"Submit for review" specific build version in itunesConnect - app-store-connect

How to "submit for review" another build of the App , if I have already submitted an old one before in itunesconnect?

I have struggled for a day or so on two issues until I have figured it out.
First I wanted to "remove from review" a previous build that I have submitted into review previously, I have searched all over the place to remove it from review button.
It Appears that Apple take several hours up to a day to post the link under the submitted version page
When posted you will find it under "Version Information", you can use to remove the current build from review.
Secondly, I wanted to submit another build for review, but couldn't find how to remove the current build attached with the current version.
It appears that to remove the current build , you should go to the version number page under "Versions" , then goes to "Build" section, you will see your App icon with build info.
Hover with the mouse on the icon and delete icon will be there to disattach that build from the current version page and you can attach you specified build with you current version and can now submit it for review.
Note: The delete button will be only active when you have "no submitted build for review".


How to do a svn compare between local code base and latest from repository like in Eclipse

In Eclipse, when click Synchronize view it will show up a tree structure of diff comparison from local to svn repo. Click on each file will pop up view to show code diff.
Is there a similar feature in Intellij and how to activate it? I am on latest Intellij Ultimate btw.
Click on the Version Control button on the bottom, click on the Incoming tab. Hit the refresh button (circle with arrows). First time it will ask you if you want to set up automatic refresh. It will then show any changes pending from the repository. You can click on files and get a diff. (You may have to right click on a revision and select "Show Affected Files".)
There is no exact same view in IDEA. See https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-119596
You can use Subversion -> Compare to the Latest repository version from a file's context menu.
There is also the Incoming tab that shows changes from the server not yet applied to your working copy. You could invoke Show Diff with local from the Details pane of the Incoming change

Adobe Dynamic Tag Manager (DTM) - Rolling back to previous versions

We need to have the ablity to roll back to a previous version of a published tag, much like the way Google Tag Manager has versioning.
For instance, if we go through the publication authentication, then find that a bug exists and need to drop back to the most recent known working version.
Adobe does not provide any documentation on the subject. Implying the feature does not exist.
What is the correct process to provide roll back?
DTM versioning isn't completely non-existent but I will agree that (IMO) it falls embarrassingly short of the mark compared to other tag managers.
If you have the permissions to see it, you should see a History tab where the other main tabs for your Property are located (e.g. Overview,Rules). This tab will list a history of when and what things were published. From there, you can click the Edit link for an entry and go to the editing page for the entry (e.g. the tool config or a rule).
Up at the top right of the editing page for whatever tool config/rule, etc. is a blue box that shows the current Revision # and date, e.g. Revision 1 Feb 16, 2015. If you click on it, you can select a previous revision from the dropdown (Oddly, it does not autoselect/show the revision you selected when selected from the History page).
When you select a revision from the dropdown, it will show a side-by-side of the revision you selected vs. the current revision, and at the bottom of the page, you can choose which revision to select.
Select the one you want to revert to, and it will now show the editing page but with the selected revision. Save it and Approve/Publish.
Note: DTM currently has no way to roll everything back to a previous revision all at once, so you will need to individually go through each tool, rule, etc. to make sure they are rolled back to the desired revision.
Note: You do not have to go through the History tab to see the revision dropdown for a given tool/rule editing page; you can just navigate to any tool or rule and see it. However, the History tab will help determine which items actually need to be reverted.

How to delete Project from Google Developers Console

Seems like Google services are increasingly harder to manage.
Now i want to delete a project ID that was previously created in another test account.
Assuming that I could recreate it in another account. The main reason for this is that the Google+ app is connected/created in this test account and the email address will be shown when someone is confronted with the login credentials.
Google says that this is possible (https://developers.google.com/console/help/):
Deleting a project
Deleting a project from the Console releases all
resources used within the project itself. Please note that in order
to delete a project, you must first disable billing on the project.
Additionally, please note that the time it takes to delete a project
may vary based on the number or kind of services in use within the
When I go to billing, it shows that no billing profile has been set up.
The delete button is right there where the help page says it is.
To shut down a project using the Cloud Platform Console:
Open the Settings page in the Google Cloud Platform Console.
Click Select a project.
Select a project you wish to delete, and click
Click Shut down.
Enter the Project ID and click Shut down.
Please note that there is a 7-day grace period before the project is actually purged from the system. Which means you won't be able to immediately create another project with the same name.
Simply go to https://console.developers.google.com/iam-admin/projects you must be signed in of course. There you will see the all your projects google console projects so just select the project you want to delete, and click delete project option which is shown at the top of the table. I have provided the screenshot
Go to Google Cloud Console, select the project then IAM and Admin and Settings
Then you have to wait for the project deletion.
Open https://console.cloud.google.com/cloud-resource-manager
Select the projects you want to remove
Click 'Remove'
As of this writing, it was necessary to:
Select 'Manage all projects' from the dropdown list at the top of the Console page
Click the delete button (trashcan icon) for the specific project on the project listing page
Click "Utilities and more" near the upper right corner of the screen after choosing your project
Choose "Project settings" from the drop down of the "Utilities and more" icon.
Now you may see trash icon and DELETE PROJECT button.
Go to the developers console and pick the application from the
Select the utilities icon (see image below) and click
project settings
Click on the the Delete Project link
Enter the project ID and click Shutdown, project will be deleted in 7 days
I found when I accessed here https://console.cloud.google.com/home/dashboard
Then I got redirected to my active project, which was something like
Then right bellow the project info, there was this Manage Options (note: I'm using Portuguese language here "Gerenciar as configurações do projeto" means "Manage project settings")
Then, finally, the delete option ("Excluir Projeto" means Delete Project)
Yep, it was hard
You can try delete project via Google Cloud Platform
Select required project and click DELETE PROJECT.
The project will be completely deleted after 7 days
For me only way to delete project was switch language to English (UK) - from Polish and then button "DELETE" worked.
If anyone have problem with not working or missing options in Google Cloud Platform I suggest switching to english after that everything works like charm...

How to download a specific version of the code from RTC?

In SVN we have one option to download code on a particular revision. This provides the flexibility to download code on old revision also for build.
Is there a option in RTC to download a code on particular revision?
Yes: once you have done a repo workspace on a stream (where that old version was baselined), you can select a component (in the components section of your workspace), and click on "Replace with".
You can then chose the baseline you want to see, and it will be downloaded if you have a local workspace or sandbox in place.
Simply don't "deliver" to the stream, or you would replace the most recent baseline by an old one.
For setting a file to an older version, it is a bit manual (as in this thread):
Right click on the file in the change set, and select "show history" (or if the file is in an editor, right click on the editor and select "Team -> Show_History). That will open the History view on the file, form which you can select the version you want.
The only thing that worked for me was:
On your workspace's tab [Pending Changes] -> RightClick on the component that you want to get file(s) back -> [Show] -> [History]
RightClick on the "PackOfChanges" that has your wanted file(s) -> [Revert]
PS: It won't actually revert your actual project state to that day, and won't undo that "commit". The only thing that it does is showing on your workspace's tab [Pending Changes] all the diferences between that day and you actual code, and in every file(s) that you want back you:
"DoubleClick" the file that you want back that was showed by revert, and an Editor will appear with the diferences between you file's actual code and it self on that day, and you pass all the code from the right to the left.
After it's done, on your workspace's tab [Pending Changes], RightClick on the RevertPackage -> Remove
Have a nice day! 😄

My project with Kal in a workspace: thinks Kal is the primary target

I looked at all of the prior answers in SO for an answer to this question: I have created a workspace, added Kal and then added a NEW project, an empty tab bar application. Both build successfully; but when I try to do a run on my project, nothing happens (the "bong" from pressing an invalid key occurs), like it's not eligible to be run!
Q1: Do I have to create the workspace, then add MY project, then add Kal? Or is there a setting to indicate that my project depends on Kal, therefore my project is the main project? (When I try to add Kal as a dependency to my project, nothing shows up in the pop-up window).
Q2: Because this is a workspace, I understand that XCode takes care of the linker settings; do I still have to make all the changes to the search paths, as indicated in the Kal docs?
Here is what my scheme looks like:
Try using "⌘ + shift + ."(⌘ + <) followed by pressing "Manage Schemes…" in the left of the popup that appears then pressing the + above "Edit…" in the new popup in the next popup(geez!) hit the picker next to target select Soari under the Soari.xcodeproj and naming it whatever you like. Next in the top left corner of Xcode clicking the button with your project's title adjacent to the build/run and stop button will open up the scheme selector. If you're in a workspace it is normal that your projects have separate schemes but adding it should've fixed that.