Messages with expiration are not removed from RabbitMQ - rabbitmq

I am sending a normal message through a producer to RabbitMQ and then I send a second message with the expiration attribute assigned to a value. Then using the rabbitmqctl list_queues command I monitor the status of the messages.
I found that if I send a normal message first and then a message with expiration, the rabbitmqctl list_queues is always showing me 2 messages pending on the queue. When I consume them, I get only one.
On the other hand if I send just 1 message with expiration, in the beginning I see the message and then after the correct expiration time, I find it deleted.
My question is, on the first situation is actually the message taking space? Or it is an interface bug?
My rabbitMQ version is:
rabbitmq-server.noarch -> 3.1.5-1.el6

Looks like you missed some of the documentation on this feature. If you read the RabbitMQ documentation on per-message TTL (expiration), you will notice the following warning for exactly the behavior you are seeing (emphasis added):
While consumers never see expired messages, only when expired messages reach the head of a queue will they actually be discarded (or dead-lettered). When setting a per-queue TTL this is not a problem, since expired messages are always at the head of the queue. When setting per-message TTL however, expired messages can queue up behind non-expired ones until the latter are consumed or expired. Hence resources used by such expired messages will not be freed, and they will be counted in queue statistics (e.g. the number of messages in the queue).


Per message TTL behavior with shovels

consumes messages from the queue,
re-publishes each message to the destination broker (using, by default, the original exchange name and routing_key when
I could not find any documentation what's the expected behavior for message TTLs when shovels are involved:
Does the time used for calculating TTL start when message is received
at the source broker or at the destination broker? Or is it just valid for the first publish, that is at the source broker?
What happens if the expiration time elapses before the message reaches the destination broker?
So, I think you answered the question in the documentation you pasted in. All shovel does is move messages from one queue to another, re-publishing them in the process. It's going to preserve all original message properties, which theoretically includes the TTL property.
That being said, I don't believe this is something you need to worry about.
Message TTL starts when the queue receives the message. When the message is re-published, the clock resets on the new queue.
Messages being transported by shovel will ideally spend no more than a few milliseconds in the initial queue, if they even end up there at all (a message queue with a consumer attached doesn't actually enqueue any messages under most conditions). So, the time spent in the first queue should be so small that it doesn't matter.
Message lifetime should have a fair amount of tolerance for network transport, etc., so the activities of shovel are on par with the normal noise.
If you find yourself in the situation where a large number of messages are accumulating in the queue before they can be shovel'd, then you might need to handle expiration in your application. There are other benefits and caveats to doing this, but you get a little finer-grained control overall.

Dead-letterred messages not getting requeue to original queue after ttl

I have planned to delay the processing of messages in queue by following these two links link1 link2. So, as suggested in the link. I have declared the original queue with the x-dead-letter-exchange and x-dead-letter-routing-key args. Which published the messages to the so called dead-letter-queue when message either failed to get processed by consumer or ttl happen or queue length exceed. Now in the dead-letter-queue similar args have been set along with the ttl parameter. Which is suppose to republish the messages to the original queue after ttl exceed. But the problem is it is dropping all the messages.
Moreover, there is a catch here. If i explicitly publish the failed messages from original queue to dead-letter-queue. Then after ttl it republish the messages to the original queue. Why is it so and how do i make it work. So that dead-letter-queue republishes the messages to the original queue instead of dropping. I am using RabbitMQ 3.0.0.
FYI, I have created both the exchanges of direct type along with the routing key
When a queue has a TTL setup that means that messages in that queue will be sent to the dead-letter-exchange (DLX) associated with that queue after the TTL has expired. If the queue has no DLX assigned then the messages go into the bit bucket.
If you want to send messages back into the queue from which they came to be re-processed then you need to have the setup that I described in this post.
Dead-lettering dead-lettered messages in RabbitMQ
Hopefully that is helpful for you.
Suppose your original exchange is x.notification and is bind to the queue q.A with routing queue A. And your dead-letter-exchange namae is dlx.notification. Now in the queue q.A set ttl the time interval you want to wait and dead-lleter-exchange as dlx.notification. Now create another queue dlq.A to route the expired message from dlx.notification into dlq.A with routing key "A". I think thats all you need to do to achive your goal.

Expired Message Delivery Sequence RabbitMQ

We are building a solution in which we are publishing message to a time-out queue. After TTL expiry messages are pushed to main queue for re-processing.
We are setting up counter value so that messages will be tried for x no. of times for the redelivery.
Solution is working fine. But the scenario is when the message on the head position is highest TTL is not expired, other messages of lower expiry will not be re-published (to main queue).
Is this understanding correct ? If Yes what is the solution so that each message re-processed just after TTL.
Appreciating answers / viewpoint.
If you use per-queue message TTL, then message expires and get removed from queue from head to tail (in the same order they was published).
When you use per-message TTL, then messages removed from queue only when they reach queue head, so situation when expired messages still reside in the middle of queue is normal. Such messages will not be send to consumer, and will be deadlettered (or dropped), but due to strict FIFO nature or RabbitMQ's queues that will happen as written above, when they reach queue head and delay before removal may be greater than actual message TTL. For example, if there are two message, first with TTL=10sec and the second one with TTL=1sec, second message will be deadlettered also in 10sec while it stay after first one.
To deal with messages that has different TTL, common workaround is to declare few queues, each for messages with same TTL or almost same, say, with precision 10sec. Actual precision may vary while it very application-specific and somehow empirical value.
If you will pick separate per-TTL queues, use per-queue TTL rather than per-message TTL for ease of messages workflow and to prevent disambiguation of understanding what happens with messages. Developers after you will thank you for that.
To re-process messages after their TTL use Dead Letter Exchanges, but beware of cycled messages problem: if RabbitMQ broker detects that your messages workflow cycled (messages get published to same exchange with the same routing key after it was deadlettered from it), it will silently drop message.
the queue ttl is simple enough and working fine.
but set per message ttl is not working expectly: each message publish to online consumer just after ttl.
why rabbitmq provide this feature? for which biz scenario?

How does AMQ's redeliver work? Does it hold a consumer completely during the redelivery process?

Assuming that we only have one consumer and our redelivery policy will allow the message to be redelivered for a quite long time.
I've tried a scenario where I sent two messages(different type), one is designed to be redelivered and the other can be consumed normally.
It seems the normal message will be blocked if it is delivered later than the redelivered one.
It will not be consumed until the redelivered message has tried many times reaching the maximum redeliver times. That would lead to a situation where a easy-to-consumed message must wait a long time to be consumed..
I'm wondering how the AMQ redeliver work. When a message is redelivered in a consumer, the other message can be sent to this consumer until current message has been consumed or timeout(to DLQ).
Can someone help ? Thanks,
ActiveMQ's overriding concern when redelivering messages is to honour message ordering on a queue.
Given two messages A and B, which get sent to a queue with a defined redelivery policy as you describe: if a client fails processing A, that message will get placed back on the queue and no other messages will be consumed until A is consumed successfully.
Check out the ActiveMQ Message Redelivery and DLQ Handling section for further details.
Please remember to vote this response up if it answers your question.
For this case it is possible to set the ActiveConnectionFactory to onBlockingRedelivery.
Find details in de ActiveMq Api documentation:

RabbitMQ use of immediate and mandatory bits

I am using RabbitMQ server.
For publishing messages, I set the immediate field to true and tried sending 50,000 messages. Using rabbitmqctl list_queues, I saw that the number of messages in the queue was zero.
Then, I changed the immediate flag to false and again tried sending 50,000 messages. Using rabbitmqctl list_queues, I saw that a total of 100,000 messages were in queues (till now, no consumer was present).
After that, I started a consumer and it consumed all the 100,000 messages.
Can anybody please help me in understanding about the immediate bit field and this behavior too? Also, I could not understand the concept of the mandatory bit field.
The immediate and mandatory fields are part of the AMQP specification, and are also covered in the RabbitMQ FAQ to clarify how its implementers interpreted their meaning:
This flag tells the server how to
react if a message cannot be routed to
a queue. Specifically, if mandatory is
set and after running the bindings the
message was placed on zero queues then
the message is returned to the sender
(with a basic.return). If mandatory
had not been set under the same
circumstances the server would
silently drop the message.
Or in my words, "Put this message on at least one queue. If you can't, send it back to me."
For a message published with immediate
set, if a matching queue has ready
consumers then one of them will have
the message routed to it. If the lucky
consumer crashes before ack'ing
receipt the message will be requeued
and/or delivered to other consumers on
that queue (if there's no crash the
messaged is ack'ed and it's all done
as per normal). If, however, a
matching queue has zero ready
consumers the message will not be
enqueued for subsequent redelivery on
from that queue. Only if all of the
matching queues have no ready
consumers that the message is returned
to the sender (via basic.return).
Or in my words, "If there is at least one consumer connected to my queue that can take delivery of a message right this moment, deliver this message to them immediately. If there are no consumers connected then there's no point in having my message consumed later and they'll never see it. They snooze, they lose."
Removal of "immediate" flag
What changed? We removed support for the
rarely-used "immediate" flag on AMQP's basic.publish.
Why on earth did you do that? Support for "immediate" made many parts
of the codebase more complex, particularly around mirrored queues. It
also stood in the way of our being able to deliver substantial
performance improvements in mirrored queues.
What do I need to do? If you just want to be able to publish messages
that will be dropped if they are not consumed immediately, you can
publish to a queue with a TTL of 0.
If you also need your publisher to be able to determine that this has
happened, you can also use the DLX feature to route such messages to
another queue, from which the publisher can consume them.
Just copied the announcement here for a quick reference.