How to achieve auto contextual linking in the Umbraco CMS? - seo

I want to manage internal contextual link building in my articles, but somewhat in a well-managed and easier way. It is a pain to change all the link URLs in a text if we change a URL of a page which is linked to many pages in their content.

You shouldn't need to change them if you used the content picker to select the page you are linking to because it inserts a URL in the format {localLink:####} where ### is the id of the document the link is pointing to.
This is then parsed and replaced with the correct and current URL when the document is rendered, so it is always current and correct.


How to find DotNetNuke pages that point to my dnn page

I have updated an existing user DNN page with some text. I can preview this page using the Page Management page. Since I didn't create this page I don't know which other pages/menus contain a link to this page. How can I find out which pages/menus link to this page?
Who or what created the page?
What is the URL that you visit to edit the page? (Edit the URL here to use a phony name.)
Getting the exact number of links to a page is almost impossible without the use of a site crawler, as the page could be referenced in many ways.
Via HTML Content on a Page - This would be in the HTMLText table of the database
Via a Page-Link Menu Item - This would be in the Tabs table of the database
Via a URL-Link Menu Item - This would be in the Tabs table as well, just tied by the URL rather than the TabId
There is no report/link in the DNN Platform to list all usages.

How can I add a custom page to Shopify without the /pages/ URL?

I want, but the built in functionality puts all pages inside a /pages/ directory so the URL comes out which I don't want.
I found this answer from a Shopify Guru in 2016 that mentions potentially setting up a custom HTML template or using an app, which no longer exists.
Any clues on how to achieve this? I have limited experience with Shopify templates, but could figure it out if someone could point me in the right direction.
This blogger says it can't be done:
"Q: Can you create pages on the root? A: The answer to this is no –> all pages have either /pages/, /collections/ or /products/ in the URL."
However others have told me it is possible. Just not how to do it.
Create a section Name "test" // first a step
Create a page json Name "test" // The second step
After creating the page, JSON does a section test

Schema microdata: Is it damaging to reference an item that is only present on some pages?

I'm building a WordPress theme. The LocalBusiness entity is stated in the header of the website (present on every page). I would like to "itemref" the business description, which is only present on the home page. I can put the reference in and it will work on the home page, but on every other page there will be a reference to a non-existent item. Is this a bad thing or not?
The itemref attribute can only be used for referencing elements from the same document.
What to do instead?
You could duplicate the description on each page. If you don’t want to have it as visible content, you could use a meta element.
You could omit the description on the additional pages.
You could (and should anyway) provide the url for the item (typically the homepage, if the whole site is about this business), and hope that consumers interested in this item will follow the URL to learn more about it (so they would find the description).

Setting template property from a content page (sitefinity 4.4)

the site that I'm working at is designed in a such way that CSS class is set for the tag on all the pages and the css classes used are different for all pages. Each page has common elements such as a header, a footer and a nav bar. I'd like to set up a single page template and include all common elements there but the body tag stands in the way. Is there a way to control a template from a content page? I know I can specify a code behind for content pages but i can't rely on content authors to enter it correctly each time they add a page. My current thinking is to set up multiple page template, one for each css class that is referenced in the body tag and put the common page elements into user controls. This is less than ideal because I will end up with lots of mostly identical templates and my user controls would not be editable easily. I guess I would have to use shared content items and such making the content authors hunt all over the site. I would have been much simpler to update the common header in a single page template.
Can someone please suggest a way?
I submitted a reply in the Sitefinity forums where you originally posted this, but just in case you check here first I'll ask the same question: how is the css class for body determined?
if it can be done programmatically you can use the code-behind of the Master Page for the template to set it so that it's handled automatically.
If this won't work, tell me more about how the css class is assigned and I will try to come up with an alternative.
hope this is helpful!

How to create MSDN like links in Sandcastle documentation website?

I've generated a website documentation of my project with Sandcastle. This website uses frames so when I click though sites my URL in browser does not change.
I would like to have URL changed in browser when I browse through website documentation generated with Sandcastle. Why? Because I would like to link to concrete subpages of documentation from other parts of my developer environment.
And further more I would like to have this links permanent. So when I generate once again documentation from new version of my project, links will not change so that I will not need to change all links to new.
Is this possible and how to acomplish this?
If you add the code below to the top of SplitScreen.js the browser will "inject" the TOC frame and focus on the content you linked directly to (using the trick Vitaly Shibaev showed).
if (window==top) {
window.location = "/?topic=" + (window.location.pathname.substring(1));
This code works it the documentation is placed at the root of your website - if you have it in a sub-folder you need to expand on "/?topic" and remove the sub-folder part from the pathname part.
With this change you can use the "direct links". I also expect people who find you via Google get a better experience (getting the content they searched for AND the TOC bar).
In order to create correct links to specific subpages of documentation you may use similar request: $DOCUMENTATION_ROOT$/Index.aspx?topic=html/$TOPIC_ID$.htm
instead of
Vitaliy and mawtex have solved the 'how to link to documentation subpages' part of your question.
The "making links permanent so they do not change when regenerating documentation" part of your questions is solved automatically, since the html file names created are based on a hash of the topic name by default. I.e. If you do not change the part of your code that you are documenting, then it will use the same file name.
You can change the way that html file names are generated, but all given methods are based on the member name or a hash of the topic ID, so links shouldn't break if the code hasn't changed.
See Sandcastle Help File Builder's NamingMethod documentation for more info.