The package contents are not updating during Export Release Build - flash-builder

I am trying to export my project using Flash Builder and the package contents are not updating. I have tried using Project > Clean and it is not updating the contents.
tags: export release build, package contents, package setttings

It turned out that I had to refresh the directory. I clicked on the Project and selected Refresh.


WSL 2: VS Code´s npm scritps doen´t refresh when creating a new script in package.json

When I write a new script in package.json the npm scripts view doesn´t refresh with the new script. I have to restart VS Code to see the new script in it.
Also, when I create a new file into the folder via terminal, the folder´s view doesn´t refresh automatically. I have to click into refresh button to see the new files.
I´m running VS Code with WLS extension and my project is located at windows C: filesystem (/mnt/c/Users/paulo/src).
Move your project to inside WLS file system (e.g /home/pauloh/src).
It solves VS Code refresh issues and is recommended for better perfomance.

couldn't parse bundle asset chunk-vendors.js

I created a project using vue ui. When I clicked the serve button, it's ended with an error. I can't open the app I have created. The error is:
Couldn't parse bundle asset "{path}\dist\js\chunk-vendors.js".
Analyzer will use module sizes from stats file.
Edit .vuerc and change/update "packageManager": "npm"

Aurelia au run --watch... not watching

I downloaded an Aurelia project for testing purpose. After restoring the packages (npm install) and running the application (au run --watch). Now I see Start watching... I was curious about doing some changes (for example in contact-list.html) and seeing the website adjusting after pressing F5 (because of watching). It does not work. My changes are not reflecting in the running website. In the shell prompt where it is watching, nothing happened.
You can test by yourself with the project zipped below.
Zip of the Aurelia project
If I create a new Aurelia project from scratch (au new) and following the wizard, the watching works pretty well.
I don't know why it does not work in the project I downloaded (code provided by a Book for learning Aurelia).
What book is this?
Part of the problem is that the version of the CLI you are using is 2 years old. I would recommend getting the latest version of the CLI, creating a new project that uses RequireJS
au new
give new project a name
choose custom (3)
choose RequireJS (2)
choose Babel (1)
choose defaults for the rest
copy the src folder from your zip file over to it the newly created project
You'll need to run npm install bootstrap#3.3.6 --save or yarn add bootstrap#3.3.6 to pull down bootstrap.
Copy the link to bootstrap's css from your zip file's index.html to the new project
Delete the Promise.config line in src/main.js.
Then just run au run (--watch is no longer needed). It should work.

Can I Copy Over React Native Files Initialized Under One Project Over To Another Separately Initialized Project?

Let's say I initialize a project under react-native init <filename>, installed a bunch of node packages, and added code.
Then separately I initialize a different project under react-viro init <filename>, installed a bunch of node packages, and added code.
If I wanted to combine what I created under react-native init into what I created under react-viro init, is it as simple as copying files over and reinstalling missing node packages into the react-viro project?
Assuming you are working in the ./src folder, every file is independent of iOS or Android as part of the JavaScript bundle.
You can simply copy the .js files over and install the node packages in that project.
You probably should not copy any files that are outside the ./src folder, but I also suspect you wouldn't need to. Files in the Android and iOS folders are rarely touched as they contain operating system config settings and custom modules that you would have wrote in the native languages.
If the file renders JSX, you will be safe to just copy it over and hook it back up.
To state it another way, go into the folder that has node_modules in it. You shouldn't copy anything that is in that folder except additional files that you created. This is where people normally create an src folder and place all their JavaScript. You probably have an index file in there that points to ./src/app.js or you may have an index.ios.js and that both point to a ./src/app.js. Anything inside src is safe.
That's my best answer without seeing your folders and files.
If you intend to copy code from one react native project to another, make sure the code you intend to copy is JS and not any native files. Make sure you do register the correct component using AppRegistry. Rest assured you can copy the code from one project to another.
Assuming you have a project at folder
Copy my-project and paste it at your desired folder like
Change git origin
git remote set-url origin**.git
Open /new-my-project/android in Android Studio, and then rename app/java/com.myproject to com.newmyproject
Go to app/build.grade and change com.myproject to com.newmyproject and sync
Create firebase project and download google-services.json file and add to new-my-project/android/app
Build application, then test application under metro bundler
npx react-native start
Create keystore, test notifications, change base_url_api, test apk etc Android finish now, iOS
Update pods on new-my-project/ios
pod install && pod update
open myproject.xcworkspace
Change bundle identifier to org.reactjs.native.newmyproject, version to 1.0, build to 1 and desired Display name. Let it index completely
Setup in firbase and replace GoogleService-Info.Plist file and Clean build folder in xcode
Go to and create identifiers, APNS certificates, profiles
Download certificates from keychain and upload to firebase
Build the project in simulator/device and test it.

How to change all the package easily?

I copy util package from other project to my project.
But all the java files' package is still the previous package path, so it is wrong.
enter image description here
See the upper snapshot, all the file under the util folder I copied from other project is still the com.jackov.common.util, how can I easily change the package to correct package instead of modify one by one.
Copy them to the original package they were in the old project (create it in the new project), then use Refactor | Move to move them to another package (or Rename the package). IDE will update all the imports automatically.
Here's a quick and dirty solution:
Edit > Find > Replace In Files
Find: package
Replace: package
Select In Project
Press Enter.