dynamic columns in Query Or view - sql

Please Help me. How can i show dynamic columns in Query. I want a view.
Thanks in advance
My Out is like this.
select SectionID,
Column1, Column2, Column3
select S.SectionID,ColumnDataName, ColumnDescription,
row_number() over(partition by S.SectionID
order by SectionTableColumnID) seq
from dbo.SectionTableColumn vt
INNER JOIN dbo.Section S ON S.SectionID = vt.SectionID
) d
for ColumnDataName in ( Column1, Column2, Column3)
) piv;

it is not possible to create a view with a dynamic number of columns. You need to specify all the values of ColumnDataName in order for this to work.
You need to pivot your result, here is an example how you can create your view:
xxx(SectionID int, ColumnDescription varchar(10), ColumnDataName varchar(10))
INSERT xxx values(2, 'dgj', 'column1')
INSERT xxx values(2, 'ash', 'column2')
INSERT xxx values(8, 'lkhsdh', 'column2')
CREATE VIEW v_xxx as
SELECT SectionId, [column1],[column2],[column3]
FROM xxx
FOR ColumnDataName
)AS p
SectionId column1 column2 column3
2 dgj ash NULL
8 NULL lkhsdh NULL


Inserting new values in a table if SQL had Dictionary and for-each

Let's say my table of myTable has a column1 that has some values already in it.
Now I am given some new values that I should put in a newly created column named 'column2' .
These are one to one associated together and unique. So for example:
column1 | column2
'ABCHi' | 'newOH'
'TER12' | 'Meow2'
'WhatE' | 'BMW26'
So I could say like:
Update myTable SET column2 = 'newOH' WHERE column1 = 'ABCHi'
and do that for each of those rows ( I have 32 of them to do ).
But I thought maybe there is a "nicer" way of doing this? Like if it was C# I could say populate a dictionary and then do a for-each loop!
You can use a Table Value Constructor:
declare #Samples as Table ( Column1 VarChar(10), Column2 VarChar(10) );
-- Initialize the sample data.
insert into #Samples ( Column1 ) values
( 'ABCHi' ), ( 'TER12' ), ( 'WhatE' )
select * from #Samples;
-- Update the second column.
update OSamples
set Column2 = NSamples.Column2
from #Samples as OSamples inner join
( values
( ( 'ABCHi' ), ( 'newOH' ) ),
( ( 'TER12' ), ( 'Meow2' ) ),
( ( 'WhatE' ), ( 'BMW26' ) )
) as NSamples( Column1, Column2 )
on OSamples.Column1 = NSamples.Column1;
select * from #Samples;
you could create the "Dictionary" as an inline view using the With clause.
here is the fiddle https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=sqlserver_2017&fiddle=c0e1393785082fd5cd9352d513b76af6
with Dictionary as(
select 'ABCHi' as column1, 'newOH' as column2
union all
select 'TER12' as column1, 'Meow2' as column2
union all
select 'WhatE' as column1, 'BMW26' as column2
SET t.column2=dictionary.column2
FROM mytable t JOIN Dictionary ON t.column1 = Dictionary.column1

SQL Insert row when a cell does not contain a specific set of characters

My database has a column named Group.
This Group can be one of two values:
Group101 = Main group
Group101D1 = Subgroup
Every group has two options like this.
But I have some situations where Group101D1 exists but Group101 does not.
Now I want to create an insert where I search for groups with D1 that doesn't have a main group. for example I have Group105D1 but don't have Group105. I want an insert to create a row with Group105.
This is as far as I have come:
SELECT [Table1].[Group], [Table2].[Group]
FROM [Table] Table1
INNER JOIN [Table] Table2 ON [table1].[Group] = [Table2].[Group]
-- WHERE [Table2].[Group] LIKE '%D1'
-- AND [Table1].[Group] NOT LIKE '%D1'
Can some of you please help, I don't know how to finish this.
I know I probably need to use inner join, replace and a where not clause.
You will need replace Also query should exclude rows already exists
Sample data:
DECLARE #groups TABLE ([Group] VARCHAR(100), description VARCHAR(100))
INSERT #groups ([Group], description)
SELECT 'Group101', 'Something1'
SELECT 'Group101d1', 'Something1'
SELECT 'Group105d1', 'description_Bleh'
SELECT 'Group2054', 'desc_2054'
SELECT 'Group2054d1', 'desc_2054'
Use replace function and exclude Maingroup if it exists
SELECT Replace([group], 'd1', '') [Group], description
FROM #groups
WHERE [Group] NOT IN (
SELECT p.[Group]
FROM #groups g
INNER JOIN #groups p
ON g.[Group] = replace(p.[Group], 'd1', '')
Group description
Group105 description_Bleh
If all subgroups ends with "D1" you can use below query to insert missing main groups.
[Table1].[Group] subtable
charindex ( 'D1', subtable.Group) > 0 -- if it is sub-record
not exists --check if main group exists
[Table1].[Group] main
where (charindex ( main.Group+'D1', subtable.Group) != 0)
Stuff you have already just packaged with data
DECLARE #groups TABLE (grp VARCHAR(100), description VARCHAR(100));
INSERT #groups (grp, description) values
('Group101', 'Something1')
, ('Group101d1', 'Something1')
, ('Group105d1', 'description_Bleh')
, ('Group106d1', 'description_Bleh6')
, ('Group2054', 'desc_2054')
, ('Group2054d1', 'desc_2054');
select * from #groups order by grp;
insert into #groups
select replace(g1.grp, 'd1', ''), g1.description
from #groups g1
where g1.grp like '%d1'
and not exists ( select 1
from #groups g2
where g2.Grp = replace(g1.grp, 'd1', '')
select * from #groups order by grp;
You can use NOT EXISTS and REPLACE to get the desired results like below :
INSERT INTO Table2(Group)
select replace([Group], 'd1', '') from Table1 a
where [Group] like '%d1' and
not exists(
select 1 from Table1 where [group] = replace(a.[Group], 'd1', '')
I did it this way in the end!
insert into Table (Group, Description)
select replace(Group,'D1','') , description from Table
where Group like '%D1'
and replace(Group,'D1','') not in (
select Group from Table
where Group like 'Group%' and Group not like '%D1')

Row_Number() over partition query

I have the following query:
declare #temp1 table
(ID1 int not null,
ID2 int not null)
set nocount off
insert into #temp1 values(1453,931)
insert into #temp1 values(1454,931)
insert into #temp1 values(1455,931)
insert into #temp1 values(2652,1101)
insert into #temp1 values(2653,1101)
insert into #temp1 values(2654,1101)
insert into #temp1 values(2655,1101)
insert into #temp1 values(2656,1101)
insert into #temp1 values(3196,1165)
insert into #temp1 values(3899,1288)
insert into #temp1 values(3900,1288)
insert into #temp1 values(3901,1288)
insert into #temp1 values(3902,1288)
--select * from #temp1
select ID1,ID2, ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by ID2 order by ID1) as RowNum1
from #temp1
What I now want to do is create a new column that will group all the ID2's together..i.e ID2's having 931 should have value 1 in the new column, 1101 should have 2, 1165 should be 3 and finally all 1288 should have 4... Can I get help for that please?
You can use DENSE_RANK() to attain the result. It returns the rank of rows within the partition of a result set, without any gaps in the ranking. The rank of a row is one plus the number of distinct ranks that come before the row in question. Refer link DENSE_RANK (Transact-SQL) for more details. Please try:
select ID1, ID2, DENSE_RANK() over(order by ID2) as RowNum1
from #temp1

Query to display output horizontally

I need to display a query output in a horizontal manner. I have some example data
create table TestTable (id number, name varchar2(10))
insert into TestTable values (1, 'John')
insert into TestTable values (2, 'Mckensy')
insert into TestTable values (3, 'Valneech')
insert into TestTable values (4, 'Zeebra')
select * from TestTable
This gets the output in a vertical view.
ID Name
1 John
2 Mckensy
3 Valneech
4 Zeebra
However, I need to display it horizontally.
ID 1 2 3 4
Name John Mckensy Valneech Zeebra
How can one do this?
To pivot, you should use the pivot clause of the select statement:
select *
from testtable
pivot ( max(name)
for id in (1,2,3,4)
This is not particularly pretty to do in SQL, so you should consider carefully whether this is what you want to do. I normally use Oracle Base for pivoting examples but there are many out there.
Here's a little SQL Fiddle to demonstrate.
Maybe it will help you:
select 'id', LISTAGG(id, ' ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY name)
from testtable
select 'name', LISTAGG(name, ' ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY name)
from testtable
or with pivot:
create table TestTable2 (id varchar2(30), name varchar2(10));
insert into TestTable2 values ('id', 'name');
insert into TestTable2
select cast(id as varchar2(30)) as id , name
from testtable
select *
from testtable2
pivot ( max(name)
for id in ('id',1,2,3,4)
PIVOT operator is what you are looking for.

How to convert a column header and its value into row in sql?

I have a table with columns say col1, col2, col3. The table has many rows in it.
Let's assume val1, val2, val3 is one such row. I want to get the result as
Col1, Val1
Col2, Val2
Col3, Val3
That is 3 rows - one for each column and its value.
I am using SQL Server 2008. I read about pivots. Are pivots a way to solve this problem? Can someone route me to some examples or solutions how to solve this problem?
Thanks a lot
Maybe something like this:
Test data
VALUES (1,1,1)
#T AS t
) AS SourceTable
Value FOR Col IN
) AS unpvt
1 Col1
1 Col2
1 Col3
To do this kind of thing read the following: Using PIVOT and UNPIVOT
Pivot function allow you to convert row values in from of column..
Also check : Dynamic Pivoting in SQL Server
Example :
create table #temptable(colorname varchar(25),Hexa varchar(7),rgb varchar(1), rgbvalue tinyint)
insert into #temptable values('Violet','#8B00FF','r',139);
insert into #temptable values('Violet','#8B00FF','g',0);
insert into #temptable values('Violet','#8B00FF','b',255);
insert into #temptable values('Indigo','#4B0082','r',75);
insert into #temptable values('Indigo','#4B0082','g',0);
insert into #temptable values('Indigo','#4B0082','b',130);
insert into #temptable values('Blue','#0000FF','r',0);
insert into #temptable values('Blue','#0000FF','g',0);
insert into #temptable values('Blue','#0000FF','b',255);
SELECT colorname,hexa,[r], [g], [b]
(SELECT colorname,hexa,rgb,rgbvalue
FROM #temptable) AS TableToBePivoted
FOR rgb IN ([r], [g], [b])
) AS PivotedTable;
Create a temproary table:
name NCHAR,
bonus INT
Now Select and execute the below statement if there is an empty.
SELECT * FROM #table2
INSERT INTO #table2 (name,bonus) VALUES ('A',10)
INSERT INTO #table2 (name,bonus) VALUES ('B',20)
INSERT INTO #table2 (name,bonus) VALUES ('C',30)
After insert the values into table. select and execute the below line if you get records:
SELECT * FROM #table2
name bonus
A 10
B 20
C 30
Change the input into like this result
Cost A B C
Bonus 10 20 30
By using this code:
SELECT 'Bonus' AS Cost,
(SELECT name, Bonus
FROM #table2) AS TempTbl
FOR [name] IN ([A],[B],[C])
) AS PivotTable;