elasticsearch-mesos not getting listed under frameworks of mesosUI - apache

Iam trying to run elasticsearch-mesos on mesos.My machine is running ubuntu 14.04. I have running mesos cluster installed with mesosphere packages by following these instructions. When I run test frameworks it gets lister under frameworks of mesosUI but for elasticsearch-mesos its not getting listed under mesos webUI. I want to run elasticsearch-mesos on top of mesos. I followed instructions given here. When I run ./elasticsearch-mesos I am getting a message in terminal
I0108 17:24:01.898540 23861 group.cpp:385] Trying to create path '/mesos' in ZooKeeper
I tried running ./elasticsearch-mesos on both mesos masters and slaves.
The last few lines of terminal output is given below
2015-01-08 17:24:01,881:23844(0x7f175bfff700):ZOO_INFO#zookeeper_init#786: Initiating
client connection, host=localhost:2181 sessionTimeout=10000 watcher=0x7f1762a3e6a0
sessionId=0 sessionPasswd=<null> context=0x7f1710002530 flags=0
I0108 17:24:01.881392 23858 sched.cpp:137] Version: 0.21.1
2015-01-08 17:24:01,881:23844(0x7f172b7fe700):ZOO_INFO#check_events#1703: initiated
connection to server []
2015-01-08 17:24:01,897:23844(0x7f172b7fe700):ZOO_INFO#check_events#1750: session
establishment complete on server [], sessionId=0x14ac7c469270006,
negotiated timeout=10000
I0108 17:24:01.898455 23861 group.cpp:313] Group process (group(1)#
connected to ZooKeeper
I0108 17:24:01.898509 23861 group.cpp:790] Syncing group operations: queue size (joins,
cancels, datas) = (0, 0, 0)
I0108 17:24:01.898540 23861 group.cpp:385] Trying to create path '/mesos' in ZooKeeper

According to the README at https://github.com/mesosphere/elasticsearch-mesos,
you may need to modify mesos.master.url to point to the same ZK url that the Mesos master is using (maybe not localhost). If you're using a single-master Mesos cluster, you can skip the ZK url and point this parameter directly to the Mesos master.
Please also note that the elasticsearch framework is a bit outdated, so use with caution


Airflow with Celery not able to connect

Every time I start airflow worker I keep getting this error
[2017-11-07 16:24:12,354: ERROR/MainProcess] consumer: Cannot connect to amqp://myuser:**# timed out.
Trying again in 26.00 seconds...
I have followed the instructions to install CeleryExecutors on Airflow as well as installing RabbitMQ using this documentation.
I have went and configured my airflow.cfg to reflect this by changing the celery_result_backend and broker_url to point to the right address (amqp://myuser:mypassword#localhost:8793/myvhost for example, from the documentation). I had this up and running at some point and when I changed the DAG directory. Changing the DAG directory shouldn't have an effect on it besides changing what's inside the DagBag.
Is there anything else I'm supposed to look at to debug and get the Celery Workers up and running?
Following the posts here and here, it was because I was running Celery4.1.0. I downgraded to Celery3.1.7 and it is now working.

DCOS 1.8 cluster built on IBM z (s390x) platform does not show stats on DCOS-UI

We are in process of porting the DCOS on IBM z platform (s390x architecture). So far we have succeeded in building v1.8 from source and have managed to install the cluster having 3 masters and 2 agents configuration.
The Marathon is accessible on port 8080 and we are able to deploy applications on the cluster.
However, the DCOS UI (http://<master ip>/)
does not display any statistics about the cluster like for e.g. the Dashboard shows 0% for all three parameters like 'CPU allocation', 'Memory Allocation' and 'Disk Allocation'.
The System/Components health check displays all services as Healthy except dcos-signal.
DCOS-CLI is able to get information relating to our apps in Marathon.
However following command fails with following error message:
dcos package list
URL [http:///package/list] is unreachable:
('Connection aborted.', BadStatusLine("''",))
We are looking for pointers to debug this issue. Could you please let us know any areas/services/configurations in the DCOS cluster that need to be checked?

Unable to configure Hazelcast clustering at openfire server

I am trying to setup Hazelcast cluster in my LAN. There are two open fire server openfire1 and openfire2 behind a HAProxy sharing a common db server.
I have installed and configured open fire and hazelcast on both. Now when I see from Openfire Admin Console in the clustering section: My openfire1 is not listing the other node in cluster. openfire2 also does not allow me to enable cluster,whenever I see the error I see following log:
2014.12.06 12:12:46 com.jivesoftware.util.cache.ClusteredCacheFactory - Failed to execute cluster task within 30 seconds
at com.hazelcast.spi.impl.InvocationImpl$InvocationFuture.resolveResponse(Invocati onImpl.java:466)
at com.hazelcast.spi.impl.InvocationImpl$InvocationFuture.get(InvocationImpl.java: 314)
at com.hazelcast.util.executor.DelegatingFuture.get(DelegatingFuture.java:66)
at com.jivesoftware.util.cache.ClusteredCacheFactory.doSynchronousClusterTask(Clus teredCacheFactory.java:334)
at org.jivesoftware.util.cache.CacheFactory.doSynchronousClusterTask(CacheFactory. java:586)
at org.jivesoftware.openfire.admin.system_002dclustering_jsp._jspService(system_00 2dclustering_jsp.java:123)
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:97)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:820)
at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(ServletHolder.java:547)
at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(ServletHandler.ja va:1359)
at com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.filter.PageFilter.parsePage(PageFilter.java:11 8)
at com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.filter.PageFilter.doFilter(PageFilter.java:52)
at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(ServletHandler.ja va:1330)
at org.jivesoftware.util.LocaleFilter.doFilter(LocaleFilter.java:74)
at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(ServletHandler.ja va:1330)
at org.jivesoftware.util.SetCharacterEncodingFilter.doFilter(SetCharacterEncodingF ilter.java:50)
at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(ServletHandler.ja va:1330)
at org.jivesoftware.admin.PluginFilter.doFilter(PluginFilter.java:78)
Plz tell me if i am doing something wrong ?
now i have overcome this problem only by using the correct version of hazlecast.jar corresponding to openfire 3.9.3 ;The Hazelcast plugin version corresponding to the Openfire release (3.9.3) is 1.2.0 .
Direct link to download : https://community.igniterealtime.org/external-link.jspa?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.igniterealtime.org%2Fprojects%2Fopenfire%2Fplugins-dev%2Fhazelcast.jar

Brisk TaskTracker not starting in a multi-node Brisk setup

I have a 3 node Brisk cluster (Briskv1.0_beta2). Cassandra is working fine (all three nodes see each other and data is balanced across the ring). I started the nodes with the brisk cassandra -t command. I cannot, however, run any Hive or Pig jobs. When I do, I get an exception saying that it cannot connect to the task tracker.
During the startup process, I see the following in the log:
TaskTracker.java (line 695) TaskTracker up at: localhost.localdomain/
A few lines later, however, I see this:
Retrying connect to server: localhost.localdomain/ Already tried 9 time(s).
INFO [TASK-TRACKER-INIT] RPC.java (line 321) Server at localhost.localdomain/ not available yet, Zzzzz...
Those lines are repeated non-stop as long as my cluster is running.
My cassandra.yaml file specifies the box IP (not or localhost) as the listen_address and the rpc_address is set to
Why is the client attempting to connect to a different port than the log shows the task tracker as using? Is there anywhere these addresses/ports can be specified?
I figured this out. In case anyone else has the same issues, here's what was going on:
Brisk uses the first entry in the Cassandra cluster's seed list to pick the initial jobtracker. One of my nodes had in the seed list. This worked for the Cassandra setup since all the other nodes in the cluster connected to that box to get the cluster topology but this didn't work for the job tracker selection.
looks like your jobtracker isn't running. What do you see when you run "brisktool jobtracker"?

RabbitMQ management plugin with local cluster

Is there any reason that the rabbitmq-management plugin wouldn't work when I'm using 'rabbitmq-multi' to spin up a cluster of nodes on my desktop? Or, more precisely, that the management plugin would cause that spinup to fail?
I get Error: {node_start_failed,normal} when rabbitmq-multi starts rabbit_1#localhost
The first node, rabbit#localhost seems to start okay though.
If I take out the management plugins, all the nodes start up (and then cluster) fine. I think I'm using a recent enough Erlang version (5.8/OTP R14A according to the README in my erl5.8.2 folder). I'm using all the plugins that are listed as required on the plugins page, including mochiweb, webmachine, amqp_client, rabbitmq-mochiweb, rabbitmq-management-agent, and rabbitmq-management. Those plugins, and only those plugins.
The problem is that rabbitmq-multi only assigns sequential ports for AMQP, not HTTP (or STOMP or AMQPS or anything else the broker may open). Therefore each node tries to listen on the same port for the management plugin and only the first succeeds. rabbitmq-multi will be going away in the next release; this is one reason why.
I think you'll want to start the nodes without using rabbitmq-multi, just with multiple invocations of rabbitmq-server, using environment variables to configure each node differently. I use a script like:
RABBITMQ_MNESIA_DIR=/tmp/rabbitmq-$2-mnesia \
RABBITMQ_PLUGINS_EXPAND_DIR=/tmp/rabbitmq-$2-plugins-scratch \
RABBITMQ_SERVER_START_ARGS="-rabbit_mochiweb port 5$1" \
/path/to/rabbitmq-server -detached
and then invoke it as
start-node.sh 5672 rabbit
start-node.sh 5673 hare