How do I install drivers using Burn and DPInst after MSI installation? - wix

I have a setup MSI for our application, and I also have signed FTDI drivers that need to be installed as well. I'd like for them to be installed with Burn rather than the WiX MSI to keep CustomActions out of the MSI (however, I've tried the CA route as well).
I've tried putting the instruction in an ExePackage, but the SourceFile attribute asks for the file location during build, not runtime (e.g. <ExePackage Id="InstallDrivers" DisplayName="Installing Drivers" SourceFile="[InstallFolder]Drivers\DPInst.exe" InstallCommand="/SA /SW" PerMachine="yes" After="MyMSISetup" Description="Installing the FTDI drivers needed for device communication." /> doesn't build).
Is there a way to tell Burn to execute DPInst using the file location of where the drivers will be after installation of the MSI? Currently the MSI copies the driver files and DPInst into a Drivers folder in the install directory. After looking online and here on Stack Overflow, I doesn't seem like anyone else is doing this.
I've also tried using the CustomAction route in the MSI, but the CustomAction fails to execute. I'd like the drivers to be installed with Burn, but if they work with the MSI I'd settle for that. Currently the MSI copies the files to the Drivers folder, and the CustomAction looks like this:
<Custom Action="Install_Signed_Driver" After="InstallFiles">NOT INSTALLED</Custom>
<CustomAction Id=Install_Signed_Driver" Execute="deferred" Directory="Drivers" ExeCommand="[Drivers]DPInst.exe" /SW /SA" Return="ignore" />
As near as I can tell, the custom action never runs. I've even taken off the /SW and /SA switches to see if anything loads, and nothing.

Per StackOverflow's suggestion, I'm posting what I found here. I was never able to get Burn to run DPInst for the driver installation, but was able to get the CustomAction to work using Can't seem to get Wix to install driver.


Launch Firebird 1.5 installer from WIX

I have been tasked with writing a WIX installer from an application that uses Firebird 1.5. The WIX install process must launch the firebird installer if firebird has not already been installed. Using a custom action I get the firebird installer to launch but end up with error "1607 unable to install installshield scripting runtime". I have searched this error but have not been able to find a resolution.
Here is a snipit of my custom action.
<Custom Action='LaunchFirebirdsetup' Before='InstallFinalize'>NOT Installed</Custom>
<CustomAction Id='LaunchFirebirdsetup' FileKey='Firebird15Setup' ExeCommand='' Return="ignore" Execute="commit" Impersonate="no" />
It might be because you cannot run an MSI install from within an MSI install, I think that's still true even with a Commit custom action. Your IS Script install is an MSI install, so that may be the issue. Launching installs from within installs is always an issue. You should use Burn to launch that Firebird install before installing yours. That's what a Burn bundle is for - prerequsites and associated installs as well as your MSI setup. You could use it to install a standalone ISScript MSI, that's another possibility.
The other issue is that some installs just don't work when installed with no impersonation, which means with the system account. There's no indication that you tried to do it silently, which means that it's running with the system account and may attempt to show UI to the interactive user, and that will fail. This another reason to install it with Burn - it will run as the interactive user.
Looks like bootstrapping (burn) is the solution.
Took me a while to get it but after getting it to run, it makes sense I guess.
Instead of running an installer exe you could use merge modules. For instance the Firebird 1.5 Merge Modules from MWA Software. Modules, installation instruction and source for the merge modules are freely available.

MSI Installer: Help running a UI based EXE with a CustomAction from a service based installer

I have created a MSI installer package using Wix Toolset 3.8 that is run by a third party installer service running under the "SYSTEM" account. My issue is that when trying to launch and run an installed executable from my MSI installer using a custom action, it also runs under the SYSTEM account instead of the administrator account that is currently logged in. I have spent hours researching on the net and from what I have read, specifying Impersonate="yes" will run that particular custom action under the account that launched the installer, but there lies the issue. Since the third party installer service is running from the SYSTEM account, specifying Impersonate="yes" would just run the custom action under the SYSTEM account as well correct? At least that's what my tests have shown. A little bit of background on my MSI installer:
<CustomAction Id="StartAction"
ExeCommand ='cmd.exe /c start MYEXE.exe /tray'
<Custom Action='StartAction' Before='InstallFinalize'>NOT Installed</Custom>
I have tried both "deferred" and "immediate" for Execute as well as setting "Impersonate" to both yes and no. Is there any way to make this work? I thought about using the runas command but I wouldn't know the password of the user account that initiated the install.
What is the EXE file doing? Do you have control of the application so you can move the logic from that external EXE into the main application's launching logic?
Other than that you can register such an EXE file to run once per user via ActiveSetup. You can also find another answer from me here.
Here is one more link to an explanation of ActiveSetup (I prefer the one above):
Also see these answer here: Stopping MSI from launching an EXE in the SYSTEM context

Prompt a Reboot message after installation WIX Bootstrapper

I have a WIX Project and a Bootstrapper of WIX.
I am using Reboot property of WIX to prompt for reboot machine after setup complete its installation.
But when i run my msi using Bootstrapper then it did not prompt a message for reboot machine.
below is my code that i am using in Product.wxs file in WIX:-
<Property Id="REBOOT" Value="Force"/>
Now i am using chain of msi in Bootstrapper project below:-
<MsiPackage SourceFile=".\Bonjour.msi" Compressed="yes" />
<MsiPackage SourceFile=".\Security_IDTools.msi" Compressed="yes" />
<MsiPackage SourceFile ="$(var.BiodentifySetUp.TargetPath)" Compressed ="yes" DisplayInternalUI="yes" />
But when my last msi run it did not prompt reboot message?
The REBOOT property does not force a reboot, and in the context you're using it is a Windows Installer property not a WiX property. The REBOOT property tells Windows what behavior should occur when a reboot occurs. You need a ScheduleReboot action in your MSI file if you want a reboot at the end of an MSI install and want to ask for it, or a ForceReboot if you want to just do it, as Nimish says.
There is also the question of why you want to force a reboot in the first place. Windows will reboot if something happens that requires one - there's no need for you to assume that a reboot is required just because an install has finished.
A Reboot may be necessary due to the stupid behavior of events and security in Windows 8 (and even in windows 7). That is the "easiest" way to make sure all of your services have been started correctly. I would expect that as already mentioned would be the best choice so that there is no abort of the bootstrapper in the middle.
Priyanka if you have any plans to continue your installation after reboot then do not use the MSI's reboot prompt with a bootstrapper.
That's because it would effectively abort the bootstrapper and won't give it a chance to resume on reboot if necessary.use <ExitCode Behavior="forceReboot" /> after MsiPackage you want it to restart. After a force reboot, Burn will automatically resume after the reboot and rest of your MSI/Exe would be installed.
But if you dont have any such plans you can go with ScheduleReboot Action in your MSI.
<ScheduleReboot After="InstallFinalize"/>
This will tell the MSI package to reboot after successful install.
And make sure to check log for any error.

Wix Burn Bundle - Must be Administrator

I've created a WIX Burn Bundle. In the Bundle I install .Net 4 (if its not installed) then 2 more .msi files. 1 is a third part msi the other a msi I created for my software using WIX. I need to be an Administrator on the machine to run these the .msi files.
I want the Burn bundle to not do anything if the user is not an administartor i.e. install nothing. In my product software I can easily do do using below - however I cant do this in the bundle. I've read lots of similar posts but just didnt find a working example for what I want to do.
<CustomAction Id="IsPrivileged" Error="You must be an Administrator to install [ProductName]." />
<Custom Action='IsPrivileged' Before='LaunchConditions'>
Not Privileged
You can use the bundle equivalent of launch conditions using Burn's built-in variables and WixBalExtension's Condition element:
<bal:Condition Message="You can't elevate.">
<![CDATA[Privileged <> 0]]>
<bal:Condition Message="You're not elevated.">
WixBundleElevated = 1

Uninstall add-on setup when uninstall the Main setup using Wix

I am using wix in my installer,
I need to uninstall add-on Setup while uninstall the Main setup,
I am using the below code in Main setup wix,
<CustomAction Id="UNINSTALL_ADDON" Return="asyncNoWait" Execute="immediate" ExeCommand="msiexec.exe /x [add-onProductID] /qn” Property="add-onProductID" />
Below code in InstallExecute Table
<Custom Action="UNINSTALL_ADDON" Sequence="1282">(REMOVE="ALL")</Custom>
I am using the below property
<Property Id=" add-onProductID" Value="NULL" />
I have read the add-on Property Id from registry and pass it set to add-onProductID using CustomAction while uninstall the main setup.
This won’t help. Could you please help me to solve the issue?
You cannot install or uninstall another MSI during InstallExecuteSequence because Windows Installer doesn't support simultaneous install processes.
A solution is to make sure that your custom action is scheduled after InstallFinalize action (it's sequence is greater than InstallFinalize).