initWithWindow: in window controller not get called - objective-c

I'm new to Cocoa programming.
In Xcode 6.1 I created an OS X app using storyboard. There's a Window Controller in the Outline out of the box. I changed its class in the "Identity Inspector" to a customized subclass of NSWindowController, which is named WindowController.
I wrote the following code in the #implementation of WindowController:
- (instancetype)initWithWindow:(NSWindow *) window {
window.titleVisibility = NSWindowTitleHidden;
return [super initWithWindow:window];
But the Output panel shows nothing.
if I override the windowDidLoad method in the class,
- (void)windowDidLoad {
[super windowDidLoad];
self.window.titleVisibility = NSWindowTitleHidden;
The message shows up.
The doc of NSWindowController says that -initWithWindow: is the Designated Initiailzer of the class. How can it be skipped?
In the How Window Controllers Work section of Window Programming Guide, it says:
For simple documents—that is, documents with only one nib file containing a window—you need do little directly with NSWindowController objects. AppKit creates one for you. However, if the default window controller is not sufficient, you can create a custom subclass of NSWindowController.
That's exactly what I am doing. But I don't know what I'm missing here.

As far as I know you should first call super with initWithWindow and then set the title. Otherwise the call to super initializes the window without the previous settings.
When you override the windowDidLoad method, you set the title visibility after initialization and everything is okay.


Is it possible to have a custom NSWindowController on launch?

In this answer is said it is possible to have a custom NSWindowController by removing the window from MainMenu.xib and instantiating the window controller 'manually' from applicationDidFinishLaunching:. But it also says:
To stop the default window from showing I just delete it. There's probably a better way but I don't know that.
Is there a better way? What is that better way, should it exist? Is it considered 'normal' practice to get your own window controller?
To do this, you would usually subclass NSWindowController and change the File's Owner class to your WindowController subclass in the nib.
If you aren't doing a document-based app, and just want an NSWindowController of your own to do on-demand loading of Nibs (completely reasonable), then you'd delete the window from your nib and instantiate an NSWindowController subclass programmatically, using it explicitly to do your window loading...
#implementation MyApplicationDelegate {
MyWindowControllerSubclass *windowController;
-(void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)notification {
windowController = [[MyWindowControllerSubclass alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"MyWindowNib"];
[windowController showWindow:nil];
[windowController.window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
I was running into the same issue and I want to show you my own solution.
Create a normal Cocoa Application (not Document Based)
Go to MainMenu.xib an delete the Window
Go ahead and create a new file, User Interface -> Window
After that create a subclass of NSWindowController
Open the just created xib file and set the Custom Class in the Identity inspector to the just created subclass of NSWindowController
Right click on File's Owner and connect the window property to the actual window
Now go to the AppDelegate an create an instance variable that holds you CustomWindowController
Last thing you have to do is instantiate your CustomWindowController self.customWindowController = [[AccountWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"CustomWindow"]; and show the Window [self.customWindowController showWindow:nil] in - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
Here is an example project
I actually found another way: NSWindowController has the method -initWithWindow:. Because the App Delegate has a property window which is linked to the window from MainMenu.xib on startup, it was easy to link it to my WindowController:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
MyWindowController *wincon = [[MyWindowController alloc] initWithWindow:window];
I have yet to research this, but I don't get any errors.

how to fire mapView:didSelectAnnotationView

I'm new to iPhone development. I've been reading several questions on how to make a google maps annotation callout window accept line breaks. Every tutorial I've read requires me to fire the mapView:didSelectAnnotationView method. But I have no idea how to trigger this. things I've tried include
putting the method in my MapViewController.m file which extends UIViewController
putting the method in a MapView.m file which extends MKMapView, then have my Mapview element in my storyboard reference it as the class to use
There's so much about xcode, objective c, and iphone development that I don't understand, so i can't tell where my problem lies.
At the moment, my map does plot my desired marker on the desired location. I just need to understand how to fire the mapView:didSelectAnnotationView and mapView:viewForAnnotation functions before I can start customizing the call out box.
Does anyone have step by step instructions on how to trigger these functions?
A bit of background
A few things to note:
You don't call mapView:didSelectAnnotationView. The MKMapView calls that function on it's delegate. In other words, when you set up an MKMapView, you tell it: "hey, listen, anytimme you need to tell me what's happening on the map, go tell this guy, he'll handle them for you". That "guy" is the delegate object, and it needs to implement mapView:didSelectAnnotationView (that's also why its name "did select", ie, it already happened, as opposed to "select"). For a simple case, the delegate is often the UIViewController that owns the MKMapView, which is what I'll describe below.
That method will then get triggered when the user taps on one of your annotations. So that's a great spot to start customizing what should happen when they tap on an annotation view (updating a selection, for instance).
It's not, however, what you want if you want to customize what annotation to show, which is what it sounds like you're actually after. For that, there's a different method just a few paragraphs earlier on the same man page: mapView:viewForAnnotation. So substitute this method if you find that mapView:didSelectAnnotationView isn't what you were looking for.
What you can do
If you got as far as a map with a marker, I'm guessing you have at least:
* a view controller (extendeding from UIViewController, and
* an MKMapView that you've added to the view for that view controller, say named mapView
The method you want to fire is defined as part of the MKMapViewDelegate protocol.
The easiest way to get this wired is to:
make your UIViewController the delegate for you MKMapView
in code, say in your viewDidLoad, of your MapViewController.m you could do mapview.delegate = self, OR
in Interface Builder, you could drag the connection from the the MKMapView delegate property to the file's owner
then, define a method on your UIViewController called mapView:didSelectAnnotationView, declaring it just like the protocol does, in your MapViewController.m file:
- (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView didSelectAnnotationView:(MKAnnotationView *)view {
// whatever you need to do to your annotation and/or map
Good luck!
mapView:didSelectAnnotationView is a delegate method of the map view, you can read about it here:
MKMapViewDelegate Protocol Reference
You don't need to call it, the map view will call it "by it self" and send it to every view/view controller that registered as it's delegate.
What do you need to do
Basically you need to add the MKMapViewDelegate on your .h file, what will look something like this:
#interface someViewController : UIViewController <MKMapViewDelegate>
Then in the .m file, after you instantiate the map view you should add:
mapView.delegate = self;//were self refers to your controller
From this point and on your controller will be able to "receive messages" from the map view which are the methods that you can see on the MKMapViewDelegate reference I linked to.
So to implement the mapView:didSelectAnnotationView you need to add in your .m file
- (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView didSelectAnnotationView:(MKAnnotationView *)view{
//if you did all the steps this methosd will be called when a user taps the annotation on the map.
What is happening
What happens in the background is:
The map view has a method (Apple codded) that handles the AnnotationView touch events.
When a touch event take place it sends a "message" to all of it's delegates saying "Hey a user did Select Annotation View on this map, Do with it what ever you need".
usually it looks like that:
[self.delegate mapView:someMapView didSelectAnnotationView:someAnnotationView];
Then every view/controller that assigned itself as a delegate and implemented the method will cal this method.
Good luck
Place *place = [[Place alloc] init];
PlaceMark *placeMark = [[PlaceMark alloc] initWithPlace:place];
[self.mapView selectAnnotation:placeMark animated:YES];

How do I modify the automatically generated About window in my Cocoa app?

A menu item for "About MyApp" was automatically created for me and it displays an about window. How do I edit this window? I'd like to add some extra stuff there but I can't find the xib anywhere.
Modify the contents of Credits.rtf file located inside the 'supporting files' group of your project.
A menu item for "About MyApp" was automatically created for me and it
displays an about window.
This is standard with Xcode templates for Cocoa apps. Keep reading to see how it is wired.
How do I edit this window? I'd like to add some extra stuff there but
I can't find the xib anywhere.
There is no xib: This window is created at runtime by the application object ([NSApplication sharedApplication]), when it receives the message orderFrontStandardAboutPanelWithOptions:, which that menu item sends when selected (as you an verify in the Connections Inspector in Interface Builder).
By default (as others have mentioned), it loads the contents to display from a file named "Credits.rtf" if such file exists within your app bundle's resources; otherwise it grabs basic info from your app's Info.plist entries:
App name
Bundle version
Copyright notice
What you can do is override this behaviour as follows:
Create a custom "About" window in Interface builder, with all the subviews and labels you want. Name the file "AboutWindow.xib".
Create a custom NSWindowController subclass, initialized with your custom window's nib name and set as the nib's owner:
- (instancetype) init {
if(self = [super initWithWindowNibName:#"AboutWindow" owner:self]){
// (other initialization...)
return self;
Connect your About window's subviews to outlets in the window controller class.
Also, specify the class for File Owner as your custom NSWindowController subclass and connect the window's "New Referencing Outlet" to File Owner's window property.
Go to MainMenu.xib in Interface Builder. Remove the action that is wired to the menu item "About ...", and re-wire a new one to the about: method of the placeholder object "First Responder".
In your app delegate, add an instance variable to hold your window controller so it does not get deallocated right away (alternatively, make your window controller class a singleton and use the shared instance):
#implementation AppDelegate {
AboutWindowController *_aboutwindowController;
Still in AppDelegate, implement the method about: that you wired in step 3, like this:
- (IBAction)about:(id)sender {
if (_aboutwindowController == nil) {
_aboutwindowController = [AboutWindowController new];
[_aboutwindowController.window orderFront:self];
...or, if your view controller is implemented as a singleton, like this:
- (IBAction)about:(id)sender {
[[AboutWindowController defaultController].window orderFront:self];
Finally, in order for your window controller to correctly display your app's information, read the relevant keys from the Info.plist file, like this (actual outlet ivars will be different in you case):
- (void)windowDidLoad {
[super windowDidLoad];
// Implement this method to handle any initialization after your window
// controller's window has been loaded from its nib file.
NSDictionary *infoDictionary = [[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary];
self.appNameLabel.stringValue = [infoDictionary objectForKey:#"CFBundleName"];
self.appVersionLabel.stringValue = [infoDictionary objectForKey:#"CFBundleShortVersionString"];
self.appCopyrightLabel.stringValue = [infoDictionary objectForKey:#"NSHumanReadableCopyright"];
You might be tempted to read the app icon from the bundled resources too, but there's a more elegant way that works even if you didn't specify an icon and are stuck with the default "Ruler + Pencil + Brush over a Sheet" app icon: Grab the runtime icon image using the following code:
self.appIconImageView.image = [NSApp applicationIconImage];
I have put together a demo project on Github that shows this and further customizations of the About window.
UPDATE: I have added a Swift version of the demo project to the Github repository.
It features:
Swift 4 (now that Xcode 9 is official)
Storyboards instead of xibs
Moved all the outlets to the new view controller, kept window appearance code in the window controller.

Objective C Delegate for the Main Application Window

So I'm trying to do this exercise where I need to set a delegate for the main window. The purpose is to make sure that when the user resizes the window, it's always twice as wide as it is high.
This is my AppController.h file:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface AppController : NSObject
NSWindow *windowWillResize;
and this is my AppController.m file:
#import "AppController.h"
#implementation AppController
- (id) init
[super init];
windowWillResize = [[NSWindow alloc] init];
[windowWillResize setDelegate:self];
return self;
- (NSSize) windowWillResize:(NSWindow *)sender
NSLog(#"size is changing");
return frameSize;
However, I can remove the line
[windowWillResize setDelegate:self];
since I set the delegate in Interface Builder, but I'm not sure why this works.
How does windowWillResize know that I'm referring to the main application window since I'm doing a completely new
windowWillResize = [[NSWindow alloc] init];
I have a feeling that I am completely doing this wrong. Could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Indeed, you don't need to create a NSWindow *windowWilResize since a newly created Cocoa app already has a main window. You don't need to implement an -init method either.
You only need to set you appController as a delegate of your main window in Interface Builder and to implement the -windowWillResize: method in your appController.
If you are familiar with french language, you can take a look at a blog entry I have written on this subject: Délégation en Cocoa.
You're leaking an instance of NSWindow. In -init you create an NSWindow instance. However, that is not used because when the NIB loads, it sets up all the connections that you specified in Interface Builder and you start using the window from the NIB instead. Do not create a window object in code - Interface Builder does it for you! :-)
In fact, it's not quite "instead"; your app controller is now the delegate for both NSWindow instances - the one that comes from the NIB and the one you instantiated in -init. However as the in-code NSWindow is never used anywhere else, it's still redundant and should be removed.
If you just want to maintain the aspect ratio of the window you can use either of these two NSWindow methods:
The first method locks the entire window size, including the title bar. The second one just the content. You can call this method during the initialization of your window inside the delegate (for example: -applicationDidFinishLaunching)

UIViewController not loading my custom UIView

This should be straight forward for a guru. I don't have any code really written out, just a couple of controllers and a custom UIView. All connected through nibs. The app loads without crashing, yet I can't see my NSLog() hit from my custom UIView.
My application delegate has default template code which calls for a class of mine called TabAnimationController. TabAnimationViewController has its view set to TabView. I made sure that in TabAnimationViewController's NIB that File's owner is set to TabAnimationViewController and that my instance of UIView has its class set to TabView.
In TabView.m I'm trying to see how NSLog is going to hit, and it's not showing up at all.
- (void)loadView {
NSLog(#"calling loadView");
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
NSLog(#"Calling initWithFrame:");
return self;
Strange. I'm not sure why even after proper IB connections that my NSLog will not show up. Only anything put into drawRect: will invoke. Why isn't initWithFrame or loadView ever get hit? What if I want to customize this view programmatically?
First of all, when a view is dehydrated from nib file, instead of initWithFrame, initWithCoder is invoked. So you need to implement your initialization in initWithCoder as well. (It may be a good idea to keep the initWithFrame initialization as well, if you anticipate programmatically creating your TabView instead of hooking up in the IB. Just refactor your initialization to another method and call it from both implementations.)
Also in your initialization code above you must always call the super class's initialization. There is a boiler plate pattern all custom classes use in their init implementation for that:
if (self = [super initXXX]) { do your initialization }
return self;
Second, loadView which is actually a UIViewController method and not a UIView method is invoked only if the view outlet of the controller is nil.
Unless you are composing your view yourself programmatically using your controller, you do not need to override loadView. Instead you should override viewDidLoad, which is called after the view is loaded, to do additional initialization.
The simplest way to get this up and running is simply to use the "View based Application" template when you create a new project. It sets up everything you need to start with.
But, in short, you're looking at the wrong methods. First, you shouldn't override loadView unless you're creating your view programatically. If it's loading from a XIB file look at the initWithNibName method.
You might also want to look at the viewDidLoad, viewWillAppear and viewDidAppear methods that are triggered, well, it's fairly obvious when!