How can I edit cboxTitle in Colorbox - colorbox

I have descriptions in the title area of the colorbox image display, with the left and right arrows at the bottom of the picture like a caption. I forgot how on earth I edited it since it was a while ago and am going nuts trying to figure it out. Can someone point me in the right direction? Basically I have a description from the database which shows up, like "Title, Width, Height, Medium Description" and I just want to change the order a little.

I finally figured it out, it's not in the jQuery colorbox which really should remain unaltered. Looks like I had a div in my php file and my changes were working except I neglected to change the echoed text description. So I had
<div class='single_image_div'>
<a class='gallery' href='../".$row['folder']."/".$row['location']."' title=
'".$row['title'].", ".$row['sizeW']."W by ".$row['sizeH']."H, ".$row['description']." ' border='none'>
<img src='../".$row['folder']."/".$row['location']." 'border='0' > </a><br>
Whereas I changed the order to: $row['sizeH']."H by ".$row['sizeW'] (Height first and then Width)
I changed the sizeH with sizeW but neglected to change the 'H' with the 'W' so the numbers were coming in correctly like 12ft W by 10ft H but I didn't realize they were correct and just had to swap so the H (Height. So now it reads properly as 12ft H by 10ft W, same numbers but now correctly marked.
A tempest in a teapot


Why does QPushButton not respect absolute pixel size?

I'm working on an application that's running on an embedded device with a touch LCD screen. For development setup, I have setup a Xephyr window with the matchbox WM at the same resolution (1280x800).
I have deloped a customer dropdown menu that will expand down wards and show select buttons, on my dev system this looks 9as designed) something like this:
Where on the end device, the button fills the whole window as can be seen here:
The functionality seems there but even though fix pixel sizes are used for the button size, it seems to take up the space of the whole window. They "drop-down" buttons are created from a list like:
btn_size = QtCore.QSize(206,57)
for n in btnlist:
_name = str(n)
self.drpbtns[i].clicked.connect(lambda checked, v=_name: func(v))
self.drpbtns[i].setStyleSheet('background-color: rgb(255,255,255); \
border: 1px solid rgb(216,216,216); \
color: rgb(92,92,92); \
font: bold 22pt "Avenir"')
i = i+1
Why would the buttons not respect the QSize() as assigned?
I have started a new thread in the Qt Forum at and will make sure that replies are cross populated between the two threads!
And turns out, I have found the solution to my problem here:
I changed my QPushButton line to include the parent which resolved the issue: self.drpbtns.append(QtGui.QPushButton(_name,self.parent))

How to display the content added using vue editor in the form of html?

I have added data using vue-editor and when I try to display it is displaying as
<p class="ql-align-justify">A total of 51 plant species were recorded in the sampled area (0.16 ha). The average GBH and height recorded were 75.41 cm and 15.59 metres respectively. Average tree density was 330 trees per ha. <em>Tectona grandis, Shorea robusta, Cassia fistula, Ehretia laevis, Mallatus phillipensis </em>and <em>Trewia nudiflora </em>were the dominant tree species in the corridor. The ground cover was dominated by shrubs (64.87 %), herbs (29.93%) and grasses (3.2%). The remaining area was barren ground.</p><p class="ql-align-justify"><br></p><p><br></p>
The html tags are not working. So how can I able to format this in the form of html. Please help me to have a solution.
I am getting the data as json format. Is "" causes the problem? Please help me to have a solution
Use v-html directive to output real html from html string; Say if content is the content added from vue-editor:
<span v-html="content"></span>

Can <condPageBreak height='?cm'> change dynamically?

I have a <blockTable> that change size depending an user input.
I want to continue drawing on next page if there is no sufficient space to draw the blocktable on the same page.
<condPageBreak height='1in'/>
<blocklTable ...>
How can I change blockTable height to jump to the next page if there is not enough space on the current page?
I'm not sure about dynamically change or break page. But I use below method. May be it will useful to you.
Try with this RML reports.
The <condPageBreak/> tag is a "CONDitional Page Break". To use it, you give it a height in any units that RML can handle.
It then compares this height with the remaining available space on a page. If the space is sufficient, then the next elements are placed on the current page, but if there is less space than the height you have given it anything following the <condPageBreak/> is continued on the next page
<condPageBreak/> has only one attribute - the mandatory one of
For Example:
<condPageBreak height="1in"/>
<condPageBreak height="72"/>
For more details: RML User Guide
Use above examples before the start of <blockTable> tag
For Example:
<condPageBreak height="1in"/>
<blockTable style="Table4">

Interactive Report Title defaults to 'Applicaiton'

I have an Interactive Report that displays Images in one column. The images are displayed directly from Images I loaded into shared components.
The report query:
Tbl_I.Type || Tbl_I.Name as Minifigure,
Tbl_I.Quote as QUOTE,
'AddToCart.png' as ADD_TO_CART
from "Tbl_090_ImagePackages" "Tbl_P"
left outer join "Tbl_091_Images" "Tbl_I"
on Tbl_P.ID = Tbl_I.Image Package
where Tbl_P.ID = :P201_GROUP
The column in question is 'ADD_TO_CART'.
The Column attributes are as follows:
Display Type: Display as Text(escape special characters)
Link Text:
<img src=#APP_IMAGES##ADD_TO_CART# alt=Application Express height=30 width=30
Link Attributes:
ID=#ID# class="AddToCart"
Target: Page in this Application (Current Page)
The Title is defaulting to 'Application' and I can't get rid of it or change it. I have tried changing the Link Attributes to: title="Testing" ID=#ID# class="AddToCart" Unfortunately this has not worked. Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you
Seems like your link text is malformed? Put your attributes between quotes, single or double. When you view your page source with eg Firefox, you'll notice strings highlighted in red: these are invalid html. The browser is forgiving up to a certain point, but if you confuse it enough things like this may start happening.
<img src="#APP_IMAGES##ADD_TO_CART#" alt="Application Express" height=30 width=30 />

jEdit: using SuperAbbrevs within SuperAbbrevs

I just discovered the very useful SuperAbbrevs plugin for jEdit. I've programmed a few abbreviations and it works great. But I like to do the following.
p = <p>${1:}</p>
img = <img src="${1:}" alt="${2:}" />
So when I type:
p it will give me an empty <p></p> and place the cursor in the middle. I then type img in the middle of the p tag and hit TAB to active the next SuperAbbrev (triggering the img tag). However, instead of also converting this into my full text, it will just just to the end of the abbreviation and I end up with:
When I manually go back and hit TAB after the img text it WILL work, but I need to leave the p tag first and that defeats the purpose of the abbreviations. Anybody any idea?
Found the solution! Set this in the template:
That way, the cursor jumps to the center and the abbreviation ends, allowing other abbreviations to be entered right away.