Proper way to retrieve the Request.Content from global error handler - error-handling

I have register a global exception handler, and it fires and contains all of the information I need with the exception of the Request.Content which is always empty... I need the values that were passed in when I am debugging...
Public class MyExceptionLogger : ExceptionLogger
public override void Log(ExceptionLoggerContext context)
... other code
var methodName = context.Request.Method.ToString();
var errorUri = context.Request.RequestUri.ToString();
var errorMessage = context.Exception.Message;
var errorStackTrace = context.Exception.StackTrace.ToString();
var payload = context.Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
..... other code
What is the proper way to retrieve the Request.Content from global error handler ? In the code above the Content property has already been read by the model binders and as such is always empty.
How can I consistently get the posted body from an exception ?
Should I retrieve and save the posted body in a custom MessageHandler ?

In experimenting with reading the buffer of the request.Content in a custom message handler.. It appears that if I read it with this code:
var payload = context.Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
and do NOTHING with it... The buffer will not be emptied when the model binders read it, because its always there in my exception logger now... I don't know if this is by design or what but its exasperating !


Azure service bus Message deserialize broken in core conversion

So, I've created a new Azure Functions project v3 and am porting over a subset of functions from v1 that was running on 4.6.2, while retiring the rest as obsolete. Unfortunately in the change from BrokeredMessage to Message due to changing from Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging to Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus the following deserialization method is now failing with:
There was an error deserializing the object of type stream. The input source is not correctly formatted.
The problem is right there in the error, but Im not sure what the correct new approach is, its a bit unclear.
public static Message CreateBrokeredMessage(object messageObject)
var message = new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(messageObject)))
ContentType = "application/json",
Label = messageObject.GetType().Name
return message;
public static T ParseBrokeredMessage<T>(Message msg)
var body = msg.GetBody<Stream>();
var jsonContent = new StreamReader(body, true).ReadToEnd();
T updateMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(jsonContent);
return updateMessage;
var fileuploadmessage = new PlanFileUploadMessage()
PlanId = file.Plan_Id.Value,
UploadedAt = uploadTimeStamp,
UploadedBy = uploadUser,
FileHash = uploadedFileName,
FileName = file.Name,
BusinessUnitName = businessUnitName,
UploadedFileId = uploadedFile.Id
Message.GetBody<T>() is an extension method for messages sent using the legacy Service Bus SDK (WindowsAzure.ServiceBus package) where BrokeredMessage was populated with anything other than Stream. If your sender sends an array of bytes as you've showed, you should access it using Message.Body property.
In case your message is sent as a BrokeredMessage, the receiving code will need to select either of the methods based on some information to indicate how the message was originally sent.

How do I get the message from an API using Flurl?

I've created an API in .NET Core 2 using C#. It returns an ActionResult with a status code and string message. In another application, I call the API using Flurl. I can get the status code number, but I can't find a way to get the message. How do I get the message or what do I need to change in the API to put the message someway Flurl can get it?
Here's the code for the API. The "message" in this example is "Sorry!".
[Produces("application/json", Type = typeof(string))]
public ActionResult Post(int orderID)
return StatusCode(500, "Sorry!");
Here's the code in another app calling the API. I can get the status code number (500) using (int)getRespParams.StatusCode and the status code text (InternalError) using getRespParams.StatusCode, but how do I get the "Sorry!" message?
var getRespParams = await $"http://localhost:1234/api/Orders/{orderID}/SendEmail".PostUrlEncodedAsync();
int statusCodeNumber = (int)getRespParams.StatusCode;
PostUrlEncodedAsync returns an HttpResponseMessage object. To get the body as a string, just do this:
var message = await getRespParams.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
One thing to note is that Flurl throws an exception on non-2XX responses by default. (This is configurable). Often you only care about the status code if the call is unsuccessful, so a typical pattern is to use a try/catch block:
try {
var obj = await url
catch (FlurlHttpException ex) {
var status = ex.Call.HttpStatus;
var message = await ex.GetResponseStringAsync();
One advantage here is you can use Flurl's ReceiveJson to get the response body directly in successful cases, and get the error body (which is a different shape) separately in the catch block. That way you're not dealing with deserializing a "raw" HttpResponseMessage at all.

Actors ReceiveAsync method unable to POST data to the listener

Notification service has a Notify method which is invoked when an event occurs, so here Im creating the FloorActor and sending the message consisting data and post url to the Actor.
public class NotificationService
//HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
ActorSystem notificationSystem = ActorSystem.Create("NotificationSystem");
public void Notify(int clientID, FloorEventData data)
string postUrl = "http://localhost:6001";
FloorData floorData = new FloorData() { Data = data,PostURL=postUrl };
//This commented line of code post data and listener gets the POST request
//client.PostAsJsonAsync<FloorEventData>(postUrl, data);
//Create Floor Actor
var floorActor = notificationSystem.ActorOf<FloorActor>("floorActor");
catch (Exception exception)
//Log exception
ReceiveAsync method of the Floor Actor data just posts the event data to the specified URL.Framework used to implement Actor Model :Akka.Net
public class FloorActor : ReceiveActor
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
public FloorActor()
ReceiveAsync<FloorData>(floorActor => client.PostAsJsonAsync<FloorEventData>(floorActor.PostURL, floorActor.Data));
When I debugged the issue the code flow works as expected:-
1) When event occurs Notify method is invoked
2) Notify method creates the Floor Actor and sends the data
3) Floor Actor's ReceiveAsync method is called and the line of code is executed without any errors or exceptions.But the POST listener, doesn't get the POST data request, so not sure what is happening ?
Tried POST data directly from the Notify method its works, the listener gets the POST request.You can see this code snippet commented above in the Notify method.
So when I try to POST data from my Actor's Receive method, the Http listener does not get the request and there is no errors or exception.
Please let me know if I have to change anything?
ActorSystem should be treated as a singleton for your entire system. So put that instance in a static somewhere and reference it from there.
Also try to await on client.PostAsJsonAsync

Call OutgoingHeaders using NServiceBus.Host

Using NServiceBus 4.0.11
I would like to call
Bus.OutgoingHeaders["user"] = "john";
The Header Manipulation sample shows how to call it with a custom host.
I would like to call it while using the NServiceBus.Host.
So actually I would like to have a reference to the instance of the Bus, to call OutgoingHeaders on.
Tried IWantCustomInitialization but that gives me an exception when calling CreateBus in it. INeedInitialization isn't the way to go neither.
How should I call Bus.OutgoingHeaders["user"] = "john"; while using the NServiceBus.Host?
Reading your question makes me think that you want to add this header to a certain message that you want to send during initialization/startup or when handling a message. Usually, headers have a more generic behavior as they need to be applied to more than one message.
Instead of setting the header before sending the message you can also add the header via a message mutator or behavior.
public class OutgoingBehavior : IBehavior<SendPhysicalMessageContext>
public void Invoke(SendPhysicalMessageContext context, Action next)
Dictionary<string, string> headers = context.MessageToSend.Headers;
headers["MyCustomHeader"] = "My custom value";
public class MutateOutgoingTransportMessages : IMutateOutgoingTransportMessages
public void MutateOutgoing(object[] messages, TransportMessage transportMessage)
Dictionary<string, string> headers = transportMessage.Headers;
headers["MyCustomHeader"] = "My custom value";
See: for samples.

What is the purpose of the out queue in RedisMQ?

In the Re-usability use-case project with RedisMQ there is a SMessageService which has the following handler.
SMessageService :Service{
public object Any(EmailMessage request)
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
return new SMessageResponse { TimeTakenMs = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds };
When the services returns, it puts the message in the mq:SMessageResponse.inq list.
My questions is if I return null instead of new SMessageResponse{...}, a message is put in the mq:EmailMessage.outq list, what is the reason for this?
Also, if I don't want to return a response at all, how would I do this or is this bad practice in the area of messaging?. In other words, I always need to have a log of what has happened.