VBA Programmatically change object name - vba

I've created a date picker which allows you to select multiple dates, and toggle them so no-one can book anything on those days.
In order to do this, I have 31 toggle buttons, and a month selector. When you select the month, each of the 31 buttons has to update, and get the value (toggled on or or) from a DLookup.
At the moment, I've got the code for this as a long list in the update event of the month picker
Private Sub cmbMonth_AfterUpdate()
If IsNull(Me.cmbMonth) Then
GoTo Subexit
Imonth = CInt(Me.cmbMonth)
End If
Call Update_toggle(Me.Toggle1)
Call Update_toggle(Me.Toggle2)
Call Update_toggle(Me.Toggle3)
Call Update_toggle(Me.Toggle4)
etc - up to toggle 31.
Is there a way of doing this with a loop?
I tried something along the lines of:
Dim toggle as Togglebutton
Dim I as integer
Dim strTogglename as String
set toggle = new togglebutton
I = 1
for 1 = 1 to 32
strtogglename = "Me.Toggle" & I
set toggle.name = strtogglename
Call Update_toggle(Toggle)
next I
But I can't get it to work. Playing around with byref and byval don't seem to help.

You can use the Form's Controls collection and check the type of each control as you loop. You're looking for acToggleButtons.
Dim cntrl As Control
For Each cntrl In Me.Controls
If cntrl.ControlType = acToggleButton Then
Update_toggle cntrl
End If

You need to store your objects inside a global collection at initialize time, for example:
Global Collection declaration
Dim allToggles As Collection
Initialize - storing objects in collection
Set allToggles = New Collection
With allToggles
.Add Me.Toggle1
.Add Me.Toggle2
.Add Me.Toggle31
End With
Calling in loop
for I = 1 to 32
Update_toggle allToggles(I)
next I

Within the loop, you are able to derive the names of your controls as "Toggle" & I. So you can target the corresponding control object by referencing that item by name in the form's Controls collection.
'for 1 = 1 to 32
For I = 1 to 31
Call Update_toggle(Me.Controls("Toggle" & I))
Next I

As much as I know it is not possible to programmatically edit a control's name. To achieve that, one must be inside the VBA editor.
Only a caption may be edited in code.


Change the visibility of UserForm elements via For loop

I have an array of constant size populated with ComboBoxes. When the user clicks on another UserForm element (a CheckBox in my case) the visibility each ComboBox in this array should change. When I run the below snippet of code, I get 424 Object Required error. I am most likely making a simple syntactic mistake, but any guidance on how to properly write this would be appreciated.
Private Sub MyCheckBox_Click()
Dim CheckBoxStatus as Boolean: CheckBoxStatus = MyUserForm.MyCheckBox.Value
Dim ComboBoxArray(0 To 4)
ComboBoxArray(0) = MyUserForm.ComboBox1 ' This line repeated and modified for the other 4 array members
If CheckBoxStatus Then
For i = LBound(ComboBoxArray) To UBound(ComboBoxArray)
CompetitorComboBoxes(i).Visible = True ' THIS IS WHERE THE ERROR IS THROWN
Next i
' Appropriate else code to set the visibilities to False
End Sub
You need to Set object references so:
Set ComboBoxArray(0) = MyUserForm.ComboBox1
Dim ComboBoxArray(0 To 4) creates an array with 5 elements not the 4 you would need for your 4 boxes so you should Dim ComboBoxArray(0 To 3) (or just Dim ComboBoxArray(3)) otherwise the last element will be empty and calling .Visible on it will fail.
(I'm assuming CompetitorComboBoxes is a typo for ComboBoxArray)

Question on multiple checkboxes launching code

I have a user form and a frame with 35 checkboxes in it, numbered 1 to 35. They represent 35 Named Ranges. I test to see if any of the name ranges are not set, if set correctly the checkbox value is set to TRUE.
I found some code that would allow me to trigger a sub if one of the checkboxes is clicked. That code seems to work, but my check code above also triggers the checkbox events, which I do not want. I only want the sub to run when the checkbox is clicked with the mouse? I can post the code I'm using, but though I'd first ask the question to see if what I would like to do is possible.
Code in class module:
Public WithEvents ChkBox As MSForms.CheckBox
Public Sub AssignClicks(ctrl As Control)
Set ChkBox = ctrl
End Sub
Public Sub chkBox_Click()
If chkBoxProcess = "Y" Then
'ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(ChkBox.Name).Value = Format(Now, "dd.mm.yyyy")
'MsgBox ("check box number = " & ChkBox.Name & " " & ChkBox.Value)
' Else
End If
End Sub
Code in Forms:
Public Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim SheetCount, i As Integer
Dim sh As Worksheet
'Public SheetName, SheetName2, StartOldNewTimeA, OldNewTimeAdd As String
'Initialize the form frmChgNameRng
'Set array values of the day options
'Set array values for 12:00 timeframes
'Set array values for 12:30 timeframes
'Set colors used in Checkboxes
'Set array for Checkboxes (boxes are numbered accross the page, 1 corressponds to Mon_1200/Mon_1230, 8 corresponds to Mon_200/Mon_230, etc.)
'Formulas are placed in the time cells on the left of the page, the macro will add the appropriate value into the Mon_1200 time slot and all other cells update off that cell
chkBoxProcess = "N"
Dim ChkBoxes As cls_ChkBox
Dim ctrl As Control
Set colTickBoxes = New Collection
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If TypeName(ctrl) = "CheckBox" Then
Set ChkBoxes = New cls_ChkBox
ChkBoxes.AssignClicks ctrl
colTickBoxes.Add ChkBoxes
End If
Next ctrl
'..... lots of code for Range Name Checks, etc.
End Sub
Your code is conflating control state with model data, and so the only way to tell it "named range 32 is ON", or "named range 13 is OFF", is to alter a checkbox' state, which fires that control's Change event.
There's no way around that, it's just how controls work: they fire a Change event whenever their value changes, regardless of how that's done.
Instead of having controls' state be the data, make the controls' state alter the data.
This requires conceptualizing this data, first: looks like you need to associate a number/index to some Boolean value. An array can do this.
Private namedRangeStates(1 To 35) As Boolean
Note that depending on what you're doing, initializing the state should be feasible by iterating the workbook's Names collection in the UserForm_Initialize handler. Or better, the form could expose a method that takes an array of Boolean values, and copies that state into namedRangeStates.
Now, when a checkbox is modified, make it alter the state:
Private Sub Checkbox31_Change()
namedRangeStates(31) = Checkbox31.Value
End Sub
Your form can expose that state as a property:
Public Property Get NamedRangeState(ByVal index As Long) As Boolean
NamedRangeState = namedRangeStates(index)
End Property
Public Property Let NamedRangeState(ByVal index As Long, ByVal value As Boolean)
namedRangeStates(index) = value
End Property
And now you can modify the enapsulated state independently of the combobox values.

check if textbox exists vba (using name)

I am using Ms-Access and I created a userform which has a number of Textboxes on it. The boxes are named: Box1, Box2, Box3 ...
I need to loop through all boxes, but I don't know which is the last one. To avoid looping through all userform controls I thought of trying the following:
For i =1 To 20
If Me.Controls("Box" & i).value = MyCondition Then
'do stuff
End If
Next i
This errors at Box6, which is the first box not found. Is there a way to capture this error and exit the loop when it happens.
I know I could use On Error but I 'd rather capture this specific instance with code instead.
A Controls collection is a simplified collection of controls (obviously) and share a same order as a placement order of controls.
First of all, even a creatable collection object lacks methods such as Exists or Contains , hence you need a function with error handling to checking/pulling widget from a collection.
Public Function ExistsWidget(ByVal Name As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
ExistsWidget = Not Me.Controls(Name) Is Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
If you really doesnt like "ask forgiveness not permission" option you can pull entire ordered collection of your textboxes (and/or check existance by name in another loop with similar logic).
Public Function PullBoxes() As Collection
Dim Control As MSForms.Control
Set PullBoxes = New Collection
For Each Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf Control Is MSForms.TextBox And _
Left(Control.Name, 3) = "Box" Then
Call PullBoxes.Add(Control)
End If
End Function
Since names of widgets are unique - you can return a Dictionary from that function with (Control.Name, Control) pairs inside and able to check existance of widget by name properly w/o an error suppression.
There's a good guide to Dictionary if it's a new information for you.
Anyway, no matter what object you choose, if user (or code) is unable to create more of thoose textboxes - you can convert this Function above to a Static Property Get or just to a Property Get with Static collection inside, so you iterate over all controls only once (e.g. on UserForm_Initialize event)!
Public Property Get Boxes() As Collection
Static PreservedBoxes As Collection
'There's no loop, but call to PullBoxes to reduce duplicate code in answer
If PreservedBoxes Is Nothing Then _
Set PreservedBoxes = PullBoxes
Set Boxes = PreservedBoxes
End Property
After all, the last created TextBox with name Box* will be:
Public Function LastCreatedBox() As MSForms.TextBox
Dim Boxes As Collection
Set Boxes = PullBoxes
With Boxes
If .Count <> 0 Then _
Set LastCreatedBox = Boxes(.Count)
End With
End Function
I think that now things are clearer to you! Cheers!
Note: All code are definitely a bunch of methods/properties of your form, hence all stuff should be placed inside of form module.
Long story short - you cannot do what you want with VBA.
However, there is a good way to go around it - make a boolean formula, that checks whether the object exists, using the On Error. Thus, your code will not be spoiled with it.
Function ControlExists(ControlName As String, FormCheck As Form) As Boolean
Dim strTest As String
On Error Resume Next
strTest = FormCheck(ControlName).Name
ControlExists = (Err.Number = 0)
End Function
Taken from here:http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1029435
To see the whole code working, check it like this:
Option Explicit
Sub TestMe()
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 20
If fnBlnExists("Label" & i, UserForm1) Then
Debug.Print UserForm1.Controls(CStr("Label" & i)).Name & " EXISTS"
Debug.Print "Does Not exist!"
End If
Next i
End Sub
Public Function fnBlnExists(ControlName As String, ByRef FormCheck As UserForm) As Boolean
Dim strTest As String
On Error Resume Next
strTest = FormCheck(ControlName).Name
fnBlnExists = (Err.Number = 0)
End Function
I would suggest testing the existence in another procedure per below: -
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Long
i = 1
Do Until Not BoxExists(i)
If Me.Conrtols("Box" & i).Value = MyCondition Then
'Do stuff
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub
Private Function BoxExists(ByVal LngID As Long) As Boolean
Dim Ctrl As Control
On Error GoTo ErrorHandle
Set Ctrl = Me.Controls("BoX" & LngID)
Set Ctrl = Nothing
BoxExists = True
Exit Function
End Function
In the above, BoxExists only returns true if the box does exists.
You have taken an incorrect approach here.
If you want to limit the loop, you can loop only in the section your controls reside e.g. Detail. You can use the ControlType property to limit controls to TextBox.
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In Me.Detail.Controls
If ctl.ControlType = acTextBox Then
If ctl.Value = MyCondition Then
'do stuff
End If
End If
Next ctl
I believe the loop will be faster than checking if the control name exists through a helper function and an On Error Resume Next.
But this only a personal opinion.

How to tell which dynamic control sent to an event?

This is my first attempt at working with dynamically created controls in a user form. The reason is there will always be a different amount of rows returned by some processing.
I have created a class object cControlEvent with the following code. (I cut out the code not pertaining to the checkbox)
Public WithEvents CHK As MSForms.CheckBox
Private Sub CHK_Change()
** tell me which box was changed **
End Sub
in the code module, I have the following code:
Dim CHK_Evts As New Collection
sub Form_Builder()
**non relevant code deleted****
Set Evt = New cControlEvent
If i_Columns = 1 Then
Set Evt.CHK = ctl
CHK_Evts.Add Evt
** more code**
End if
end sub
What do I need to change/add to be able to get the name of the control that is firing off the change event?
I have a series of dynamically created checkboxes and textboxes on each line of a user form, with a checkbox before each line, when the checkbox is checked/unchecked, I need to change the backcolor on all the textboxes in that row. Each control is named by it's type, then row then column like this CHX_1_1 would be a checkbox on row 1 column 1, and TXT_1_5 would be row 1 column 5. So, if I know what the name of the checkbox is, I have all I need to change the other controls on that row with a simple for-next loop.
I am not quite sure if I understand your question correctly. But it seems to me that it boils down to "which FormControl (linked to a particular procedure) caused this sub to run". If that's the case then you should be able to make use of the
Here is a short video to demonstrate it's use in a very simple environment:
Here's hopefully a full solution showing how to get the properties from the check boxes:
Create a blank userform and add a command button to it.
Add this code to the form (note - CommandButton1_Click should be updated to the name of the button you added).
Public CHK_Evts As New Collection
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim ChkBox As Variant
For Each ChkBox In CHK_Evts
MsgBox ChkBox.Position & vbCr & _
Next ChkBox
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim tmpCtrl As Control
Dim cmbEvent As clsControlEvents
Dim X As Long
For X = 1 To 10
Set tmpCtrl = frmNameParser.Controls.Add("Forms.Checkbox.1", "Name" & X)
With tmpCtrl
.Left = 6
.Top = X * 20 + 24
.Height = 18
.Width = 150
End With
Set cmbEvent = New clsControlEvents
Set cmbEvent.CHK = tmpCtrl
CHK_Evts.Add cmbEvent, "Name" & X
Next X
End Sub
Create a class called clsControlEvents and add this code:
Public WithEvents CHK As MSForms.CheckBox
Public Property Get Position() As String
Position = CHK.Top
End Property
Public Property Get Status() As String
Status = CHK.Value
End Property
Private Sub CHK_Click()
MsgBox CHK.Name
End Sub
The two GET procedures pass information back to the CommandButton1_Click procedure so it can list information about all check boxes on the form (held in the CHK_EVTS collection).
The CHK_Click procedure gives immediate information about the check box being clicked.

How do I refer to a controls object, on a worksheet, using a variable name?

I have added a ListBox to a SHEET (not to a "UserForm")
I did this using the mouse.
I clicked the little Hammer and Wrench icon.
This ListBox seems to be easily referenced using code such as this:
ListBox1.AddItem("An option")
However, I have three of these ListBoxes (named, conveniently, ListBox1, ListBox2, and ListBox3) and I want to write a function to populate them with array data, like this:
Call populate_listbox(ListBox2, designAreaArray)
Where the first argument is the listbox name, the 2nd is the data.
But I do not know how to send "ListBox2" correctly, or refer to it correctly within the function.
For example:
Dim controlName as string
controlName = "ListBox1"
doesn't work, even if I define the function as follows:
Sub populate_listbox(LB As ListBox, dataArray As Variant)
Dim i As Integer: i = 0
For i = LBound(dataArray, 2) + 1 To UBound(dataArray, 2) ' Skip header row
LB.AddItem (dataArray(index, i))
Next i
End Sub
Clearly it results in a mis-matched data type error. I've tried defining "controlName" as a ListBox, but that didn't work either...
Though perhaps it is my reference to the listBox that is incorrect. I've seen SO MANY ways to refer to a control object...
The list goes on an on, and nothing has worked for me.
Try this:
Dim cMyListbox As MSForms.ListBox
Set cMyListbox = Sheet1.ListBox1 '// OR Worksheets("YourSheetName").Listbox1
cMyListbox.AddItem("An option")
Also you can populate a listbox without having to loop through the array, try this:
Dim cMyListbox As MSForms.ListBox
Dim vArray As Variant
Set cMyListbox = Sheet1.ListBox1
vArray = Range("A1:A6").Value
cMyListbox.List = vArray
Change the sub signature to match this:
Sub populate_listbox(LB As MSForms.ListBox, dataArray As Variant)
Now you can pass it like you were trying to originally.
NOTE: This only works if you used the "ActiveX" version of the listbox. I'm assuming you are because you are able to call ListBox1 straight from a module.
PS: The ActiveX controls are members off of the parent sheet object. So if you have the listbox1 on sheet1, you can also call it like Sheet1.ListBox1 so you don't get confused if you end up with multiple sheets with multiple listboxes. Also, you may want to change the name just to make it easier on yourself.
Dim controlName As OLEObject
Set controlName = Sheet1.OLEObjects("ListBox1")
Call populate_listbox(controlName, designAreaArray)
Sub populate_listbox(LB As OLEObject, dataArray As Variant)
Dim i As Integer: i = 0
For i = LBound(dataArray, 2) + 1 To UBound(dataArray, 2) ' Skip header row
LB.Object.AddItem (dataArray(Index, i))
Next i
End Sub
To access the state of a checkbox Active-X control on Sheet1:
Dim checkBox1 As Object
Set checkBox1 = Sheet1.OLEObjects("CheckBox1").Object
MsgBox checkBox1.Value