Running simultaneous operations in Mailcore2 - mailcore2

Is it possible to run multiple operations simultaneously? I'm downloading emails in the background through an operation. When my users open an email to view it I start another operation to get the message - this doesn't run until the downloading operations are complete.

You can adjust the property allowsFolderConcurrentAccessEnabled if you think you're always be on a server that supports it.
Additionally, when you fetch a message, you can use a urgent flag to tell if you need to fetch it as soon as possible. It will make operation run simultaneously.
- (MCOIMAPFetchContentOperation *) fetchMessageOperationWithFolder:(NSString *)folder


Error while using bot.get_updates() for telegram bot in python

I made a Telegram bot, and even after multiple tries, every time I try
print(bot.get_updates()), it returns me []. I also ran a logging function, but it just says multiple instances are running, when I am running just one. What are the possible reasons?
print(bot.get_updates()), it returns me []
Then your didn't get any (new) updates yet.
I also ran a logging function, but it just says multiple instances are running, when I am running just one. What are the possible reasons?
Only one process at a time may fetch updates from Telegram. Make sure that you have only one process running that fetches updates (either via get_updates or via a webhook)

Release all document locks at a specified time in Marklogic

We are planning to implement a locking mechanism for our documents using xdmp:lock-acquire API in MarkLogic with no timeout option. The document would be locked until the user edits and save the document. As part of this, we are in need to release all the locks at a specified time, say 12.00 AM everyday.
For this, we could use xdmp:lock-release API, but if there are many documents it would take some time to get complete.
Can someone suggest a better way to achieve this in MarkLogic?
If you have a potentially large set of locks that you need to process, and are concerned about timeouts or other issues from doing all of the work in a single transaction, then you can break up the work into smaller chunks or individual transactions.
There are a variety of batch processing tools and frameworks to do that. CoRB is one option that makes it easy to plug in custom selectors and processing scripts, and to execute against giant sets.
If you are looking to initiate the work from a MarkLogic scheduled task and perform all of the work within MarkLogic, then you could spawn multiple tasks to process subsets.
A simple example demonstrating how to set a "chunk size" for each transaction and to keep spawning more work:
declare function local:release-locks($locks, $chunk-size){
if (exists($locks))
then (
(: release all of these locks(you might apply some sort of filter to restrict to a subset,
and maybe a try/catch in case the lock gets released before this runs) :)
$locks[1 to $chunk-size] ! xdmp:node-uri(.) ! xdmp:lock-release(.),
(: now spawn the next set to be released in a separate transaction :)
local:release-locks(subsequence($locks, $chunk-size+1), $chunk-size)
<options xmlns="xdmp:eval">
else () (: nothing left to do, stop spawning work :)
let $locks := xdmp:document-locks()
let $chunk-size := 1000
local:release-locks($locks, $chunk-size)
If you are looking to go down this route, there are some libraries available:
The risk of spawning multiple items onto the task server is that if there is a restart or interruption, some tasks may not execute and all locks may not be released. But if you are just looking to release all of the locks, you could then just re-run the script to kick off another round.

How to pause Web API ? Is it even possible?

We are facing odd issue.
We have two parts
1. Windows task to update database
2. Web API using same database to provide search results
We want to pause API while Windows task updating the database. So Search results won't be partial or incorrect.
Is it possible to pause API request while database is being updated? Database update take about 10-15 seconds.
When you say "pause", what do you expect to happen to callers? It seems like you are choosing to give them errors instead of incomplete data.
If possible, your database updates should be wrapped in a transaction so consumers get current, complete data until the transaction is committed. Then, the next call will have updated and complete data.
I would hope that transactional processing would also help you recover from errors in your updates. What happens now if something fails part way through an update?
This post may help you: How to Decide to use Database Transactions
If the API knows when the this task is being starting, you can do have the thread sleep for 10 seconds by calling:

ExecuteSQL Processor in Apache Nifi

I am facing a problem while working with Apache Nifi. Is there a way to stop ExecuteSQL processor once it is completed fetching all the data in the table, instead of fetching repeatedly until I stop it manually?
Generally processors are meant to be scheduled on some frequency through their scheduling tab. Processors in the middle of the graph with incoming relationships usually leave their scheduling at 0 seconds, which means run as fast as possible when data is queue. Source processors typically run on some interval based on Timer Driver or Cron Driven scheduling.
That being said... ExecuteSQL supports being triggered by incoming flow files, so you might be able to do something like put a ListenHTTP processor in front of ExecuteSQL and whenever you want to trigger it you would invoke the http end-point for ListenHTTP. This way you can leave it running, but it will only be triggered when you want it to be.

Database Job Scheduling

I have a procedure written in PLJava that sends out updates over JMS in my postgres database.
What I would like to do is have that function called on an interval (every 15 seconds) internally in the database (preferably not from an outside process). Is this possible? Any ideas?
If you need no external access, you are presumably able to modify the database design so that you don't need the update at all. Can you explain more about what the update is doing?
As depesz said, you could use either cron or pgAgent, but they are only able to go down to a one minute granularity, not 15 seconds. Considering sleeping inside the stored procedure until the next iteration is not a good idea, because you will have an open transaction for all that time which is a really bad idea.
Strict answer: it is not possible. Since you don't want outside process, and PostgreSQL doesn't support jobs - you are out of luck.
If you'll reconsider using outside processes, then you're most likely want something like cron, or better yet pgagent.
On absolutely other hand - what do you need to do that has to happen every 30 seconds? this seems like a problem with design.
First, you'll spend the least amount of effort if you just go with a cron job.
However, if you were starting from scracth: You are trying to periodically replicate rows from your database. I think you are looking at a replication queue.
The PGQ project (used for Londiste replication, both from Skype's SkyTools) has a queue that you can use independently. When configuring it, you set a maximum event count, and a loop delay, before batched events are generated. You can get batches spaced by no more than 15 seconds that way. You now have to produce the events that will be batched, using a trigger that calls pgq.insert_event; and consume the queues. The consumer can call your PL/Java stored proc; you'll have to rewrite the procedure to send everything in the batch instead of scanning the base table for new events.
As far as I know postgresql doesn't support scheduled tasks. You'll need to use a script with cron or at (depending on your operating system.)
Sounds like you're doing sort of replication? Every 15s sounds like a lot of updates. Could you setup a trigger (or a number of triggers) instead of polling?
If you are using JMS why not just have th task wait for input on the queue?
Per your depesz comment, you have a PL/Java stored procedure that "flushes out database tables (updates) as java objects". Since you want it to run in 15 second intervals, it must be processing a batch of updates each time. Rather than processing a batch of updates in a stored procedure every 15 seconds, why not process them one at a time when they happen via an after update trigger and eliminate the need for a timed interval. If you are aggregrating data from multiple tables to build your objects than add the triggers to you upper most tables only.
In my case the problem was that agent couldn't authorize to database so after I've made all connections trusted from localhost the service started successfully and job works fine
for more information about error you should see into windows event viewer or eq in unix based system. see my config file C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\10\data\pg_hba.conf