Yum update fails after running out of memory - yum

I ran out of memory when trying yum update. Increased memory, however the previous yum update fail when it ran out of memory and no I cannot complete the update.
Now when I run yum update I get:
Error: Package: coreutils-libs-8.4-31.el6_5.2.x86_64 (#updates)
Requires: coreutils = 8.4-31.el6_5.2
Removing: coreutils-8.4-31.el6_5.2.x86_64 (#updates)
coreutils = 8.4-31.el6_5.2
Updated By: coreutils-8.4-37.el6.x86_64 (base)
coreutils = 8.4-37.el6
Error: Package: abrt-addon-ccpp-2.0.8-21.el6.centos.x86_64 (#base)
Requires: abrt = 2.0.8-21.el6.centos
Removing: abrt-2.0.8-21.el6.centos.x86_64 (#base)
abrt = 2.0.8-21.el6.centos
Updated By: abrt-2.0.8-26.el6.centos.x86_64 (base)
abrt = 2.0.8-26.el6.centos
Error: Package: abrt-addon-python-2.0.8-21.el6.centos.x86_64 (#base)
Requires: abrt = 2.0.8-21.el6.centos
Removing: abrt-2.0.8-21.el6.centos.x86_64 (#base)
abrt = 2.0.8-21.el6.centos
Updated By: abrt-2.0.8-26.el6.centos.x86_64 (base)
abrt = 2.0.8-26.el6.centos
Error: Package: abrt-addon-kerneloops-2.0.8-21.el6.centos.x86_64 (#base)
Requires: abrt = 2.0.8-21.el6.centos
Removing: abrt-2.0.8-21.el6.centos.x86_64 (#base)
abrt = 2.0.8-21.el6.centos
Updated By: abrt-2.0.8-26.el6.centos.x86_64 (base)
abrt = 2.0.8-26.el6.centos
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
rpm -q coreutils-libs abrt-addon-ccpp abrt-addon-python abrt-addon-kerneloops:

This sounds like a repository mismatch.
you didn't describe what version of your Linux distribution you are using (CentOS, Scientific Linux or a Redhat Enterprise Linux)
yum repolist to get active repositories, so you can see which are activated and to provide us for more information.
yum-complete-transaction is a good command to resume cancelled yum install or yum updates.
See more # http://linux.die.net/man/8/yum-complete-transaction
You can try and disable all repositories and enable them one by one.
I would recommend you should enable only the one specific for your release.
Please provide us with more information.
Linux release and distribution
output of yum repolist


Building libjpeg-turbo with conan fails on windows

I am trying to build libjpeg-turbo package with conan on Windows:
conan install libjpeg-turbo/1.5.2#bincrafters/stable
But it fails with:
libjpeg-turbo/1.5.2#bincrafters/stable: Not found in local cache, looking in remotes...
libjpeg-turbo/1.5.2#bincrafters/stable: Trying with 'conan-center'...
Downloading conanmanifest.txt
Downloading conanfile.py
Downloading conan_export.tgz
ERROR: libjpeg-turbo/1.5.2#bincrafters/stable: Error in configure() method, line 43
if self.settings.os == "Emscripten":
ConanException: Invalid setting 'Emscripten' is not a valid 'settings.os' value.
Possible values are ['Android', 'Arduino', 'FreeBSD', 'Linux', 'Macos', 'SunOS', 'Windows', 'WindowsStore', 'iOS', 'tvOS', 'watchOS']
Read "http://docs.conan.io/en/latest/faq/troubleshooting.html#error-invalid-setting"
The same command on Linux works fine.
On both system I have conan in version 1.21.0
I cannot find any clue about this error.
Here is full output of libjpeg-turbo in version 2.0.2 installation:
>conan install -r conan-center libjpeg-turbo/2.0.2#
compiler=Visual Studio
ERROR: libjpeg-turbo/2.0.2: Error in configure() method, line 49
if self.settings.os == "Emscripten":
ConanException: Invalid setting 'Emscripten' is not a valid 'settings.os
' value.
Possible values are ['Android', 'Arduino', 'FreeBSD', 'Linux', 'Macos', 'SunOS',
'Windows', 'WindowsStore', 'iOS', 'tvOS', 'watchOS']
Read "http://docs.conan.io/en/latest/faq/troubleshooting.html#error-invalid-sett
The Conan package libjpeg-turbo/1.5.2#bincrafters/stable is obsolete and has been replaced by libjpeg-turbo/2.0.2#. You can obtain that package from Conan Center as well:
conan install -r conan-center libjpeg-turbo/2.0.2#
Now about your error:
ConanException: Invalid setting 'Emscripten' is not a valid 'settings.os' value.
As you can see, your current settings.os is configured as Emscripten which is not supported by that recipe. As the FAQ link indicates, you should customize your current settings, thus you can try:
conan install -r conan-center libjpeg-turbo/2.0.2# -s os=Windows
Thus, you should:
Update your current package to libjpeg-turbo/2.0.2# (it requires Conan >=1.18)
Update your current profile to Windows:
conan profile update settings.os=Windows default
If you really need Emscripten, so open an issue to Conan Center Index requesting such feature.

Syntax error in yaml lib after updating google-cloud-sdk

After running: sudo apt-get upgrade I got:
Setting up google-cloud-sdk (274.0.1-0) ... Compiling
platform/bq/third_party/yaml/lib3/init.py ... File
"platform/bq/third_party/yaml/lib3/init.py", line 284
class YAMLObject(metaclass=YAMLObjectMetaclass):
^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Processing triggers for man-db (2.8.5-2) ...
I have Debian GNU/Linux 10
This is a bug on the new version of the SDK.
It is already being tracked by the Google Engineering Team on the issue tracker on this link: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/146447037

Installing C SDK for couchbase, Mac OSX 10.6.8 -- How can I correct cmake errors?

I am trying to get couchbase up and running for python on Mac OSX 10.6.8. I'm following the instructions here:
But I'm stuck on step 2:
Download and install the C library.
According to the instructions for installing the C SDK here:
I did this:
~$ brew update
~$ brew install libcouchbase
But I'm getting an error when homebrew tries to install the dependency cmake:
==> Installing libcouchbase dependency: cmake
==> Downloading http://www.cmake.org/files/v3.1/cmake-3.1.0.tar.gz
Already downloaded: /Library/Caches/Homebrew/cmake-3.1.0.tar.gz
==> Patching
==> Downloading https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/S/Sphinx/Sphinx-1.2.3.tar.gz
Already downloaded: /Library/Caches/Homebrew/cmake--sphinx-1.2.3.tar.gz
==> python -c import setuptools... install --prefix=/private/tmp/cmake-HcEaFf/cmake-3.1.0/sphinx --single-version-e
==> Downloading https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/M/MarkupSafe/MarkupSafe-0.23.tar.gz
Already downloaded: /Library/Caches/Homebrew/cmake--markupsafe-0.23.tar.gz
==> python -c import setuptools... install --prefix=/private/tmp/cmake-HcEaFf/cmake-3.1.0/sphinx --single-version-e
==> Downloading https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/d/docutils/docutils-0.12.tar.gz
Already downloaded: /Library/Caches/Homebrew/cmake--docutils-0.12.tar.gz
==> python -c import setuptools... install --prefix=/private/tmp/cmake-HcEaFf/cmake-3.1.0/sphinx --single-version-e
==> Downloading https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/P/Pygments/Pygments-2.0.1.tar.gz
Already downloaded: /Library/Caches/Homebrew/cmake--pygments-2.0.1.tar.gz
==> python -c import setuptools... install --prefix=/private/tmp/cmake-HcEaFf/cmake-3.1.0/sphinx --single-version-e
==> Downloading https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/J/Jinja2/Jinja2-2.7.3.tar.gz
Already downloaded: /Library/Caches/Homebrew/cmake--jinja2-2.7.3.tar.gz
==> python -c import setuptools... install --prefix=/private/tmp/cmake-HcEaFf/cmake-3.1.0/sphinx --single-version-e
==> ./bootstrap --prefix=/Users/7stud/.homebrew/Cellar/cmake/3.1.0 --system-libs --parallel=2 --no-system-libarchiv
==> make
[ 34%] Building C object Utilities/cmlibarchive/libarchive/CMakeFiles/cmlibarchive.dir/archive_write_set_options.c.o
[ 34%] Building C object Utilities/cmlibarchive/libarchive/CMakeFiles/cmlibarchive.dir/filter_fork_posix.c.o
Linking C static library libcmlibarchive.a
[ 34%] Built target cmlibarchive
make: *** [all] Error 2
READ THIS: http://git.io/brew-troubleshooting
These open issues may also help:
Fix LLVM CMake modules not being preprocessed (https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/pull/29976)
cmake builds fail on CLT-only with --env=std (https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/issues/29101)
More detail here:
~$ brew gist-logs --config --doctor cmake
Anyone have any ideas on what I should do? Thanks.
Do you have the latest (available for 10.6.8) version of Xcode and its devtools? It appears to be an issue with GCC (I initially had issues with the LLVM gcc version Apple packages with Xcode).
Try brew install gcc (or brew reinstall gcc if you initially used brew to install gcc) and then run brew install make again.
I've got XCode version 3.2.6 installed, which I believe is the highest version compatible with OSX 10.6.8.
In the gist, whose link I posted, one of the errors is:
error: ncurses/ncurses.h: No such file or directory
I found ncurses.h on my system here:
/usr/include$ ls -al ncurses.h
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 8 Aug 11 2012 ncurses.h -> curses.h
...which if you note is not in a directory called ncurses(look at the prompt)--ncurses being the directory where the error message says ncurses.h should be. Also, note that ncurses.h is a link to another file: curses.h (see the arrow on the right?). So, I did this:
/usr/include$ sudo mkdir ncurses
/usr/include$ cd ncurses
/usr/include/ncurses$ sudo cp -av ../ncurses.h . (-a => copy link rather than the file it points to, -v => verbose, show what is being copied)
../ncurses.h -> ./ncurses.h
/usr/include/ncurses$ ls -al
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 Dec 29 18:59 .
drwxr-xr-x 272 root wheel 9248 Dec 29 18:13 ..
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 8 Dec 29 18:59 ncurses.h -> curses.h
Then I tried installing libcouchbase again:
~$ brew install libcouchbase
==> Installing libcouchbase dependency: cmake
==> Downloading http://www.cmake.org/files/v3.1/cmake-3.1.0.tar.gz
Already downloaded: /Library/Caches/Homebrew/cmake-3.1.0.tar.gz
==> Patching
==> Downloading https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/J/Jinja2/Jinja2-2.7.3.tar.gz
Already downloaded: /Library/Caches/Homebrew/cmake--jinja2-2.7.3.tar.gz
==> python -c import setuptools... install --prefix=/private/tmp/cmake-FqXEf3/cmake-3.1
==> Downloading https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/M/MarkupSafe/MarkupSafe-0.23.ta
Already downloaded: /Library/Caches/Homebrew/cmake--markupsafe-0.23.tar.gz
==> python -c import setuptools... install --prefix=/private/tmp/cmake-FqXEf3/cmake-3.1
==> Downloading https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/d/docutils/docutils-0.12.tar.gz
Already downloaded: /Library/Caches/Homebrew/cmake--docutils-0.12.tar.gz
==> python -c import setuptools... install --prefix=/private/tmp/cmake-FqXEf3/cmake-3.1
==> Downloading https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/P/Pygments/Pygments-2.0.1.tar.g
Already downloaded: /Library/Caches/Homebrew/cmake--pygments-2.0.1.tar.gz
==> python -c import setuptools... install --prefix=/private/tmp/cmake-FqXEf3/cmake-3.1
==> Downloading https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/S/Sphinx/Sphinx-1.2.3.tar.gz
Already downloaded: /Library/Caches/Homebrew/cmake--sphinx-1.2.3.tar.gz
==> python -c import setuptools... install --prefix=/private/tmp/cmake-FqXEf3/cmake-3.1
==> ./bootstrap --prefix=/Users/7stud/.homebrew/Cellar/cmake/3.1.0 --system-libs --para
==> make
==> make install
/Users/7stud/.homebrew/Cellar/cmake/3.1.0: 1819 files, 33M, built in 18.5 minutes
==> Installing libcouchbase
==> Downloading http://packages.couchbase.com/clients/c/libcouchbase-2.4.5_1_gd7f6ecf.t
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Patching
==> cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Users/7stud/.homebrew/Cellar/libcouchbase/2.4.5_1_
==> make install
/Users/7stud/.homebrew/Cellar/libcouchbase/2.4.5_1_gd7f6ecf: 53 files, 1.4M, built in 42 seconds
I didn't believe it, so I tried again:
~$ brew install libcouchbase
Warning: libcouchbase-2.4.5_1_gd7f6ecf already installed
~$ brew uninstall libcouchbase
Uninstalling /Users/7stud/.homebrew/Cellar/libcouchbase/2.4.5_1_gd7f6ecf...
~$ brew install libcouchbase
==> Downloading http://packages.couchbase.com/clients/c/libcouchbase-2.4.5_1_gd7f6ecf.t
Already downloaded: /Library/Caches/Homebrew/libcouchbase-2.4.5_1_gd7f6ecf.tar.gz
==> Patching
==> cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Users/7stud/.homebrew/Cellar/libcouchbase/2.4.5_1_
==> make install
/Users/7stud/.homebrew/Cellar/libcouchbase/2.4.5_1_gd7f6ecf: 53 files, 1.4M, built in 30 seconds
Testing the install:
/usr/include/ncurses$ cbc version
Runtime: Version=2.4.5_1_gd7f6ecf, Changeset=d7f6ecfa15e73c668a8f81947d9f85b654dcdbda
Headers: Version=2.4.5_1_gd7f6ecf, Changeset=d7f6ecfa15e73c668a8f81947d9f85b654dcdbda
IO: Default=libevent, Current=libevent
Python SDK
But then I was unable to install the Python SDK following the instructions here:
$ python -V
Python 2.7.9
I got to here:
5. Install the Python SDK. The easiest way to do this is via the pip tool:
shell> pip install couchbase --quiet
But this is what happened:
$ pip install couchbase --quiet
Command /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python
-c "import setuptools;file='/private/var/folders/++/++iEr0qoGaimgUBsnNcijk+++TI/-Tmp-/pip_build_7stud/couchbase/setup.py';exec(compile(open(file).read().replace('\r\n',
'\n'), file, 'exec'))" install --record
/var/folders/++/++iEr0qoGaimgUBsnNcijk+++TI/-Tmp-/pip-eflT9C-record/install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed failed with error code 1 in /private/var/folders/++/++iEr0qoGaimgUBsnNcijk+++TI/-Tmp-/pip_build_7stud/couchbase
Traceback (most recent call last): File
"/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/pip", line 9,
load_entry_point('pip==1.4.1', 'console_scripts', 'pip')() File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip-1.4.1-py2.7.egg/pip/init.py",
line 148, in main
return command.main(args[1:], options) File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip-1.4.1-py2.7.egg/pip/basecommand.py",
line 169, in main
text = '\n'.join(complete_log) UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 63: ordinal not in range(128)
Same thing here:
$ LC_ALL=C pip install couchbase --quiet
Command /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python
-c "import setuptools;file='/private/var/folders/++/++iEr0qoGaimgUBsnNcijk+++TI/-Tmp-/pip_build_7stud/couchbase/setup.py';exec(compile(open(file).read().replace('\r\n',
'\n'), file, 'exec'))" install --record
/var/folders/++/++iEr0qoGaimgUBsnNcijk+++TI/-Tmp-/pip-Oe6ydu-record/install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed failed with error code 1 in /private/var/folders/++/++iEr0qoGaimgUBsnNcijk+++TI/-Tmp-/pip_build_7stud/couchbase
Storing complete log in /Users/7stud/.pip/pip.log
/usr/include/ncurses$ pip install couchbase --quiet Command
-c "import setuptools;file='/private/var/folders/++/++iEr0qoGaimgUBsnNcijk+++TI/-Tmp-/pip_build_7stud/couchbase/setup.py';exec(compile(open(file).read().replace('\r\n',
'\n'), file, 'exec'))" install --record
/var/folders/++/++iEr0qoGaimgUBsnNcijk+++TI/-Tmp-/pip-GijsbQ-record/install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed failed with error code 1 in /private/var/folders/++/++iEr0qoGaimgUBsnNcijk+++TI/-Tmp-/pip_build_7stud/couchbase
Traceback (most recent call last): File
"/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/pip", line 9,
load_entry_point('pip==1.4.1', 'console_scripts', 'pip')() File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip-1.4.1-py2.7.egg/pip/init.py",
line 148, in main
return command.main(args[1:], options) File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip-1.4.1-py2.7.egg/pip/basecommand.py",
line 169, in main
text = '\n'.join(complete_log) UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 63: ordinal not in range(128)
I fixed the unicode error by patching the python source code:
#text = '\n'.join(complete_log)
#python 2.x patch found here: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/1137
text = '\n'.join(to_utf8(l) for l in complete_log)
But then I got this error:
$ pip install couchbase --quiet
Command /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python
-c "import setuptools;file='/private/var/folders/++/++iEr0qoGaimgUBsnNcijk+++TI/-Tmp-/pip_build_7stud/couchbase/setup.py';exec(compile(open(file).read().replace('\r\n',
'\n'), file, 'exec'))" install --record
/var/folders/++/++iEr0qoGaimgUBsnNcijk+++TI/-Tmp-/pip-AQtdf2-record/install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed failed with error code 1 in /private/var/folders/++/++iEr0qoGaimgUBsnNcijk+++TI/-Tmp-/pip_build_7stud/couchbase
Storing complete log in /Users/7stud/.pip/pip.log
(I just looked at the error log mentioned above: pip.log, and it says the error was a KeyboardInterrupt. Huh? So, I tried $ pip install couchbase --quiet again and it worked. Then, to test the install $ python -c 'import couchbase', and there were no errors! I don't know if the stuff I did below influenced anything.)
Next, I decided to try installing from source:
According to the README file:
~/Downloads/couchbase-1.2.4$ python setup.py build_ext --inplace
But that ended like this:
src/exceptions.c:136: error: too many arguments to function
‘pycbc_exc_map’ lipo: can't figure out the architecture type of:
/var/folders/++/++iEr0qoGaimgUBsnNcijk+++TI/-Tmp-//ccZekvJj.out error:
command 'gcc-4.2' failed with exit status 1
Next, I did this:
~/Downloads/couchbase-1.2.4$ python setup.py build_ext \
> --library-dir ~/.homebrew/Cellar/libcouchbase/2.4.5_1_gd7f6ecf/lib \
> --include-dir ~/.homebrew/Cellar/libcouchbase/2.4.5_1_gd7f6ecf/include
running build_ext building 'couchbase._libcouchbase' extension gcc-4.2
-fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -dynamic -isysroot
-L/Users/7stud/.homebrew/Cellar/libcouchbase/2.4.5_1_gd7f6ecf/lib -lcouchbase -o build/lib.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/couchbase/_libcouchbase.so
...which ended without error. But testing the install failed:
~/Downloads/couchbase-1.2.4$ python -c 'import couchbase'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "couchbase/__init__.py", line 18, in <module>
from couchbase.connection import Connection
File "couchbase/connection.py", line 22, in <module>
import couchbase._bootstrap
File "couchbase/_bootstrap.py", line 34, in <module>
import couchbase.exceptions as E
File "couchbase/exceptions.py", line 18, in <module>
import couchbase._libcouchbase as C
ImportError: No module named _libcouchbase
So, I thought what the heck, I'll go ahead and try this:
~/Downloads/couchbase-1.2.4$ python setup.py install
Installed /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/couchbase-1.2.4-py2.7-macosx-10.6-intel.egg
Processing dependencies for couchbase==1.2.4
Finished processing dependencies for couchbase==1.2.4
But, I got the same import error when testing the install, so I gave up.
After reading the answer to my question, I did:
$ brew install gcc
but I didn't try to fix couchbase until now. I don't think installing gcc with homebrew did anything because I still get:
~$ gcc --version
i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Apple Inc.
build 5666) (dot 3) Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There
is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
/usr/bin$ which gcc
/usr/bin$ ls -al /usr/bin/gcc
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 7 Aug 11 2012 /usr/bin/gcc -> gcc-4.2
...which is the Apple version of gcc. But, when I installed gcc with homebrew I got the output:
/Users/7stud/.homebrew/Cellar/gcc/4.9.2_1: 1155 files, 200M, built in
106.8 minutes
...which is gcc version 4.9.

custom compile an egg and install console scripts

I'm trying to get the following buildout working. The buildout is meant to be self contained so I don't want to install any system packages
recipe = zc.recipe.egg:scripts
eggs =
recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom
egg = s3ql
find-links =
include-dirs =
library-dirs =
rpath =
recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi
url = http://tukaani.org/xz/xz-5.0.5.tar.gz
recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom
egg = pysqlite
include-dirs = ${sqlite:location}/include
library-dirs = ${sqlite:location}/lib
rpath = ${sqlite:location}/lib
recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi
url = http://www.sqlite.org/2014/sqlite-autoconf-3080403.tar.gz
and I get the following
Updating liblzma.
Updating sqlite.
Updating s3ql-build.
Installing s3ql.
Getting distribution for 'pyliblzma>=0.5.3'.
/bin/sh: 1: pkg-config: not found
/bin/sh: 1: pkg-config: not found
In file included from src/liblzma.c:1:0:
src/liblzma.h:24:18: fatal error: lzma.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
error: Setup script exited with error:
command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
An error occurred when trying to install pyliblzma 0.5.3. Look above this message for any errors that were output by easy_install.
Installing s3ql.
Getting distribution for 'pyliblzma>=0.5.3'.
Error: Couldn't install: pyliblzma 0.5.3
It seems like it tries to compile it again.
You need to install liblzma-dev on your OS.
gottfried#dell-xt2:~/virtualenvs/liblzma$ sudo apt-get install liblzma-dev
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Suggested packages:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 22 not upgraded.
Need to get 159 kB of archives.
After this operation, 645 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy/main liblzma-dev amd64 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu1 [159 kB]
Fetched 159 kB in 1s (111 kB/s)
Selecting previously unselected package liblzma-dev:amd64.
(Reading database ... 272326 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking liblzma-dev:amd64 (from .../liblzma-dev_5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu1_amd64.deb) ...
Setting up liblzma-dev:amd64 (5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu1) ...
gottfried#dell-xt2:~/virtualenvs/liblzma$ bin/easy_install pyliblzma
Searching for pyliblzma
Reading https://pypi.python.org/simple/pyliblzma/
Best match: pyliblzma 0.5.3
Downloading https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/pyliblzma/pyliblzma-0.5.3.tar.bz2#md5=500f61116ee1ab4063b49c121786863a
Processing pyliblzma-0.5.3.tar.bz2
Writing /tmp/easy_install-kAg4nj/pyliblzma-0.5.3/setup.cfg
Running pyliblzma-0.5.3/setup.py -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /tmp/easy_install-kAg4nj/pyliblzma-0.5.3/egg-dist-tmp-TmcZm_
/bin/sh: 1: pkg-config: not found
/bin/sh: 1: pkg-config: not found
zip_safe flag not set; analyzing archive contents...
Adding pyliblzma 0.5.3 to easy-install.pth file
Installed /home/gottfried/virtualenvs/liblzma/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyliblzma-0.5.3-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg
Processing dependencies for pyliblzma
Finished processing dependencies for pyliblzma
ok, I figured it out. Yes using a combination of zc.recipe.egg:scripts and zc.recipe.egg:custom is the right approach. But it's confusing as zc.recipe.egg:custom doesn't build the dependencies so it appears like it wasn't picking up the built s3ql.
Here is the solution that built for me.
recipe = zc.recipe.egg:scripts
eggs =
recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom
egg = s3ql
find-links =
# need this patch to build on osx
# https://bitbucket.org/nikratio/s3ql/commits/39352e8e4cb48521dd9ff589e93fc2e4ae390f9d/raw/
include-dirs =
library-dirs =
rpath =
recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom
egg = pyliblzma
include-dirs = ${liblzma:location}/include
library-dirs = ${liblzma:location}/lib
rpath = ${liblzma:location}/lib
recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom
egg = llfuse
# NOTE: requires apt-get install libfuse-dev pkg-config libattr1-dev
# fuse has to go into the kernal so we can't compile it into the buildout
recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom
egg = apsw
find-links =
# includes, libraries etc is ignored by apsw setup.py
environment = apsw-env
CPPFLAGS= -I${sqlite:location}/include -I${liblzma:location}/lib
LDFLAGS= -L${sqlite:location}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${sqlite:location}/lib -L${liblzma:location}/include -Wl,-rpath=${liblzma:location}/lib
recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi
url = http://tukaani.org/xz/xz-5.0.5.tar.gz
recipe = zc.recipe.cmmi
url = http://www.sqlite.org/2014/sqlite-autoconf-3080403.tar.gz

rpmbuild install: cannot create directory

I'm creating an RPM file but when using install I get some permission errors.
This is my spec file:
%define buildroot %{_tmppath}/nagios-1-1-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
Summary: Nagios blabla
Name: nagios
Version: 1
Release: 1
Group: Applications/Accessories
Source: nagios-1.tar.gz
Packager: Nicholas Lievens <lievens.nicholas#gmail.com>
AutoReqProv: no
Requires: gcc gcc-c++ glibc glibc-common glibc-devel gd gd-devel php53 php53-cli php53-mysql php53-gd php53-pdo graphviz httpd libdbi-dbd-mysql libdbi-devel mysql mysql-server mysql-devel git
./configure --with-init-dir=/etc/init.d --with-nagios-user=nagios --with-nagios-group=nagios
make all
make install DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
make install-init DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
make install-config DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
make install-commandmode DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
make install-webconf DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
make install-devel DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
#htpasswd -b -c /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin nagiosadmin
%config(noreplace) %{_prefix}/etc/*.cfg
###%files www
%config(noreplace) /etc/httpd/conf.d/nagios.conf
Some things are commented out just for debugging reasons.Could anyone tell why I'm getting the output:
install: cannot create directory `/var/spool/nagios': Permission
denied error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.80635 (%install)
Are you trying to build this on RHEL 5? If so, you need to add this line somewhere in the header:
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
Otherwise $RPM_BUILD_ROOT will not be populated.