How to override dojo's domReady - dojo

I want to override dijit._CssStateMixin's domReady() method.
Is there any way to override that instead of changing the listener mechanism in Dojo.
I tried overriding _cssMouseEvent() method in simple javascript, but it still does invoke dijit's _cssMouseEvent() from domReady().
I have tried following approach:
dojoConfig = {
map: {
'dijit/_CssStateMixin': {
'dojo/domReady': 'app/noop'
I have added 'app' folder and then 'noop.js' inside that.
noop.js has nothing in it:
define([], function () {
return function () {};
Even after this I can see that dijit.js's _CssStateMaxin domReady() getting called from listener.apply (code snippet pasted below)
var addStopImmediate = function(listener){
return function(event){
if(!event.immediatelyStopped){// check to make sure it hasn't been stopped immediately
event.stopImmediatePropagation = stopImmediatePropagation;
return listener.apply(this, arguments);

If your ultimate goal is to prevent the domReady callback in dijit/_CssStateMixin from running, your simplest bet is likely to re-map dojo/domReady to a different module that doesn't call the callback at all, when loaded via dijit/_CssStateMixin.
NOTE: Stripping out these handlers might have adverse visual effects on Dijit widgets which inherit _CssStateMixin, since it may hinder the application of Dijit CSS classes related to hover and focus. But if your concern is that _CssStateMixin is hampering performance, it may at least be worth a try to confirm or deny your suspicion.
First we have to create a simple module that returns a function that does nothing, which we will later substitute for dojo/domReady when loaded by dijit/_CssStateMixin, so that it can still call domReady but it won't execute the callback it passes.
For simplicity's sake I'll assume you already have a custom package that you can easily add a module to; for this example I'll assume it's called app. Let's create app/noop:
define([], function () {
return function () {};
Now let's configure the loader to map app/noop in place of dojo/domReady specifically when loaded by dijit/_CssStateMixin:
var dojoConfig = {
map: {
'dijit/_CssStateMixin': {
'dojo/domReady': 'app/noop'
Now the offending domReady callback should no longer be run.
If you're curious about map, you can read more about it in this SitePen FAQ.


Possible to manipulate CasperJS assertions?

My CasperJS asserts seem to be overly strict. I have a function where I am trying to test the names of client logo images from an array, using Casperjs. However I do not seem to be able to use a variable from a forLoop in casperJS.
I understand there are probably hoisting issues that I am not accounting for, but this does not seem to be the primary problem. I have tried several things to resolve hoisting issues, such as immediately invoked functions, try catch blocks, and using ES6 term "Let" in my loop. None seem to work. Then I notice if I simply hard-code the string my variable should represent, and stick a console.log into my assert of a PASSING test, right before the return, the passing test fails.
Here is my failing code
var clients = '';
var logoArray = ["images/logos/AC.png", "images/logos/Affiny.png", "images/logos/ffintus.png", "images/logos/agileAsset.png"]
function checkClientsArrayTest() {
casper.test.begin('The layout is as expected', 10, function suite(test) {
casper.start(clients, function () {
casper.then(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < logoArray.length; i++) {
try { throw i }
catch (ii) {
test.assertEvalEquals(function () {
return document.querySelectorAll('div.client_logo a img')[ii].getAttribute('src')
}, logoArray[ii], 'Test searches for Client Logos in DOM.');
}).run(function () {
If I change logoArray[ii] to a hardcoded string from the first index of the array, it passes. If I consolelog logoArray[ii], it seems to be what I expect. But if I pass a variable to the assert, or even stick a console.log inside of it, the test fails with the following
Running check for the layout of URL:
FAIL Test searches for Client Logos in DOM.
type: assertEvalEquals
file: headlessTester.js
subject: null
fn: undefined
params: undefined
expected: "images/logos/AC.png"
Is this an issue of me getting hoisting wrong (shouldn't fail by sticking in a logger if this is the case afaik), or is this due to strictly structured asserts in CasperJS?

Mocha and jsdom - How to set a window variable

I know you're not supposed to do this, but I'm trying to write some tests with legacy code still using requirejs that have a few window variables floating around.
Basically I'm trying to write a mocha test and include some predefined global variables that a different file would use later. I'm trying to do the following, but it seems the global variable "container" isn't populated when accessing it later.
global.document = require('jsdom').jsdom('<html></html>');
global.window = document.defaultView;
global.$ = require('jquery')(window);
// this should be available everywhere as far as I can tell...
global.container= {};
global.window.container= global.container;
// legacy scripts still using requirejs, so we need to load the require config here
var requirejs = require('testing-setup').requirejs;
// chai is nice
describe('model tests', function () {
var model;
// before we begin the tests, we need to require in all the necessary modules
before(function (done) {
window.container= {
dateFormat: false
requirejs(['Model', 'common', 'date'], function (Model) {
// load some dummy data out of a file
model= new Model(require('./test-data.js').item);
// run some more tests down here, I'll spare you those
The script being loaded called "common" above has a reference to the global "container" object that lives on the window. Apparently what I have is not correct. Is there no way to set up a shared global variable in jsdom? I know it's not the standard way of doing things, so please spare the lectures. Refactoring all that legacy code right now is not really a feasible option.
Ah, it turns out this is the correct way of doing it. It appears the jsdom/nodejs differentiate the difference between window and global. If you want something to be available everywhere in every file in that session, it needs to be on the global namespace. The window is explicitly window.

How jasmine spy example works

I am just starting learning Jasmine( version 2.0.3 ), when I got to Spies section, the first example confused me:
describe("A spy", function() {
var foo, bar = null;
beforeEach(function() {
foo = {
setBar: function(value) {
bar = value;
spyOn(foo, 'setBar');
foo.setBar(456, 'another param');
it("tracks that the spy was called", function() {
it("tracks all the arguments of its calls", function() {
expect(foo.setBar).toHaveBeenCalledWith(456, 'another param');
it("stops all execution on a function", function() {
I wonder if anyone could explain why the setBar function does not affect the bar defined inside describe block? How Jasmine spies deal with this?
Because you are not actually executing the methods.
If you want this test to fail:
it("stops all execution on a function", function() {
After these calls:
foo.setBar(456, 'another param');
Then you should call and.callThrough for your spy.
spyOn(foo, 'setBar').and.callThrough();
From the documentation
Spies: and.callThrough
By chaining the spy with and.callThrough, the spy will still track all
calls to it but in addition it will delegate to the actual
With regard to your question, 'how jasmine deals with this?'
From here you can read a basic explanation:
Mocks work by implementing the proxy pattern. When you create a mock
object, it creates a proxy object that takes the place of the real
object. We can then define what methods are called and their returned
values from within our test method. Mocks can then be utilized to
retrieve run-time statistics on the spied function such as:
How many times the spied function was called.
What was the value that the function returned to the caller.
How many parameters the function was called with.
If you want all of the implementation details, you can check the Jasmine source code which is Open Source :)
In this source file CallTracker you can see how the gather data about the method calls.
A little more about the proxy pattern.

Dispatch messages from a safari extension popover to the global page

I have a safari extension popover that needs to communicate with its global page. From a content-script I am using,data);
to accomplish that. From a popover I didn't find a way to do that. I know that I can access methods in the global page directly
but my goal was to reuse code fragments that are already used in content-scripts. I do the same for the chrome version of the plugin.
Is there code for a little clever proxy that emulates,data);
from the popover?
To be honest it's probably just easier to have different code in your popover and injected scripts. If you really want, you could do something like this:
function dispatchMessage(name, message) {
if ( {, message);
} else if (safari.extension.globalPage.contentWindow) {
safari.extension.globalPage.contentWindow.handleMessage({name: name, message: message});
Then just use dispatchMessage('foo', 'bar') in both your popover and injected scripts. It's a bit hacky though, because the message event object normally has more information on it than just the name and message, and you have to ensure that your handleMessage function is actually the same function that is assigned as the message event listener in the global page.
A simplistic way to accomplish reusing your message-based content script code in your popover is by wrapping the calls in an abstraction function that I'll describe below...
But first, you need to make sure to have a single named handler function in your global page that handles all messages, like this:
function handleMessage(evt) {
switch ( {
case 'Message1':
// do something with evt.message
case 'Message2':
// do something else with evt.message
safari.application.addEventListener('message', handleMessage, false);
If you have separate handlers for each different message, or if you're using an anonymous function, this approach will not work.
Now, the wrapper function that goes in your popover and content scripts is very simple:
function tellGlobalPage(msgName, msgData) {
if (safari.self instanceof SafariExtensionPopover) {
// this script is running in a popover
var fakeMsgEvt = { name: msgName, message: msgData };
} else {
// this script is a content script, msgData);
And then instead of, data), you use tellGlobalPage(name, data).
Please note that this simplistic approach doesn't deal with roundtrip messaging, where the popover or content script sends a message to the global page, and the global page replies with another message. There are other approaches that can handle that.

Dojo 1.7 how to use dojo components outside of require()

I have created Dojo widget like below using AMD loader in Dojo 1.7.2
var myCpane;
], function(ContentPane) {
myCpane = new ContentPane();
myCpane.startup(); // It gives 'myCpane' as undefined
In the above example, in the last statment, the variable 'myCpane' is coming as 'undefined', if I use the 'myCpane.startup()' inside the 'require()' callback function then, it will work fine.
But I want to use that 'myCpane' variable on outside of the 'require' function (for many reasons). I know the 'require()' callback function execution delayed due to the component loading process by Dojo.
My question is,
How to block the 'require()' function until it completes to execute it's callback function.
So the variable 'myCpane' will not be 'undefined' when the control come out from the 'require()' function
To overcome this issue, I have written a small function to load the modules and wait until the module load complete
LoadModule: function(modulePath) { // modulePath = "dijit/layout/ContentPane"
var moduleObject = undefined;
require({async: false}, [modulePath], function(getModuleObject) {
moduleObject = getModuleObject;
// Wait until the module loads completes
while(moduleObject === undefined);
// Return the loaded module.
return moduleObject;
The output of the function is always executing the while loop, the control never comes inside of 'require()'s callback function to set the value to the variable "moduleObject".
When the 'require()' function will call it's callback function? I have verified using the browser debugger window the file 'ContentPane.js' is loaded properly, but the callback function is not called, If I comment the while loop then, the callback is called properly.
When the control will come inside of the callback function in my case ?
I'm not sure what are you about to achieve, but it looks for me like a programming anti-pattern. Anyway you can achieve this via dojo/_base/Deferred:
require(["dojo/_base/Deferred"], function(Deferred) {
var deferred = new Deferred();
require(["dijit/layout/ContentPane"], function(ContentPane) {
var myCpane = new ContentPane();
deferred.resolve(myCpane); //resolve, i.e. call `then` callback
deferred.then(function(myCpane) {
Mess with it at jsFiddle:
I would also suggest you consider one of these two strategies to achieve the same:
Give the ContentPane an id and obtain its reference via dijit's registry.byId().
Create ContentPane instance in a separate module and expose it as a return value of that module:
// file: myCpane.js
define(["dijit/layout/ContentPane"], function(ContentPane) {
var myCpane = new ContentPane();
return myCpane;
// file: main.js
require(["./myCpane"], function(myCpane) {
I think this goes more to scope issue then amd loader question; consider
var x;
function foo() {
x = { bar : 1 };
// you wouldn't expect to have reference to x variable here
if(typeof == "undefined") console.log(x);
// foo() is called at a random time - or in dojo loader case, when modules are present
console.log(; // oohh now its there ^^
x in this case translates to your myCpane, which is declared as variable (var $$) inside a function, the function that is callback for when loader is done requireing modules.
The Deferred is a nice handler for this as stated below. A slight overhead though, if youre allready in a detached (async) function flow. For full control, look into require() you could do this as well:
var myCpane;
require({ async: false }, [
], function(ContentPane) {
myCpane = new ContentPane();
// require does not return until module loading is done and callback executed