How do I find the middle element of an ArrayList? - arraylist

How do I find the middle element of an ArrayList? What if the size is even or odd?

It turns out that a proper ArrayList object (in Java) maintains its size as a property of the object, so a call to arrayList.size() just accesses an internal integer. Easy.
* Returns the number of elements in this list.
* #return the number of elements in this list
public int size() {
return size;
It is both the shortest (in terms of characters) and fastest (in terms of execution speed) method available.
So, presuming you want the "middle" element (i.e. item 3 in a list of 5 items -- 2 items on either side), it'd be this:
Object item = arrayList.get((arrayList.size()/2)+1);
Now, it gets a little trickier if you are thinking about an even sized array, because an exact middle doesn't exist. In an array of 4 elements, you have one item on one side, and two on the other.
If you accept that the "middle" will be biased to ward the end of the array, the above logic also works. Otherwise, you'll have to detect when the size of the elements is even and behave accordingly. Wind up your propeller beanie friends...
Object item = arrayList.get((arrayList.size()/2) + (arrayList.size() % 2));

if the arraylist is odd : list.get(list.size() / 2);
if the arratlist is even: list.get((list.size() / 2) -1);

If you have a limitation for not using arraylist.size() / arraylist.length() method; you can use two iterators. One of them iterates from beginning to the end of the array, the other iterates from end to the beginning. When they reach the same index on the arraylist, then you find the middle element.
Some additional controls might be necessary to assure iterators wait each other before next iteration, you should not miss the meeting point..etc.
While iterating, for both iterators you keep total number of elements they read. So they should iterate one element in a cycle. With cycle, I mean a process including these operations:
iteratorA reads one element from the beginning
iteratorB reads one element from the end
The iterators might need to read more than one index to read an element. In other words you should skip one element in one cycle, not one index.


Assign a Seq(Seq) into arrays

What is it the correct syntax to assign a Seq(Seq) into multiple typed arrays without assign the Seq to an scalar first? Has the Seq to be flattened somehow? This fails:
class A { has Int $.r }
my A (#ra1, #ra2);
#create two arrays with 5 random numbers below a certain limit
#Fails: Type check failed in assignment to #ra1; expected A but got Seq($(( => 3), A.n...)
(#ra1, #ra2) =
<10 20>.map( -> $up_limit {
(^5).map({ r => (^$up_limit).pick ) })
TL;DR Binding is faster than assignment, so perhaps this is the best practice solution to your problem:
:(#ra1, #ra2) := <10 20>.map(...);
While uglier than the solution in the accepted answer, this is algorithmically faster because binding is O(1) in contrast to assignment's O(N) in the length of the list(s) being bound.
Assigning / copying
Simplifying, your non-working code is:
(#listvar1, #listvar2) = list1, list2;
In Raku infix = means assignment / copying from the right of the = into one or more of the container variables on the left of the =.
If a variable on the left is bound to a Scalar container, then it will assign one of the values on the right. Then the assignment process starts over with the next container variable on the left and the next value on the right.
If a variable on the left is bound to an Array container, then it uses up all remaining values on the right. So your first array variable receives both list1 and list2. This is not what you want.
Simplifying, here's Christoph's answer:
#listvar1, #listvar2 Z= list1, list2;
Putting the = aside for a moment, Z is an infix version of the zip routine. It's like (a physical zip pairing up consecutive arguments on its left and right. When used with an operator it applies that operator to the pair. So you can read the above Z= as:
#listvar1 = list1;
#listvar2 = list2;
Job done?
Assignment into Array containers entails:
Individually copying as many individual items as there are in each list into the containers. (In the code in your example list1 and list2 contain 5 elements each, so there would be 10 copying operations in total.)
Forcing the containers to resize as necessary to accommodate the items.
Doubling up the memory used by the items (the original list elements and the duplicates copied into the Array elements).
Checking that the type of each item matches the element type constraint.
Assignment is in general much slower and more memory intensive than binding...
:(#listvar1, #listvar2) := list1, list2;
The := operator binds whatever's on its left to the arguments on its right.
If there's a single variable on the left then things are especially simple. After binding, the variable now refers precisely to what's on the right. (This is especially simple and fast -- a quick type check and it's done.)
But that's not so in our case.
Binding also accepts a standalone signature literal on its left. The :(...) in my answer is a standalone Signature literal.
(Signatures are typically attached to a routine without the colon prefix. For example, in sub foo (#var1, #var2) {} the (#var1, #var2) part is a signature attached to the routine foo. But as you can see, one can write a signature separately and let Raku know it's a signature by prefixing a pair of parens with a colon. A key difference is that any variables listed in the signature must have already been declared.)
When there's a signature literal on the left then binding happens according to the same logic as binding arguments in routine calls to a receiving routine's signature.
So the net result is that the variables get the values they'd have inside this sub:
sub foo (#listvar1, #listvar2) { }
foo list1, list2;
which is to say the effect is the same as:
#listvar1 := list1;
#listvar2 := list2;
Again, as with Christoph's answer, job done.
But this way we'll have avoided assignment overhead.
Not entirely sure if it's by design, but what seems to happen is that both of your sequences are getting stored into #ra1, while #ra2 remains empty. This violates the type constraint.
What does work is
#ra1, #ra2 Z= <10 20>.map(...);

How to effectively get the N lowest values from the collection (Top N) in Kotlin?

How to effectively get the N lowest values from the collection (Top N) in Kotlin?
Is there any other way besides collectionOrSequence.sortedby{it.value}.take(n)?
Assume I have a collection with +100500 elements and I need to found 10 lowest. I'm afraid that the sortedby will create new temporary collection which later will take only 10 items.
You could keep a list of the n smallest elements and just update it on demand, e.g.
fun <T : Comparable<T>> top(n: Int, collection: Iterable<T>): List<T> {
return collection.fold(ArrayList<T>()) { topList, candidate ->
if (topList.size < n || candidate < topList.last()) {
// ideally insert at the right place
// trim to size
if (topList.size > n)
That way you only compare the current element of your list once to the largest element of the top n elements which would usually be faster than sorting the entire list
If you're running on the JVM, you could use Guava's Comparators.least(int, Comparator), which uses a more efficient algorithm than any of these suggestions, taking O(n + k log k) time and O(k) memory to find the lowest k elements in a collection of size n, as opposed to zapl's algorithm (O(nk log k)) or Lior's (O(nk)).
You have more to worry about.
collectionOrSequence.sortedby{it.value} runs java.util.Arrays.sort, that will run timSort (or mergeSort if requested).
timSort is great, but usually ends by n*log(n) operations, which is much more than the O(n) of copying the array.
Each of the O(n*log.n) operations will run a function (the lambda you provided, {it.value}) --> an additional meaningful overhead.
Lastly, java.util.Arrays.sort will convert the collection to Array and back to a List - 2 additional conversions (which you wanted to avoid, but this is secondary)
The efficient way to do it is probably:
map the values for comparison into a list: O(n) conversions (once per element) rather than O(n*log.n) or more.
Iterate over the list (or Array) created to collect the N smallest elements in one pass
Keep a list of N smallest elements found so far and their index on the original list. If it is small (e.g. 10 items) - mutableList is a good fit.
Keep a variable holding the max value for the small element list.
When iterating over the original collection, compare the current element on the original list against the max value of the small values list. If smaller than it - replace it in the "small list" and find the updated max value in it.
Use the indexes from the "small list" to extract the 10 smallest elements of the original list.
That would allow you to go from O(n*log.n) to O(n).
Of course, if time is critical - it is always best to benchmark the specific case.
If you managed, on the first step, to extract primitives for the basis of comparison (e.g. int or long) - that would be even more efficient.
I suggest implementing your own sort method based on a typical quickSort algorithm(in descending order, and take the first N elements), if the collection has 1k+ values spread randomly.

Using timestamps to find elapsed time between the end of one array and the start of another

My iOS application involves a long mutable array of about 700 elements (let's call it mainArray), which comes from the average red values of user camera input. Because the elements in mainArray are taken from camera input, each element has a timestamp of when it was recorded.
If several consecutive elements of mainArray are within the vicinity of a certain value x, my algorithm will create a new (smaller) array, smallArray, and add all the elements of mainArray in the vicinity of x to smallArray. Due to the nature of the data I'm collecting, several of these smaller arrays will be created with gaps of time between them while the application is running.
I'm having trouble finding a way to measure the amount of time that has elapsed between the end of smallArrayOne and the start of the smallArrayTwo. How can I accomplish this?
I should mention that when I say that some elements of mainArray will be added to smallArray, those elements will not be removed from mainArray. Rather, they'll be part of both mainArray and smallArray.
Because of this and the unpredictable nature of the data samples I'm using, it's impossible for me to know the mainArray equivalent of the last element in smallArrayOne and the first element in smallArrayTwo.

Analysis of insert operation of an array-based list (cursor implementation)

So I'm studying for my algorithm analysis exam tomorrow and I'm reading over the instructors notes and examples. There's just one thing that I don't understand and it's this question:
Question: Inserting an element after a given element in an array-based list (cursor implementation) requires worst case time:
Answer: O(1)
Personally, I see the worst case being where the cursor is at the beginning of the list, therefore N-1 items in the array must be copied over to the next position before the new element is inserted and therefore it is an O(N) operation in the worst case.
However, when asked if this was a typo, the instructor stated that it wasn't.
What's the reasoning behind this? To all future answerers, thank you for your time.
Let's say we have to insert element 'a'. Well it says given an element, let's call it 'b'. What that means is you know what the next element is, let's call it 'c'. So all you have to do is to set the 'next' element of 'a' equal to 'c'. Then set the next element of 'b' equal to 'a'. This procedure is valid for any element. So the operation is constant time.
You can implement what is essentially a linked list using an array where each element in the array contains a pointer to the index of the next element.
struct Element
string item;
int next;
Given element A, you can insert a new element B after A in constant time.
int indexOfA = ..
int indexOfB = (next free index) =; = indexOfB;

how to optimize search difference between array / list of object

I am using ActionScript with two arraycollections containing objects with values to be matched...
I need a solution for this (if in the framework there is a library that does it better) otherwise any suggestions are appreciated...
Let's assume I have two lists of elements A and B (no duplicate values) and I need to compare them and remove all the elements present in both, so at the end I should have
in A all the elements that are in A but not in B
in B all the elements that are in B but not in A
now I do something like that:
for (var i:int = 0 ; i < a.length ;)
var isFound:Boolean = false;
for (var j:int = 0 ; j < b.length ;)
if (a.getItemAt(i).nome == b.getItemAt(j).nome)
isFound = true;
if (!isFound)
I cycle both the arrays and if I found a match I remove the items from both of the arrays (and don't increase the loop value so the for cycle progress in a correct way)
I was wondering if (and I'm sure there is) there is a better (and less CPU consuming) way to do it...
If you must use a list, and you don't need the abilities of arraycollection, I suggest simply converting it to using AS3 Vectors. The performance increase according to this ( are 60% compared to Arrays. I believe Arrays are already 3x faster than ArrayCollections from some article I once read. Unfortunately, this solution is still O(n^2) in time.
As an aside, the reason why Vectors are faster than ArrayCollections is because you provide type-hinting to the VM. The VM knows exactly how large each object is in the collection and performs optimizations based on that.
Another optimization on the vectors is to sort the data first by nome before doing the comparisons. You add another check to break out of the loop if the nome of list b simply wouldn't be found further down in list A due to the ordering.
If you want to do MUCH faster than that, use an associative array (object in as3). Of course, this may require more refactoring effort. I am assuming object.nome is a unique string/id for the objects. Simply assign that the value of nome as the key in objectA and objectB. By doing it this way, you might not need to loop through each element in each list to do the comparison.