Use a custom helper in Middleman Frontmatter - middleman

my Middleman structure looks like this:
my config.rb defines this helper:
helpers do
def posts
files = Dir["#{TOP_LEVEL_DIR}/source/blog/*"] do |file|
created_at = `git log --follow --date=short --pretty=format:%ad --diff-filter=A -- #{file}`
basename = File.basename(file).split('.')[0]
date: created_at,
link: '/blog/' + basename,
title: basename.gsub('-', ' ').capitalize
And my blog.erb looks like this:
<% posts.each do |post| %>
<li><%=post[:date]%>: <%= link_to post[:title], post[:link] %></li>
<% end %>
This works really well for me, but I'm missing one thing. I want to display the created_at metadata that I've defined in my custom helper in the layouts for post-one and post-two.
Usually this is done by defining Frontmatter, but I don't want to manually input the dates of each post when they are available in git.
So I need a way to define a custom helper that allows me to access the current_page meta data. Or some other way to pass in the metadata I'm manually creating in the posts helper into the layout.

This was much more straightforward than I thought it would be. current_page is available in helpers, so I can use it directly in my helper like this in config.rb:
helpers do
def created_at
# `git log --follow --date=short --pretty=format:%ad --diff-filter=A -- #{current_page.source_file}`


trying to use a news API with rails application

I'm trying to get information from newsapi. I've used the basic structure i found elsewhere for another api to start with but i'm very new to this and not sure what is wrong/how to fix etc. all i'm trying to do is display the titles of the articles on my index page. At the moment, everything displays on the page, like title, author etc as an array but i just want to narrow things down and the syntax for doing so in the view. i've changed my api key to '?' for the time being(i know it should be in the .env file).ive looked at a lot of docs but i cant seem to find an answer. apologies if
this is a broad question.
class TestsController < ApplicationController
require "open-uri"
def index
url = ''
article_serialized = open(url).read
#articles = JSON.parse(article_serialized)
<% #articles.each do |article| %>
<%= article[1] %>
<% end %>
This should do it
<% #articles["articles"].each do |article| %>
<%= article["title"] %>
<% end %>
Edit : This is what my ruby script looks like that I used for testing
require 'json'
file = 'output.json'
data = JSON.parse(file)
data["articles"].each do |item|
print item["title"]

In Rails how to check if javascript file exists before using javascript_include_tag

In a rails 3.2 app, I would like to check for the existence of a javascript file in the asset pipeline before including the javascript_include_tag in a file. Something like:
<% if javascript_file_exists? %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "#{controller_name}_controller" %>
<% end %>
I would like to do this so that the absence of a javascript file will not result in an error. Is there a way to do this?
A more Rails way is to use a helper. This allows you to check for a coffeescript or a javascript version of a file:
def javascript_exists?(script)
script = "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/javascripts/#{params[:controller]}.js"
File.exists?(script) || File.exists?("#{script}.coffee")
Then you can use it in your layout:
<%= javascript_include_tag params[:controller], :media => "all" if javascript_exists?(params[:controller]) %>
You can do the same with your CSS:
-- helper --
def stylesheet_exists?(stylesheet)
stylesheet = "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/stylesheets/#{params[:controller]}.css"
File.exists?(stylesheet) || File.exists?("#{stylesheet}.scss")
-- layout --
<%= stylesheet_link_tag params[:controller], :media => "all" if stylesheet_exists?(params[:controller]) %>
EDIT: updated #javascript_exists?
I have recently made some changes to my javascript_exists? helper:
def javascript_exists?(script)
script = "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/javascripts/#{script}.js"
extensions = %w(.coffee .erb .coffee.erb) + [""]
extensions.inject(false) do |truth, extension|
truth || File.exists?("#{script}#{extension}")
call it in the application layout:
<%= javascript_include_tag params[:controller] if javascript_exists?(params[:controller]) %>
This will now handle more extensions and use an inject to determine if the file exists. You can then add a bunch more extensions to the extensions array, as needed for your app.
EDIT DEUX: Updated #stylesheet_exists?
Same, but for stylesheets:
def stylesheet_exists?(stylesheet)
stylesheet = "#{Rails.root}/app/assets/stylesheets/#{stylesheet}.css"
extensions = %w(.scss .erb .scss.erb) + [""]
extensions.inject(false) do |truth, extension|
truth || File.exists?("#{stylesheet}#{extension}")
EDIT Last (probably): DRY it up
def asset_exists?(subdirectory, filename)
File.exists?(File.join(Rails.root, 'app', 'assets', subdirectory, filename))
def image_exists?(image)
asset_exists?('images', image)
def javascript_exists?(script)
extensions = %w(.coffee .erb .coffee.erb) + [""]
extensions.inject(false) do |truth, extension|
truth || asset_exists?('javascripts', "#{script}.js#{extension}")
def stylesheet_exists?(stylesheet)
extensions = %w(.scss .erb .scss.erb) + [""]
extensions.inject(false) do |truth, extension|
truth || asset_exists?('stylesheets', "#{stylesheet}.css#{extension}")
Although I know about the assets pipeline and the manifest in application.js, my approach is to keep app's "essential" javascript in application.js and load only the specific javascript for each controller using
<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag controller_name if File.exists?("#{Rails.root}/app/assets/javascripts/#{controller_name}.js") %>
at the end of my application.html.erb before the </body>
I know that causes the browser to issue one more request to get the controller specific javascript but perhaps after the first request, that javascript will be cached by the browser.
I know this is a pretty old question, but I would suggest using the find_asset function. For Rails 4 you could do something like:
<%= javascript_include_tag params[:controller] if ::Rails.application.assets.find_asset("#{params[:controller]}.js") %>
Custom ViewHelpers to the Rescue!
Add this to your ApplicationHelper:
module ApplicationHelper
def controller_stylesheet(opts = { media: :all })
if Rails.application.assets.find_asset("#{controller_name}.css")
stylesheet_link_tag(controller_name, opts)
def controller_javascript(opts = {})
if Rails.application.assets.find_asset("#{controller_name}.js")
javascript_include_tag(controller_name, opts)
and you can use them like this in your application.html.erb:
<%= controller_stylesheet %>
<%= controller_javascript %>
Note: This works with all .js, .coffee, .css, .scss even though it just says .css and .js
In Rails3.2 all what you need is to write the list of your js files at the top of application.js file. For example,
//=require jquery.min
//=require jquery_ujs
//=require general
If one of these files don't really exists (btw put them at app/assets/javascripts) - not a problem, no errors will be shown.
Catch the error:
def javascript_include_tag_if_assets(*args)
rescue Sprockets::Rails::Helper::AssetNotFound
Alternatively, since this asks to check before using the method, javascript_include_tag uses javascript_path so you might as well use it to check and then catch that error. This works for all javascript-like assets. For css-like assets, use stylesheet_path.
def javascript_include_tag_if_assets(*files, **opts)
files.each { |file| javascript_path(file) }
javascript_include_tag(*files, **opts)
rescue Sprockets::Rails::Helper::AssetNotFound

customize kaminari pagination template

I'm having difficulty customizing the default kaminari template.
I've used the generator to create kaminari template files. In kaminari/paginator.html.haml:
= paginator.render do
All I want to do is access the actionview helpers within this, like link_to, or render. I've searched the source code and I can't find any incline of the helper being passed to this render method.
Essentially, being able to do this:
= paginator.render do
= render :partial => 'custom links'
= link_to "custom link", custom_path
..would solve my problems.
I didn't get a satisfactory answer, and so I'll submit my own solution.
Helpers cannot be used in the paginator.render block.
So, first I generate kaminari custom template files:
rails g kaminari:views default -e haml
Create a new file kaminari/custom.html.haml with the contents:
= paginate custom
= render :partial => "kaminari/custom_view_file"
Replace kaminari paginator helper (paginate #results) in your view file with:
= render :partial => "kaminari/custom", :object => #results
You should be able to do something like this:
# /app/views/kaminari/_paginator.html.erb
= paginator.render do
= render :partial => 'shared/custom'
= link_to "custom link", custom_path
Basically, you need to provide the full path of the partial as it probably does not reside in the same directory.
I think Kaminari does not import rails view helpers in the paginate.render block in _paginator.html.erb.
To customize the output generated by paginator, you should instead
1. customize the _next_page.erb.html and so on where you can use rails helpers. I don't know why it is so though.
2. If you want to display some common html as a part of paginator, I suggest you put it in layout instead. Paginator is about navigation of pages.
For example, this is the _prev_page.html.erb:
<span class="prev">
<%= link_to "google", "" %>
<%# link_to_unless current_page.first?, raw(t 'views.pagination.previous'), url, :rel => 'prev', :remote => remote %>
I just commented out the old code and used a custom link.
Just met the same problem.
My solution:
= paginator.render do
= render :partial => 'custom links'
= #template.link_to "custom link", custom_path
As partial rendering occurs in scope of Paginator, there is possibility to use its instance variable, pointing to template (see
Little hacky, but works.

How to access view helpers from RJS helpers in Ruby on Rails?

I had some common bits of RJS that I was repeating in multiple RJS files, and so wanted to put it into a helper.
I added a method to app/helpers/application_helper.rb just like I would normally for an html.erb file. The method works, except that it can't call view helpers that the RJS file could.
One of the lines that worked in the RJS file was:
notices = flash.collect { |type,msg| content_tag(:p, msg, :class => type) }
But content_tag is not accessible from the RJS helper. Why not, and how do I access it from there?
what about something like this?
def view_helpers
def do_it
view_helpers.content_tag :div, :class => 'yes'
You have to use view_helpers in any method you call from rjs too, which is not very nice, but I tried it in the model (got projects only in 2.3 and 3.1) and that worked...

Rails 3 - Ideal way to set title of pages

Whats the proper way to set the page title in rails 3. Currently I'm doing the following:
<title><%= render_title %></title>
<%= csrf_meta_tag %>
def render_title
return #title if defined?(#title)
"Generic Page Title"
def show
#title = "some custom page title"
Is there another/better way of doing the above?
you could a simple helper:
def title(page_title)
content_for :title, page_title.to_s
use it in your layout:
<title><%= yield(:title) %></title>
then call it from your templates:
<% title "Your custom title" %>
There's no need to create any extra function/helper. You should have a look to the documentation.
In the application layout
<% if content_for?(:title) %>
<%= content_for(:title) %>
<% else %>
<title>Default title</title>
<% end %>
In the specific layout
<% content_for :title do %>
<title>Custom title</title>
<% end %>
I found that apeacox's solution didn't work for me (in Rails 3.0.3).
Instead I did...
In application_helper.rb:
def title(page_title, options={})
content_for(:title, page_title.to_s)
return content_tag(:h1, page_title, options)
In the layout:
<title><%= content_for(:title) %></title>
In the view:
<% title "Page Title Only" %>
<%= title "Page Title and Heading Too" %>
Note, this also allows us to check for the presence of a title and set a default title in cases where the view hasn't specified one.
In the layout we can do something like:
<title><%= content_for?(:title) ? content_for(:title) : 'This is a default title' %></title>
This is my preferred way of doing it:
module ApplicationHelper
def title(*parts)
content_for(:title) { (parts << t(:site_name)).join(' - ') } unless parts.empty?
<%= content_for?(:title) ? yield(:title) : t(:site_name) %>
site_name: "My Website"
This has the nice advantage to always falling back to the site name in your locales, which can be translated on a per-language basis.
Then, on every other page (eg. on the About page) you can simply put:
<% title 'About' %>
The resulting title for that page will be:
About - My Website
Simples :)
#akfalcon - I use a similar strategy, but without the helper.. I just set the default #title in the application controller and then use, <%=#title%> in my layout. If I want to override the title, I set it again in the controller action as you do. No magic involved, but it works just fine. I do the same for the meta description & keywords.
I am actually thinking about moving it to the database so an admin could change the titles,etc without having to update the Rails code. You could create a PageTitle model with content, action, and controller. Then create a helper that finds the PageTitle for the controller/action that you are currently rendering (using controller_name and action_name variables). If no match is found, then return the default.
#apeacox - is there a benefit of setting the title in the template? I would think it would be better to place it in the controller as the title relates directly to the action being called.
I prefer this:
module ApplicationHelper
def title(*page_title)
if Array(page_title)
content_for?(:title) ? content_for(:title) : t(:site_name)
content_for :title, (Array(page_title) << t(:site_name)).join(' - ')
If title is called without arguments, it returns the current value of title or the default which in this example will be "Example".
It title is called with arguments, it sets it to the passed value.
# layouts/application.html.erb
<title><%= title %></title>
# views/index.html.erb
<% title("Home") %>
# config/locales/en.yml
site_name: "Example"
You can also check this railscast. I think it will be very useful and give you basic start.
NOTE: In case you want more dynamic pages with pjax
I have a somewhat more complicated solution. I want to manage all of my titles in my locale files. I also want to include meaningful titles for show and edit pages such that the name of the resource is included in the page title. Finally, I want to include the application name in every page title e.g. Editing user Gustav - MyApp.
To accomplish this I create a helper in application_helper.rb which does most of the heavy lifting. This tries to get a name for the given action from the locale file, a name for the assigned resource if there is one and combines these with the app name.
# Attempt to build the best possible page title.
# If there is an action specific key, use that (e.g. users.index).
# If there is a name for the object, use that (in show and edit views).
# Worst case, just use the app name
def page_title
app_name = t :app_name
action = t("titles.#{controller_name}.#{action_name}", default: '')
action += " #{object_name}" if object_name.present?
action += " - " if action.present?
"#{action} #{app_name}"
# attempt to get a usable name from the assigned resource
# will only work on pages with singular resources (show, edit etc)
def object_name
assigns[controller_name.singularize].name rescue nil
You will need to add action specific texts in your locale files in the following form:
# en.yml
index: 'Users'
edit: 'Editing'
And if you want to use meaningful resource names in your singular views you may need to add a couple of proxy methods, e.g.
# User.rb
def name
I thought it will be good:
<% if #title %>
<%= #title %>
<% else %>
Your title
<% end %>
And give a value to #title in your controller, or the title will be Your title
My answer is more simple:
title: 'Conteúdos de Entregas'
title: 'Grupos'
And inside of application.html.slim:
= "App Name: #{t("#{controller_name.underscore}.title")}"
There's a simple way to manipulate layout variables (title, description, etc.):
# app/views/application.html.erb
<%= content_for :title || 'App default title' %>
# app/views/posts/index.html.erb
<%= content_for :title, 'List of posts' %>
And other pages will have App default title value for their titles
In application layout:
# app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
<title><%= (yield :title) || 'General title' %></title>
then in each view where you want a specific title:
<% content_for :title, 'Specific title' %>
There are already some good answers, but I'll add my simple approach. Add this to layouts/application.html
- if content_for?(:title)
-title = "My site | #{content_for(:title)}"
-title = "My site | #{controller_name.titleize}"
You automagically get a nice names on all your views like "My site | Posts" -- or whatever the controller happens to be.
Of course, you can optionally set a title on a view by adding:
- content_for(:title, 'About')
and get a title like "My site | About".