivot model), field [P_ID] list of values. Generate a test line as input into function to test for existence of field and value in PivotTable1 against the Mastertable dataset, if true add the line as valid if not skip the line.
Finally filter PivotTable1 with the VALID P_ID values.
It works to a point until it gets to the bFieldItemExists function which generates an error:
Run-time error '1004'
Unable to get the PivotItems property of the PivotField class
Can someone please correct the way of this not working?
Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
Dim MyArray As Variant, _
ar As Variant, _
x As String, _
y As String, _
str As Variant
MyArray = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("[ComparisonTable].[P_ID].[P_ID]").DataRange
For Each ar In MyArray
x = "[MasterTable].[P_ID].&[" & ar & "]"
If ar <> "" And bFieldItemExists(x) = True Then
If str = "" Then
str = "[MasterTable].[P_ID].&[" & ar & "]"
str = str & "," & "[MasterTable].[P_ID].&[" & ar & "]"
End If
End If
Next ar
Dim str2() As String
str2 = Split(str, ",")
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("[MasterTable].[P_ID].[P_ID]").VisibleItemsList = Array(str2)
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Function bFieldItemExists(strName As String) As Boolean
Dim strTemp As Variant
' This line does not work!?
strTemp = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("[MasterTable].[P_ID].[P_ID]").PivotItems(strName)
If Err = 0 Then bFieldItemExists = True Else bFieldItemExists = False
End Function
The 1004 error occurred due to the use of square brackets [ ]. Remove those.
You also need to use the key word Set when you set an object equal to something. For example Set MyArray = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("ComparisonTable.P_ID.[P_ID").DataRange.
If you don't use Set you will get a VBA run-time error dialog that says Run-time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set
I cannot guarantee that my edits will completely solve your problem since I don't have your data set and cannot fully test your code. You will need to use the Debug mode in the VBA editor and single step through the code. To this set a breakpoint on the Set mDataRange = Active.... To set a breakpoint go to the Debug menu and choose the "Toggle Breakpoint" sub-menu item or you can press F9 to set the breakpoint.
Now when you make a change to the Pivot table, the Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate event will fire and the code will top execution at that point.
After the code stops executing due to the breakpoint, you can press the F8 key to single step through your code. If you want to resume execution to the next breakpoint you can press F5. Also when you get the VBA error dialog box, you can hit Debug and then use the F8 key to single step or use the debug windows to see what your variables and objects contain. I'm sure there are some good youtube videos on VBA debugging.
As you single step through the code, you can observe what each variable/object contains using the Immediate window, the Watches window and the Locals window. To open these windows, go to the menu item View and click on each of these sub-menu items.
Here's how you need to edit your code before debugging.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
'Better practice is to not use the underscore character to
'continue a Dim declaration line
Dim mDataRange As Range
Dim ar As Range
Dim x As String
Dim y As String
Dim str As Variant
'Use Set to assign the object mDataRange a reference to the the right
'hand side of the equation. Remove the square brackets
'MyArray = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("[ComparisonTable].[P_ID].[P_ID]").DataRange
Set mDataRange = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("ComparisonTable.P_ID.P_ID").DataRange
For Each ar In mDataRange
'You need to specify what proprerty from ar you
'want to assign to x. Assuming the value stored in
'ar.Value2 is a string, this should work.
'We use value2 because it is the unformmated value
'and is slightly quicker to access than the Text or Value
'x = "[MasterTable].[P_ID].&[" & ar & "]"
x = "MasterTable.P_ID." & ar.Value2
'Once again specify the Value2 property as containing
'what value you want to test
If ar.Value2 <> "" And bFieldItemExists(x) = True Then
If str = "" Then
'Remove the square brackets and use the specific property
'str = "[MasterTable].[P_ID].&[" & ar & "]"
str = "MasterTable.P_ID." & ar.Value2
'Remove the square brackets and use the specific property
'str = str & "," & "[MasterTable].[P_ID].&[" & ar & "]"
str = str & "," & "MasterTable.P_ID." & ar.Value2
End If
End If
Next ar
Dim str2() As String
str2 = Split(str, ",")
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Remove square brackets
'ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("[MasterTable].[P_ID].[P_ID]").VisibleItemsList = Array(str2)
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("MasterTable.P_ID.P_ID").VisibleItemsList = Array(str2)
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Function bFieldItemExists(strName As String) As Boolean
'Declare a PivotItem to accept the return value
Dim pvItem As PivotItem
'Since you want to trap for an error, you'll need to let the VBA runtime know
'The following code is a pseudo Try/Catch. This tells the VBA runtime to skip
'the fact an error occured and continue on to the next statement.
'Your next statement should deal with the error condition
On Error Resume Next
'Use Set whenever assigning an object it's "value" or reference in reality
Set pvItem = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("MasterTable.P_ID.P_ID").PivotItems(strName)
'Assuming that an error gets thrown when strName is not found in the pivot
'Err is the error object. You should access the property you wish to test
If Err.Number = 0 Then
bFieldItemExists = True
bFieldItemExists = False
End If
'Return to normal error functioning
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Finally, I realize that some of this should be in the comments section, but there was too much I needed to explain to help Learner74. BUT most importantly, I hope I helped him. I have used so many suggestions, recommendations and explanations from the VBA Stack Overflow exchange through the years, I just want to pay it back by paying it forward.
Additional USEFUL Links:
Chip Pearson is the go to site and person for all things VBA
Paul Kelly's Excel Macro Mastery is another go to site for Excel and VBA questions.
Microsoft Excel Object Model which is sometimes useful, but needs improvement. Too many of the objects lack examples, but can at least point you in the right direction.

check if textbox exists vba (using name)

I am using Ms-Access and I created a userform which has a number of Textboxes on it. The boxes are named: Box1, Box2, Box3 ...
I need to loop through all boxes, but I don't know which is the last one. To avoid looping through all userform controls I thought of trying the following:
For i =1 To 20
If Me.Controls("Box" & i).value = MyCondition Then
'do stuff
End If
Next i
This errors at Box6, which is the first box not found. Is there a way to capture this error and exit the loop when it happens.
I know I could use On Error but I 'd rather capture this specific instance with code instead.
A Controls collection is a simplified collection of controls (obviously) and share a same order as a placement order of controls.
First of all, even a creatable collection object lacks methods such as Exists or Contains , hence you need a function with error handling to checking/pulling widget from a collection.
Public Function ExistsWidget(ByVal Name As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
ExistsWidget = Not Me.Controls(Name) Is Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
If you really doesnt like "ask forgiveness not permission" option you can pull entire ordered collection of your textboxes (and/or check existance by name in another loop with similar logic).
Public Function PullBoxes() As Collection
Dim Control As MSForms.Control
Set PullBoxes = New Collection
For Each Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf Control Is MSForms.TextBox And _
Left(Control.Name, 3) = "Box" Then
Call PullBoxes.Add(Control)
End If
End Function
Since names of widgets are unique - you can return a Dictionary from that function with (Control.Name, Control) pairs inside and able to check existance of widget by name properly w/o an error suppression.
There's a good guide to Dictionary if it's a new information for you.
Anyway, no matter what object you choose, if user (or code) is unable to create more of thoose textboxes - you can convert this Function above to a Static Property Get or just to a Property Get with Static collection inside, so you iterate over all controls only once (e.g. on UserForm_Initialize event)!
Public Property Get Boxes() As Collection
Static PreservedBoxes As Collection
'There's no loop, but call to PullBoxes to reduce duplicate code in answer
If PreservedBoxes Is Nothing Then _
Set PreservedBoxes = PullBoxes
Set Boxes = PreservedBoxes
End Property
After all, the last created TextBox with name Box* will be:
Public Function LastCreatedBox() As MSForms.TextBox
Dim Boxes As Collection
Set Boxes = PullBoxes
With Boxes
If .Count <> 0 Then _
Set LastCreatedBox = Boxes(.Count)
End With
End Function
I think that now things are clearer to you! Cheers!
Note: All code are definitely a bunch of methods/properties of your form, hence all stuff should be placed inside of form module.
Long story short - you cannot do what you want with VBA.
However, there is a good way to go around it - make a boolean formula, that checks whether the object exists, using the On Error. Thus, your code will not be spoiled with it.
Function ControlExists(ControlName As String, FormCheck As Form) As Boolean
Dim strTest As String
On Error Resume Next
strTest = FormCheck(ControlName).Name
ControlExists = (Err.Number = 0)
End Function
Taken from here:
To see the whole code working, check it like this:
Option Explicit
Sub TestMe()
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 20
If fnBlnExists("Label" & i, UserForm1) Then
Debug.Print UserForm1.Controls(CStr("Label" & i)).Name & " EXISTS"
Debug.Print "Does Not exist!"
End If
Next i
End Sub
Public Function fnBlnExists(ControlName As String, ByRef FormCheck As UserForm) As Boolean
Dim strTest As String
On Error Resume Next
strTest = FormCheck(ControlName).Name
fnBlnExists = (Err.Number = 0)
End Function
I would suggest testing the existence in another procedure per below: -
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Long
i = 1
Do Until Not BoxExists(i)
If Me.Conrtols("Box" & i).Value = MyCondition Then
'Do stuff
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub
Private Function BoxExists(ByVal LngID As Long) As Boolean
Dim Ctrl As Control
On Error GoTo ErrorHandle
Set Ctrl = Me.Controls("BoX" & LngID)
Set Ctrl = Nothing
BoxExists = True
Exit Function
End Function
In the above, BoxExists only returns true if the box does exists.
You have taken an incorrect approach here.
If you want to limit the loop, you can loop only in the section your controls reside e.g. Detail. You can use the ControlType property to limit controls to TextBox.
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In Me.Detail.Controls
If ctl.ControlType = acTextBox Then
If ctl.Value = MyCondition Then
'do stuff
End If
End If
Next ctl
I believe the loop will be faster than checking if the control name exists through a helper function and an On Error Resume Next.
But this only a personal opinion.

VBA - Error While Programming a Class to Operate all Checkboxes on Userform

Here is a bit of background on what I'm trying to do: I'm creating a userform to track Inventory items and prices, using checkboxes in a multipage object. The clerk checks off everything put into an order and uses a submit button, which will take some actions.
In order for the project not to require a coding person every time Inventory items change, the checkboxes are being dynamically generated when the userform is activated, from cell values on an Inventory sheet. The clerks just adjust the Inventory sheet and the form automatically adjusts for them.
This is my code to dynamically create all the checkboxes (currently this form can accommodate up to 160 possible checkboxes), in case this is effecting my issue (side note, each tab on the multipage has a frame on it, and all checkboxes are within the frame, so I could change background colors, the frame in this example being titled "frmreg"):
Sub StoreFrmRegCheckboxGenerator()
'Works with the store userform
Dim curColumn As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim chkBox As msforms.CheckBox
'This sub dynamically creates checkboxes on the Regular Items tab based
'on values in Column A of the Inventory sheet
curColumn = 1 'Set your column index here
LastRow = Worksheets("Inventory").Cells(Rows.Count, curColumn).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To 9
If Worksheets("Inventory").Cells(i, curColumn).Value <> "" Then
Set chkBox = store.frmreg.Controls.Add("Forms.CheckBox.1", "CheckBox_" & i)
chkBox.Caption = Worksheets("Inventory").Cells(i, curColumn).Value & " - $" & Worksheets("Inventory").Cells(i, curColumn).Offset(0, 1).Value
chkBox.AutoSize = True
chkBox.WordWrap = True
chkBox.Left = 5
chkBox.Top = 1 + ((i - 1) * 25)
End If
Next i
'Cut some code out here identical to this previous section, but for the rest of the cells in column A up to Row 33, in blocks of 8
End Sub
The above code is in the Userform_Initialize sub, and it works perfectly.
However, since the number of checkboxes is not static, and can be as many as 160, I'm trying to write one sub to take the same set of actions any time any checkbox is clicked.
The closest solution I've found is from this question: Excel Macro Userform - single code handling multiple checkboxes, from sous2817.
Here is his code that I'm trying to use:
In a new class module:
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents aCheckBox As msforms.CheckBox
Private Sub aCheckBox_Click()
MsgBox aCheckBox.Name & " was clicked" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Its Checked State is currently " & aCheckBox.Value, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, _
"Check Box # & State"
End Sub
The "store" userform, at the top, right under Option Explicit:
Dim myCheckBoxes() As clsUFCheckBox
At the bottom of the Userform_Initialize sub, AFTER I call the all the subs that dynamically create all the checkboxes:
Dim ctl As Object, pointer As Long
ReDim myCheckBoxes(1 To Me.Controls.Count)
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If TypeName(ctl) = "CheckBox" Then
pointer = pointer + 1
Set myCheckBoxes(pointer) = New clsUFCheckBox
Set myCheckBoxes(pointer).aCheckBox = ctl
End If
Next ctl
ReDim Preserve myCheckBoxes(1 To pointer)
When I try to open the userform I get this error:
"Compile Error: User-defined type not defined"
Pointing to this line:
Dim myCheckBoxes() As clsUFCheckBox
Am I missing a library reference? I haven't been able to figure this out.