Specific page to open in webbrowser - vb.net

To open a specific page on vb.net we can use code
Dim webAddress As String = "http://www.example.com/"
Refference : Open a webpage in default webbrowser
But what if we wan't to open the page like localhost/thing ??

Just make sure you use http:// in front of your localhost url:
Dim webAddress As String = "http://localhost/thing"


Error thrown trying launch a webpage from a button

I created a button and a menu item in vb.net (.NET 6). I found several answers here on SO that say the process to launching a webpage from such an event can be launched with this code:
Dim webAddress As String = "http://www.example.com/"
However, trying launch the code, I'm given the error of "system cannot find the file specified".
Looking more into it, I know that .NET 6 is running a bit differently and changed the code to the following:
Using link As New Process()
link.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = True
link.Start(New ProcessStartInfo("https://example.com"))
End Using
But still to no avail, and I am given the same error. "System cannot find the file specified." I can run addresses via the regular Windows Run prompt... but the program still cannot launch.
Following Jimi's comment to my original question, I changed the Sub to the following:
Sub LaunchWebsite(strWebpageURL As String)
Using Process.Start(New ProcessStartInfo(strWebpageURL) With {.UseShellExecute = True})
End Using
End Sub
Using this, the webpage launched in my desktop's default browser with no problem.
You can use
or use javascript in server side code
Dim url As String = "http://www.example.com"
Dim s As String = "window.open('" & url + "', 'popup_window', 'width=300,height=100,left=100,top=100,resizable=yes');"
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "script", s, True)
Above code open webpage in new popup window.

How to check for strings in a panel?

I'm making a string checker which should check for a string on a website.
I'm using a panel instead of a web browser because I merged chromium with CefSharp into it.
Now I can't figure out how to check for a string in the panel.
I tried creating a different type of variable, but the variable comes from a file.
I also tried for normal text without variables.
Both didn't work.
Public Sub New()
Dim site As String = File.ReadAllText("webstore.shd")
Dim id As String = File.ReadAllText("ID.shd")
Dim settings As New CefSettings()
browser = New ChromiumWebBrowser(site) With {
.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
If Panel1.Contains(id) Then
' I am stuck right here.
End If
End Sub
I expected that the program would search for the variable in the panel, but it wouldn't do that.

Download source of URL as string

I want my code to download the source/html of a website and be stored as a string.
For example
Dim source as string = html of website
This should work
Dim thesource As String = New System.Net.WebClient().DownloadString("http://the site u wanna look#")

How to get full URL from WebBrowser?

Hey guys I am using a webrower to get an access token to a website. The website redirects the webrower to a url containing the access token the redirected url looks like this:
in the DocumentCompleted event for my webrowser I am using this code:
Dim pretoken As String
Dim url As String = WebBrowser1.Url.ToString
If url.Contains("myurl.us") Then
pretoken = WebBrowser1.Url.ToString
End If
The message box only shows "myurl.us" and not the full url with the token i need. Anyway to get the whole url from the webbrowser?
Have you tried Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString(), like:
Dim url As String = WebBrowser1.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString()
Be careful with AbsoluteUri it's not AbsoluteUrl
Dim sPagePath As String = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath

Put text into a textbox from a website in VB.NET

I want to know how to put text to a website's textbox with VB.NET.
Like when you complete a textbox and press enter.
Something like this:
Dim web as webbrowser
it would look something like this:
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("login_password").SetAttribute("value", TextBox2.Text)
As giuseppe has suggested, you need to search for the element in the document and then set it's value property. for example following code logins into website by setting its userId and password textboxes and clicking the submit button.
Dim htmlDoc=WebBrowser1.Document
Dim elem_Input_UsrName As HtmlElement = htmlDoc.GetElementById("username")
Dim elem_Input_PssWrd As HtmlElement = htmlDoc.GetElementById("password")
Dim elem_Input_Submit As HtmlElement = getElementByClassName("Submit", "Input", htmlDoc)
If elem_Input_UsrName IsNot Nothing AndAlso elem_Input_PssWrd IsNot Nothing Then
elem_Input_UsrName.SetAttribute("value", "xyz#ABC.com")
elem_Input_PssWrd.SetAttribute("value", "yourpassoword")
End If
This will help 100%:
webbrowser1.document.getElementById("yourtextboxidinwebsite").innertext = textbox1.text
I get a way that if u want to receive from the website itself another way I need to receive results from the website into the text box. U can use this method.
first, make a web browser to load the page
then this
TextBox1.Text = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("geoResult").InnerText