Google Script button_action fetching error - api

I am trying to use Sniply API with the following Google Script code, yet i keep receiving an error message. Except the button configuration everything seems to work properly, btw.
The code looks like:
// Main Parmaters
var url = ""
var message = "This is a text from the Google Spreadsheet API2"
// Button Parameters (Optional)
var button_text = "I am a button2"
var button_url = ""
var button_background_color = "#000000"
var button_text_color = "#ffffff"
// Button (Optional)
var button_action =
"text": button_text,
"url": button_url,
"text_color": button_text_color,
"background_color": button_background_color,
var sniply =
"button_action": button_action,
"url": url,
"message": message,
var options =
"method": "post",
"headers" : {
"Authorization" : accesstoken,
"payload": sniply,
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch('', options);
The error message, I receive is:
Request failed for returned code 400. Truncated server response: {"button_action": [{"non_field_errors": ["Invalid data"]}]} (use muteHttpExceptions option to examine full response)
I would be grateful in case you can help me..

You are configuring the objects with an extra comma on the end. Try removing the comma:
You have:
var button_action =
"text": button_text,
"url": button_url,
"text_color": button_text_color,
"background_color": button_background_color,
There is an extra comma at the end of:
"background_color": button_background_color,
That's an incorrect syntax. I'm not saying that is the problem, but I'd start there first.


Consumer with message selector not working

I have a simple consumer:
factory = new NMSConnectionFactory(Settings.Endpoint);
connection = factory.CreateConnection(Settings.UserName, Settings.Password);
connection.ClientId = Settings.Name;
session = connection.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge);
destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session, Settings.QueueName, DestinationType.Queue);
consumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination, "portCode = 'GB'", false);
consumer.Listener += new MessageListener(OnMessage);
I need to apply a selector to get messages when the portCode field is equal to "GB".
This queue receives many messages.
The message is in JSON and a sample of this message is shown below:
"message": {
"list": [
"header": {
"messageCode": "xxxxxx",
"portCode": "GB",
"sourceSystem": "origin",
"messageId": "ca0bf0e0-cefa-4f5a-a80a-b518e7d2f645",
"dateTimeMessage": "2021-04-22T07:12:48.000-0300",
"version": "1.0"
However, I do not receive messages using the specified "GB" selector.
It seems simple to define selectors, but it is not working for me.
Selectors do not work on the body of the message (i.e. your JSON data). They only work on the headers and properties of the message.

How to get the value from the URL GET parameters in react native webview?

I have this response
webViewState Object {
"canGoBack": true,
"canGoForward": false,
"loading": false,
"navigationType": "other",
"target": 65507,
"title": "السداد بواسطة PayPal - راجع مدفوعاتك",
"url": "",
How can i access paymentId and PayerID parameters from the URL??
I tried this line but it returns undefined for both const { PayerID, paymentId } = webViewState.url;
Any help please?
After getting your data you can do this:
var regexp = /[?&]([^=#]+)=([^&#]*)/g,params = {},check;
while (check = regexp.exec(webViewState.url)) {
params[check[1]] = check[2];
params will give you a object like this
Object {
"PayerID": "BLG98CXTZAX8S",
"paymentId": "PAYID-L2ILTHQ83R55588UV606981X",
"token": "EC-5EB6693455269621L",
Hope this helps!

Internationalization ( i18n ) for express-validator

Is it possible to get messages returned by express-validator into a language other than english for internationalization (i18n) ?
I tried looking into the source code and I could not find it.
It's probably something you have to create yourself, but it shouldn't be too hard.
When you assign an error message with withMessage() you can send more than just a single string. You can for example send an object. So you can put the error messages, for all the languages, for a particular error, in an object.
Here is an example:
const countValidation = require('./count.validation');
Validator (in a separate file called count.validation.js):
const message = {
english: 'count must be between 1 and 1000',
chinese: 'count must be between 1 and 1000, but in chinese',
module.exports.count = [
.isInt({ min: 1, max: 1000 })
This response will be sent when validation fails:
"errors": {
"count": {
"location": "query",
"param": "count",
"value": "-1",
"msg": {
"english": "count must be between 1 and 1000",
"chinese": "count must be between 1 and 1000, but in chinese"
In this particular example the front-end has to choose what error message to display depending on user settings or user agent.
It's also possible to deal with what error message to use on the server side, if we know what language the client is using from the request. We could for example read the accept-language header in the request. Here is an example of how that could be done:
The controller function:
Rather than using this (standard handling of errors, almost straight from the readme):
module.exports.blogpostsGetAll = (req, res) => {
const errors = validationResult(req);
if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
return res.status(422).json({ errors: errors.mapped() });
// The rest of the function...
we use this:
module.exports.blogpostsGetAll = (req, res) => {
const errors = validationResult(req);
if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
const errorsInProperLanguage = handleLanguages(req.headers, errors.mapped());
return res.status(422).json({ errors: errorsInProperLanguage });
// The rest of the function...
Example function to only use one language:
function handleLanguages(headers, errorsMapped) {
const language = headers['accept-language'].split(',')[0];
for (let errorKey in errorsMapped) {
errorsMapped[errorKey].msg = errorsMapped[errorKey].msg[language];
return errorsMapped;
Because the accept-language header contains language codes, not language names, we have to modify the message object slightly:
const message = {
'en-US': 'count must be between 1 and 1000',
'zh-CH': 'count must be between 1 and 1000, but in chinese',
The message object HAS to contain the first language code in the accept-language header for this to work. The handleLanguage function doesn't handle errors. It's only an example to show how it could be done; don't use it directly.
The error message would change to
"errors": {
"count": {
"location": "query",
"param": "count",
"value": "-1",
"msg": "count must be between 1 and 1000, but in chinese"
when the first language in accept-language is zh-CH.
This is now possible with express-validator v5.0.0.
If you pass withMessage() a function, it will be called with the field value, the request, its location and its path.
Example from the docs:
check('something').isInt().withMessage((value, { req, location, path }) => {
return req.translate('validation.message.path', { value, location, path });

API Automation - Is it possible to get response of the post call

I'm learning how to automate API with frisby.js on gmail.api.
I want to create a test where I create and delete(or send) a Draft message.
So I wrote a test which creates a Draft and my question is - can I write a code that gets at least ID of generated response from my Post call?
var frisby = require('frisby');
frisby.create('Create Draft Google')
.post('*my-token-here*', {
message: {
raw: "RGFuJ3MgVG9vbHMgYXJlIGNvb2wh",
id: "1547265285486966899"
}, { json: true })
So, to clarify, I want to write another part of THIS^ test with
.after(function(err, res, body){}
I create a Draft message
I want my test to automatically get ID of just created Draft
So I could Delete it\Send it
When you create a draft, you will get the id of the newly created draft in the response:
"message": {
"raw": "RnJ..."
"id": "r5019331921817638435",
"message": {
"id": "157948187e41b5bb",
"threadId": "157948187e41b5bb",
"labelIds": [
Then you can use this id to either send or delete the message.
I used this function and it worked. Thanks to my friend for help :D
Here're full tests if someone needs it:
This is how I get an ID of created Draft
var frisby = require('frisby');
var new_id = function(frisby, callback)
frisby.create('Create Draft Google')
.post('[my_token]', {
message: {
raw: "RGFu...",
}, { json: true })
module.exports = new_id;
This is how I used it to delete this Draft
var frisby = require('frisby');
var getid_spec = require("./getid_spec.js");
frisby.create('Delete Google Draft Test')
.delete("" +id +"?access_token=[my_token]", {})

Increase sails bodyP

In my app (sails 0.12.0) I want to extend a limit of bytes send upon POST request. So I've followed the comments in this stackoverflow question
var skipper = require('skipper');
skipper.limit = 1024*1024*100;
middleware: {
bodyParser: skipper
I still get an error:
"data": {
"name": "Upload Error",
"maxBytes": 15000000,
"written": 15007474,
"message": "Upload limit of 15000000 bytes exceeded (15007474 bytes written)"
I've also tried to add the code below directly under module.exports.http and then I've tried to add it in the middleware only.
bodyParser: (function () {
var opts = {limit:'50mb'};
var fn;
// Default to built-in bodyParser:
fn = require('skipper');
return fn(opts);
My question is: Why none of these codes work and how can I increase the limit. The solution can be not elegant.
Everything that you need - set
attribute in object of options to upload() method of skipper Upstream.
req.file('image').upload({maxBytes: 50000000}, function (err, uploadedFiles) {
if (err) return res.serverError(err.message);
if(uploadedFiles.length > 0) {
// do with uploaded images what you want