what is the meaning of "units of kilobytes * seconds-of-execution"? - aix

I use getrusage api on aix.
I don't understand ru_idrss field.
An integral value of the amount of unshared memory in the data segment of a process (expressed in units of kilobytes * seconds-of-execution).

As you know getrusage is an api to get usage of resources. The description says, in other words, the unit of ru_idrss is calculated like kilobytes multiply seconds-of-execution.
Thank you!


how do i know in advance that the buffer size is enough in nanopb?

im trying to use nanopb, according to the example:
the buffer size is initialized to 128:
uint8_t buffer[128];
my question is how do i know (in advance) this 128-length buffer is enough to transmit my message? how to decide a proper(enough but not waste too much due to over-large) size of buffer before initial (or coding) it?
looks like a noob question :) , but thx for your quick suggestion.
When possible, nanopb adds a define in the generated .pb.h file that has the maximum encoded size of a message. In the file examples/simple/simple.pb.h you'll find:
/* Maximum encoded size of messages (where known) */
#define SimpleMessage_size 11
And could specify uint8_t buffer[SimpleMessage_size];.
This define will be available only if all repeated and string fields have been specified (nanopb).max_count and (nanopb).max_size options.
For many practical purposes, you can pick a buffer size that you estimate will be large enough, and handle error conditions. It is also possible to use pb_get_encoded_size() to calculate the encoded size and dynamically allocate storage, but in general that is not a great solution in embedded applications. When total system memory size is limited, it is often better to have a constant sized buffer that you can test with, instead of having the available amount of dynamic memory vary at the runtime.

1 billionth ugly or hamming number?

Is this the 1 billionth ugly/hamming number?
Does anyone have code to share that can verify this? Thanks!
This SO answer shows a code capable of calculating it.
The test entry on ideone.com takes 1.1 0.05 sec for 109 (2016-08-18: main speedup due to usage of Int instead of the default Integer where possible, even on 32-bit; additional 20% thanks to the tweak suggested by #GordonBGood, bringing band size complexity down to O(n1/3)).
It gives the answer as ((1334,335,404),"6.21607575556559E+843"), i.e.
21334 * 3335 * 5404 ≈ 6.21607575556559 * 10843.
(coincidentally, only two last digits in the fractional number above are incorrect).
This also means, of course, that there are 404 zeroes at the end of this number, and that it has 844 digits in total. So no, the number you show isn't it.
Exact answer:

What is the unit for SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest:getBandwidthDataByDate

Do you know what is the unit for SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest:getBandwidthDataByDate?
Bit, byte or Octect?
I found some mismatching between the return value from API and portal.
The method that you are using will return an "average: bandwith usage, but the portal uses another method which returns a "sum" value. So the values will not be the same, but they will nearly.
Another thing to point out is that the API does not return bytes/per second, it returns the bytes used by the interface in a peiod of time. what I can see in your result of the api is that period of time is 5 minutes.
so let's convert the data with that information:
646793.0 bytes in 5 minutes
converting to bytes per second (5 minutes = 300 seconds)
646793.0/300 = 2155.976 bytes/second
converting to bits
2155.976 * 8 = 17247.808
converting to kilo bits (note we are not using 1024 )
17247.808 / 1000 = 17.247 KB/s
As I told you the value is closer, but not the same due to the method used if you are looking the exact value you have to use the getSummaryData method. here an example in java Getting bandWidth data in SL
If I'm not wrong, it is in bytes per second.
Here I added an example for April's question.
Portal Bandwidth Graph
I got the datas by SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest:getBandwidthDataByDate.
getBandwidthDataByDate's output
It showed that 'counter': 646793.0, if the "unit" is bytes per sec, 646793.0Bps*8/1024 != 16.62Kbps

How to model measures that depend on the underlying substance

I'm using the Aconcagua measurement library in Pharo. I've had a lot of success using it to model things like days and kilometers, but have encountered an interesting problem where converting between units requires information on the underlying substance being measured. The formula for expressing the amount of a substance in air in parts per million, given the amount in milligrams per cubic meter is:
; where mw is the molecular weight of the material.
I'm envisioning usage like:
tlvCO := carbonMonoxide tlv. "returns the Threshold limit Value as 29 mg/m3"
tlvCO convertTo: PPM "where PPM is an Aconcagua unit"
The problem is that, while the examples I've seen of measurements in Aconcagua are contain in themselves all the info you need for conversion, in this case, you have to know the molecular weight of the underlying substance being measured. Thus mg/m3 -> ppm is not inherently meaningful. A properly formed question would be mg/m3 of ammonia -> ppm.
My instinct is to either:
create a new class like MaterialQuantity which has a material and a measure, or
create a special unit subclass that has a material
But I'm not 100% sold and would like some input...
I don't think that molecular weight is part of the unit, but part of a calculation, like the 24.45 (which is not clear, but it seems that is an average you consider for air molecular mass).
I am not sure that ppm is a unit that you can convert to a density unit, because they belong in different domains.
As far as i understand, you need to reify tlv as a compound unit or formula, which you can ask for the element. Then you could simply do something like [:tlv | tlv * ( 24.45 / tlv element) ]

Maximal input length/Variable input length for TinyGP

i am planning to use tinyGP as a way to train a set of Input variables (Around 400 or so) to a value set before. Is there a maximum size of Input variables? Do i need to specify the same amount of variables each time?
I have a lot of computation power (500 core cluster for a weekend) so any thoughts on what parameters to use for such a large problem?
In TinyGP your constant and variable pool share the same space. The total of these two spaces cannot exceede FSET_START, which is essentially the opcode of your first operator. By default is 110. So your 400 is already over this. This should be just a matter of increasing the opcode of the first instruction up to make enough space. You will also want to make sure you still have a big enough "constant pool".
You can see this checked with the following line in TinyGP:
if (varnumber + randomnumber >= FSET_START )
System.out.println("too many variables and constants");