I have an EJB deployed to weblogic server with no issues while deploying. When I looked at the admin console the status is showing active. But run the service it say this EJB is "Running with 0 threads".
I have a weblogic cluster with cluster node running in 2 VMs to have resiliency during failure in any node. I use the WLST scripts to manage the start & stop of the deployed components as some components will be brought down during specific time frame.
Incase VM in which admin console is running is down, Is there any way to start / stop my deployed components if Im not able to bring up the admin console.
This is WebSphere 9 ND. I've stopped the node agent and the serverStatus.sh script reports that it is down: ADMU0509I: The Node Agent "nodeagent" cannot be reached. Why are the applications still authenticating and appear to be working?
See this article explaining the basic concepts of IBM Websphere application server Network Deployment.
node agent
A node agent manages all managed processes on a WebSphere Application Server on a node by communicating with the Network Deployment Manager to coordinate and synchronize the configuration. A node agent performs management operations on behalf of the Network Deployment Manager. The node agent represents the node in the management cell. Node agents are installed with WebSphere Application Server base, but are not required until the node is added to a cell in a Network Deployment environment.
application server
The application server is the primary component of WebSphere. The server runs a Java™ virtual machine, providing the runtime environment for the application's code. The application server provides containers that specialize in enabling the execution of specific Java application components.
Apps are deployed into the Application server and not to the nodeagent. The role of the node agent is to perform management operations on behalf of Deployment Manager.
So, if the nodeagent is stopped, you will only loose the ability to manage the servers running under that node and it will not stop already running application
servers or applications deployed to servers in that node.
You can validate this by grepping the server name (eg:server1) from the list of all running processes:
ps -ef | grep java | grep servername
Sample output (for an app server) is given below:
wasadmin 12345 98765 2 13:18 pts/0 00:04:57 /opt/ibm/WebSphere/AppServer/java/8.0/bin/java -Dosgi.install.area=/opt/ibm/WebSphere/AppServer <collapsed text> cellname nodename servername
wasadmin - is the os username running the application server on that
12345 - is the pid of the application server running on that node.
98765 - is the pid of the parent process (nodeagent). This will be
"1" if the nodeagent is stopped
I have multiple instances of MFP running, but my problem is that all the instances are writing logs to a single log file. How can I write logs to diff location for diff instances?
Assuming that by "multiple instances of MFP" you are referring to multiple MFP runtimes deployed on the same JVM,it is normal to see all logging appearing in the same log - SystemOut.log for WAS , messages.log for WebSphere Liberty etc.
This is because MFP is a layer that is deployed on top of the Application server and all logging from MFP is directed to the standard logging of the JVM. As such, if you deploy multiple runtime wars on the same JVM, it is normal to expect all logging from all the runtimes appear in the same log. This is not different from different EAR/WARs deployed on the same Application server, logging into the same log file.
If you wish to have different logs for different runtimes, deploy them in different JVM instances.
I have encountered ResourceLimitException on Weblogic 10.3.6. While accessing application through 200 odd users, the ResourceLimitException comes up and my application goes down.
I have checked the application code and did not find any connection leaks.Also, this issues comes up only when user load is huge.
Currently my current configuration is:
Maximum Capacity : 25
Initial Capacity : 1
Is this issues related to weblogic 10.3.6?
I have a message-driven EJB deployed to a Glassfish 2.x system. When I get a message that causes an exception or isn't able to be sent or consumed, I would like to do one of the following things:
Pause the EJB's subscription to the Topic/Queue
Shut down the EJB itself
Cease consuming messages until I give an 'all clear' or something equivalent
This is all so that I can stop repeatedly throwing exceptions after calling context.setRollbackOnly() on the message.
I've tried connecting to the server via JMX, but from what I've looked at in documentation says that I'd have to persist:
jmx url
in my EJB somewhere. Can't I access the JMX server from within the EJB in Glassfish without having to know that?