Bulk insert from txt in SQL table - sql

I need to do some bulk inserts in SQL Table from a txt file.
bulk insert [dbo].[TempSample]
from 'D:\sqls\sample.txt'
with (fieldterminator = ',', rowterminator = '\n')
In the txt file I have descriptions like 'Hörsching'. After insert is made I found descriptions in my table like 'H÷rsching'. How can we deal with that ? The collation of the table is set to Latin1_General_CI_AS.

How is the file encoded?
Have you tried using the CODEPAGE parameter to specify the file's encoding?


Bulk insert showing BOM character() while reading from txt file in SQL Server

I have a script with which I am trying to load data stored in a .txt file using SQL Server. The text file is stored as UTF-8 encoding. The data read from the txt file showing bom character appended to the first line of data. I am using SQL Server 2012 version.
How can I avoid the bom character while reading?
Here's what I have tried:
CREATE TABLE #Temp1(record nvarchar(512))
FROM 'C:\Test\test.txt'
Temp table result is shown as:
test.txt is as below

Import CSV into SQL (CODE)

I want to import several CSV files automatically using SQL-code (i.e. without using the GUI). Normally, I know the dimensions of my CSV file. So, in many cases I create an empty table with, let say, x columns with the corresponding data types. Then, I import the CSV file into this table using BULK INSERT. However, in this case I don't know much about my files, i.e. information about data types and dimensions are not given.
To summerize the problem:
I receive a file path, e.g. C:...\DATA.csv. Then, I want to use this path in SQL-code to import the file to a table without knowing anything about it.
Any ideas on how to solve this problem?
Use something like this:
FROM 'csv_full_path'
FIRSTROW = 2, --Second row if header row in file
FIELDTERMINATOR = ',', --CSV field delimiter
ROWTERMINATOR = '\n', --Use to shift the control to next row
ERRORFILE = 'error_file_path',
If columns are not known, you could try with:
select * from OpenRowset
Or, do a bulk insert with only the first row as one big column, then parse it to create the dynamic main insert. Or bulk insert the whole file into a table with just one column, then parse that...
You can use OPENROWSET (documantation).
INTO dbo.MyTable
BULK 'C:\...\mycsvfile.csv',
In addition, you can use dynamic SQL to parameterize table name and location of csv file.

Special characters displaying incorrectly after BULK INSERT

I'm using BULK INSERT to import a CSV file. One of the columns in the CSV file contains some values that contain fractions (e.g. 1m½f).
I don't need to do any mathematical operations on the fractions, as the values will just be used for display purposes, so I have set the column as nvarchar. The BULK INSERT works but when I view the records within SQL the fraction has been replaced with a cent symbol (¢) so the displayed text is 1m¢f.
I'm interested to understand why this is happening and any thoughts on how to resolve the issue. The BULK INSERT command is:
BULK INSERT dbo.temp FROM 'C:\Temp\file.csv'
You need to BULK INSERT using the CODEPAGE = 'ACP', which converts string data from Windows codepage 1252 to SQL Server codepage.
BULK INSERT dbo.temp FROM 'C:\Temp\file.csv'
If you are bringing in UTF-8 data on a new enough version of SQL Server:
[...] , CODEPAGE = '65001');
You may also need to specify DATAFILETYPE = 'char|native|widechar|widenative'.

How to insert data from text file into my table?

I have text files which contain one word per line, and I would like to add this content to a column in my table, the column type is Varchar, how can I accomplish that?
You can treat your file as a special case of CSV - it's a CSV file with only one column.
See this article for how to bulk insert from a CSV file.
FROM 'c:\csvtest.txt'
You can also use import wizard provided in the management studio. You can check this link for your reference.

Bulk insert with a different schema

I am trying to get data from a csv file with the following data.
Station code;DateBegin;DateEnd
I am trying bulk insert as
BULK INSERT dbo.#tmp_station_details
FROM 'C:\station.csv'
But the table tmp_station_details has one extra column as Priority.
Its schema is like
[Station code] [Priority] [DateBegin] [DateEnd]
Now is this possible to bulk insert without altering the schema of the table.
Add FORMATFILE = 'format_file_path' to your "with" block. Refer to BOL: using a format file to skip a table column for an example.