How can I force spring-saml-extension to re-authenticate everytime? - adfs2.0

I recently ran successfully the spring-saml-sample working with ADFS 2.0.
However I noticed that ADFS only ask me once my user/pass, and then I can enter as many times I want but always with the same user (even when I did a global logout).
Is seems there is a cookie or something stored locally that is sent to ADFS.
What if I want to authenticate with a different user on the same machine? How can I configure saml-extension in order to force authentication again?

SAML contains a mechanism for forcing IDP to re-authenticate user called forced authentication. You can enable it by setting flag forceAuthn in WebSSOProfileOptions to true. You can find more details on setting this in the Spring SAML manual, chapter 9.2.1.

In addition to Vladimir's answer, if you are able to continue login even after global logout has been done, you should check that as well. After global logout all SP and IDP sessions should be deleted and so ideally you should not be able to use the site.


IdentityServer4 - Login via ADFS without logon prompt appearing

With the use of IdentityServer4 and the OIDC protocol, I've managed to get my SPA and my .net core web api authenticating against a sql server user store, as well as ADFS which is great. However, when the user first clicks the 'Continue with ADFS' button, the login prompt is shown asking the user for their credentials. My understanding was that with the use of openId connect and IdentityServer, we could add external identity providers such as ADFS to our IdentityServer application and if ADFS is chosen for login with the user already logged in to ADFS via their local machine, then the authentication would happen seamlessly without the need to input windows user credentials again. There are other steps in order to achieve this of course, like linking the ADFS UserId with our SQL Database User Id table, but overall my understanding was that this would be entirely possible.
After a user logs out from an ADFS login, the next time the user chooses to log back in with ADFS, the 'Challenge' method that is run within my IdentityServer application to initiate the redirect to ADFS often recognises that the user has already logged in recently and therefore just logs them right in without the need for their credentials again.
My question is - is it actually possible to avoid the initial login prompt altogether? Or will the browser insist that credentials are provided if the user hasn't logged into the application for a while?
It certainly is possible but it may involve specific browser config in ADFS and also may require your IDP to be in the intranet zone in Windows Internet settings.
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Does Keycloak support some form of middleman authentication?

I'm using keycloak to let my users authenticate with my application. And i am trying to migrate some functionality to a few plugins, e.g. a wordpress plugin. For these plugins i want to use a generic solution so I found the following authentication process from Microsoft ( and Adobe (
I managed to hack my way around the process to get this working with keycloak. But at this moment I'm a bit concerned about the security risk that go with this process.
The process in steps
the (plugin) client asks to backend server to generate a code to identify the user.
the (plugin) client start polling the backend for an authentication code (no response yet, since the user is not logged in yet).
the plugin opens a browser window or tab with the keycloak loginpage. Everything is the same as the normal process, but this time we add an redirect uri with the code generated in step one, which identifies the user.
once the user is logged in the user gets redirected in the browser to an endpoint where the code from step one is linked to the access token retrieved in this step.
the polling from step 2 now returns the access token to the (plugin) client.
The reason I need to poll for the access token is because I want to make a generic login process for all client.
In short, I want to know what the security risks are, given the steps above. Also I can not seem to find any information of keycloak that they want to implement such feature. Does anyone know if they want to implement this, since many other plugins do offer tis feature to authenticate outside the plugin with a popup window and retrieving the accesstoken by "polling" the server.
Thanks for the help.

MVC authorize not authenticate using AD

I have scoured this and many other sites to find an answer but have come up short every single time. If this is a duplicate, I am very happy to accept direction to the original question with an answer:
I have built an MVC 4 site and I am using the Authorize tag where needed and this is working as expected.
My issue is that I require a mechanism by which to prompt the user (already logged in or some other valid user in the domain) to enter their windows credentials on one page in order to confirm/authorize that user. This is not what the authorize filter is doing. The authorize filter is actually authenticating the user. Thus changing the User.Identity information accordingly.
Is it possible to just authorize a user (not authenticate) without actually changing the User object?
Just returning the 401 response forces the windows prompt but that, in turn, does an authentication, not an authorize.
While a solution could be achieved with a custom action that accepts username/password input, my requirement specifically calls for the native browser windows prompt to be displayed.
The site is using IIS Express and is set up for windows authentication and every aspect of this does what I need. Except for the issue of "true" authorization mentioned above. The browser has to be IE9. Currently running on Windows 10.
No. You're currently using Windows Authentication, and this is how it works. There is no need to login because the user is already logged into Windows, that's the point.
To do what you want, you would need to use an individual auth library like Identity. Which will give you the login capability. However, that doesn't work with AD out of the box, but you can add that in yourself. In otherwords, instead of using the Identity functionality to look a user up by username and password to authenticate, you'd connect to AD over LDAP, and verify the credentials there. You'd also need to use the LDAP connection to add the user's groups in AD to the their roles in Identity. Then, you can utilize the Authorize attribute as normal.
Long and short, if you want to actually allow the user to login as any AD user, then you're pretty much on your own. There's no builtin functionality for that. It's relatively straight-forward, if not entirely easy, to set something up yourself for that that, but again, that's on you.

How to add ADFS layer to existing Owin/OAuth authentication layer

Currently, our system implements Owin and OAuth to authenticate and log in with the access token.
However, on top of that, I now need to add a first check with an existing ADFS authentication server. The current steps are
Use OAuth to verify and log in, returning the ticket.
Now, I need to incorporate ADFS so that the steps are...
Connect to ADFS server and authenticate.
If pass, grab details from own server and proceed authenticated with token.
If fail because some users won't exist in ADFS, check for user from own server and if found and authenticated, proceed as before.
I am trying two separate possibilities:
In Startup.Auth.cs, I added WsFederationAuthenticationOptions for ADFS using the metadataaddress. I am stuck on how to actually use Wreply and Wtrealm and then how to then proceed to check our own OAuth authentication.
Thinking maybe I don't need to do it there, I am modifying the class Application OAuthProvider and in "GrantResourceOwnerCredentials" I am trying to just manually connect to ADFS in there, send the verification details there, grab a response, and proceed based off of the response.
Am I proceeding about this the wrong way? Are the two attempts I'm trying on the right track, and if so, how do I connect that way and return to complete the necessary steps?
Take a look at IdentityServer - in particular version 3 and documentation.
You'll see how it handles multi-auth.
You authenticate with ADFS and get a set of claims back. If the user is not in AD, you will stay on the ADFS login screen with error.

Assessing login state for each request when authenticated using OpenID, OAuth and/or OAuth 2.0

I'm in the process of building an expanded login/signup area for my website which includes OpenID, OAuth (Twitter) and OAuth 2.0 (Facebook) sign in options.
Once a user has authenticated successfully and I've stored their access tokens in my database and written a cookie linking the user to their login state, what best practice should I be using to determine that the user's access token is still valid? It seems that having to call the authentication provider for every single request to my site would slow things down for the user and I can't imagine that is what other sites are doing.
My guess is that I should store a cookie which is valid only for the current browser session and thus that cookie will expire when the user closes the browser, forcing a new access token to be generated on the next request (and a new cookie to match). I would also expire the cookie early if the user explicitly logs out.
The only question I have of course is if, for example, the user has my site open in a tab, then they open their authentication provider in another tab and sign out of that site, but continue to browse my site, they won't be logged out of my site, even though technically they're supposed to be able to log out using the third party provider.
Is this one of those "it doesn't really matter" scenarios, or am I approaching the whole thing the wrong way?
Definitely the service providers do not want you pinging their service for every request that comes into your service. Even Google balks at the thought of that. You could set up some kind of a timeout to check every 5 minutes, but I think your idea of a session cookie is the ideal one. But yes, it depends on what you're trying to achieve.
If you are just using these services to log the user in and that's it, then throw away the access token you have as soon as you verify the user is logged in and set your own session or persistent cookie. You don't need their access token any more.
If you do want to access the user's data on these services, then of course keep the access token around. But you still probably should maintain your own concept of whether the user is logged in. If I recall correctly these access tokens are typically long-lived (in OAuth 1.0a anyway) and they won't help you when the user returns to determine whether the user is who they say they are unless either you have your own cookie or you send them through the login service again.
If you are just using OAuth / OpenId for login purposes, I don't think you should worry about any of it.
What you should worry about is if your users are who they say they are as their (OAuth/OpenId provider) users.
If your website intends to interact with Twitter and Facebook, that's a different matter, but still it pretty much solves itself. When you try to interact with FB, while your user has logged out of there, FB will prompt your user to login again.
Bottom line, I think it's really a non-issue.