wildfly or jboss 7.1 standalone.xml dtd - jboss7.x

I understand that this question is not very specific to programming but I am trying to find the description of each tag in standalone.xml in wildfly or jboss 7.1 so that I can learn about each tag and it will be helpful for configuration.
Where can I find a document that describes tags used in standalone.xml? jBoss or Wildfly administration guide does not give all the information.

James R. Perkins's right.
Under $JBOSS_HOME/docs/schema there are several schemas, which describe the tags of standalone.xml.
The table on https://developer.jboss.org/wiki/JBossDTDs denotes which 'DTD or Schema' applies to what xml.
For example, if You are curious about the 'logging' subsystem of standalone.xml, than look at $JBOSS_HOME/docs/schema/jboss-as-logging_1_1.xsd file.

If you look in the $JBOSS_HOME/docs/schema there are several schemas that make up the standalone.xml file.

you should start from $JBOSS_HOME/docs/schema/wildfly-config_5_0.xsd , there is the definition of the main types "domain", "host" and "server". Good luck!


Difference between backends and databases in Openldap

I started learning Openldap 2.4, but I faced some concepts that I couldn’t understand well based on official administration guide. So I’m addressing those questions to the community in hope to find some good explanations.
The first question is what the difference between backbends and databases in Openldap? Also in documentation I found something very confusing, for example in the backbends section, I tried to create an ldap backend with those instructions.
database ldap
suffix "dc=suretecsystems,dc=com"
rootdn "cn=slapd-ldap"
uri ldap://localhost/ ldap://remotehost ldap://remotehost2
After altering my configuration directory, I found olcDatabase={1}ldap.ldif file created in cn=config folder, and no back-ldap module has been created.
Another question, is about multiple databases definition in Openldap server, if I created two databases (for example an hdb and mdb database). How a query from Ldap client is handled by the server? The data are fetched from the both databases defined with an specific order, or there is a way to chooses which database we want to interact with?
And finally, why in official administration guide we still find slapd.conf configuration style while it is deprecated? Is there any updated guide?

Apache Brooklyn and LDAP against Microsoft Active Directory

I am trying to configure Apache Brooklyn to use the LDAPSecurityProvider against a Windows Active Directory.
I am testing the connection with Apache Directory Studio and it works with the provided credentials.
Screenshot of Apache Directory Studio and the LDAP tree
But when I Configure Apache Brooklyn to use LDAP against the AD it does not work and creates no error logs.
My brooklyn property file is here:
The LDAP support is documented at http://brooklyn.apache.org/v/latest/ops/brooklyn_properties.html#ldap - your example configuration looks good (very similar to that).
However, the docs say it will then construct something like:
LDAP://cn=John Smith,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com
(With the "ou" value being configurable).
Looking at your screenshot, it seems you'd need something like that below (though it isn't expanded to see a full user example):
LDAP://cn=John Smith,cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com
Unfortunately that isn't currently supported in Brooklyn.
The workaround would be store your users under "ou" intead.
The LDAP integration code is pretty simple (and low on logging):
It would be reasonably easy to update the Java to support your use-case.
Do you want to either have a go at creating a pull request for that (https://github.com/apache/incubator-brooklyn/), or opening a jira issue at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BROOKLYN to describe the requirements and someone can take a look?
I had the same problem and solved it by creating my own LdapSecurityProvider for ActiveDirectory. Create a new Class which extends the org.apache.brooklyn.rest.security.provider.LdapSecurityProvider and override the getUserDN Method.
Brooklyn uses the com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory so you can find a detailed documentation under http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/jndi/jndi-ldap.html

Implementing a JAAS page to a WAR file on JBOSS AS 7.1.1

I'm very new to web applications. I've been told that JBOSS 7.1.1 has an in-built JAAS system which can be enabled on my JBOSS configuration quite simply. However I'm having trouble trying to get this running, namely most internet searching I went through has just ended up with older versions of JBoss.
Does anyone have a step-by-step guide on how to implement a simple JAAS authentication screen on my WAR file in JBoss 7.1.1? Prefarbly using its h2 database. Thanks :)
Also - my machine has trouble with Eclipse, so I can't use any of Eclipse EE's nifty server running mechanisms.
Finally got it. For those of you in the future:
You need your own standard login/logout pages in jsp/html/whatever. You put that in your web.xml constraints. Then you add an xml file called "Jboss-web" and type in your security domain (the default AS 7 is called 'other'). Then lastly add users and roles using adduser.bat in config folder.

Where can I find the arquillian xml configuration documentation?

I've tried to learn the JBoss Arquillian, by following the formal document and got confused about the configuration, the arquillian.xml. Since it is mentioned once here.
Even I also found that there is a specific configuration describes at the container adapters section. It does not cover all elements/properties, e.g. engine and its property list, defaultProtocol, extension and group.
I'm worried and wondered, if there is any further or full explanation for this configuration file or not. Could you please help to shed some light on this configuration?
There's no single page in the Arquillian Reference Guide that contains your answer. This is partly because of the modular and extensible nature of Arquillian - extension can have their own configuration elements and properties.
To start with, the properties for containers are in the Container Adapters Section. Every adapter has it's own page where the container configuration is detailed. For instance, JBoss AS 7 has it's own page for it's container configuration (see the Configuration section on the page), and so do other containers.
Usually, you wouldn't need to configure the protocol yourself, for the values are usually managed by Arquillian, and usually do not require any overrides to be provided via arquillian.xml. But if you need them, they're in the Protocols section and in the child pages.
A group is merely a collection of containers, to used in cases where the container does not support clustering by default. You merely need to list multiple container configurations in a group element, as shown here.
Extension configuration is typically found in the Extensions child-pages.
The defaultProtocol element does not have any page of it's own. It is used to override the protocol specified by a container adapter, for all tests. There are only a few cases where you would need to use this element, most notably when you need to use the Servlet protocol instead of the JMX protocol for JBoss AS 7 (because the Servlet protocol of Arquillian is a more widely used and tested protocol than the JMX one).
A typical use of defaultProtocol would look like:
<defaultProtocol type="Servlet 3.0" />
where the type is the name of the protocol - "Servlet 2.5" and "Servlet 3.0" are valid values. You may also need to add the protocol dependency to your classpath when you change the default protocol of the container.

Adding custom object to JNDI on Weblogic 10

Is it possible to add a custom object (String or URL) to JNDI using Weblogic Server Administration Console (Weblogic 10.0) or by editing server's configuration file (config.xml)?
I don't think so. Quoting Load objects in the JNDI tree:
Using the Administration Console, you can load WebLogic Server J2EE services and components, such as RMI, JMS, EJBs, and JDBC Data Sources, in the JNDI tree.
And indeed, I couldn't find a way to add a String or URL using the console.
AFAIK, the standard way is to put an env-entry in your deployment descriptor (web.xml, ejb-jar.xml):
I have reached this with exactly the same problem. In Websphere, for example, I can add arbitrary parameters such as temporary directories, passwords, and other information to JNDI without having to recompile/rebuild the EAR.
I've searched for a while and seems Weblogic lacks this feature. What I did was write a helper class that first searches JNDI for a given configuration key, and if it doesn't find it then falls back to searching environment or system variables.
Perhaps this could be enhanced to also search for those properties prefixed by the application's name or context root, discovered at runtime, to avoid name clashes when multiple instances of the same EAR are deployed.
You can but you will lose high availability if using cluster. See:http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11035_01/wls100/jndi/jndi.html#wp475702