PyroCMS assets plugin with bower_components - assets

I want to manage my theme assets using bower.
How would I configure PyroCMS / the assets plugin to get may assets from the bower_components folder?

Only for 2.1 or 2.2 version.
In your controller or base controller (maybe system/cms/core/public_controller.php) constructor, register the path for bower_components writing the next code:
// Set the theme bower components as a path for Asset library
Asset::add_path('bower', array(
'path' => $this->theme->path.'/bower_components',
'js_dir' => '/',
'css_dir' => '/',
Use this in your views writing first the name of path:
{{ asset:js file="bower::jquery/dist/jquery.js" }} // For JS
{{ asset:css file="bower::bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css" }} // For CSS
For correct read of assets you must place the bower.json and bower_components folder to your theme folder, for example:


Vue CLI deploy to a subfolder using relative paths

Using Vue CLI, and Vue 2.
Anyone knows how to build the project using relative paths, so I can place it in any subfolder in my server and it will work? (for example
I've tried with
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
publicPath: "",
And it builds the paths relative (ie, js/app.js instead of /js/app.js), but the app wont' load. Nothing shows on the page.
Strangest thing is that all files are loaded correctly (I can check on network tab in Chrome devtools), no JS errors, etc. So the page is loading all the files but it seems like it's refusing to mount the app when using relative paths.
I know that I can add the absolute path to the build process but that's not what I need. My client needs to be able to move the files freely from one subfolder to another and the app should work without the need to recompile
PS: Also tried building the project with Vite and Vue 3, same problem.
Alright, looks like all that's needed is:
build with a relative publicPath (empty string)
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
publicPath: "",
add a <base> tag to the final HTML...
<base href="/subfolder/" />
For Vite, the export should be
// vite.config.js
export default {
base: "",

How to uglify a js file upon building the vue project

I have a VUE2 project and in the public folder I created an iframe.html file that will be loaded in an iframe.
That iframe will also load a javascript.js file that I want encoded/uglified upon "npm run build" but I also want to be able to access it during dev.
How could I proceed?
Should this js file be placed inside the /src/assets/ folder and referenced from the iframe.html file? If yes, any advice?
Or should it stay in the public folder and upod the dist folder being built, encode it with something.
Any solution is welcome, thanks in advance!
Edit: Here are further details of how I use the iframe.
First, I'm referencing the .vue file in the router like so:
path: "/pages/:id/edit",
name: "edit",
component: () => import("../views/Edit.vue"),
Next, in the Edit.vue file, I add the iframe like so (note how it's referencing iframe.html that is in the public directory):
Next, in the iframe.html it's just normal html code, with this part including the javascript.js file (that actually is in the public folder as well for now)
<script src="javascript.js"></script>
You can explicitly include the .js file in your Webpack config by adding a rule for UglifyJsPlugin:
npm i -D uglifyjs-webpack-plugin
const UglifyJsPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
optimization: {
minimizer: [
new UglifyJsPlugin({
include: /\/regex-for-file/,
minimize: true
In Vue.config.js, this might look like:
configureWebpack: {
plugins : [
new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
uglifyOptions: {
include: /\/regex-for-file/,
minimize: true
Another option is to use uglify-es; this would allow you to get even more explicit by specifying from where to copy the file during build (assuming you might want the file located outside of src/):
npm i -D uglify-es // CopyWebpackPlugin ships w/ Vue's Webpack conf by default
const UglifyJS = require('uglify-es');
const { resolve } = require('path');
const resolveAbs = (dir) => resolve(__dirname, dir);
new CopyWebpackPlugin([
from: resolveAbs('../external'),
from: resolveAbs('../src/custom-build-path'),
transform: (content, path) => UglifyJS.minify(content.toString()).code;
To be able to access it during dev, you can include the path of the js file (relative to your Vue src directory) using the resolve.alias option in the config (so you don't need to deal with possibly ridiculous relative paths in your project). Finally, you can look into webpack's HTML plugin docs for info on importing an external index.html file if needed
I would recommend not putting it in static; by default it will not be minified and built if placed in that directory.
Update/edit: Sorry, I saw a 'uglify' and just assumed you wanted uglify js. As long as the script is in your Vue project directory (or otherwise specified in the Webpack config) the file should be minified during build. Vue has pretty smart defaults for Webpack; assuming the iframe is being referenced somewhere in the app i.e. the dependency graph it will be built.

Change the root directory of the assets from vue build

I'm using Vue CLI 3.3 and building vue projects for my vertical website, but every time I build the project, the assets of dist/index.html always load from my root path, like:
<script src=js/chunk-vendors.b0f460c7.js></script>
Is there a way to make these assets load from current path? Such as
<script src=./js/chunk-vendors.b0f460c7.js></script>
You can set publicPath in your vue.config.js (see
module.exports =
publicPath: './',

Gulp + wiredep + browsersync + bower = components not found

I have a build / dist folder structure, with bower_componentes folder at the root of my app folder.
Is there a way to configure browserSync so my web browsers load the css and js resources from Bower correctly?
If I use browserSync's baseDir parameter set to './dist' the deploy folder works but the dependencies don't.
If I use browserSync's baseDir parameter set to './' the dependencies work, but I have to manually type '/dist' at the browser's address bar.
Or is this how it's supposed to work?
If you want to access a directory outside of the baseDir you will need to use a route in your browsersync int.
// Since version 1.2.1
// The key is the url to match
// The value is which folder to serve (relative to your current working directory)
server: {
baseDir: "./dist",
routes: {
"/bower_components": "bower_components"

Server a static pdf - Vue CLI - Webpack - issue

I build a little front thanks to VueCLI (+ Vuetify).
I wanted to render a button where onClick open a new tab with a pdf located in the folder's tree of the project.
I have an error and after hours looking why, it's seems to be a webpack conf to modify.
I finally read this answer on S/O ; Serving static pdf with react webpack file loader
But I got an error saying include: paths -> paths is not defined
I have to admit that I have no clue how webpack works behind the scene so any help would be find.
You probably don't need Webpack for this: you can just put it in your static folder and link to it pdf. If you want to go the Webpack route, put it in your src/assets directory and import it and add it to data object:
import pdf from '../assets/mypdf.pdf'
data: () => ({ pdf })
Then use the link in your component:
<a :href="pdf">pdf</a>
You probably added include: paths to the loader config but you didn't define it, instead of modifying your image loader, add a new one for PDFs:
test: /\.(pdf)(\?.*)?$/,
loader: 'url-loader',
options: {
name: utils.assetsPath('[name].[hash:7].[ext]')
You can change [name].[hash:7].[ext] if you want, say you want to add a pdfs directory in assets instead of using the base assets directory you would use: pdfs/[name].[hash:7].[ext]