Forcing a DNS failure - testing

I need to test a change in our application's DNS retry behavior.
It previously switched into another mode to report the issue to the end user, but we've found a bug when the retry attempt worked, it would proceed to try loading the now-found far-end service in that "error reporting" mode.
To fix this, we have disabled the switch to the error reporting mode, and expect that on a successful retry we will load into the expected mode.
Thus, I need DNS (rndc/named) to fail once, and only once, and provide a successful result on the second attempt.
The only thing I can think is to run a large load test, and hope DNS fails like this at some point... But I am hoping someone on here might know of a better solution.
Maybe a way to block the connection attempt once ? The DNS server is part of the application, though, so it would be blocking the connection to localhost.

for sure you can use docker/vm/dedicated os, change its dns settings and use it as a dns resolver. it will be probably a lot of work to script it but it seems possible. but before it i would look for some dns mock service/server


How to make Roundcube work with Postfix + Courier (not dovecot)

I have a mail server working ok with Postfix+Courirer+MySql (virtual users), and SquirrelMail, I could never configure SqMail properly for message characters sets, so I would like to give a try to Roundcube, I have installed it, I did some configs, but at login screen I always get:
IMAP Error in /usr/share/roundcube/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_imap.php (196): Login failed for user#domain.tls from AA.BBB.CC.DDD. Could not connect to ssl://domail.tls:993: Conection refused
I've been searching around and testing changes on config but no success, can anybody advice me on how to proceed to achieve the functioning of Roundcube.
My current system still works...
What info is suitable for you to have an idea of what could be wrong?

Changing bro logging Defaults

I want to enable logging of MAC adresses as well as hostnames using Bro. I have been using Bro for a while, but I am still a bit new to it.
Version: Bro 2.5.1
From researching this a bit, I found that I can log this by enabling policy/protocols/dhcp/known-devices-and-hostnames.bro but for this, I also need to enable policy/misc/known-devices.log.
This will then log to a devices.log.
Now the problem I am experiencing is that from those files, is that this will only be logged once a day (by default).
I need this to be logged more frequently (as soon as there is the specific connection, I want that connections mac address and hostname to be logged. Is this possible?
If possible, do I need to change the defaults and where?
Or did I possibly miss something?
Try a redef of Log::default_rotation_interval (docs here) to something that suits your need. If you're running a cluster, consider the LogRotationInterval in BroControl.

Rails server log not outputting immediately

We use Foreman to start all of our web processes in development.
A while back, I tried to get the ruby-debugger gem working with this setup, but I couldn't, so I abandoned my effort. Along the way, I must have changed some setting or another, and now when I try to look at the server log in real time when I make a request to my local environment, nothing gets printed out. I have to kill foreman in order to see any output from the request.
This is really slowing down my development, as I have to make a request, kill foreman to get information about what went wrong, then start up and try again.
Any ideas how to get my server log to spit out everything as I'm making requests?
I had the same problem. It's solved here:
It's as simple as adding a line
$stdout.sync = true
To your config/environments/development.rb file, then restarting foreman.
Worked for me and makes my life much easier.

Silverlight wcf connection error

I'm about a month away developing my silverlight application (this is my first). Everything went rather smoothly until today, when out of the blue I started getting this message:
An error occurred while trying to make a request to URI 'http://localhost:2682/Services/Authentication/LoginService.svc'. This could be due to attempting to access a service in a cross-domain way without a proper cross-domain policy in place, or a policy that is unsuitable for SOAP services. You may need to contact the owner of the service to publish a cross-domain policy file and to ensure it allows SOAP-related HTTP headers to be sent. This error may also be caused by using internal types in the web service proxy without using the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute. Please see the inner exception for more details.
I'm using WCF Services and this issue never appeared until now.
I've added a clientdomain.xml and clientaccesspolicy.xml file to my [projectname].web folder, and re-wrote them about a 1000 different ways.
I've also used Fiddler and it shows me that the error is on both those files, the error is
[Fiddler] The socket connection to localhost failed. ErrorCode: 10061. No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
I've searched the error "10061" and it has to do with socket definition. But I couldn't find any solution to that.
Don't know if it has anything to do with it, but my " Development Server" port is 6939.
Keep in mind that the app has NOT been deployed, so this is only happening locally. I'm using MS VS 2010 and MS SQL Server 2008.
Am I doing anything wrong or is this a silverlight issue??
On a last note, I haven't changed anything on Port, socket or service configuration. Last thing I was doing was editing a XAML file on client side and and the app started throwing me this error.
Need help, can't do anything until this is solved!!!!
i think you are using you app on localhost and a dynamic port is getting assigned and this port is not fixed and every run and that causes the refuse problem. if you want to fix this, create a solid url for example,
Well, last night, just before I went to bed, I noticed something odd. In my "ServiceReferences.ClientConfig" file, the endpoint ports for each one of my services where diferent from the ones the silverlight machine used, so going on a hunch (and because I was reaching my sanity breakpoint) I decided to eliminate all my Service References and re-add them again.
I worked... go figure. Still don't know why this happened and if anyone could shed some light on the subject, I would appreciate it. It's kinda of annoying having to re-add all my services references. Right now I have only 6 of them, but in the near future they may go over 20, and if this happens again... well, it's going to be a real pain...

Tomcat showing this error "This is very likely to create a memory leak". How to resolve this issue?

I have created a web application in Apache Cocoon.This website is running properly but after every 3-4 days, it stops responding. It doesn't run until and unless, we restart the tomcat service. In the catalina.2011-05-09.log file, it shows following error:-
"May 9, 2011 3:17:34 AM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader clearReferencesThreads
SEVERE: The web application [/webresources] is still processing a request that has yet to finish. This is very likely to create a memory leak. You can control the time allowed for requests to finish by using the unloadDelay attribute of the standard Context implementation."
I am not been able to understand the cause of this problem. Can someone suggest me how to resolve this issue?
You are using a library that is starting one or more threads and is not properly shutting them down or releasing other resources captured by the thread. This often happens with things like Apache HTTP components (I get this error with Http Components) and anything that uses separate threads internally. What libraries are you using in your Cocoon application?
It is telling you the issue:
[...] is still processing a request that has yet to finish
You need to find out what that request is/is going to. One easy way is to have something like PsiProbe installed.
Also, it's not a bad idea to restart Tomcat every night. It can help alleviate these kinds of issues until you find the root cause.